The Adventures of a Parisian Aeronaut in the Unknown Worlds (1856) by Alfred Driou
is a social satire in which our satellite is reached via hot air balloon. It stands out as a markedly
anomalous literary item of its times, not merely for its imaginative extravagance, but also for its
keen interest in technological progress. Predating Jules Verne, whose Five Weeks in a Balloon was
published in 1863, Driou might be reckoned a pioneer in the popularization of science in France.
"The Adventures of a Parisian Aeronaut is just as anomalous in the history of imaginative
fiction as it is in the context of Driou's literary career; there is nothing else like it. That is
partly to do with its awkward hybrid status, uneasily suspended between religious fantasy and travelogue,
and between wild imagination and vulgar popularization." Brian Stableford
Cover by Jean-Pierre Normand
Published by Black Coat Press in January 2012
ISBN: 978-1-61227-067-8