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Wildeblood's Empire

Short Stories
The Daedalus Mission: 3

The colony was successful. That was evident as soon as the recontact ship Daedalus had landed. It was successful, prosperous, and everything was due to the work and genius of J.Wildeblood, biochemist and planetary leader.

This world even now bore the name of its benefactor. And it was truly his empire, with a grateful, hard-working people heeding every wish of his descendants.

But the suspicious scientific minds of the Daedalus's special crew were very uneasy. Was Wildeblood's Empire all it seemed or was there a structure invisible to the eye which spelled out something a lot more blood-curdling?

Once again the talented mind of Brian M. Stableford shapes a world-sized mystery that only solid science could solve.

Cover art by Michael Whelan.

Published by DAW in October 1977.

  The Daedalus Mission 3

The colony was successful. That was evident as soon as the recontact ship Daedalus had landed. It was successful, prosperous, and everything was due to the work and genius of J.Wildeblood, biochemist and planetary leader.

This world now bore the name of its benefactor. And it was truly his empire, with a grateful, hard-working people heeding every wish of his descendants.

But the suspicious scientific minds of the Daedalus's special crew were very uneasy. Was Wildeblood's Empire all it seemed or was there a structure invisible to the eye which spelled out something a lot more blood-curdling?

Cover art by Tim White.

Published by Hamlyn in August 1979.


They call them the "rat-catchers." They're the crew of the spaceship Daedalus, which an economically destitute Earth has dispatched on a mission to re-establish contact with its far-flung, long-lost colonies in space. Alex Alexander, the ship's biologist, together with his staff, must help solve the mysteries of human and alien ecosystems that he encounters light-years from home.

The world had been named Poseidon, but its name has been changed to match the name of the ecologist (Wildeblood) who became the colony's leader and emperor—the man whose descendants still rule it, by means of a secret that they do not want the crew of the Daedalus to discover. To the crew, of course, that is exactly what they have to discover, by fair means or foul—but it's not their only priority. They also have to make contact, if possible, with the planet's other intelligent species—a task that's bound to take time, time that the human colonists are determined not to give them, unless forced. Even if Alex can solve the biological puzzle, there's no guarantee that Nathan Parrick can unravel the diplomatic one—especially if the problems turn out to be related!

A marvelous series of space adventures.

Published by Wildside Press in October 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4344-3567-5


The colony was successful. That was evident as soon as the recontact ship Daedalus had landed. It was successful, prosperous, and everything was due to the work and genius of J. Wildeblood, biochemist and planetary leader.

This world now bore the name of its benefactor. And it was truly his empire, with a grateful, hard-working people heeding every wish of his descendants.

But the suspicious scientific minds of the Daedalus‘s special crew were very uneasy. Was Wildeblood’s Empire all it seemed – or was there a structure invisible to the eye which spelled out something a lot more blood-curdling?

Published by Orion (ebook) in May 2018.
ISBN: 978-1-4732-1945-8

  Translated into French as: La Troisième Mission.
Translated into German as: Die Dritte Landung.

Review by Ian Braidwood

Cast of Characters:
Alexis Alexander, Cpt Peter Rolving, Linda Beck, Karen Karelia, Nathan Parrick, Conrad Silvian, Marial Valory, Alice Wildeblood, Philip Wildeblood, 'Cyrano de Bergerac', Elkanah, Zarnecki, Miranda.

This story starts with a midnight assignation, not in the cause of true love, but in finding out what the hell is going on.

The crew of the Daedalus have landed on what they thought was called Posidon, but are surprised to hear is now named Wildeblood after James, the first head of the colony.

Wildeblood's descendants have taken over the reins from their illustrious forebear and place the entire Daedalus crew under close surveillance. Alexis Alexander escapes to meet 'Cyrano de Bergerac' in the local cemetery, where he's handed part of a mysterious coded message, which James Wildeblood left to posterity.

Posidon is a successful colony where people live a hard, ascetic life reminiscent of nineteenth century England. Indeed, the Wildeblood family have built themselves a mansion and James seems to have fancied himself as quite the natural philosopher, having collected a huge number of Posidan specimens into a museum which occupies an entire wing of the building.

There are aliens to be investigated and Conrad takes Mariel away to try and establish contact. However, the biggest mystery is the source of the drug, which leaves its users feeling vigorous, enervated and has powered the colony through its difficult early stages.

The quality of the Daedalus stories in this series is very consistent, which reflects the formulaic approach Brian has taken; but that does make it difficult to comment. These books are good, but unless you enjoy the sense of intrigue they presented - and I do - I can't see what the reader is going to get out of them.

The Brian Stableford Website