The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Title: Page 104
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- Strange and Fantastic Stories ed. Joseph A. Margolies (Whittlesey House, 1946, an)
- Strange and Fantastic Stories (var. 1) ed. Joseph A. Margolies (Armed Forces, 1946, an)
- Strange and Uncanny (Gulliver Books, September 1945, an)
- Strange Assembly ed. John Gawsworth (Unicorn Press, 1932, oa)
- Strange Attraction ed. Edward E. Kramer (Bereshith/ShadowLands Press, August 2000, oa)
- Strange Attractors ed. Damien Broderick (Hale & Iremonger, August 1985, oa)
- Strange Attractors by Tom Henighan (Beach Holme/Tesseract, December 1991, oc)
- Strange Barriers ed. J. Vernon Shea (Lion Library, October 1955, an)
- Strange Beasts and Unnatural Monsters ed. Philip Van Doren Stern (Fawcett Crest, August 1968, an)
- Strange Bedfellows ed. Michael Garrett (Kensington, November 2004, oa)
- Strange Bedfellows ed. Thomas N. Scortia (Random House, November 1972, an)
- Strange Bedfellows ed. Hayden Trenholm (Bundoran Press, March 2014, oa)
- Strange Brew ed. P. N. Elrod (St. Martin's Griffin, July 2009, oa)
- Strange but Not a Stranger by James Patrick Kelly (Golden Gryphon Press, August 2002, co)
- Strange California ed. J. Daniel Batt (Falstaff Books, April 2017, oa)
- Strange Candy by Laurell K. Hamilton (Berkley, October 2006, co)
- Strange Caravan by Margery H. Lawrence (Robert Hale, 1941, co)
- The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Prentice Hall, 1998, an)
- The Strange Cases of Rudolph Pearson by William Jones (Chaosium, May 2008, co)
- Strange City ed. Staley Krause (HarperPrism, February 1996, an)
- Strange Creatures ed. Tina L. Jens (11th Hour Productions, November 1998, oa)
- Strange Days by Gardner R. Dozois (NESFA Press, September 2001, co)
- Strange Desires ed. J. Vernon Shea (Lion Books, February 1954, an)
- Strange Doings by R. A. Lafferty (Charles Scribner's Sons, March 1972, co)
- Strange Doings in Strange Places (Cassell, 1890, an)
- Strange Doings on Halfaday Creek by James B. Hendryx (Doubleday, Doran & Co., January 1943, n.)
- Strange Doings on Halfaday Creek by James B. Hendryx (Altus Press, January 2016, co)
- Strange Dreams ed. Stephen R. Donaldson (Bantam Spectra, July 1993, an)
- Strange Ecstasies ed. Michel Parry (Panther, 1973, an)
- Strange Embrace and 69 Barrow Street by Lawrence Block (Subterranean Press, January 2012, om)
- Strange Encounters ed. David F. Bischoff (Raintree, 1977, oa)
- Strange Ends and Discoveries by Laurence Housman (Jonathan Cape, 1948, co)
- Strange Epiphanies by Peter Bell (Swan River Press, February 2012, co)
- Strange Fruit ed. Paul Collins (Penguin Australia, 1995, an)
- Strange Gateways by E. Hoffmann Price (Arkham House, 1967, co)
- Strange Gifts ed. Robert Silverberg (Thomas Nelson US, 1975, an)
- Strange Glory ed. Gerry Goldberg (McClelland & Stewart, 1975, an)
- Strange Gods ed. Roger Elwood (Pocket, September 1974, oa)
- Strange Happenings by Avi (Harcourt, May 2006, oc)
- Strange Happenings ed. Robert Vitarelli (American Education Publications, 1972, oa)
- Strange Happenings (Methuen, March 1901, an)
- Strange Highways by Dean R. Koontz (Headline, April 1995, co)
- Strange Highways (var. 1) by Dean R. Koontz (Warner, May 1995, co)
- Strange Horizons: Best of Year Two ed. Kelli Carlson (Lethe Press, 2003, an)
- Strange Island Stories ed. Jonathan E. Lewis (Stark House Press, March 2018, an)
- Strange Itineraries by Tim Powers (Tachyon Publications, September 2005, co)
- Strange Light by Larry Niven (DreamHaven Books, March 2010, oc)
- Strange Little Girls ed. Camilla Bruce (Belladonna Publishing, March 2016, oa)
- Strange Love ed. Henry Morrison (Lancer, 1963, an)
- Strange Love Stories (Utopian Publishers, 1946, an)
- Strange Lucky Valentines ed. James A. Hartley (Whortleberry Press, January 2013, oa)
- Strange Maine ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Lance Tapley, October 1986, an)
- Strange Mistresses by James S. Dorr (Dark Regions Press, November 2001, co)
- Strangeness ed. Thomas M. Disch (Scribner's, June 1977, an)
- Strange Orbits ed. Michael Pearson (Blackie & Son, 1976, an)
- The Strange Papers of Dr. Blayre by Christopher Blayre (Philip Allan & Co., 1932, co)
- Strange Planets ed. Michael Pearson (Blackie & Son, 1977, an)
- Strange Pleasures 2 ed. John Grant (Prime Books, August 2003, oa)
- Strange Pleasures 3 ed. David Hutchinson (Prime Books, 2004, oa)
- Strange Ports of Call ed. August Derleth (Pellegrini & Cudahy, April 1948, an)
- Strange Ports of Call (var. 1) ed. August Derleth (Berkley, June 1958, an)
- The Stranger by Gordon R. Dickson (Tor, March 1987, co)
- Stranger by Night ed. Michael Garrett (Pocket, November 1995, oa)
- The Stranger Club by Laurence Manning (Fiction House Press, March 2018, co)
- Stranger: Dark Tales of Eerie Encounters ed. Michele B. Slung (HarperPerennial, February 2002, an)
- Strange Relations by Philip José Farmer (Ballantine, 1960, co)
- Stranger in the House by Lisa Tuttle (Ash-Tree Press, August 2010, co)
- Strangers Among Us ed. Susan Forest (Laksa Media, August 2016, oa)
- Strangers and Pilgrims by Walter de la Mare (Tartarus Press, June 2007, co)
- Strangers from Earth by Poul Anderson (Ballantine, May 1961, co)
- Strangers in Paradise by Christopher Anvil (Belmont, 1969, n.)
- Strangers in the Night by Linda Howard (Pocket, December 2001, co)
- Strangers in the Night by Maggie Shayne (Silhouette, October 1995, oa)
- Strangers in the Night (Silhouette, October 1995, oa)
- Strangers in the Night (Silhouette Books, 1997, oa)
- Strangers in the Universe by Clifford D. Simak (Simon & Schuster, 1956, co)
- Strangers in the Universe (var. 1) by Clifford D. Simak (Berkley, September 1957, co)
- Strangers in the Universe (var. 2) by Clifford D. Simak (Faber and Faber, 1958, co)
- Strangers in Town by Ross Macdonald (Crippen & Landru, March 2001, oc)
- Strangers No More (Dover Publications, February 2017, an)
- Stranger Than Ever ed. Wendy Cooling (Dolphin, November 1997, oa)
- Stranger Than You Think by G. C. Edmondson (Ace, 1965, co)
- Stranger Things Happen by Kelly Link (Small Beer Press, July 2001, co)
- Stranger Things Happen by Kelly Link (Subterranean Press, November 2012, co)
- A Stranger with a Bag by Sylvia Townsend Warner (Chatto and Windus, 1966, co)
- Strange Seas and Shores by Avram Davidson (Doubleday, 1971, co)
- Strange Secrets (Chatto & Windus, June 1889, an)
- Strange Signposts ed. Roger Elwood (Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1966, an)
- Strange Skies by R. A. Lafferty (United Mythologies Press, 1988, oc)
- Strange Stories by Grant Allen (Chatto and Windus, 1884, co)
- Strange Stories by Algernon Blackwood (William Heinemann, October 1929, co)
- Strange Stories by Erckmann-Chatrian (D. Appleton and Company, 1880, co)
- Strange Stories ed. R. W. Jepson (Longmans, Green, 1938, an)
- Strange Stories of Coincidence and Ghostly Adventure (George Redway, November 1888, an)
- Strange Stories of the Supernatural (Watermill Press, 1980, an)
- Strange Stories—The Last Seven ed. John L. Hardie (Art & Educational, 1946, an)
- Strange Tales ed. William H. Desmond (Odyssey Publications, 1976, an)
- Strange Tales by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray (Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1891, co)
- Strange Tales Volume II (Tartarus Press, 2007, oa)
- Strange Tales Volume III (Tartarus Press, December 2009, oa)
- Strange Tales Volume IV ed. Rosalie Parker (Tartarus Press, January 2014, oa)
- Strange Tales V ed. Rosalie Parker (Tartarus Press, 2015, oa)
- Strange Tales from Blackwood (Blackwood, 1950, an)
- Strange Tales from CBS Radio Mystery Theater ed. Himan Brown (Popular Library, November 1976, an)
- Strange Tales from the Nile Empire ed. Greg Farshtey (West End Games, March 1992, oa)
- Strange Tales from the Strand ed. Jack Adrian (Oxford University Press, November 1991, an)
- Strange Tales from the Strand ed. Jack Adrian (Oxford University Press, October 1992, an)
- Strange Tales of Horror ed. Matt Nord (NorGus Press, February 2011, oa)
- Strange Tales of Mystery and the Paranormal by Cecilia Heathwood (Excalibur Press, November 1991, co)
- Strange Tales of Sax Rohmer by Sax Rohmer (WildCat Books, 2004, co)
- Strange Tales of the Borders, Old and New by Halbert J. Boyd (Moray Press, 1948, co)
- Strange Things and Stranger Places by Ramsey Campbell (Tor, June 1993, co)
- Strange Tomorrows ed. Robert Hoskins (Lancer, October 1972, an)
- Strange to Tell ed. Marjorie Fischer (Julian Messner, 1946, an)
- Strange Trades by Paul Di Filippo (Golden Gryphon Press, October 2001, co)
- Strange Travelers by Gene Wolfe (Tor, January 2000, co)
- Strange Travels in Science Fiction ed. Groff Conklin (Grayson & Grayson, 1953, an)
- Strange Universe ed. Michael Pearson (Blackie & Son, 1974, an)
- Strange Vegetables by G. O. Clark (Dark Regions Press, November 2009, co)
- Strange Wine by Harlan Ellison (Harper & Row, June 1978, co)
- Strange Wonders by Fritz Leiber (Subterranean Press, November 2010, oc)
- Strangewood Tales ed. Jack Fisher (Eraserhead Press, 2002, oa)
- Strange World of Arthur Machen by Arthur Machen (Juniper Press, 1960, co)
- Strange World of Science Fiction (NEL, October 1975, oa)
- Strange Worlds by Ralph Milne Farley (Fantasy Publishing Co., Inc., 1953, co)
- Strange Worlds ed. Ron Hanna (WildCat Books, 2004, an)
- Strange Worlds of Horror ed. Ron Hanna (WildCat Books, 2003, an)
- Strange Worlds of Horror: Volume 2 ed. Ron Hanna (WildCat Books, 2004, an)
- Strange Worlds of Science Fiction ed. Ron Hanna (WildCat Books, 2004, an)
- The Stratagem and Other Stories by Aleister Crowley (Mandrake Press, 1929, co)
- The Stratagem and Other Stories (var. 1) by Aleister Crowley (Temple Press, July 1990, co)
- Strayers from Sheol (var. 1) by H. Russell Wakefield (Ash-Tree Press, July 1999, co)
- Stray Leaves from Strange Literature by Lafcadio Hearn (James R. Osgood, 1884, co)
- The Street by Garry Douglas (Grafton, March 1988, n.)
- Street Magicks ed. Paula Guran (Prime Books, April 2016, an)
- The Street of Queer Houses and Other Stories by Vernon Knowles (Boullion-Biggs, 1924, co)
- The Street of Queer Houses and Other Tales by Vernon Knowles (Wells Gardner Darton, 1925, co)
- The Street of the Eye by Gerald Bullett (John Lane, 1923, co)
- Street of the Malcontents and Other Stories by Cyril Hume (Doran, 1927, co)
- Streets of Shadows ed. Maurice G. Broaddus (Alliteration Ink, September 2014, oa)
- Street Wolf by Frederick Nebel (Altus Press, September 2014, co)
- The Strength of the Strong by Jack London (Macmillan, May 1914, co)
- Strictly Business by O. Henry (Doubleday, Page & Company, March 1910, co)
- “Strictly Business” by F. Morton Howard (E.P. Dutton & Company, 1923, co)
- Striking Terror! ed. Herbert van Thal (Arthur Barker, 1963, an)
- Strindberg’s Ghost Sonata by Tanith Lee (Immanion Press, April 2019, co)
- Strip Jack by Ian Rankin (Orion, 1992, n.)
- Strip Mauled ed. Esther M. Friesner (Baen, October 2009, oa)
- Stripper Stay Alive! by E. Hamilton Clay (Cleveland Publishing Co., n.d., an)
- Stripper Stay Alive! (Cleveland Publishing Co., n.d., an)
- Stroke of Midnight (St. Martin's, November 2004, oa)
- A Stroke of the Pen by Terry Pratchett (Doubleday UK, October 2023, oc)
- A Stroke of the Pen (var. 1) by Terry Pratchett (Penguin, September 2024, oc)
- The Strong Arm by Robert Barr (William Briggs, 1899, co)
- Strong Brown God by Kari Sperring (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, November 2014, ss)
- The Stronger Hand by C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne (Tower Publishing Co., April 1896, co)
- Strontium Dog: Bad Timing by Rebecca Levene (Black Flame US, July 2004, n.)
- Strontium Dog: Fistful of Strontium by Jasper Bark (Black Flame US, November 2005, n.)
- Strontium Dog: Prophet Margin by Simon Spurrier (Black Flame US, January 2005, n.)
- A Student of Hell by Tom Piccirilli (Skull Job Productions, April 2000, co)
- Studies in Brown Humanity by Hugh Clifford (Grant Richards, 1898, co)
- Studies in Love and Terror by Marie Belloc Lowndes (Methuen, 1913, co)
- Studies in Occultism by Helena P. Blavatsky (Sphere, May 1974, co)
- Study in Shadow by John Meaney (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, November 2011, nv)
- A Study of the Short Story ed. Jack Fields (McCormick-Mathers Publishing Co., 1965, an)
- Study War No More ed. Joe W. Haldeman (St. Martin's, November 1977, an)
- Stuff and Nonsense by Walter de la Mare (Constable & Co., June 1927, co)
- The Stuffed Men by Anthony M. Rud (Popular Publications, November 2023, co)
- The Stuffed Men by Anthony M. Rud (The Macaulay Company, 1935, n.)
- The Stuff of Empire by Ralph R. Perry (Steeger Books, November 2020, co)
- Stunt Man by Eustace L. Adams (Popular Publications, November 2024, n.)
- Stygian Relics of the Lachrymose by Michael F. Korn (Golden Meteorite Press Limited, January 1998, co)
- Submerged ed. S. C. Butler (Zombies Need Brains, September 2017, oa)
- SubNatural ed. John M. Benson (John Benson, February 2004, oa)
- Sub Rosa by Robert Aickman (Gollancz, 1968, co)
- The Substance of a Shade by John S. Glasby (Sarob Press, 2003, oc)
- Subterranean Gallery ed. Richard T. Chizmar (Subterranean Press, September 1999, oa)
- Subterranean: Tales of Dark Fantasy ed. William K. Schafer (Subterranean Press, July 2008, oa)
- Subterranean: Tales of Dark Fantasy 2 ed. William K. Schafer (Subterranean Press, April 2011, oa)
- Subterranean: Tales of Dark Fantasy 3 ed. William K. Schafer (Subterranean Press, August 2020, oa)
- Subversion ed. Bart R. Leib (Crossed Genres Publications, September 2011, oa)
- The Subway Chronicles ed. Jacquelin Cangro (Plume, August 2006, oa)
- Such a Good Girl and Other Crime Stories by Ed Gorman (Five Star US, February 2001, co)
- Such Stuff As Screams Are Made Of by Robert Bloch (Ballantine, February 1979, co)
- Sudden Impact by Rick Lawler (, March 2000, co)
- Suddenly ed. Marvin Allen Karp (Popular Library, 1965, an)
- Suddenly at His Residence by Christianna Brand (The Bodley Head, 1947, n.)
- Suddenly at His Residence by Christianna Brand (The British Library, June 2023, n.)
- Suffered from the Night ed. Steve Berman (Lethe Press, October 2013, oa)
- Suffer Little Children by Penny Jones (Black Shuck Books, 2019, oc)
- Sugar on the Bones by Joe R. Lansdale (Mulholland Books, July 2024, n.)
- Sugar Sleep ed. Chris Kenworthy (Barrington, April 1993, oa)
- Suicide Art by Scott Edelman (Necronomicon Press, October 1992, oc)
- The Suicide Battalion by Curtis Steele (Popular Publications, May 2023, n.)
- The Suicide Squad in Corpse-Town by Emile C. Tepperman (Popular Publications, April 2022, co)
- The Suicide Squad Reports for Death by Emile C. Tepperman (Popular Publications, January 2022, co)
- The Suicide Squad’s Dawn Patrol by Emile C. Tepperman (Popular Publications, November 2022, co)
- Suicide Stitch by Sarah L. Johnson (EMP Publishing, March 2016, oc)
- Suitable for Hanging by Margaret B. Maron (Crippen & Landru, February 2004, co)
- Suite 13 by David J. Schow (Subterranean Press, January 2025, co)
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