Alastor, the son of an iron-master, has no inclination to follow his
fathers trade, preferring to work with wood. He and his musically-talented
sister Catrianne leave the foundry to go and live in a town, where Alastor
soon begins to specialize in making musical instruments. One day, while
delivering an unusual musical instrument to a hamlet high in the mountains,
he is thrown by his horse during a storm. Temporarily lame, he is forced
to take refuge in a strange cabin in the forest, where the mysterious
Melusine lived with her daughter Lucinia. When Alastor returns to the
town, he takes Lucinia with him and marries her. They have two children,
Handsel and Chanterelle. Everything goes well with the family until disaster
strikes, leaving Catrianne in sole charge of the children, obliged to
seek shelter first at the iron-masters foundry and then at the cabin
in the mountains, where a great many surprises await them regarding their
own identity and the peril overhanging the forest and the world of Faerie,
which is under threat of extinction. Perhaps something can be saved, and
if it can, the key to its salvation might lie, at least in part, in Catriannes
music, Handsels uniqueness, and Chanterelles dreams.
Published by Wildside Press in February 2018
ISBN: 978-1-4794-3711-5