The Man Who Lost Himself
tells the story of Michel Bedée, a brilliant scientist whose work
on the new element that he's discovered--sirium--has alienated him from
his mother, his sister, and his wife. He cannot bear the fact that, although
he loves his wife dearly, he cannot make her happy. Unfortunately, when
she finds an alternative route to happiness, he cannot bear that either.
Forced into isolation, he completes the formulation of the theory that
will integrate the properties of sirium into a revised physical chemistry.
Then, having exhausted what remains of his reasons for living, he finds
himself at a loss, suspended between life and death--which appear to him
in graphic symbolic form. An unusual philosophical French science-fiction
novel, a precursor to some of modern-day European SF.
Published by The Borgo Press in February 2013
ISBN: 978-1-4794-0025-6