The Enchanted Castle, originally published in 1846, and here presented
in English for the first time in a translation by Brian Stableford, is
author Alphonse Esquiros' quintessential tale of magnetism. A hybrid
transfiguration, the short novel combines the key motif of the story nowadays
known in English as "The Sleeping Beauty" with the legend of
Pygmalion and Galatea, and carefully includes further analogies to the
tale of Orpheus and Eurydice.
As an exemplar of the original core of Romantic prose fiction, The
Enchanted Castle is as remarkable for its purity as it is for its
flamboyance and is not merely typical of the fiction of the Romantic Movement
but archetypal, unusual only in its extremism.
Published by Snuggly Books in January 2021
ISBN: 978-1-64525-053-1