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The Eternal Flame

by Michel Corday
adapted by Brian Stableford

Short Stories

The Eternal Flame (1931) and its sequel Pink Sky (1933) (included in this volume) are two of the few novels about scientific discovery to focus on the economic implications of such discoveries, including publicity, capitalization and the conflict of vested interests. It was a pioneering work in its development of those themes, especially with regard to the harnessing of atomic energy.

It is also original in the manner in which it poses the question of the ultimate objectives of scientific and social progress. Michel Corday's experiences during World War I caused him thereafter to become an ardent propagandist for pacifism; The Eternal Flame is his most striking science-fictional development of that passionate concern.

La Flamme Eternelle (1931)
Ciel Rose (1933)
Les Ailes de Flamme (1909)
Introduction and Notes by Brian Stableford.

Cover by Jean-Félix Lyon

Published by Black Coat Press in July 2013
ISBN: 978-1-61227-189-7

The Brian Stableford Website