
Short Stories

Rémy de Gourmont

  The Angels of Perversity (1992)
Jean Lorrain   Monsieur de Phocas (1994)
Paul Féval   Vampire City (1999)
Paul Féval   Knightshade (2001)
Camille Flammarion   Lumen (2002)
Jean Lorrain   Nightmares of an Ether-Drinker (2002)
Paul Féval   The Vampire Countess (2003)
the Comte de Villiers de l'Isle Adam   The Vampire Soul and Other Sardonic Tales (2004)
the Comte de Villiers de l'Isle Adam   The Scaffold and Other Cruel Tales (2004)
Paul Féval   John Devil (2005)
Paul Féval   The Wandering Jew's Daughter (2005)
Paul Féval   Salem Street (2005)
Paul Féval   Revenants (2006)
Paul Féval   The Invisible Weapon (2006)
[Various]   News from the Moon and Other French Scientific Romances (2007)
Paul Féval fils   Felifax (2007)
Jean de La Hire   The Nyctalope vs Lucifer (2007)
Ponson du Terrail   The Vampire and the Devil's Son (2007)
Paul Féval   Anne of the Isles and Other Legends of Brittany (2007)
Marie Nizet   Captain Vampire (2007)
Gustave Le Rouge   The Vampires of Mars (2008)
Paul Féval   The Parisian Jungle (2008)
Charles Derennes   The People of the Pole (2008)
Henri de Parville   An Inhabitant of the Planet Mars (2008)
Jean de La Hire   The Nyctalope on Mars (2008)
Octave Joncquel and Théo Varlet   The Martian Epic (2008)
Félix Bodin   The Novel of the Future (2008)
Albert Robida   The Clock of the Centuries (2008 )
Paul Féval   The Companions of the Treasure (2008)
[Various]   The Germans on Venus and Other Scientific Romances (2009)
Jules Lermina   Panic in Paris (2009)
Gaston de Pawlowski   Journey to the Land of the Fourth Dimension (2009)
Jean de La Hire & others   Enter the Nyctalope (2009)
Georges Le Faure and Henry de Graffigny   The Extraordinary Adventures of a Russian Scientist Across the Solar System [2 volumes] (2009)
Didier de Chousy   Ignis: The Central Fire (2009)
anonymous   Sar Dubnotal vs. Jack the Ripper (2009)
Albert Robida   The Adventures of Saturnin Farandoul (2009)
Kurt Steiner   Ortog (2010)
Paul Féval   Heart of Steel (2010)
Maurice Renard   Doctor Lerne, Subgod (2010)
Maurice Renard   A Man Among the Microbes and Other Stories (2010)
J. H. Rosny aîné   Navigators of Space and Other Alien Encounters (2010)
Jules Lermina   Mysteryville (2010)
Maurice Renard   The Blue Peril (2010)
J. H. Rosny aîné   The World of the Variants and Other Strange Lands (2010)
André Caroff   The Terror of Madame Atomos (2010)
Maurice Renard   The Doctored Man and Other Stories (2010)
J. H. Rosny aîné   The Mysterious Force and Other Anomalous Phenomena (2010)
Maurice Renard   The Master of Light (2010)
J. H. Rosny aîné   Vamireh and Other Prehistoric Romances (2010)
J. H. Rosny aîné   The Givreuse Enigma and Other Stories (2010)
Henri Duvernois   The Man Who Found Himself (2010)
J. H. Rosny aîné   The Young Vampire and Other Cautionary Tales (2010)
Henri Falk   The Age of Lead and Other Fantastic Romances (2010)
Paul Féval   The Cadet Gang (2010)
Sylvie Miller and Philippe Ward   The Song of Montségur (2010)
Jacques Spitz   The Eye of Purgatory (2010)
Richard Bessière   The Gardens of the Apocalypse (2010)
Han Ryner   The Superhumans and Other Stories (2011)
[Various]   The Supreme Progress and Other French Scientific Romances (2011)
Albert Robida   Chalet in the Sky (2011)
Jules Lermina   The Secret of Zippelius and Other Stories (2011)
Cyprien Bérard   The Vampire Lord Ruthwen (2011)
Achille Eyraud   Voyage to Venus (2011)
[Various]   The World Above the World and Other French Scientific Romances (2011)
Gabriel de Lautrec   The Vengeance of the Oval Portrait and Other Stories (2011)
Albert Bleunard   Ever Smaller (2011)
Paul Vibert   The Mysterious Fluid (2011)
Alphonse Brown   City of Glass (2011)
Paul Féval   The Sword-Swallower (2011)
Henri Allorge   The Great Cataclysm (2011 )
Baron Étienne de Lamothe-Langon   The Virgin Vampire (2011)
José Moselli   Illa's End (2011)
Charles-François Tiphaigne de La Roche   Amilec and Other Satirical Romances (2011)
Marcel Rouff   Journey to the Inverted World (2011)
Félicien Champsaur   The Human Arrow (2011)
Renée Dunan   Baal & The Devil's Lovers (2011)
Théo Varlet   The Xenobiotic Invasion (2011)
Jean Richepin   The Wing: A Romance of the New Age (2011)
ed. Fred Ricou, Lau' "Tortoise" & Mestr Tom   Homage to Sir Terence (2011)
Gustave Kahn   The Tale of Gold and Silence (2011)
Georges Pellerin   The World in Two Thousand Years (2011)
Alfred Driou   The Adventures of a Parisian Aeronaut (2012)
[Various]   Nemoville (2012)
Edmond Haraucourt   Illusions of Immortality (2012)
Théo Varlet & André Blandin   Timeslip Troopers (2012)
Henri de Régnier   A Surfeit of Mirrors (2012)
Charles Asselineau   The Double Life (2012)
Gustave Le Rouge & Gustave Guitton   The Dominion of the World: Vol. 1. The Plutocratic Plot (2012)

Gustave Le Rouge & Gustave Guitton   The Dominion of the World: Vol. 2. The Transatlantic Threat (2012)

Gustave Le Rouge & Gustave Guitton   The Dominion of the World: Vol. 3. The Psychic Spies (2012)

Gustave Le Rouge & Gustave Guitton   The Dominion of the World: Vol. 4. The Victims Victorious (2012)

Jean Mattais   The Year 5865 (2012)
Joseph Méry   The Tower of Destiny (2012)
[Various]   Investigations of the Future (2012)
Alain Le Drimeur   The Future City (2012)
Félicien Champsaur   Ouha, King of the Apes (2012)
Louise Michel   The Human Microbes (2012)
Louise Michel   The New World (2012)
Ernest Pérochon   The Frenetic People (2012)
Léon Gozlan   The Vampire of the Val-de-Grâce (2012)
Théo Varlet   The Golden Rock (2012)
Louis-Guillaume de La Follie   The Unpretentious Philosopher (2012)
Jean Richepin   The Crazy Corner (2013)
Goron & Emile Gautier   Spawn of the Penitentiary (2013)
Gaston Leroux   Rouletabille at Krupp's (2013)
Pétrus Borel   Champavert: Immoral Tales (2013)
Léon Daudet   The Napus: The Great Plague of the Year 2227 (2013)
Léon Daudet   The Bacchantes: A Dionysian Scientific Romance (2013)
Pierre-Alexis Ponson du Terrail   The Chambrion and Other Stories (2013)
Alphonse Brown   The Conquest of the Air: Forty Days of Aerial Navigation (2013)
Judith Gautier   Isoline and the Serpent-Flower (2013)
André Beaunier   The Man Who Lost Himself (2013)
Fernand Kolney   Love in Five Thousand Years (2013)
Félicien Champsaur   Pharaoh’s Wife: An Occult Novel (2013)
Louis Boussenard   Monsieur Synthesis (2013)
Dr. Tony Moilin   Paris in the Year 2000 (2013)
Pierre-Alexis Ponson du Terrail   The Immortal Woman (2013)
Théo Varlet   The Castaways of Eros (2013)
Frédéric Boutet   The Antisocial Man and Other Strange Stories (2013)
Albert Robida   Electric Life (2013)
André Lichtenberger   The Centaurs (2013)
Frédéric Boutet   The Voyage of Julius Pingouin and Other Strange Stories (2013)
Michel Corday   The Eternal Flame (2013)
Emile Calvet   In a Thousand Years (2013)
Frédéric Boutet   Claude Mercoeur's Reflection and Other Strange Stories (2013)
Jules Rengade   Voyage Beneath the Waves (2013)
André Lichtenberger   The Children of the Crab (2013)
Paul Lacroix   Danse Macabre (2013)
Jules Clarétie   Obsession (2013)
Edgar Quinet   Ahasuerus (2013)
Jean de La Hire   Return of the Nyctalope (2013)
Gaston Danville   The Anatomy of Love and Murder (2013)
Alphonse Allais   The Adventures of Captain Cap (2013)
Jean de La Hire   The Fiery Wheel (2013)
S. Henry Berthoud   Martyrs of Science (2013)
Louis Ulbach   Prince Bonifacio and Other Stories (2013)
[Various]   The Conqueror of Death (2013)
Adolphe Alhaiza   Cybele (2013)
Jules Janin   The Magnetized Corpse (2014)
Louis Forest   Someone is Stealing Children in Paris (2014)
Gustave Le Rouge   The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius: Vol. 1. The Sculptor of Human Flesh (2014)
Gustave Le Rouge   The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius: Vol. 2. The Isle of Hanged Men (2014)
Gustave Le Rouge   The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius: Vol. 3. The Rochester Bridge Catastrophe (2014)
H. Gayar   The Marvelous Adventures of Serge Myrandhal on Mars (2014)
Angelo de Sorr   The Vampires of London (2014)
André Couvreur   The Necessary Evil (2014)
André Couvreur   Caresco, Superman (2014)
André Couvreur   The Exploits of Professor Tornada Volume 1 (2014)
André Couvreur   The Exploits of Professor Tornada Volume 2 (2014)
André Couvreur   The Exploits of Professor Tornada Volume 3 (2014)
Henri Austruy   The Eupantophone (2014)
Henri Austruy   The Petitpaon Era (2014)
Henri Austruy   The Olotelepan (2014)
Pierre de Selenes   An Unknown World (2014)
Edgar Quinet   The Enchanter Merlin (2014)
Han Ryner   The Human Ant (2014)
Charles Dodeman   The Silent Bomb (2014)
Jules Lermina   The Battle of Strasbourg (2014)
Hippolyte Mettais   Paris Before the Deluge (2014)
Philippe Ward   Manhattan Ghost (2014)
[Various]   The Revolt of the Machines (2014)
Barillet-Lagargousse   The Final War (2014)
Eugène Hennebert   The Enchanted City (2014)
Léonie Rouzade   The World Turned Upside Down (2014)
Félicien Champsaur   Homo-Deus (2014)
Edmond Haraucourt   Daâh: The First Human (2014)
Victor Margueritte   The Monique Trilogy: Vol. 1: The Bacheloress (2015)
Victor Margueritte   The Monique Trilogy: Vol. 2: The Companion (2015)
Victor Margueritte   The Monique Trilogy: Vol. 3: The Couple (2015)
Monsieur de Listonai   The Philosophical Voyager (2015)
Delphine de Girardin   Balzac's Cane (2015)
Simon Tyssot de Patot   The Strange Voyages of Jacques Massé and Pierre de Mésange (2015)
Pierre Véron   The Merchants of Health and Other Fantastic Stories (2015)
[Various]   The Man With the Blue Face (2015)
Georges Price   The Missing Men of the Sirius (2015)
H. Chabrillat & Paul d'Ivoi   Around the World on Five Sous (2015)
Renée Dunan   The Ultimate Pleasure (2015)
Odette Dulac   The War of the Sexes (2015)
Félicien Champsaur   Nora, The Ape-Woman (2015)
Gaston de Wailly   The Murderer of the World (2015)
Jules Gros   The Fossil Man (2015)
Camille Debans   The Misfortunes of John Bull (2015)
Chevalier de Béthune   The World of Mercury (2015)
Albert Robida   The Engineer von Satanas (2015)
Jules Hoche   The Maker of Men and His Formula (2015)
Arnyvelde   The Ark (2015)
Arnyvelde   The Mutilated Bacchus (2015)
[Various]   The Aerial Valley (2015)
Fernand Fleuret   Jim Click (2015)
Charles Lomon & P.-B. Gheusi   The Last Days of Atlantis (2015)
[Various]   The New Moon (2015)
Marie-Anne de Roumier-Robert   The Voyages of Lord Seaton to the Seven Planets (2015)
[Various]   The Nickel Man (2016)
Jean Petithuguenin   An International Mission to the Moon (2016)
[Various]   On the Brink of the World's End (2016)
Raoul Gineste   The Second Life of Doctor Albin (2016)
[Various]   The Mirror of Present Events (2016)
René Pujol   The Chimerical Quest (2016)
Jacques Collin de Plancy   Voyage to the Center of the Earth (2016)
Catherine Rabier   The Sirens of Capri (2016)
Camille Mauclair   The Virgin Orient (2016)
[Various]   The Humanisphere (2016)
Restif de la Bretonne   The Discovery of the Austral Continent by a Flying Man (2016)
Restif de la Bretonne   Posthumous Correspondence (2016)
Pierre Boitard   Journey to the Sun (2016)
Jean Lorrain   The Soul-Drinker and Other Decadent Fantasies (2016)
Han Ryner   The Son of Silence (2016)
Honoré de Balzac   The Last Fay (2016)
Willy   Astral Amour (2016)
Arnould Galopin   Harry Dickson - Tenebras (2016)
Léon Bloy   The Tarantulas' Parlor: And Other Unkind Tales (2016)
Michel Corday & André Couvreur   The Lynx (2016)
Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin   The Crocodile (2016)
Louis Geoffroy   The Apocryphal Napoleon (2016)
Gaston Danville   The Perfume of Lust (2016)
Charles-Marie Flor O'Squarr   Phantoms (2017)
Victor Joly   The Unknown Collaborator and Other Legendary Tales (2017)
Pierre-Alexis Ponson du Terrail   The Police Agent (2017)
Nicolas-Edmé Restif de la Bretonne   The Fay Ouroucoucou 1: The Story of the Great Prince Oribeau (2017)
Nicolas-Edmé Restif de la Bretonne   The Fay Ouroucoucou 2: The Four Beauties and the Four Beasts (2017)
Catulle Mendès   Bluebirds (2017)
Alexandre Dumas & Paul Lacroix   The Man Who Married a Mermaid (2017)
S. Henry Berthoud   The Angel Asrael and Other Legendary Tales (2017)
Nicolas Ségur   The Human Paradise (2017)
Jean Carrère   The End of Atlantis (2017)
Madame Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve   The Naiads * Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Jean Rameau   Arrival in the Stars and Other Stories (2017)
Félicien Champsaur   The Latin Orgy (2017)
Henri de Saint-Georges   The Green Eyes (2017)
Jean Lorrain   Masks in the Tapestry (2017)
Maurice Magre   The Marvelous Story of Claire d'Amour & Other Stories (2017)
Maurice Magre   The Call of the Beast & Other Stories (2017)
Bernard Lazare   The Mirror of Legends (2017)
Maurice Magre   Priscilla of Alexandria & Other Stories (2017)
Maurice Magre   The Angel of Lust & Other Stories (2017)
Maurice Magre   The Mystery of the Tiger (2017)
Maurice Magre   The Poison of Goa (2017)
Maurice Magre   Lucifer (2017)
Maurice Magre   The Blood of Toulouse (2017)
Maurice Magre   The Albigensian Treasure (2017)
Maurice Magre   Jean de Fodoas (2017)
Félicien Champsaur   The Emerald Princess (2017)
Camille Mauclair   The Frail Soul and Other Stories (2017)
Maurice Magre   Melusine (2018)
Maurice Magre   The Brothers of the Virgin Gold (2018)
Albert Robida   In 1965... & Other Stories (2018)
Paul Féval   The Companions of the Silence (2018)
S. Henry Berthoud   Misanthropic Tales (2018)
Edmond Thiaudiere   Singular Amours (2018)
Nicolas Ségur   Penelope's Secret (2018)
Marie-Jeanne L’Heritier de Villandon   The Robe of Sincerity (2018)
Octave Mirbeau   The Death of Balzac (2018)
X.B. Saintine   Jonathan the Visionary (2018)
X.B. Saintine   The Second Life (2018)
Etienne-Léon de Lamothe-Langon   The Mysterious Hermit of the Tomb (2018)
[Various]   Decadence and Symbolism: A Showcase Anthology (2018)
L. Miral & A. Viger   The Ring of Light (2018)
J.-H. Rosny Aîné   Pan's Flute (2018)
Jane de La Vaudère   The Demi-Sexes and the Androgynes (2018)
Jean Richepin   The Bull-Man and the Grasshopper (2018)
Louis-Sébastien Mercier   The Iron Man (2018)
Charlotte-Rose Caumont de La Force   The Land of Delights (2018)
Renée Vivien   Lilith’s Legacy (2018)
Philippe Ward   Marilyn in Manhattan (2018)
Comtesse Henriette-Julie de Murat   The Palace of Vengeance (2018)
Edmond Haraucourt   Dieudonat (2018)
Jane de La Vaudère   The Double Star (2018)
Adolphe Retté   Misty Thule (2018)
[Various]   Journey to the Isles of Atlantis (2018)
Victor-Emile Michelet   Superhuman Tales (2018)
Marie-Madeleine de Lubert   Princess Camion (2018)
Comtesse D.L.   The Tyranny of the Fays Abolished (2018)
Fernand Mysor   The Murdered City (2018)
Jean Lorrain   Errant Vice (2018)
Comte de Caylus   The Impossible Enchantment (2018)
Françoise Le Marchand   Florine and Boca (2018)
[Various]   The Queen of the Fays & Other Marvelous Tales (2018)
[Various]   Funestine & Other Adventures in Romancia (2018)
Bernard Lazare   The Torch-Bearers (2018)
Marie-Antoinette Fagnan   The Enchanter's Mirror and Other Stories (2019)
[Various]   The Origins of the Fays (2019)
Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy   Tales of the Fays Volume 1 (2019)
Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy   Tales of the Fays Volume 2 (2019)
Charles Morice   Babels, Balloons and Innocent Eyes (2019)
Éphraïm Mikhaël   Halyartes: and Other Poems in Prose (2019)
[Various]   Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment (2019)
Catulle Mendes   The Little Fays in the Air (2019)
Renée Vivien & Hélène de Zuylen de Nyevelt   Faustina and Other Stories (2019)
Catulle Mendes   The Exigent Shadow (2019)
Catulle Mendes   Don Juan in Paradise (2019)
Catulle Mendes   For Reading in the Bath (2019)
Paul Gsell   The Man Who Could Read Minds (2019)
[Various]   The Incredible Adventure (2019)
G. Albert Aurier   Elsewhere and Other Stories (2019)
Philothée O’Neddy   The Enchanted Ring (2019)
Gérard de Nerval   The Prince of Fools (2019)
Jane de La Vaudère   The Mystery of Kama and Brahma's Courtesans (2019)
S. Henry Berthoud   William's Angel (2019)
Gabriel de Lautrec   The Sacred Fire (2019)
Renée Vivien   A Woman Appeared to Me (2019)
Remy de Gourmont   From a Faraway Land (2019)
Edouard Schuré   The Angel and the Sphinx (2019)
André Couvreur   Human Seed (2019)
Auguste de Villiers de l’Isle-Adam   Isis (2019)
Catulle Mendès   Mephistophela (2019)
Jean Lorrain   Fards and Poisons (2019)
Jules Hoche   The Bad Dream (2019)
Gilbert-Augustin Thierry   Reincarnation and Redemption (2019)
Jane de La Vaudère   Three Flowers and The King of Siam's Amazon (2019)
Jules-Amédée Barbey d’Aurevilly   Hannibal's Ring (2019)
Félicien Champsaur   The Alluring (2019)
Gaston Danville   Double-Head (2020)
Édouard Dujardin   Hauntings (2020)
[Various]   Automata (2020)
[Various]   The Snuggly Satyricon (2020)
Paul Féval, fils & H.J. Magog   The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 1) (2020)
[Various]   Weird Fiction in France (2020)
Marie Krysinska   The Path of Amour (2020)
Paul Féval, fils & H.J. Magog   The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 2) (2020)
[Various]   The Bald Giants (2020)
Bernard Lazare   The Gate of Ivory (2020)
Paul Féval, fils & H.J. Magog   The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 3) (2020)
Erckmann-Chatrian   A Malediction (2020)
Léo Trézenik   Decadent Prose Pieces (2020)
Paul Féval, fils & H.J. Magog   The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 4) (2020)
Jane La Vaudère   Syta's Harem and Pharaoh's Lover (2020)
Paul Féval, fils & H.J. Magog   The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 5) (2020)
Jean Lorrain   Monsieur de Bougrelon and Other Stories (2020)
Gustave Guiches   The Modesty of Sodom (2020)
Charles Barbara   My Lunatic Asylum (2020)
[Various]   Snuggly Tales of Hashish and Opium (2020)
Comte de L’Estoille   The Miller of Carnac (2020)
Lucie Delarue-Mardrus   The Last Siren and Other Stories (2020)
Comte de L’Estoille   The Song of the Skylark (2020)
Comte de L’Estoille   Argentine (2020)
Marcel Schwob   Double Heart (2020)
Alphonse Esquiros   The Enchanted Castle (2021)
Remy de Gourmont   Morose Vignettes (2021)
Georges de Lys   An Idyll in Sodom (2021)
Jane de La Vaudère   The Witch of Ecbatana and The Virgin of Israel (2021)
Gilbert-Augustin Thierry   The Blonde Tress and The Mask (2021)
[Various]   Fays of the Sea (2021)
Georges de Peyrebrune   A Decadent Woman (2021)
Delphi Fabrice   The Red Spider (2021)
Theodore de Banville   Magical Tales (2021)
May Armand Blanc   The Last Rendezvous (2021)
Jean Lorrain   Princesses of Darkness and Other Exotica (2021)
Delphi Fabrice   Flowers of Ether (2021)
Georges de Lys   Penthesilea (2021)
Claude Vignon   Midnight!! (2021)
[Various]   The Snuggly Sirenicon (2021)
Charles Nodier   Jean Sbogar and Other Stories (2021)
Lucie Delarue-Mardrus   Amanit (2021)
[Various]   The Snuggly Satanicon (2021)
Charles Barbara   Stirring Stories (2021)
Léo Trézenik   The Confession of a Madman (2022)
Jane de La Vaudère   The Priestesses of Mylitta (2022)
Jacques Fréhel   The Inn of Tears (2022)
Delphi Fabrice   The Red Sorcerer (2022)
[Various]   French Tales of Cataclysms (2022)
Montesquieu   The Temple of Gnide (2022)
[Various]   Snuggly Tales of Femmes Fatales (2022)
Gilbert-Augustin Thierry   Stigma and the Pompeiian Fresco (2022)
[Various]   The Vermilion Book of Occult Fiction (2022)
Hélène Picard   Sabbat (2022)
[Various]   Snuggly Tales of the Afterlife (2022)
Charles Nodier   The Story of the King of Bohemia and His Seven Castles (2023)
Henri Martin   Isuren and Other Stories (2023)
Jane de La Vaudère   Rapid Tales (2023)
Jules Lermina   Human Life (2023)
Rachilde   The Princess of Darkness (2023)
[Various]   The Alabaster Book of Occult Fiction (2023)
Paul Margueritte   Pantomimes and Other Surreal Tales (2023)
Charles Nodier   The Memoirs of Maxime Odin (2024)

The Brian Stableford Website