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Paris in the Year 2000

by Dr. Tony Moilin
adapted by Brian Stableford

Short Stories

Paris en l'an 2000 by Doctor Tony Moilin was published in 1869. A year later, Moilin was charged with involvement in a plot to assassinate Napoléon III and sentenced to prison for five years. He was liberated during the Prussians' siege of Paris, and enlisted in the National Guard as a surgeon. When the Commune took control of Paris, Moilin agreed to accept the position of Mayor of the 6th arrondissement. He was taken prisoner when the Commune fell, court-martialed, ostensibly for having accepted the administrative post, and summarily executed by firing-squad. He was thirty-nine years old.

The publication of Paris en l'an 2000 was likely a factor in prompting the French authorities to trump up a charge and then execute Moilin, for scrupulous accounts of ideal socialist societies such as the one described in this book often horrify and terrify readers opposed to them, sometimes arousing an uncommonly violent indignation.

Cover by Vincent Laik

Published by Black Coat Press in April 2013
ISBN: 978-1-61227-160-6

The Brian Stableford Website