 | In the 40 stories assembled in this collection, originally
published in 1901, journalist Paul Vibert explores such ground-breaking
concepts as the artificial insemination of elephants with the seed of
prehistoric mastodons found preserved in ice, the artificial production
of microbe-sized humans, the existence of an underwater world inhabited
by Ancient Jews, communication with Mars and other worlds via light signals,
the power to look into the past, the electrical nature of the soul, the
strange chemical lifeforms of the future, artificial Metempsychosis and
the conquest of space.
Paul Vibert (1861-1918) made several significant contributions to the
early development of French speculative fiction at the end of the 19th
century. Published mostly in newspapers, his works have only recently
been rediscovered, and deserve much recognition alongside those of Alphonse
Allais, Charles Cros, Alfred Jarry and Albert Robida.
Cover by Yoz
Published by Black Coat Press in June 2011
ISBN: 978-1-61227-020-3