The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Author: Page 33
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Books by Author Index —
Danticat, Edwidge (1969- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Beacon Best of 2000: Great Writing by Women and Men of All Colors and Cultures (Beacon Press, October 2000, 0-807-06244-8, $28.50, 304pp, hc, an)
- * Haiti Noir (Akashic Books, December 2010, 1-61775-013-1, $24.95, 309pp, hc, oa) [Akashic Noir]
- * Haiti Noir 2: The Classics (Akashic Books, January 7, 2014, 978-1-61775-193-6, $24.95, 320pp, tp, oa) [Akashic Noir]
Dardis, Thomas A(loysius) (1926-2001) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Beyond --- see under Anon..
- * Daughters of Eve (Berkley, 1956, G-40, 35¢, 186pp, pb, an, cover by Maguire)
- * Nude Croquet (Berkley, 1958, G-97, 35¢, 155pp, pb, an, cover by Maguire)
- * This Is My Body (Berkley, 1957, G-68, 35¢, 188pp, pb, an, cover by Maguire)
Dare, M(arcus) P(aul) (1902-1962) (items) (chron.)
- * Unholy Relics and Other Uncanny Tales (Edward Arnold, 1947, 7/6d, 184pp, hc, co)
- * Unholy Relics (var. 1) (Ash-Tree Press, April 24, 1997, 1-899562-23-0, C$49.00, xvi+153pp, hc, co, cover by M. P. Dare)
Dark, James (fl. 1960s-1970s); house pseudonym used by James Workman (1912-2001) (items) (chron.)
- * Horror Tales (Horwitz, 1963, PB138, 3/9d, 130pp, pb, oc, cover by Frank Benier)
- * Terrifying Stories (Horwitz, 1962, PB129, 3/9d, 130pp, pb, oc, cover by Frank Benier)
Dark, Larry; [i.e., Lawrence Charny Dark] (1959- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * The Literary Ghost: Great Contemporary Ghost Stories (Atlantic Monthly, October 1991, 0-87113-474-8, $22.95, x+369pp, hc, an, cover by Mary Lynn Blasutta)
- * Prize Stories 1997: The O. Henry Awards [O. Henry Prize Stories] (Anchor, October 1997, 0-385-48361-9, $11.00, xx+471pp, tp, an)
- * Prize Stories 1998: The O. Henry Awards [O. Henry Prize Stories] (Anchor Books, October 1998, 0-385-48958-7, $11.95, xviii+443pp, tp, an)
- * Prize Stories 1999: The O. Henry Awards [O. Henry Prize Stories] (Anchor Books, September 1999, 0-385-49358-4, $11.95, xvii+443pp, tp, an)
- * Prize Stories 2000: The O. Henry Awards [O. Henry Prize Stories] (Anchor Books, September 2000, 0-385-49877-2, $13.00, xviii+411pp, tp, an)
- * Prize Stories 2001: The O. Henry Awards [O. Henry Prize Stories] (Anchor Books, October 2001, 0-385-49878-0, $13.00, xx+440pp, tp, an)
- * Prize Stories 2002: The O. Henry Awards [O. Henry Prize Stories] (Anchor Books, August 2002, 0-385-72162-5, $14.00, xx+473pp, tp, an)
Datlow, Ellen (Sue) (1949- ) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * After: Nineteen Stories of Apocalypse and Dystopia (with Terri Windling) (Hyperion Books, October 9, 2012, 978-1-4231-4619-3, $16.99, 384pp, hc, oa)
- * Alien Sex (Dutton, May 1990, 0-525-24863-3, $18.95, 251pp, hc, an, cover by Paul Bacon)
- * The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People (with Terri Windling) (Penguin/Viking, April 2010, 978-0-670-01145-2, $19.99, 500pp, hc, oa, cover by Charles Vess)
- * The Best Horror of the Year: Volume One (Night Shade Books, October 2009, 978-1-59780-161-4, $15.95, 321pp, tp, an, cover by Santiago Caruso)
- * The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Two (Night Shade Books, March 9, 2010, 978-1-59780-173-7, $15.95, 308pp, tp, an, cover by Santiago Caruso)
- * The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Three (Night Shade Books, May 24, 2011, 978-1-59780-217-8, $15.99, 361pp, tp, an, cover by Allen Williams)
- * The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Four (Night Shade Books, May 1, 2012, 978-1-59780-399-1, $15.99, lii+387pp, tp, an, cover by Allen Williams)
- * The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Five (Night Shade Books, September 3, 2013, 978-1-59780-474-5, $15.99, liv+406pp, tp, an, cover by Allen Williams)
- * The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Six (Night Shade Books, June 3, 2014, 978-1-59780-503-2, $15.99, 396pp, tp, an, cover by Pierre Droal)
- * The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Seven (Night Shade Books, August 2015, 978-1-59780-829-3, $15.99, xliii+369pp, tp, an, cover by Noia Hokama)
- * The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Eight (Night Shade Books, June 7, 2016, 978-1-59780-853-8, $15.99, xli+317pp, tp, an, cover by Blake Malcerta)
- * The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Nine (Night Shade Books, July 11, 2017, 978-1-5107-1666-7, $15.99, xlii+388pp, tp, an, cover by Kevin Peterson)
- * The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Ten (Night Shade Books, June 12, 2018, 978-1-5107-1667-4, $15.99, xxxix+435pp, tp, an, cover by Chenthooran Nambiarooran)
- * The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Eleven (Night Shade Books, September 3, 2019, 978-1-59780-972-6, $15.99, xii+437pp, tp, an, cover by Audrey Benjaminsen)
- * The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Twelve (Night Shade Books, October 20, 2020, 978-1-59780-973-3, $15.99, xliii+424pp, tp, an, cover by Reiko Murakami)
- * The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Thirteen (Night Shade Books, November 16, 2021, 978-1-949102-60-4, $15.99, xlvi+383pp, tp, an, cover by Reiko Murakami)
- * The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Fourteen (Night Shade Books, December 20, 2022, 978-1-949102-67-3, $19.99, 432pp, tp, an)
- * The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Fifteen (Night Shade Books, January 16, 2024, 978-1-949102-72-7, $19.99, 432pp, tp, an)
- * The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Sixteen (Night Shade Books, November 26, 2024, 978-1-949102-73-4, $19.99, 432pp, tp, an)
- * The Best of the Best Horror of the Year: 10 Years of Essential Short Horror Fiction (Night Shade Books, October 2, 2018, 978-1-59780-983-2, $17.99, xxvii+481pp, tp, an)
- * Black Feathers: Dark Avian Tales (Pegasus Books, February 7, 2017, 978-1-68177-321-6, $25.95, xii+307pp, hc, oa, cover by Rovina Cai)
- * Black Heart, Ivory Bones (with Terri Windling) (Avon, March 2000, 0-380-78623-0, $13.50, 368pp, tp, oa, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * Black Swan, White Raven (with Terri Windling) (Avon, June 1997, 0-380-97523-8, $23.00, 366pp, hc, oa, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * Black Thorn, White Rose (with Terri Windling) (Morrow AvoNova, September 1994, 0-688-13713-X, $22.00, 386pp, hc, oa, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * Blood and Other Cravings (Tor, September 2011, 978-0-7653-2828-1, $25.99, 317pp, hc, oa)
- * Blood Is Not Enough: 17 Stories of Vampirism (Morrow, January 1989, 0-688-08526-1, $19.95, 318pp, hc, an)
- * Body Shocks: Extreme Tales of Body Horror (Tachyon Publications, October 19, 2021, 978-1-61696-360-6, $17.95, 384pp, tp, oa)
- * Children of Lovecraft (Dark Horse Books, August 2016, 978-1-5067-0004-5, $19.99, 361pp, tp, oa, cover by Mike Mignola & Dave Stewart)
- * Christmas and Other Horrors (Titan Books, October 24, 2023, 978-1-80336-326-4, $27.99, 448pp, hc, oa)
- * The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales (with Terri Windling) (Penguin/Viking, June 2007, 978-0-670-06194-5, $19.99, 523pp, hc, oa, cover by Charles Vess)
- * The Cutting Room: Dark Reflections of the Silver Screen (Tachyon Publications, October 2014, 978-1-61696-167-1, $16.95, xvii+366pp, tp, an, cover by Josh Beatman)
- * Darkness: Two Decades of Modern Horror (Tachyon Publications, March 2010, 978-1-892391-95-7, $15.95, 470pp, tp, an, cover by Ann Monn)
- * The Dark: New Ghost Stories (Tor, October 2003, 0-765-30444-9, $25.95, 379pp, hc, oa)
- * The Dark of the Woods (with Terri Windling) (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin, June 2006, 0-7607-8277-6, $7.95, 331pp, hc, om)
- * The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy (Ballantine Del Rey, May 2008, 978-0-345-49632-4, $16.99, vi + 400pp, tp, oa, cover by Christian Northeast)
- * Demons and Dreams: The Best Fantasy and Horror 1 (with Terri Windling) (Legend, April 13, 1989, 0-7126-3420-7, £6.95, 482pp, tp, an)
- * Demons and Dreams 2 (with Terri Windling) (Legend, February 15, 1990, 0-09-972360-3, £7.99, 579pp, tp, an, cover by Tom Canty)
- * The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea (Night Shade Books, March 20, 2018, 978-1-59780-907-8, $25.99, 336pp, hc, oa, cover by Kevin Peterson)
- * Digital Domains: A Decade of Science Fiction & Fantasy (Prime Books, January 2010, 978-1-60701-208-5, $14.95, 310pp, tp, an, cover by Marc Hericher)
- * The Doll Collection (Tor, March 2015, 978-0-765-37680-0, $27.99, 352pp, hc, oa)
- * Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories (Saga Press, August 20, 2019, 978-1-5344-1346-7, $32.99, xiii+794pp, hc, oa)
- * Edited by (Subterranean Press, September 30, 2020, 978-1-59606-967-1, $45.00, 632pp, hc, an, cover by Anna & Elena Balbusso)
- * The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm (with Terri Windling) (Viking, June 2004, 0-670-05914-5, $19.99, 528pp, hc, oa, cover by Charles Vess)
- * Fearful Symmetries (ChiZine Publications, June 17, 2014, 978-1-77148-193-9, $16.99, 344pp, tp, oa, cover by Erik Mohr)
- * Fears: Tales of Psychological Horror (Tachyon Publications, September 10, 2024, 978-1-61696-422-1, $18.95, 336pp, tp, an)
- * The Fifth Omni Book of Science Fiction (Zebra, April 1987, 0-8217-2050-3, $3.95, 381pp, pb, an)
- * Final Cuts: New Tales of Hollywood Horror and Other Spectacles (Anchor Books, June 2, 2020, 978-0-525-56575-8, $16.95, 480pp, tp, oa)
- * The First Omni Book of Science Fiction (Zebra, December 1983, 0-8217-1319-1, $3.95, 395pp, pb, an)
- * The Fourth Omni Book of Science Fiction (Zebra, July 1985, 0-8217-1630-1, $3.95, 397pp, pb, an)
- * The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest (with Terri Windling) (Viking, May 2002, 0-670-03526-2, $18.99, 384pp, hc, oa)
- * Haunted Legends (with Nick Mamatas) (Tor, September 2010, 978-0-7653-2300-2, $27.99, 347pp, hc, oa, cover by Andreas Rentsch)
- * Haunted Nights (with Lisa Morton) (Blumhouse Books, October 3, 2017, 978-1-101-97383-7, $16.95, xii+352pp, tp, oa)
- * Hauntings (Tachyon Publications, March 2013, 978-1-61696-088-9, $16.95, 422pp, tp, an, cover: Voice of Shades by Valentina Brostean)
- * Inferno (Tor, December 2007, 978-0-7653-1558-8, $25.95, 381pp, hc, oa)
- * Lethal Kisses: 19 Stories of Sex, Horror and Revenge (Millennium, December 16, 1996, 1-85798-481-1, £9.99, x+370pp, tp, oa, cover by Steve Crisp)
- * Little Deaths: 24 Tales of Sex and Horror (Millennium, September 22, 1994, 1-85798-015-8, £9.99, 454pp, tp, oa)
- * Lovecraft’s Monsters (Tachyon Publications, April 2014, 978-1-6169-6121-3, $16.95, 379pp, tp, an, cover by John Coulthart)
- * Lovecraft Unbound (Dark Horse, October 2009, 978-1-59582-146-1, $19.95, 420pp, tp, oa)
- * Mad Hatters and March Hares (Tor, December 12, 2017, 978-0-7653-9106-3, $29.99, 332pp, hc, oa, cover by Dave McKean)
- * The Monstrous (Tachyon Publications, October 27, 2015, 978-1-61696-206-7, $16.95, 379pp, tp, an, cover by Reiko Murakami)
- * Naked City (St. Martin’s Griffin, July 2011, 978-0-312-38524-8, $15.99, xiii+539pp, tp, oa, cover by Dan Dos Santos)
- * Nebula Awards Showcase 2009 (Penguin/Roc, April 2009, 978-0-451-46255-8, $16.00, 448pp, tp, an)
- * Nightmare Carnival (Dark Horse Books, September 2014, 978-1-61655-427-9, $19.99, 381pp, tp, oa, cover by E. M. Gist)
- * Nightmares: A New Decade of Modern Horror (Tachyon Publications, November 2016, 978-1-61696-232-6, $16.95, 427pp, tp, an)
- * Off Limits: Tales of Alien Sex (St. Martin’s, February 1996, 0-312-14019-3, $22.95, 316pp, hc, oa, cover by Alan Dingman)
- * Omni Best Science Fiction One (Omni Books, October 1992, 0-87455-277-X, $8.95, 267pp, tp, oa, cover by Michael Parkes)
- * Omni Best Science Fiction Two (Omni Books, November 1992, 0-87455-278-8, $8.95, 250pp, tp, oa, cover by Di-Maccio)
- * Omni Best Science Fiction Three (Omni Books, June 1993, 0-87455-284-2, $10.00, 266pp, tp, oa, cover by Michael Parkes)
- * Omni Visions One (Omni Books, November 1993, 0-87455-298-2, $10.00, 193pp, tp, an, cover by Gervasio Gallardo)
- * Omni Visions Two (Omni Books, July 1994, 0-87455-308-3, $10.00, 222pp, tp, an, cover by Gervasio Gallardo)
- * Poe: 19 New Tales of Suspense, Dark Fantasy, and Horror: Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe (Solaris, January 5, 2009, 978-1-84416-652-7, £7.99, 523pp, pb, oa, cover by Darius Hinks & Getty Images)
- * Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells: An Anthology of Gaslamp Fantasy (with Terri Windling) (Tor, March 2013, 978-0-7653-3227-1, $15.99, 347pp, tp, oa, cover by Allen Williams)
- * Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears (with Terri Windling) (Morrow AvoNova, December 1995, 0-688-14363-6, $22.00, 416pp, hc, oa, cover by Matt Stawicki)
- * Salon Fantastique (with Terri Windling) (Thunder’s Mouth Press, October 2006, 1-56025-833-0, $16.95, 394pp, tp, oa, cover by Jim Zaccaria)
- * Screams from the Dark: 29 Tales of Monsters and the Monstrous (Tor Nightfire, June 7, 2022, 978-1-250-79706-3, $29.99, 479pp, hc, an)
- * The Second Omni Book of Science Fiction (Zebra, December 1983, 0-8217-1320-5, $3.95, 414pp, pb, an)
- * The Seventh Omni Book of Science Fiction (Zebra, June 1989, 0-8217-2688-9, $4.50, 408pp, pb, an)
- * Silver Birch, Blood Moon (with Terri Windling) (Avon, March 1999, 0-380-78622-2, $13.50, 371pp, tp, oa, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers (with Terri Windling) (HarperPrism, October 1998, 0-06-105372-4, $14.00, 302pp, tp, oa, cover by Fletcher Sibthorp)
- * The Sixth Omni Book of Science Fiction (Zebra, March 1989, 0-8217-2606-4, $4.50, 382pp, pb, an)
- * Snow White, Blood Red (with Terri Windling) (Morrow AvoNova, January 1993, 0-688-10913-6, $22.00, 411pp, hc, oa, cover by Tom Canty)
- * Some of the Best from 2013 Edition (with Ann Bordman, Claire Eddy, Melissa Frain, Liz Gorinsky, George R. R. Martin, Patrick Nielsen Hayden & Noa Wheeler) (Tor, November 5, 2013, ebook, an, cover by Greg Ruth)
- * Some of the Best from 2014 Edition (with Ann Bordman, Carl Engle-Laird, Liz Gorinsky, David G. Hartwell, Peter Joseph, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Marco Palmieri & Paul Stevens) (Tor, January 2015, ebook, an, cover by Sam Wolfe Connelly)
- * Some of the Best from 2015 Edition (with Ann Bordman, Claire Eddy, Carl Engle-Laird, David G. Hartwell, Beth Meacham, Patrick Nielsen Hayden & Marco Palmieri) (Tor, February 2, 2016, 978-0-7653-9132-2, 562pp, ebook, an, cover by Victo Ngai)
- * Some of the Best from 2016 Edition (with Ann Bordman, Carl Engle-Laird, Liz Gorinsky, Justin Landon, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Diana M. Pho & Miriam Weinberg) (Tor, January 17, 2017, 978-0-7653-9195-7, ebook, an, cover: Your Orisons May Be Recorded by Yuko Shimizu)
- * Supernatural Noir (Dark Horse Books, June 2011, 978-1-59582-546-9, $19.99, 397pp, tp, oa, cover by Greg Ruth)
- * Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold (with Terri Windling) (Simon & Schuster, September 2003, 0-689-84613-4, $16.95, x+165pp, hc, oa, cover by Kamil Vojnar)
- * Tails of Wonder and Imagination (Night Shade Books, February 2010, 978-1-59780-170-6, $15.95, 464pp, tp, an, cover by Cory & Catska Ench)
- * Teeth: Vampire Tales (with Terri Windling) (Harper, April 2011, 978-0-06-193515-2, $17.99, 452pp, hc, oa, cover by Valentina Kallias)
- * Telling Tales: The Clarion West 30th Anniversary Anthology (Hydra House, June 2013, 978-0-9848301-6-9, $17.95, xi+380pp, tp, an, cover by Todd Lockwood)
- * The Third Omni Book of Science Fiction (Zebra, April 1985, 0-8217-1575-5, $3.95, 479pp, pb, an)
- * Publishing Editorial Spotlight #3: A Selection of Novellas (, March 12, 2019, 978-1-250-23231-1, $11.99, ebook, an)
- * Troll’s Eye View: A Book of Villainous Tales (with Terri Windling) (Penguin/Viking, April 2009, 978-0-670-06141-9, $16.99, 203pp, hc, oa, cover by Esao Andrews)
- * Twists of the Tale (Dell, November 1996, 0-440-21771-7, $5.50, 366pp, pb, oa)
- * Vanishing Acts (Tor, June 2000, 0-312-86962-2, $24.95, 380pp, hc, oa, cover by Cliff Nielsen)
- * When Things Get Dark: Stories Inspired by Shirley Jackson (Titan Books, September 2021, 978-1-78909-715-3, $24.95, 340pp, hc, oa, cover by Tithi Luadthong)
- * A Whisper of Blood (Morrow, November 1991, 0-688-10361-8, $22.00, 287pp, hc, oa, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * A Whisper of Blood (var. 1) (Fall River Press, August 2008, 978-1-4351-0962-9, $9.98, 606pp, hc, om)
- * A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales (with Terri Windling) (Simon & Schuster, July 2000, 0-689-82138-7, $16.00, 166pp, hc, oa, cover by Tristan Elwell)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy: First Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) (St. Martin’s, August 1988, 0-312-01851-7, $19.95, 491pp, hc, an)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy: Second Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) (St. Martin’s, June 1989, 0-312-03007-X, $12.95, 579pp, tp, an)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Third Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) (St. Martin’s, August 1990, 0-312-04447-X, $24.95, 563pp, hc, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) (St. Martin’s, July 1991, 0-312-06007-6, $15.95, 552pp, tp, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Fifth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) (St. Martin’s, August 1992, 0-312-07888-9, $15.95, 518pp, tp, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) (St. Martin’s, August 1993, 0-312-09422-1, $16.95, 529pp, tp, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Seventh Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) (St. Martin’s, October 1994, 0-312-11102-9, $16.95, 523pp, tp, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Eighth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) (St. Martin’s, September 1995, 0-312-13220-4, $27.95, 542pp, hc, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Ninth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) (St. Martin’s, July 1996, 0-312-14450-4, $17.95, 534pp, hc, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Tenth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) (St. Martin’s Griffin, July 1997, 0-312-15701-0, $17.95, 538pp, tp, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Eleventh Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) (St. Martin’s, July 1998, 0-312-19034-4, $17.95, 503+cxiiipp, tp, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Twelfth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) (St. Martin’s Griffin, July 1999, 0-312-20686-0, $17.95, cx + 496pp, tp, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Thirteenth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) (St. Martin’s Griffin, August 2000, 0-312-26416-X, $17.95, cxxvi+511pp, tp, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourteenth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) (St. Martin’s Griffin, August 2001, 0-312-27544-7, $18.95, cxi + 554pp, tp, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Fifteenth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) (St. Martin’s, August 2002, 0-312-29067-5, $29.95, cxxviii+540pp, hc, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixteenth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) (St. Martin’s, August 2003, 0-312-31424-8, $35.00, cxxxiv+564pp, tp, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Seventeenth Annual Collection (with Gavin J. Grant & Kelly Link) (St. Martin’s Griffin, August 2004, 0-312-32928-8, $19.95, clv+562pp, tp, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror: Eighteenth Annual Collection (with Gavin J. Grant & Kelly Link) (St. Martin’s Griffin, August 2005, 0-312-34194-6, $19.95, cxxviii+480pp, tp, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror 2006: Nineteenth Annual Collection (with Gavin J. Grant & Kelly Link) (St. Martin’s Griffin, August 2006, 0-312-35614-5, $19.95, cxxiii+480pp, tp, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2007: Twentieth Annual Collection (with Gavin J. Grant & Kelly Link) (St. Martin’s, October 2007, 978-0-312-36943-9, $35.00, cxxxi+472pp, hc, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2008: Twenty-First Annual Collection (with Gavin J. Grant & Kelly Link) (St. Martin’s, October 2008, 978-0-312-38047-2, $35.00, cxiii + 458pp, hc, an, cover by Thomas Canty)
Davenport, Basil (1905-1966) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Deals with the Devil (Dodd, Mead, September 4, 1958, $4.00, xvii+332pp, hc, an)
- * Famous Monster Tales (Van Nostrand Rinehold, 1967, $4.75, 201pp, hc, an)
- * Ghostly Tales to be Told: A Collection of Stories from the Great Masters (Dodd, Mead, 1950, $3.00, xvii+317pp, hc, an)
- * Horror Stories from Tales to Be Told in the Dark (Ballantine, 1960, 380K, 35¢, 159pp, pb, an)
- * Invisible Men (Ballantine, 1960, 401K, 35¢, 158pp, pb, an)
- * Tales to Be Told in the Dark (Dodd, Mead, 1953, $3.00, 335pp, hc, an)
- * 13 Ways to Dispose of a Body (Dodd, Mead, 1966, LC:66-16564, $4.00, 277pp, hc, an)
- * 13 Ways to Kill a Man (Dodd, Mead, 1965, LC:65-16822, $4.00, 232pp, hc, an)
- * Twelve Stories from Deals with the Devil (Ballantine, 1959, 326K, 35¢, 160pp, pb, an)
Davidson, Avram (James) (1923-1993) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * AD 100: Volume I (Or All the Seas with Oysters Publishing, April 14, 2023, 978-1-955676-39-7, $23.99, 652pp, tp, co)
- * AD 100: Volume II (Or All the Seas with Oysters Publishing, April 14, 2023, 978-1-955676-45-8, $20.99, 560pp, tp, co)
- * Adventures in Unhistory (Owlswick Press, March 1993, 0-913896-29-2, $24.95, 307pp, hc, co, cover by George Barr)
- * The Adventures of Doctor Eszterhazy (Owlswick, January 1991, 0-913896-28-4, $24.50, 366pp, hc, co, cover by George Barr)
- * The Avram Davidson Treasury (Tor, October 1998, 0-312-86729-8, $27.95, 447pp, hc, co)
- * The Best of Avram Davidson (Doubleday, January 1979, 0-385-01384-1, $7.95, xii+210pp, hc, co, cover by Roger Zimmerman)
- * Collected Fantasies (Berkley, June 1982, 0-425-05081-5, $2.50, xi+224pp, pb, co)
- * Crimes & Chaos (Regency, November 1962, RB308, 50¢, 156pp, pb, co, cover by Ron Bradford)
- * David&Son: Peregrine Parentus and Other Tales (with Ethan Davidson) (Ramble House, March 9, 2016, 978-1-60543-877-1, $20.00, 182pp, tp, oc)
- * The Enquiries of Doctor Eszterhazy [Dr. Eszterhazy] (Warner, December 1975, 0-446-76981-9, $1.25, 206pp, pb, co, cover by Franco Accornero)
- * Everybody Has Somebody in Heaven: Essential Jewish Tales of the Spirit (Pitspopany Press/Devora Publishing, October 2000, 1-930143-10-9, $24.95, 285pp, hc, co, cover by Avi Katz)
- * The Investigations of Avram Davidson (St. Martin’s, February 1999, 0-312-19931-7, $23.95, 243pp, hc, co)
- * ¡Limekiller! [Jack Limekiller] (Old Earth Books, November 2003, 1-882968-26-3, $30.00, xx+290pp, hc, co, cover by Douglas Klauba)
- * Or All the Seas with Oysters (Berkley Medallion, 1962, F639, 50¢, 176pp, pb, co, cover by Richard Powers)
- * The Other Nineteenth Century (Tor, December 2001, 0-312-84874-9, $27.95, 327pp, hc, co, cover by Tom Kidd)
- * The Redward Edward Papers (Doubleday, July 1978, 0-385-02058-9, $7.95, xiv+208pp, hc, co, cover by Peter Rauch)
- * Strange Seas and Shores (Doubleday, 1971, $4.95, xvi+219pp, hc, co, cover by Peter Rauch)
- * What Strange Stars and Skies (Ace, 1965, F-330, 40¢, 188pp, pb, co, cover by Jack Gaughan)
_____, ed.
- * The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Twelfth Series (Doubleday, May 1963, $3.95, xi+225pp, hc, an, cover by Roger Zimmerman)
- * The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Thirteenth Series (Doubleday, 1964, $4.50, 255pp, hc, an, cover by Tom Chibbaro)
- * The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fourteenth Series (Doubleday, 1965, $4.50, x+251pp, hc, an, cover by Tom Chibbaro)
- * Magic for Sale (Ace, September 1983, 0-441-51535-5, $2.75, xiv+210pp, pb, an)
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