What's New?

Short Stories
The idea here is to let you know what changes I've made to the site since you last visited. It works like a diary with the most recent entries at the top.

The website was originally created by Ian Braidwood who did a fantastic job of keeping it up to date for many years, until the sheer productivity of Brian overwhelmed him in 2005. My thanks to Ian for allowing me to use his site as the basis for this one.

June 2024 Entry added for The Memoirs of Maxime Odin
March 2024 Entry added for Pantomimes and Other Surreal Tales
Entry added for The Cthulthu Palimpsest
Links added to selected obituaries
December 2023 Minor updates to Forthcoming Books; no new publications
September 2023 Entry added for The Princess of Darkness
Entry added for The Alabaster Book of Occult Fiction
Contents added for The Snuggly Satyricon
Contents added for The Vermilion Book of Occult Fiction
Contents added for Decadence and Symbolism: A Showcase Anthology
June 2023 Entry added for Rapid Tales
Entry added for Human Life
March 2023 Entry added for Snuggly Tales of the Afterlife
Entry added for The Story of the King of Bohemia and His Seven Castles
Entry added for Isuren and Other Stories
December 2022 Entry added for The Vermilion Book of Occult Fiction
Entry added for Sabbat
Belated entry added for Hannibal's Ring
Belated entry added for My Lunatic Asylum
September 2022 Entry added for Snuggly Tales of Femmes Fatales
Entry added for Stigma and the Pompeiian Fresco
June 2022 Entry added for Beyond the Mountains of Madness
Entry added for The Red Sorcerer
Entry added for French Tales of Cataclysms
Entry added for The Temple of Gnide
March 2022 Entry added for The Confession of a Madman
Entry added for The Priestesses of Mylitta
Entry added for The Inn of Tears
January 2022 Entry added for After the Revelation
Entry added for Stirring Stories
Belated entry added for Morose Vignettes
November 2021 Entry added for Amanit
Entry added for The Snuggly Satanicon
September 2021 Entry added for Flowers of Ether
Entry added for Penthesilea
Entry added for Midnight!!
Entry added for The Snuggly Sirenicon
Entry added for Jean Sbogar and Other Stories
July 2021 Entry added for Magical Tales
Entry added for Meat on the Bone
Entry added for The Last Rendezvous
Entry added for Princesses of Darkness and Other Exotica
May 2021 Entry added for Fays of the Sea
Entry added for A Decadent Woman
Entry added for The Red Spider
March 2021 Entry added for The Enchanted Castle
Entry added for An Idyll in Sodom
Entry added for The Witch of Ecbatana and The Virgin of Israel
Entry added for The Blonde Tress and The Mask
January 2021 Entry added for Argentine
Entry added for Double Heart
November 2020 Entry added for Snuggly Tales of Hashish and Opium
Entry added for The Miller of Carnac
Entry added for The Elusive Shadows
Entry added for The Last Siren and Other Stories
Entry added for The Song of the Skylark
September 2020 Entry added for Monsieur de Bougrelon and Other Stories
Entry added for The Modesty of Sodom
July 2020 Entry added for A Malediction
Entry added for Decadent Prose Pieces
Entry added for The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 4)
Entry and review added for The Revelations of Time and Space
Entry added for Syta's Harem and Pharaoh's Lover
Entry added for The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 5)
May 2020 Entry added for The Path of Amour
Entry added for The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 2)
Entry added for The Bald Giants
Entry added for The Gate of Ivory
Entry added for The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 3)
Review added for Weird Fiction in France
March 2020 Entry added for Hauntings
Entry added for Automata
Entry added for The Snuggly Satyricon
Entry added for The Mysteries of Tomorrow (Volume 1)
Entry added for Weird Fiction in France
January 2020 Entry added for Reincarnation and Redemption
Entry added for Three Flowers and The King of Siam's Amazon
Entry added for The Alluring
Entry added for Double-Head
Review added for Living with the Dead
November 2019 Entry added for Mephistophela
Entry and review added for The Painter of Spirits
Entry and review added for The Quiet Dead
Entry added for Fards and Poisons
Entry added for Living with the Dead
Entry added for The Bad Dream
September 2019 Entry added for A Woman Appeared to Me
Entry added for From a Faraway Land
Entry added for The Angel and the Sphinx
Entry added for Human Seed
Entry and review added for The Truths of Darkness
Entry added for Isis
Entry added for The Tyranny of the Word
July 2019 Entry added for Elsewhere and Other Stories
Entry added for The Enchanted Ring
Entry added for The Prince of Fools
Entry added for The Mystery of Kama and Brahma's Courtesans
Entry added for William's Angel
Entry added for The Sacred Fire
May 2019 Belated entry added for The Death of Broceliande
Entry added for Faustina and Other Stories
Entry added for The Exigent Shadow
Entry added for Don Juan in Paradise
Entry added for For Reading in the Bath
Entry added for The Man Who Could Read Minds
Entry added for The Incredible Adventure
March 2019 Entry added for Tales of the Fays Volume 1
Entry added for Tales of the Fays Volume 2
Entry added for Babels, Balloons and Innocent Eyes
Entry added for Halyartes: and Other Poems in Prose
Entry added for Tales of Enchantment and Disenchantment
Entry added for The Little Fays in the Air
January 2019 Entry added for The Queen of the Fays & Other Marvelous Tales
Entry added for Funestine & Other Adventures in Romancia
Entry added for The Torch-Bearers
Entry and review added for The Insubstantial Pageant
Entry added for The Enchanter's Mirror and Other Stories
Entry added for The Origins of the Fays
November 2018 Entry added for The Tyranny of the Fays Abolished
Entry added for The Murdered City
Entry added for Errant Vice
Entry added for The Impossible Enchantment
Entry added for Florine and Boca
September 2018 Entry added for Lilith’s Legacy
Entry added for Marilyn in Manhattan
Entry added for The Palace of Vengeance
Entry added for Dieudonat
Entry added for The Double Star
Entry added for Misty Thule
Entry added for Journey to the Isles of Atlantis
Entry added for Superhuman Tales
Entry added for Princess Camion
July 2018 Entry added for Decadence and Symbolism: A Showcase Anthology
Entry added for The Ring of Light
Entry added for Pan's Flute
Entry added for The Demi-Sexes and the Androgynes
Entry added for The Bull-Man and the Grasshopper
Entry added for The Iron Man
Entry added for The Land of Delights
Review added for The Pool of Mnemosyne
Review added for The Alchemy of Blood: A Scientific Romance
May 2018 Entry added for The Pool of Mnemosyne
Entry added for Penelope's Secret
Entry added for The Robe of Sincerity
Entry added for The Death of Balzac
Entry added for The Alchemy of Blood: A Scientific Romance
Entry added for Jonathan the Visionary
Entry added for The Second Life
Entry added for The Mysterious Hermit of the Tomb
March 2018

Entry added for In 1965... & Other Stories
Entry added for The Companions of the Silence
Entry added for Misanthropic Tales
Entry added for Singular Amours
Entry and review added for Spirits of the Vasty Deep

January 2018 Entry added for The Albigensian Treasure
Entry added for Jean de Fodoas
Entry added for The Emerald Princess
Entry added for The Frail Soul and Other Stories
Entry added for Melusine
Entry added for The Brothers of the Virgin Gold
Belated entry added for reprint of short story The Elixir of Youth
Review added for Further Beyond
November 2017 Entry added for The Mystery of the Tiger
Entry added for The Poison of Goa
Entry added for Lucifer
Entry added for The Blood of Toulouse
Belated entry added for translated short story The Lock
September 2017 Entry added for Further Beyond
Entry added for The Marvelous Story of Claire d'Amour & Other Stories
Entry added for The Call of the Beast & Other Stories
Entry added for The Mirror of Legends
Entry added for Priscilla of Alexandria & Other Stories
Entry added for The Angel of Lust & Other Stories
July 2017

Entry added for The Naiads * Beauty and the Beast
Entry added for Arrival in the Stars and Other Stories
Entry added for The Latin Orgy
Entry added for The Green Eyes
Entry added for Masks in the Tapestry
Belated entry added for The Soul-Drinker and Other Decadent Fantasies
Review added for Posthumous Correspondence

May 2017 Entry added for Bluebirds
Entry added for The Man Who Married a Mermaid
Entry added for The Angel Asrael and Other Legendary Tales
Entry added for The Human Paradise
Entry added for The End of Atlantis
March 2017 Entry added for The Police Agent
Entry added for Scientific Romance: An International Anthology of Pioneering Science Fiction
Entry added for The Story of the Great Prince Oribeau
Entry added for The Four Beauties and the Four Beasts
Reviews added for Portals of Paradise, The Mirror of Dionysius, Tangled Web of Time, The Magnetized Corpse, The Last Fay, Martyrs of Science and Scientific Romance
January 2017 Entry added for Portals of Paradise
Entry added for Tangled Web of Time
Entry added for The Apocryphal Napoleon
Entry added for The Perfume of Lust
Entry added for Phantoms
Entry added for The Mirror of Dionysius
Entry added for The Unknown Collaborator and Other Legendary Tales
November 2016 Entry added for Astral Amour
Entry added for Harry Dickson - Tenebras
Entry added for The Tarantulas' Parlor: And Other Unkind Tales
Entry added for The Lynx
Entry added for The Crocodile
September 2016 Entry added for The Son of Silence
Entry added for The Last Fay
July 2016 Entry added for The Darkling Wood
Entry added for The Devil in Detail
Entry added for Posthumous Correspondence (3 volumes)
Entry added for Journey to the Sun
Review added for Vampires of Atlantis
May 2016 Entry added for Echoes of Eternity
Entry added for The Sirens of Capri
Entry added for The Virgin Orient
Entry added for The Humanisphere
Entry added for Vampires of Atlantis
Entry added for The Plurality of Imaginary Worlds
Entry added for The Discovery of the Austral Continent by a Flying Man
Review added for Echoes of Eternity
March 2016 Entry added for On the Brink of the World's End
Entry added for The Second Life of Doctor Albin
Entry added for The Mirror of Present Events
Entry added for The Chimerical Quest
Entry added for Voyage to the Center of the Earth
Entry added for The New Atlantis: A Narrative History of Scientific Romance (4 volumes)
Entry added for reprint of Nightmares of an Ether-Drinker
Entry added for reprint of short story Beyond Time's Aegis
January 2016

Entry added for The New Moon
Entry added for The Voyages of Lord Seaton to the Seven Planets
Entry added for The Nickel Man
Entry added for An International Mission to the Moon
Entry added for short story The Astral Trail
Entry added for short story Tsathoggua's Breath
Review added for Eurydice’s Lament

November 2015 Entry added for The Aerial Valley
Entry added for Jim Click
Entry added for Eurydice's Lament
Entry added for The Last Days of Atlantis
Review added for The Dedalus Book of Decadence (Moral Ruins)
Review added for The Vampire Soul and Other Sardonic Tales
Review added for The Scaffold and Other Cruel Tales
Review added for Monsieur de Phocas
September 2015 Entry added for The Engineer von Satanas
Entry added for The Maker of Men and His Formula
Entry added for The Ark
Entry added for The Mutilated Bacchus
July 2015 Entry added for The Murderer of the World
Entry added for The Fossil Man
Entry added for The Misfortunes of John Bull
Entry added for The World of Mercury
New appearance added for The Titan Unwrecked; or, Futility Revisited
May 2015 Entry added for The Man With the Blue Face
Entry added for The Missing Men of the Sirius
Entry added for Around the World on Five Sous
Entry added for The Ultimate Pleasure
Entry added for The War of the Sexes
Entry added for Nora, The Ape-Woman
March 2015 Entry added for The Philosophical Voyager
Entry added for Balzac's Cane
Entry added for The Strange Voyages of Jacques Massé and Pierre de Mésange
Entry added for The Merchants of Health and Other Fantastic Stories
Entry added for short story A Further Experiment in the Effects of Mesmerism
January 2015 Entry added for The Enchanted City
Entry added for The World Turned Upside Down
Entry added for Homo-Deus
Entry added for Daâh: The First Human
Entry added for The Bacheloress
Entry added for The Companion
Entry added for The Couple
October 2014 Entry added for The Battle of Strasbourg
Entry added for Paris Before the Deluge
Entry added for Manhattan Ghost
Entry added for The Revolt of the Machines
Entry added for The Final War
August 2014 Entry added for An Unknown World
Entry added for The Enchanter Merlin
Entry added for The Human Ant
Entry added for The Silent Bomb
Entry added for Et in Arcadia Ego
Review added for The Angels of Perversity
Review added for Nightmares of an Ether-Drinker
Review added for The Voyage of Julius Pingouin
Review updated for The Vengeance of the Oval Portrait
June 2014 Entry added for The Exploits of Professor Tornada Volume 1
Entry added for The Exploits of Professor Tornada Volume 2
Entry added for The Exploits of Professor Tornada Volume 3
Entry added for The Eupantophone
Entry added for The Petitpaon Era
Entry added for The Olotelepan
April 2014 Entry added for The Marvelous Adventures of Serge Myrandhal on Mars
Entry added for The Vampires of London
Entry added for The Necessary Evil
Entry added for Caresco, Superman
Entry added for short story Further Beyond
Entry added for short story The Seventh Generation
February 2014 Entry added for The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius: Vol. 1. The Sculptor of Human Flesh
Entry added for The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius: Vol. 2. The Isle of Hanged Men
Entry added for The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius: Vol. 3. The Rochester Bridge Catastrophe
Review added for The Antisocial Man
Review added for Champavert
Review added for News from the Moon
January 2014 Entry added for The Magnetized Corpse
Entry added for Someone is Stealing Children in Paris
Entry added for short story Malbrough s’en va-t’en guerre
Review added for The Crazy Corner
Review added for The Vengeance of the Oval Portrait
December 2013 Entry added for The Conqueror of Death
Entry added for Cybele
Tidied up details of German translations
Fixed assorted broken links
November 2013 Entry added for Martyrs of Science
Entry added for Prince Bonifacio and Other Stories
October 2013 Entry added for Obsession
Entry added for Ahasuerus
Entry added for Return of the Nyctalope
Entry added for The Adventures of Captain Cap and Other Stories
Entry added for The Fiery Wheel
Entry added for The Chambrion and Other Stories
Entry added for Voyage Beneath the Waves
Entry added for The Anatomy of Love and Murder
Entry added for short story The Lost Archetype
Review added for Yesterday Never Dies
August 2013

Entry added for The Voyage of Julius Pingouin and Other Strange Stories
Entry added for The Eternal Flame
Entry added for In a Thousand Years
Entry added for Claude Mercoeur's Reflection and Other Strange Stories
Entry added for The Children of the Crab
Entry added for Danse Macabre

June 2013

Entry added for The Immortal Woman
Entry added for The Castaways of Eros
Entry added for The Antisocial Man and Other Strange Stories
Entry added for Electric Life
Entry added for The Centaurs

April 2013

Entry added for Monsieur Synthesis
Entry added for Paris in the Year 2000
Reprint added for The Walking Shadow

March 2013 Entry added for The Man Who Lost Himself
Entry added for Love in Five Thousand Years
Entry added for Pharaoh’s Wife: An Occult Novel
February 2013

Entry added for Yesterday Never Dies
Entry added for Champavert: Immoral Tales
Entry added for The Napus: The Great Plague of the Year 2227
Entry added for The Bacchantes: A Dionysian Scientific Romance

Entry added for The Conquest of the Air: Forty Days of Aerial Navigation
Entry added for Isoline and the Serpent-Flower

January 2013 Entry added for Rouletabille at Krupp's
Entry added for The Crazy Corner
Entry added for Spawn of the Penitentiary
Entries for Swan Songs and The Realms of Tartarus tidied up
Seven new reprints added
December 2012 Entry added for The Golden Rock
Entry added for The Unpretentious Philosopher
Three new short story reprints added.
November 2012 Entry added for The Human Microbes
Entry added for The New World
Entry added for The Frenetic People
Entry added for The Vampire of the Val-de-Grâce
September 2012

Entry added for Investigations of the Future
Entry added for The Future City
Entry added for Ouha, King of the Apes

July 2012

Entry added for The Year 5865
Entry added for The Tower of Destiny
Three new extras added - the story Goldilocks 2, the article Millennial Fantasies and the translation of The Princess of the Red Lilies by Jean Lorrain

June 2012

Entry added for The Dominion of the World: Vol. 1. The Plutocratic Plot
Entry added for The Dominion of the World: Vol. 2. The Transatlantic Threat
Entry added for The Dominion of the World: Vol. 3. The Psychic Spies
Entry added for The Dominion of the World: Vol. 4. The Victims Victorious
Short story pages tidied up and images added for most anthologies/collections
Page of bonus material added to the website

April 2012

Entry added for The Double Life
Entry added for The Legacy of Erich Zann and original short story The Seeds from the Mountains of Madness
Cover image and further details added to entry for The Golden Fleece

March 2012 Entry added for The Golden Fleece and eponymous short story
Entry added for A Surfeit of Mirrors
Entry added for Timeslip Troopers
Link to online review added for The New Faust at the Tragicomique
February 2012 Poetry added to Short Stories pages
Entry added for Illusions of Immortality
January 2012

New style adopted for entire website
Short Stories pages updated to December 2011 and restructured
Foreign edition pages restructured
Links page restructured and updated
Entry added for The Adventures of a Parisian Aeronaut
Entry added for Nemoville
Review added for Xeno's Paradox

December 2011 Site relaunched after six-year hiatus
All pages updated to December 2011 except for Short Stories

The Brian Stableford Website