The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Author: Page 83
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Lee, Vernon; pseudonym of Violet Paget (1856-1935) (items) (chron.)
- * For Maurice, Five Unlikely Stories (John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1927, 7/6d, li+223pp, hc, co)
- * Hauntings (Ash-Tree Press, February 28, 2002, 1-55310-030-1, C$65.00, xx+380pp, hc, co, cover by John Singer Sargent)
- * Hauntings, Fantastic Stories (William Heinemann, 1890, ix+237pp, hc, co)
- * A Phantom Lover and Other Dark Tales (The British Library, April 16, 2020, 978-0-7123-5381-6, £8.99, 285pp, tp, co, cover by Sandra Gómez) [British Library Tales of the Weird]
- * Pope Jacynth and More Supernatural Tales (Peter Owen, 1956, 208pp, hc, co)
- * Pope Jacynth and Other Fantastic Tales (Grant Richards, October 1904, 3/6d, 200pp, hc, co)
- * Ravenna and Her Ghosts (Corgi, 1962, SN1229, 2/6d, 126pp, pb, co)
- * The Snake Lady and Other Stories (Grove Press, 1954, $3.50, 288pp, hc, co)
- * Supernatural Tales: Excursions Into Fantasy (Peter Owen, 1955, 15/-, 222pp, hc, co)
Leeson, Edward (fl. 1980s) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Travel (John Murray, 1980, 0719536669, 120pp, pb, an)
- * Winter’s Tales 27 (St. Martin’s, 1982, 0-312-88417-6, $11.95, 189pp, hc, an)
Le Fanu, J(oseph Thomas) Sheridan (1814-1873) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Ballads and Poems of J. Sheridan Le Fanu (Swan River Press, August 2011, €12.00, xi+45pp, ph, co)
- * Best Ghost Stories of J.S. Le Fanu (Dover, 1964, 0-486-20415-4, $5.00, 467pp, tp, co)
- * Carmilla, Green Tea & Other Horrors: The Best Ghost Stories and Weird Fiction of J. Sheridan Le Fanu (Oldstyle Tales Press, September 29, 2016, 978-1-5393-2640-3, $21.20, 498pp, tp, co)
- * Carmilla and Other Classic Tales of Mystery (Signet Classic, October 1996, 0-451-52639-2, $4.95, 446pp, pb, co, cover by John White Alexander)
- * The Complete Ghost Stories of Chapelizod (Swan River Press, October 2011, €12.00, v+51pp, ph, co)
- * The Diabolical Genius (Juniper, 1959, $2.95, 384pp, hc, co)
- * Ghost Stories and Mysteries (Dover, 1975, 0-486-20715-3, $6.00, ix+372pp, tp, co)
- * The Gothic Tales of Sheridan Le Fanu (British Library Publishing, July 30, 2020, 978-0-7123-5396-0, £14.99, 256pp, hc, co) [British Library Hardback Classics]
- * Green Tea %%1: A Case Reported by Martin Hesselius, the German Physician [Martin Hesselius] (Swan River Press, October 23, 2019, 978-1-78380-029-2, €45.00, xiv+93pp, hc, nv, cover by Alisdair Wood)
- * Green Tea and Other Ghost Stories (Arkham House, 1945, $3.00, x+357pp, hc, co, cover by Ronald Clyne)
- * The Haunted Baronet and Others: Ghost Stories 1861-70 (Ash-Tree Press, July 11, 2003, 1-55310-056-5, C$59.00, xxxvi+189pp, hc, co, cover by Douglas Walters)
- * The Illustrated J.S. Le Fanu: Ghost Stories and Mysteries by a Master Victorian Storyteller (Crucible, August 11, 1988, 1-85336-047-3, £14.95, 318pp, hc, co)
- * In a Glass Darkly (Richard Bentley & Son, 1872, 299+285+270pp, hc, co)
- * Laura Silver Bell (Swan River Press, February 2012, 21pp, hc, ss)
- * Madam Crowl’s Ghost and Other Stories (G. Bell & Sons, 1923, 7/6d, viii+277pp, hc, co)
- * The Mr. Justice Harbottle and Others (Ash-Tree Press, March 31, 2003, 1-55310-079-4, C$58.00, xxxvi+223pp, hc, co, cover by Douglas Walters)
- * My Aunt Margaret’s Adventure (Swan River Press, July 2009, €9.00, 36pp, ph, ss, cover by Allison Elrod)
- * The Purcell Papers (Richard Bentley & Son, 1880, xxxi+236+273+289pp, hc, co)
- * The Purcell Papers (var. 1) (Arkham House, 1975, 978-0-87054-072-1, $7.00, ix+241pp, hc, co, cover by Frank Utpatel)
- * Reminiscences of a Bachelor (Swan River Press, December 2014, 978-1-78380-004-9, €30.00, xi+132pp, hc, co, cover by Paul Lowe)
- * Schalken the Painter and Others (Ash-Tree Press, August 30, 2002, 1-55310-042-5, C$60.00, xxxiv+245pp, hc, co, cover by Douglas Walters)
- * Spalatro: Two Italian Tales (Sarob Press, March 2001, 1-902309-14-6, £19.00, xxxi+60pp, hc, co, cover by Douglas Walters)
- * The Watcher and Other Weird Stories (Downey & Co., 1894, vi+271pp, hc, co)
Le Guin, Ursula K(roeber) (1929-2018) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * Always Coming Home (Harper & Row, October 9, 1985, 0-06-015456-X, $25.00, 525pp, pb, oc)
- * Always Coming Home (var. 1) (Library of America, February 19, 2019, 978-1-59853-603-4, $35.00, 800pp, hc, co)
- * The Birthday of the World and Other Stories [Ekumen] (HarperCollins, March 2002, 0-06-621253-7, $24.95, 362pp, hc, co)
- * Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences (Capra Press, September 1987, 0-88496-270-9, $15.95, 196pp, hc, co)
- * Changing Planes (Harcourt, July 2003, 0-15-100971-6, $22.00, vii+246pp, hc, oc)
- * Cheek by Jowl (Aqueduct Press, April 30, 2009, 978-1-933500-27-0, $16.00, 149pp, tp, nf)
- * The Compass Rose (Pendragon Press, June 1982, 0-934438-60-9, $40.00, 290pp, hc, co, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Complete Orsinia: Malafrena/Stories and Songs (Library of America, September 6, 2016, 978-1-59853-493-1, $35.00, xix+592pp, hc, co)
- * Dancing at the Edge of the World (Grove Press, February 1989, 0-8021-1105-X, $17.95, viii+306pp, hc, nf)
- * Dreams Must Explain Themselves (Algol Press, 1975, 0-916186-01-6, $3.00, 36pp, ph, co, cover by Tim Kirk)
- * Finding My Elegy: New and Selected Poems, 1960-2010 (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, September 18, 2012, 978-0-547-85820-3, $22.00, 196pp, hc, co)
- * A Fisherman of the Inland Sea (HarperPrism, May 1994, no ISBN, 191pp, hc, co)
- * The Found and the Lost: The Collected Novellas of Ursula K. Le Guin (Saga Press, October 2016, 978-1-4814-5139-0, $29.99, 801pp, hc, co, cover by Jun Yu)
- * Four Ways to Forgiveness (HarperPrism, September 1995, 0-06-105234-5, $20.00, 229pp, hc, co, cover by Danilo Ducak)
- * Going Out with Peacocks and Other Poems (HarperPerennial, June 1994, 0-06-095057-9, $12.00, 82pp, tp, co, cover by Henk Pander)
- * The Hainish Novels & Stories, Volume One (Library of America, September 5, 2017, 978-1-59853-538-9, $40.00, xviii+1095pp, hc, co)
- * The Hainish Novels & Stories, Volume Two (Library of America, September 5, 2017, 978-1-59853-539-6, $40.00, xix+789pp, hc, co)
- * Hard Words and Other Poems (Harper Colophon, 1981, 0-06-090848-3, $4.95, 79pp, tp, oc, cover by Robert Malkin)
- * Incredible Good Fortune: New Poems (Shambhala Publications, March 2006, 1-59030-314-8, $18.00, xi+96pp, hc, oc)
- * The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, April 1979, 0-399-12325-3, $9.95, 270pp, hc, co)
- * Orsinian Tales (Harper & Row, September 1976, 0-06-012561-6, $7.95, 179pp, hc, co)
- * Searoad: Chronicles of Klatsand (HarperCollins, October 1991, 0-06-016740-8, $20.00, 193pp, hc, co, cover by Steven McLeod)
- * Sixty Odd: New Poems (Shambhala Publications, April 1999, 1-57062-388-0, $14.00, 98pp, tp, co)
- * Tales from Earthsea [Earthsea] (Harcourt, May 2001, 0-15-100561-3, $24.00, 296pp, hc, oc)
- * Unlocking the Air and Other Stories (HarperCollins, February 1996, 0-06-017260-6, $22.00, 207pp, hc, co, cover by Paul Klee)
- * The Unreal and the Real: Selected Stories Volume One: Where on Earth (Small Beer Press, December 2012, 978-1-61873-034-3, $24.00, 281pp, hc, co, cover by Tugboat Printshop)
- * The Unreal and the Real: Selected Stories Volume Two: Outer Space, Inner Lands (Small Beer Press, November 2012, 978-1-61873-035-0, $24.00, 333pp, hc, co)
- * The Visionary: The Life Story of Flicker of the Serpentine/Wonders Hidden: Audubon’s Early Years (with Scott Russell Sanders) --- see under The Visionary: The Life Story of Flicker of the Serpentine/Wonders Hidden: Audubon’s Early Years, Capra Press, 1984.
- * The Wave in the Mind: Talks and Essays on the Writer, the Reader, and the Imagination (Shambhala Publications, January 2004, 1-59030-006-8, $16.95, x+304pp, tp, nf, cover by John Brown)
- * Wild Angels (Capra Chapbook, January 1975, 0-88496-029-3 (#27), 50pp, pb, oc)
- * The Wild Girls (PM Press/Outspoken Authors, May 2011, 978-1-60486-403-8, $12.00, 100pp, tp, co, cover by John Yates)
- * Wild Oats and Fireweed (Perennial Library, January 1988, 0-06-096227-5, $7.95, 88pp, tp, co, cover: Child on Forest Road by Wynn Bullock from 1958)
- * The Wind’s Twelve Quarters (Harper & Row, October 1975, 0-06-012562-4, $4.95, viii+303pp, hc, co, cover by Patricia Saville Voehl)
- * Words Are My Matter: Writings About Life and Books, 2000-2016 (Small Beer Press, October 18, 2016, 978-1-61873-134-0, $24.00, iv + 316pp, hc, nf)
_____, ed.
- * Edges (with Virginia Kidd) (Pocket Books, November 1980, 0-671-83532-7, $2.50, 239pp, pb, oa)
- * Interfaces (with Virginia Kidd) (Ace, February 1980, 37092-6, $5.95, 310pp, tp, oa)
- * Nebula Award Stories 11 (Gollancz, November 1976, 0-575-02151-9, £4.20, 255pp, hc, an)
- * The Norton Book of Science Fiction (with Brian Attebery) (Norton, October 1993, 0-393-03546-8, $27.50, 869pp, hc, an, cover by Dale O’Dell)
Lehane, Dennis (1965- ) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Boston Noir (Akashic Books, November 2009, 978-1-933354-91-0, $15.95, 236pp, tp, oa) [Akashic Noir]
- * Boston Noir 2: The Classics (with Jaime Clarke & Mary Cotton) (Akashic Books, 2012, 978-1-61775-136-3, $15.95, 251pp, tp, an) [Akashic Noir]
Leib, Bart R. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Crossed Genres Magazine 2.0: Book Two (with Kay T. Holt) (Crossed Genres Publications, January 3, 2014, 978-0-615-92932-3, $14.95, 196pp, tp, oa, cover by Teresa Mtz)
- * Fat Girl in a Strange Land (with Kay T. Holt) --- see under Kay T. Holt.
- * Fierce Family (Crossed Genres Publications, January 2014, 978-0-615-95023-5, $11.95, 172pp, pb, oa, cover by Eran Fowler)
- * Oomph: A Little Super Goes a Long Way (with Kay T. Holt) (Crossed Genres Publications, October 17, 2013, 978-0-615-90119-0, $11.95, 136pp, tp, oa, cover by Megan Rose Gedris)
- * Subversion: Science Fiction & Fantasy Tales of Challenging the Norm (Crossed Genres Publications, September 19, 2011, 978-0-615-53329-2, $11.95, 172pp, tp, oa, cover by Brittany Jackson)
Leiber, Fritz (Reuter, Jr.) (1910-1992) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * Bazaar of the Bizarre [Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser] (Donald M. Grant, 1978, 0-937986-02-X, $20.00, 127pp, hc, co)
- * The Best of Fritz Leiber (Sphere, May 1974, 0-7221-5474-7, 60p, 368pp, pb, co, cover by Tony Roberts)
- * The Best of Fritz Leiber (SFBC, June 1974, #6203, $2.49, xv+301pp, hc, co)
- * The Big Time (Ace Double, February 1961, D-491, 35¢, 129pp, pb, n., cover by Ed Emshwiller)
- * The Black Gondolier & Other Stories (Midnight House, 2000, 0-9675157-8-5, $40.00, 201pp, hc, co, cover by Allen Koszowski)
- * The Book of Fritz Leiber (DAW, January 1974, UQ1091, 95¢, 173pp, pb, co)
- * The Change War [Change War] (Gregg Press, December 1978, 0-8398-2493-9, $15.00, xvi+189pp, hc, co)
- * Changewar [Change War] (Ace, May 1983, 0-441-10259-X, $2.50, 198pp, pb, co, cover by Joe Chiodo)
- * Day Dark, Night Bright (Darkside Press, 2002, 0-9675157-0-X, $40.00, 269pp, hc, co, cover by Allen Koszowski)
- * Fafhrd & Me (Wildside Press, November 1990, no ISBN, $9.95, 96pp, tp, co, cover by Charles Dougherty)
- * Fritz Leiber: Selected Stories (Night Shade Books, May 2010, 978-1-59780-180-5, $24.95, 359pp, hc, co, cover by Claudia Noble)
- * The Ghost Light (Berkley, April 1984, 0-425-06812-9, $7.95, 367pp, tp, co, cover by John Jude Palencar)
- * Green Millennium (Ace Double, March 1969, 30300, 60¢, 173pp, pb, n., cover by John Schoenherr)
- * Gummitch and Friends (Donald M. Grant, 1992, 1-880418-18-5, $30.00, 222pp, hc, co, cover by Alicia Austin)
- * Gummitch and Friends (Donald M. Grant, February 1993, 1-880418-17-7, $60.00, 36+222pp, hc, co, cover by Alicia Austin)
- * Heroes & Horrors (Whispers Press, December 1978, 0-918372-03-8, $12.00, xv+237pp, hc, co)
- * Horrible Imaginings (Midnight House, 2004, 0-9740589-5-5, $45.00, 246pp, hc, co, cover by Allen Koszowski)
- * In the Beginning (Cheap Street, June 1983, 0-941826-01-5, 34pp, hc, co, cover by Alicia Austin)
- * The Knight and Knave of Swords [Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser] (William Morrow, December 1988, 0-688-08530-X, $17.95, 303pp, hc, co)
- * Kreativity for Kats and Other Feline Fantasies (Wildside Press, September 1992, 1-880448-10-6, $2.29, 64pp, tp, co, cover by Jill Baumann)
- * Lankhmar: Tales of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser [Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser] (White Wolf, August 2000, 1-56504-874-1, $6.50, pb, co, cover by Mike Mignola)
- * The Leiber Chronicles (Dark Harvest, April 1990, 0-913165-48-4, $21.95, 601pp, hc, co, cover by Bob Eggleton)
- * Masters of Science Fiction: Fritz Leiber (Centipede Press, May 17, 2016, 978-1-61347-071-8, $45.00, 686pp, hc, co)
- * The Masters of Science Fiction, Volume 6: Fritz Leiber: “The Moon Is Green” and Other Tales (Armchair Fiction, June 22, 2013, 978-1-61287-156-1, $16.95, 320pp, tp, co, cover by Alex Schomburg from Fantastic, Stories of Imagination November 1960)
- * Masters of the Weird Tale: Fritz Leiber (Centipede Press, June 2016, 978-1-61347-059-6, $275.00, 904pp, hc, co, cover by Tom Kidd)
- * The Mind Spider and Other Stories (Ace Double, February 1961, D-491, 35¢, 127pp, pb, co, cover by Ed Emshwiller)
- * The Mind Spider and Other Stories (var. 1) (Ace, 1976, 53330, $1.50, ix+148pp, pb, co)
- * Night Monsters (Ace Double, March 1969, 30300, 60¢, 80pp, pb, co, cover by Jack Gaughan)
- * Night Monsters (var. 1) (Gollancz, May 1974, 0-575-01829-1, £2.25, 190pp, hc, co)
- * The Night of the Wolf (Ballantine, July 1966, U2254, 50¢, 221pp, pb, co, cover by Richard Powers)
- * Night’s Black Agents (Arkham House, 1947, $3.00, x+237pp, hc, co)
- * Night’s Black Agents (var. 1) (Berkley, March 1978, 0-425-03669-3, $1.75, xii+275pp, pb, co, cover by Wayne Barlowe)
- * A Pail of Air (Ballantine, July 1964, U2216, 50¢, 191pp, pb, co, cover by Richard Powers)
- * The Pale Brown Thing (Swan River Press, July 2016, 978-1-78380-012-4, €30.00, xv+143pp, hc, na, cover by Jason Zerrillo)
- * Quicks Around the Zodiac: A Farce (Cheap Street, March 1983, $11.00, 25pp, ph, ss)
- * Riches and Power (Cheap Street, June 1982, 18pp, ph, ss)
- * The Second Book of Fritz Leiber (DAW, September 1975, UY1195, $1.25, 204pp, pb, co, cover by Jack Gaughan)
- * The Secret Songs (Rupert Hart-Davis, September 1968, 0-246-97437-0, 25/-, 229pp, hc, co, cover by Ken Reilly)
- * Shadows with Eyes (Ballantine, March 1962, 577, 35¢, 128pp, pb, co)
- * Ship of Shadows (Gollancz, August 1979, 0-575-02709-6, £6.95, 253pp, hc, co, cover by Fred Gambino)
- * Ships to the Stars (Ace Double, June 1964, F-285, 40¢, 122pp, pb, co, cover by Jack Gaughan)
- * Smoke Ghost and Other Apparitions (Midnight House, January 2002, 0-9707349-7-2, $40.00, 305pp, hc, co)
- * Sonnets to Jonquil and All (Roy Squires, 1978, $15.00, x+10pp, ph, oc)
- * Strange Wonders: A Collection of Rare Fritz Leiber Works (Subterranean Press, November 2010, 978-1-59606-324-2, $40.00, 279pp, hc, oc, cover by Jason Van Hollander)
- * Swords Against Death [Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser] (Ace, July 1970, 79150, 75¢, 251pp, pb, co, cover by Jeff Jones)
- * Swords Against Wizardry [Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser] (Ace, July 1968, H-73, 60¢, 188pp, pb, co, cover by Jeff Jones)
- * Swords and Deviltry [Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser] (Ace, May 1970, 79170, 75¢, 254pp, pb, co, cover by Jeff Jones)
- * Swords and Ice Magic [Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser] (Ace, July 1977, 0-441-79166-2, $1.50, 243pp, pb, co, cover by Michael Whelan)
- * Swords in the Mist [Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser] (Ace, September 1968, H-90, 60¢, 190pp, pb, co, cover by Jeff Jones)
- * Tales from Night’s Black Agents (Ballantine, June 1961, 508K, 35¢, 143pp, pb, co)
- * Thieves’ House: Tales of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser Vol. 2 [Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser] (White Wolf, January 2001, 1-56504-877-6, $6.50, 288pp, tp, co, cover by Mike Mignola)
- * Two Sought Adventure [Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser] (Gnome Press, 1957, $3.00, 186pp, hc, co)
- * The Worlds of Fritz Leiber (Ace, November 1976, 91640, $1.95, x+340pp, pb, co, cover by Patrick Woodroffe)
- * You’re All Alone (Ace, May 1972, 95146, 95¢, 191pp, pb, co, cover by Jack Woolhiser)
_____, ed.
Leider, R(ichard) Allen (Charles) (1944-2020) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Hellfire Lounge 3: Jinn Rummy (Marietta Publishing, 2012, 978-1-892669-77-3, $15.99, 179pp, tp, oa, cover by Ben Fogletto)
- * Reflections of Evil (Bold Venture Press, April 6, 2014, 978-1-4973-5818-8, $15.99, 202pp, tp, oa, cover by Ben Fogletto)
Leinster, Murray; pseudonym of Will F. Jenkins (1896-1975) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Aliens (Berkley Medallion, March 1960, G410, 35¢, 144pp, pb, co, cover by Richard Powers)
- * The Best of Murray Leinster (Corgi, December 1976, 0-552-10333-0, 60p, 174pp, pb, co)
- * The Best of Murray Leinster (var. 1) (Del Rey, April 1978, 0-345-25800-2, $1.95, xvi+368pp, pb, co, cover by H. R. Van Dongen)
- * Colonial Survey [Colonial Survey] (Gnome, 1956, $3.00, 185pp, hc, n.)
- * Doctor to the Stars [Med Service] (Pyramid Books, March 1964, F987, 40¢, 176pp, pb, co, cover by John Schoenherr)
- * First Contacts: The Essential Murray Leinster (NESFA Press, August 1998, 0-915368-67-6, $25.00, 464pp, hc, co, cover by Hannibal King)
- * The Forgotten Planet [Burl] (Gnome Press, 1954, $2.50, 177pp, hc, n.)
- * Get Off My World! (Belmont, April 1966, B50-676, 50¢, 157pp, pb, co)
- * The Last Space Ship [Kim Rendell] (Frederick Fell, Inc., 1949, $2.50, 239pp, hc, n.)
- * A Logic Named Joe (Baen, June 2005, 0-7434-9910-7, $7.99, 600pp, pb, co, cover by Kurt Miller)
- * Malay Collins: Master Thief of the East (Black Dog Books, 2000, 1-928619-07-X, $6.00, 75pp, ph, co, cover by Tom Roberts)
- * Masters of Darkness [Preston & Hines] (Popular Publications, November 29, 2021, 978-1-61827-613-1, $29.95, 306pp, tp, co, cover by Howard V. Brown)
- * The Med Series [Med Service] (Ace, May 1983, 0-441-52360-9, $2.95, 380pp, pb, om, cover by James Warhola)
- * Monsters and Such (Avon, 1959, T-345, 35¢, 174pp, pb, co, cover by Victor Kalin)
- * A Murray Leinster Omnibus (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1968, 30/-, 160+144+143pp, hc, om)
- * Planets of Adventure (Baen, October 2003, 0-7434-7162-8, $7.99, 550pp, pb, co, cover by Bob Eggleton)
- * Quadratic (with Olaf Stapledon) --- see under Olaf Stapledon.
- * The Runaway Skyscraper and Other Tales From the Pulps (Wildside Press, August 2007, 978-1-4344-8207-5, $14.95, 130pp, tp, co)
- * S.O.S. from Three Worlds [Med Service] (Ace, 1966, G-647, 50¢, 140pp, pb, co, cover by Jack Gaughan)
- * The Seventh Bullet (Black Dog Books, 2001, $6.00, 78pp, ph, co)
- * Sidewise in Time (Shasta, 1950, $3.00, 211pp, hc, co, cover by Hannes Bok)
- * The Silver Menace—and A Thousand Degrees Below Zero (Black Dog Books, April 23, 2012, 978-1-928619-47-5, $14.95, 125pp, tp, co, cover by Tom Roberts)
- * Twists in Time (Avon, 1960, T-389, 35¢, 160pp, pb, co, cover by Richard Powers)
_____, ed.
Lem, Stanisław (1921-2006) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Cosmic Carnival of Stanislaw Lem: An Anthology of Entertaining Stories by the Modern Master of Science Fiction (Continuum, 1981, 978-0-8264-0043-7, $8.95, xi+271pp, tp, co, cover by Daniel Mróz)
- * The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age (Seabury Press, 1974, 0-8164-9164-X, $8.95, 295pp, hc, oc, cover by Daniel Mróz)
- * Memoirs of a Space Traveler: Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy [Ijon Tichy] (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, January 1982, 978-0-15-158856-5, $9.95, 153pp, hc, co, cover by Robert Dale)
- * More Tales of Pirx the Pilot [Pirx] (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982, 978-0-15-162138-5, $11.95, 220pp, hc, co, cover by Jean-Marie Troillard)
- * Mortal Engines (Seabury Press, May 1977, 978-0-8164-9296-1, $9.95, xxiv+239pp, hc, co, cover: Une Semaine de Bonte by Max Ernst)
Leonard, Elmore (John, Jr.) (1925-2013) (items) (chron.)
- * The Tonto Woman & Other Western Stories (Dell, September 1998, 0385323875, $12.95, 352pp, tp, co)
- * When the Women Come Out to Dance (Morrow, November 2002, 0060083972, $24.95, 240pp, hc, co)
Leroux, Gaston (1868-1927) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Burgled Heart (John Long, November 3, 1925, 254pp, hc, oc)
- * The Gaston Leroux Bedside Companion: Weird Stories by the Author of “The Phantom of the Opera” (Gollancz, July 17, 1980, 0-575-02826-2, £5.50, 160pp, hc, co)
- * The Phantom of the Opera (Sphere, October 1975, 0-7221-5494-1, 60p, 212pp, pb, n.) [The Dennis Wheatley Library of the Occult]
- * The Real Opera Ghost and Other Tales (Alan Sutton, October 28, 1994, 0-7509-0782-7, £5.99, 200pp, pb, co, cover by Jean Beraud)
Leslie, Mark; pseudonym of Mark Leslie Lefebvre (fl. 1990s-2020s) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Campus Chills (Stark Publishing, 2009, 978-0-9735688-1-3, $19.99, 297pp, tp, oa)
- * Tesseracts Sixteen: Parnassus Unbound (Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing, September 2012, 978-1-894063-92-0, C$15.95, 257pp, tp, oa, cover by Jeff Johnson)
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