Joseph Méry (1798-1866) was the nearest French equivalent
to Edgar Allan Poe as a ground-breaking pioneer of speculative fiction.
The title piece is a significant exercise in alternate history, in which
Méry imagined that Napoleon's life took a different turn in Egypt
in 1799. The Truth About Creation argues in a mock-serious manner
that there is nothing supernatural about God's creation of the world.The
Lunarians, inspired by the New York Sun's famous "moon hoax"
of 1835, offers a colorful picture of a Selenite civilization. The
Explorations of Victor Hummer describes the rediscovery of a mythical
city in Egypt. What We Shall See outlines the Utopian prospects
of future human progress and includes some striking imagery of a future
Paris, also featured in the classic The Ruins of Paris.
The Truth About Creation (La Verité sur la Creation) (1836)
What We Shall See (Ce qu'on verra)
The Ruins of Paris (Les Ruines de Paris)
The Lunarians (Les Lunariens) (1836)
The Explorations of Victor Hummer (Les Explorations de Victor Hummer)
The Tower of Destiny (Histoire de ce qui n'est pas arrivé) (1854)
An Aerial Voyage (Un Voyage aérien) (1844)
Bertram's Brother (Le Frère de Bertram)
Introduction and Notes by Brian Stableford
Cover by Mike Hoffman
Published by Black Coat Press in July 2012
ISBN: 978-1-61227-101-9