"Cthulhu has many instruments, but all of them are possessed of
free will, and magnetic power can only operate mysteriously, even on the
most primitive and stubborn brains." Written to complete and conclude
a series of metaphysical fantasies featuring Auguste Dupin, a character
invented by Edgar Poe, which involve him with characters and entities
invented by H. P. Lovecraft, as well as actual historical figures and
occasional devices appropriated from other works of weird fiction, The
Cthulhu Palimpsest, A Romance of Termination is a must-have, both
for fans of the series and for fans of Brian Stableford, who produced
this long-projected final volume with the pen of a master story-teller.
Cover by Odilon Redon
Published by Snuggly Books in January 2024
ISBN: 978-1-64525-134-7