Here, presented in English in a long-belated translation by Brian Stableford,
is Isis, the first novel of the acclaimed author of Contes cruels,
Villiers de lIsle-Adam. Deserving to be reckoned as one of
the foundation-stones of Decadent prose fiction, redolent with echoes
of Byron and Poe, reconfigured in the Baudelairean manner, and flamboyant
with Gautieresque elements, this book is a tour de force of extravagant
implication and esthetic dexterity: a work of peculiar genius.
In its vaulting ambitions, its quirky mannerisms, its philosophical posturing
and its lush descriptions, Isis is certainly a tale given to excess,
but that excess is the essence of the endeavor, the wand of its enchantment.
Published by Snuggly Books in August 2019
ISBN: 978-1-64525-004-3