 | Pirates! Mummies! Cannibals! Intelligent Apes! Samurais!
Cossacks! And even Saturnians! Meet Saturnin Farandoul and his companions,
the fearless Mandibul and the extravagant Tournesol , as they travel the
Earth and beyond in a series of wild and picaresque adventures!
Of all the authors who followed in the footsteps of Jules Verne, the
most important was Albert Robida (1848-1926), a writer-artist who also
became the founding father of science fiction illustration.
Robida wrote and illustrated The Adventures of Saturnin Farandoul (1879),
a mammoth, riotous and rollicking homage to Verne in which the indomitable
Farandoul, raised by apes on a Pacific Island, teams up with Captain
Nemo to conquer Australia, battles with Phileas Fogg in the American
Civil War, meets Hector Servadac in orbit around Saturn, steals a white
elephant from Michel Strogoff in Siberia and challenges Captain Hatteras
at the North Pole.
Cover by Christine Clavel
Published by Black Coat Press in 2009
ISBN: 978-1-934543-61-0