"Jacques Fréhel" was the pseudonym of Alice
Télot (1861-1918), and the stories in the present volume were
published between 1 June 1888 and 18 February 1903 under that pseudonym
in various periodicals, though primarily in La Fronde, a feminist
newspaper entirely written by women. Compiled and translated into English
for the first time by Brian Stableford, this collection of stories and
prose poems, previously all but impossible to find, is like a series of
deeply intoxicating draughts of a liquor of madness, sorrow, ecstasy and
splendor. Spanning the moods of Naturalism, Symbolism and Decadence, the
pieces of the long-forgotten but brilliant Télot range from
the starkly tragic to the hallucinatory, from rustic images of then contemporary
Normandy to bizarre scenes of mythology and pseudohistory of the "Bretagne"
of Druids, bards and early Christian Saints-from the mysterious boulevards
of Paris to the peppery precincts of ancient Egypt. There is every reason
why Alice Télot should be included in the quest undertaken
by modern feminists to uncover more of the buried heritage of early feminist
fiction and The Inn of Tears ought to help give her the credit she deserves
for the verve, style and inventiveness of her work as well as its fugitive
Cover by Séraphine Louis
Published by Snuggly Books in February 2022
ISBN: 978-1-64525-090-6