The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Title: Page 56
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- In the Beginning by Robert Silverberg (Subterranean Press, February 2006, co)
- In the Beginning by John Christopher (Longmans, August 1972, na)
- In the Beginning by John Christopher (Aladdin, May 2015, co)
- In the Bone by Gordon R. Dickson (Ace, March 1987, co)
- In the Club by Petra Christian (NEL, December 1975, n.)
- In the Country of Tattooed Men by Garry D. Kilworth (Grafton, February 1993, co)
- In the Country of Tattooed Men and Other Cyphers by Garry D. Kilworth (Humdrumming, September 2006, co)
- In the Court of the Yellow King ed. Glynn Owen Barrass (Celaeno Press, September 2014, oa)
- In the Dark by Edith Nesbit (Equation, October 1988, co)
- In the Dark (var. 1) by Edith Nesbit (Ash-Tree Press, June 2000, co)
- In the Dead of Night ed. Michael Sissons (Gibbs & Phillips, 1961, an)
- In the Ditch by Joe R. Lansdale (Subterranean Press, December 2021, oc)
- In the Enclosure by Barry N. Malzberg (Avon, May 1973, n.)
- In the Enclosure by Barry N. Malzberg (Robert Hale, April 1976, n.)
- In the Enclosure by Barry N. Malzberg (Gateway, September 2011, n.)
- In the Field of Fire ed. Jack M. Dann (Tor, February 1987, oa)
- In the Flesh and Other Tales of the Biotech Revolution by Brian M. Stableford (Borgo Press, March 2009, co)
- In the Fog ed. Charles L. Grant (Tor, October 1993, oa)
- In the Footsteps of Dracula ed. Stephen Jones (Pegasus Books, October 2017, an)
- In the Garden of Poisonous Flowers by Caitlín R. Kiernan (Subterranean Press, April 2002, na)
- In the Garden of the Crow ed. Angela Charmaine Craig (Elektrik Milk Bath Press, July 2011, oa)
- In the Garden: The Secret Origin of the Zodiac Twins by Colin Greenland (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, November 1991, ss)
- In the Grip of Terror ed. Groff Conklin (Permabooks, 1951, an)
- In the Grip of the Griffin by J. Allan Dunn (Altus Press, March 2015, co)
- In the Hollow of the Deep-Sea Wave by Garry D. Kilworth (The Bodley Head, January 1989, oc)
- In the Hollow of the Deep-Sea Wave by Garry D. Kilworth (Unwin, November 1989, oc)
- In the House of Secret Enemies by George C. Chesbro (The Mysterious Press, October 1990, co)
- In the Land of the Lawn Weenies and Other Misadventures by David Lubar (Tor/Starscape, June 2003, co)
- In the Land of Time and Other Fantasy Tales by Lord Dunsany (Penguin Classics US, March 2004, co)
- In the Mad Mountains by Joe R. Lansdale (Tachyon Publications, October 2024, co)
- In the Mean Time by Paul G. Tremblay (ChiZine Publications, October 2010, co)
- In the Mist and Other Uncanny Encounters by Elizabeth Walter (Arkham House, 1979, co)
- In the Ocean of Night by Gregory Benford (Dial Press, October 1977, n.)
- In the Penny Arcade by Steven Millhauser (Alfred A. Knopf, January 1986, co)
- In the Pocket and Other S-F Stories by K. M. O’Donnell (Ace, September 1971, co)
- In the Realm of Terror by Algernon Blackwood (Pantheon Books, May 1957, co)
- In the Ring ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Bonanza, 1987, an)
- In the Shadow of Agatha Christie ed. Leslie S. Klinger (Pegasus Books, January 2018, an)
- In the Shadow of Edgar Allan Poe ed. Leslie S. Klinger (Pegasus Books, October 2015, an)
- In the Shadow of Evil ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, August 2005, oa)
- In the Shadow of Frankenstein ed. Stephen Jones (Pegasus, July 2016, an)
- In the Shadow of Spindrift House by Mira Grant (Subterranean Press, June 2019, na)
- In the Shadow of the Master by David Morrell (Subterranean Press, September 2004, co)
- In the Shadow of the Ship by Aliette de Bodard (Subterranean Press, October 2024, na)
- In the Shadow of the Wall ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Cumberland House, June 2002, oa)
- In the Shadows of Men by Robert Jackson Bennett (Subterranean Press, August 2020, na)
- In the Stacks ed. Michael Cart (Overlook Duckworth, 2003, an)
- In the Still of the Night by Dorothy Salisbury Davis (Five Star US, January 2001, co)
- In the Stone House by Barry N. Malzberg (Arkham House, December 2000, co)
- In the Time of War and Other Stories of Conflict/Master of the Road to Nowhere and Other Tales of the Fantastic by Carol Emshwiller (PS Publishing, May 2011, om)
- In the Tomb of the Bishop by H. Warner Munn (Donald M. Grant, October 1979, co)
- In the Ultimate Valleys by Clark Ashton Smith (Roy A. Squires, August 1970, co)
- In the Valley of the Statues and Other Stories by Robert Holdstock (Faber and Faber, April 1982, co)
- In the Wake of Man ed. Roger Elwood (Bobbs-Merrill, August 1975, oa)
- Intimate Armageddons ed. Bill Congreve (Five Islands Press, June 1992, oa)
- In Time to Come ed. Aidan Chambers (Topliners, 1973, an)
- Into and Out of the Primitive by Robert Ames Bennet (Popular Publications, November 2024, om)
- Into Exile by Aaron Dembski-Bowden (Black Library, December 2016, ss)
- Into Gold by Tanith Lee (Pulphouse, November 1991, nv)
- Into Painfreak ed. Gerard Daniel Houarner (Necro Publications, November 2016, oa)
- Into the Candlelit Room by Thomas McKean (Penguin/Putnam, August 1999, oc)
- Into the Darkness ed. David G. Barnett (Necro Publications, January 2013, oa)
- Into the Forest ed. Lindy Ryan (Black Spot Books, November 2022, oa)
- Into the Fourth Dimension and Other Stories (Swan, 1942, an)
- Into the London Fog ed. Elizabeth Dearnley (The British Library, August 2020, an)
- Into the Maelstrom ed. Marc Gascoigne (Black Library, September 1999, an)
- Into the Media Web by Michael Moorcock (Savoy Books, August 2010, nf)
- Into the Shadows ed. Jordan Weisman (FASA, May 1990, oa)
- Into the Shadows (var. 1) ed. Jordan Weisman (Penguin/Roc, October 1992, oa)
- Into the Sun & Other Stories by Robert Duncan Milne (Donald M. Grant, 1980, co)
- Into the Unknown ed. Terry Carr (Thomas Nelson US, 1973, an)
- Into the Yellow and Other Stories by Barbara Davies (Bedazzled Ink/Mindancer Press, January 2007, oc)
- Intoxicated Ghost and Other Stories by Arlo Bates (Houghton, Mifflin and Company, April 1908, co)
- Intoxication ed. Toni Davidson (Serpent's Tail, April 1998, oa)
- The Intrepid Enchanter by Fletcher Pratt (Sphere, May 1988, om)
- Intrigue on Halfaday Creek by James B. Hendryx (Doubleday, February 1953, n.)
- Introducing SF: A Science Fiction Anthology ed. Brian W. Aldiss (Faber and Faber, 1964, an)
- An Introduction to Fiction ed. Dana Gioia (Longman US, 1999, an)
- Introduction to the Short Story ed. Crosby E. Redman (McCormick-Mathers Publishing Co., 1965, an)
- Introduction to the Short Story (var. 1) ed. Crosby E. Redman (McCormick-Mathers Publishing Co., 1977, an)
- Introductory Psychology Through Science Fiction ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Rand, McNally, April 1974, an)
- Introductory Psychology Through Science Fiction: Second Edition ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Rand, McNally, 1977, an)
- Intruders by A. M. Burrage (Ash-Tree Press, August 1995, co)
- Intuit by Hal Clement (NESFA, September 1987, co)
- Invaders! ed. Jack M. Dann (Ace, December 1993, an)
- Invaders! by Gordon R. Dickson (Baen, November 1985, co)
- Invaders from Beyond (Abaddon Books, November 2017, om)
- Invaders from Space ed. Robert Silverberg (Hawthorn Books, 1972, an)
- Invaders of Earth ed. Groff Conklin (Vanguard, 1952, an)
- Invaders of Earth (var. 1) ed. Groff Conklin (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1953, an)
- Invaders of Earth (var. 2) ed. Groff Conklin (Pocket, July 1955, an)
- Invaders of Earth (var. 3) ed. Groff Conklin (Digit, 1962, an)
- Invaders of Earth (var. 4) ed. Groff Conklin (Tempo, September 1962, an)
- Invasion! ed. Christian Dunn (Black Library, July 2007, an)
- Invasion! (Pocket UK, June 1998, om)
- The Invasion Dream by Ken MacLeod (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, November 2006, oc)
- The Invasion: Earth Companion by Peter Haining (Headline, May 1998, nf)
- Invasion from Mars ed. Orson Welles (Dell, May 1949, an)
- The Invasion of America by Frederick C. Painton (Popular Publications, November 2022, n.)
- Invasion of the Black Lightning by Robert Sidney Bowen (Black Dog Books, July 2012, co)
- Invasion of the Crimson Death Cult by Curtis Steele (Steeger Books, May 2020, n.)
- Invasion of the Road Weenies and Other Warped and Creepy Tales by David Lubar (Tor/Starscape, September 2005, oc)
- Invasion of the Robots ed. Roger Elwood (Paperback Library, April 1965, an)
- Invasion of the Yellow Warlords by Curtis Steele (Corinth Publications, 1966, n.)
- Invasion of the Yellow Warlords by Curtis Steele (Steeger Books, March 2020, n.)
- Invasions ed. Isaac Asimov (Penguin/Roc, August 1990, an)
- The Invention of Happiness by Brian W. Aldiss (PS Publishing, October 2013, oc)
- The Inventions of an Idiot by John Kendrick Bangs (Harper, 1904, co)
- Invertebrata Enigmatica ed. Chad Arment (Coachwhip Publications, December 2008, an)
- Inverted Kingdom ed. Ken Asamatsu (Kurodahan Press, December 2005, oa)
- Inverted World by Christopher Priest (Faber and Faber, May 1974, n.)
- The Inverted World by Christopher Priest (Harper & Row, June 1974, n.)
- The Inverted World by Christopher Priest (Popular Library, 1975, n.)
- Inverted World by Christopher Priest (NEL, June 1975, n.)
- Inverted World by Christopher Priest (Pan Books, 1979, n.)
- Inverted World by Christopher Priest (Gollancz, June 1987, n.)
- Inverted World by Christopher Priest (New York Review Books, August 2008, n.)
- Inverted World by Christopher Priest (Gollancz, April 2010, n.)
- Inverted World & Fugue for a Darkening Island by Christopher Priest (Earthlight UK, June 1999, om)
- An Investees’ Anthology ed. David Marcum (MX Publishing, December 2022, oa)
- The Investigations of Avram Davidson by Avram Davidson (St. Martin's, February 1999, co)
- The Investigations of John Pym by David Christie Murray (F.V. White & Company, 1895, co)
- Investigations of the Future ed. Brian M. Stableford (Black Coat Press, July 2012, oa)
- Invictus Horror by David Britton (Savoy Books, August 2013, n.)
- Invictus Quarterly Magazine: The Complete Series ed. Zelda Knight (Aurelia Leo, March 2022, an)
- Invisible Blood ed. Maxim Jakubowski (Titan US, July 2019, oa)
- The Invisible Code by Christopher Fowler (Bantam, September 2013, n.)
- The Invisible Country by Paul J. McAuley (Gollancz, September 1996, co)
- The Invisible Empire by Curtis Steele (Corinth Publications, 1966, n.)
- The Invisible Empire by Curtis Steele (Altus Press, January 2019, n.)
- The Invisible Eye by Erckmann-Chatrian (Ash-Tree Press, January 2002, co)
- Invisible Ink by Christopher Fowler (Strange Attractor Press, December 2012, co)
- Invisible Machines by Robert Frazier (Wordcraft/Jazz Police Books, June 1993, co)
- The Invisible Master by Edmond Hamilton (Black Dog Books, 2000, co)
- Invisible Men ed. Basil Davenport (Ballantine, 1960, an)
- Invitation to a Crime by H. Bedford-Jones (Altus Press, July 2016, co)
- Invitation to Camelot ed. Parke Godwin (Ace, March 1988, oa)
- Invitation to Murder ed. Ed Gorman (Dark Harvest, December 1991, oa)
- An Invite to Eternity ed. Gary Budden (Calque Press, October 2019, oa)
- The Involuntary Human by David Gerrold (NESFA Press, February 2007, co)
- Involution Ocean by Bruce Sterling (Jove, January 1977, n.)
- In Waders From Mars by Joe R. Lansdale (Subterranean Press, September 2012, ss)
- Inward Companion by Walter de la Mare (Faber and Faber, October 1950, co)
- In Wolves’ Clothing by Ian St. Martin (Black Library, December 2015, ss)
- In Your Face ed. John M. Benson (John Benson, 1996, oa)
- In Your Face ed. Tehani Wessely (FableCroft Publishing, 2016, oa)
- i-o by Simon Logan (Prime Books, 2001, oc)
- Iraq+100 ed. Hassan Blasim (Comma Press, October 2016, oa)
- I Remember Pallahaxi by Michael G. Coney (Drugstore Indian Press, August 2014, n.)
- Irish Enchantment (Zebra/Kensington, February 2000, oa)
- Irish Fairy Tales ed. H. M. Tichenor (Haldeman-Julius, 1923, an)
- Irish Ghost Stories ed. Joseph Hone (Hamish Hamilton, 1977, oa)
- Irish Girls About Town (Pocket Books, February 2003, an)
- The Irish Leprechaun’s Kingdom by Peter Haining (Granada, 1981, nf)
- Irish Magic (Zebra, February 1996, an)
- Irish Magic (Kensington, March 1995, oa)
- Irish Magic (Kensington, March 1999, oa)
- Irish Magic II (Kensington, March 1998, oa)
- The Irish Masters of Fantasy ed. Peter Tremayne (Wolfhound Press, 1979, an)
- Irish Tales of Terror ed. Jim McGarry (Fontana, 1971, an)
- I, Robot by Isaac Asimov (Gnome Press, 1950, co)
- i-Robot by Jason Christie (Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, September 2006, co)
- I, Robot: The Illustrated Screenplay by Isaac Asimov (Warner Aspect, December 1994, pl)
- I, Robot (var. 1) by Isaac Asimov (Digit, 1958, co)
- Iron Angel by Alan Campbell (Bantam Spectra, May 2008, n.)
- Iron Angel and Other Tales of the Gypsy Sleuth by Edward D. Hoch (Crippen & Landru, February 2003, co)
- Iron Angels by Geoffrey A. Landis (van Zeno Press, 2009, oc)
- Iron Company by Chris Wraight (Black Library, November 2009, n.)
- Iron Council by China Miéville (Subterranean Press, February 2020, n.)
- The Iron Fey: Volume One by Julie Kagawa (Harlequin Teen, August 2013, om)
- The Iron God/Tomorrow by E. C. Tubb (Gryphon Books, July 1999, an)
- The Iron God/Tomorrow (Gryphon Books, July 1999, an)
- Iron Gold by Pierce Brown (Subterranean Press, February 2020, n.)
- Iron Guard by Mark Clapham (Black Library, September 2013, n.)
- Iron Hands by Jonathan Green (Black Library, August 2004, n.)
- Ironical Tales by Laurence Housman (Jonathan Cape, 1926, co)
- The Ironic Fantastic #3 ed. Paulo Brito (Gloomy Seahorse Press, September 2014, oa)
- The Iron Maiden by Piers Anthony (Xlibris Corporation, March 2002, n.)
- The Iron Man by Robert E. Howard (Zebra, March 1976, co)
- The Iron Man by Robert E. Howard (Donald M. Grant, 1976, co)
- The Iron Man, with the Adventures of Dennis Dorgan by Robert E. Howard (Ace, October 1983, co)
- “Iron Mask”: The Story of Harry Bensley’s “Walking Round the World” Hoax by Stephen Holland (Bear Alley Books, May 2016, nf)
- “Iron Mask”: The Story of Harry Bensley’s “Walking Round the World” Hoax (var. 1) by Stephen Holland (Bear Alley Books, August 2018, nf)
- Iron Men and Silver Stars ed. Donald Hamilton (Fawcett, 1967, an)
- Iron River by T. Jefferson Parker (New American Library, January 2011, n.)
- Ironsides Sees Red by Victor Gunn (Collins, 1943, co)
- Iron Tears by R. A. Lafferty (Edgewood Press, December 1992, co)
- Iron Warrior by Graham McNeill (Black Library, April 2010, na)
- Iron Warriors: The Omnibus by Graham McNeill (Black Library, May 2012, om)
- The Iron Wire by Garry D. Kilworth (Infinity Plus Books, October 2014, n.)
- Irrational Numbers by George Alec Effinger (Doubleday, January 1976, co)
- Irrational Numbers by David Langford (Necronomicon Press, April 1994, co)
- The Irreal Reader ed. G. S. Evans (Guide Dog Books, November 2013, an)
- Irreconcilable Differences ed. Lia Matera (HarperCollins, December 1999, oa)
- The Irregular Casebook of Sherlock Holmes by Ron Weighell (Calabash Press, 2000, co)
- Irregulars (Blind Eye Books, March 2012, oa)
- Irregular Verbs and Other Stories by Matthew Johnson (ChiZine Publications, July 2014, co)
- Irresistible Forces ed. Catherine Asaro (Penguin/Signet, January 2006, oa)
- Irresistible Forces ed. Catherine Asaro (Penguin/NAL, February 2004, oa)
- Isaac Asimov by Isaac Asimov (Octopus, 1981, om)
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