Rachilde, the writer whose formal name was Marguerite Vallette-Eymery
(1860-1853), is primarily remembered today for her sensational decadent
novel Monsieur Vénus (1884), which was prosecuted as pornography
in Belgium, where it was initially published, resulting in a conviction
and a sentence of two years' imprisonment imposed in absentia. She was,
however, the author of numerous other works which, though less well-known,
are of equal and sometimes even greater excellence. One of the best and
most striking of these is The Princess of Darkness (1895), here
presented for the first time in English, in a superb translation by Brian
Stableford. The novel, unquestionably one of the most daring works to
come out of the Symbolist and Decadent movements, was written under Rachilde's
other pseudonym, Jean de Chilra, and is at once a profound psychological
study and a neo-Gothic masterpiece, featuring a haunted house and a family
curse and other much more unusual motifs that are calculated to alienate
readers as well as to challenge them, in a frightening treasure that any
connoisseur of perversity is bound to savor and to think precious.
Cover by Jan Toorop
Published by Snuggly Books in August 2023
ISBN: 978-1-64525-125-5