The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Title: Page 85
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- Revenge ed. Kate Saunders (Virago Press, 1990, an)
- Reverbstorm No. 1 by David Britton (Savoy, May 1994, oc)
- Reverbstorm No. 2 by David Britton (Savoy, August 1994, oc)
- Reverbstorm No. 3 by David Britton (Savoy, November 1994, oc)
- Reverbstorm No. 4 by David Britton (Savoy, May 1995, oc)
- Reverbstorm No. 5 by David Britton (Savoy, June 1996, oc)
- Reverbstorm No. 6 by David Britton (Savoy, June 1997, oc)
- Reverbstorm No. 7 by David Britton (Savoy, July 2000, oc)
- ReVisions ed. Julie E. Czerneda (DAW, August 2004, oa)
- Revisitations (Titan, December 1995, om)
- Revolt in 2100 by Robert A. Heinlein (Shasta, December 1953, co)
- The Revolt of the Machines ed. Brian M. Stableford (Black Coat Press, September 2014, oa)
- Rewards and Fairies by Rudyard Kipling (Macmillan & Co., October 1910, co)
- R. Holmes & Co. by John Kendrick Bangs (Harper & Brothers, June 1906, co)
- A Rhyme of Salem Town and Other Poems by Robert E. Howard (Robert E. Howard Properties LLC, 2002, oc)
- A Rhyme of Salem Town and Other Poems (var. 1) by Robert E. Howard (The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, February 2007, oc)
- Rhymes from the Round-Up Camp ed. Wallace D. Coburn (W.T. Ridgley Press, 1899, an)
- Rhymes of Death by Robert E. Howard (Dennis McHaney, July 1975, co)
- Rhymes of Texas and the Old West by Robert E. Howard (The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, June 2007, co)
- Rhysling Anthology 1986 (SF Poetry Assc., September 1986, an)
- Rhysling Anthology 1987 (SF Poetry Assc., September 1987, an)
- Rhysling Anthology 1988 (Science Fiction Poetry Association, January 1989, an)
- Rhysling Anthology 1989 (Science Fiction Poetry Association, August 1989, an)
- Rhysling Anthology 1990 (Science Fiction Poetry Association, June 1990, an)
- Rhysling Anthology 1991 (Science Fiction Poetry Association, August 1991, an)
- The Rhysling Anthology: Best Science Fiction Poetry of 1982 ed. Robert Frazier (Science Fiction Poetry Association, 1983, an)
- The Rhysling Anthology: The Best Science Fiction Poetry of 1981 (Science Fiction Poetry Association, 1982, an)
- Rhysop’s Fables by Rhys H. Hughes (Gloomy Seahorse Press, January 2012, oc)
- Rhysop’s Fables (var. 1) by Rhys H. Hughes (Gloomy Seahorse Press, February 2014, co)
- Rhysop’s Return by Rhys H. Hughes (Gloomy Seahorse Press, February 2012, oc)
- The Ribbajack and Other Curious Yarns by Brian Jacques (Penguin/Philomel, May 2004, oc)
- Ribofunk by Paul Di Filippo (Four Walls Eight Windows, April 1996, co)
- Richard Matheson’s “The Twilight Zone” Scripts by Richard Matheson (Cemetery Dance Publications, 1998, oc)
- Richard Matheson’s “The Twilight Zone” Scripts Volume One by Richard Matheson (Edge Books, May 2001, co)
- Richard Matheson’s “The Twilight Zone” Scripts Volume Two by Richard Matheson (Gauntlet Press, 2002, co)
- Riches and Power by Fritz Leiber (Cheap Street, June 1982, ss)
- Richmond Noir ed. Andrew Blossom (Akashic Books, March 2010, oa)
- Rich & Rare ed. Paul Collins (Ford Street Publishing, October 2015, oa)
- Rick Random, Space Detective ed. Stephen Holland (Prion, October 2008, an)
- The Riddle and Other Stories by Walter de la Mare (Selwyn & Blount, May 1923, co)
- The Riddle of Scorpions by Joshua M. Reynolds (Black Library, December 2012, ss)
- The Riddle of the Stone Elephant by Bruce Campbell (Grosset & Dunlap, September 1949, n.)
- Riddles Read by Dick Donovan (Chatto & Windus, 1896, co)
- Ride on Rapunzel (Attic Press, 1992, an)
- Riders of the Dead by Dan Abnett (Black Library, March 2003, n.)
- Riders of the Purple Wage by Philip José Farmer (Tor, April 1992, co)
- Riders of the Steppes by Harold A. Lamb (University of Nebraska Press/Bison Books, June 2007, co)
- Riders West (Dell First Edition, 1956, an)
- Ride the Star Wind ed. Caroline Dombrowski (Broken Eye Books, September 2017, oa)
- Ride to Glory ed. Jon A. Schlenker (Sam Teddy Publishing, 2017, an)
- Riding Shotgun by Charles de Lint (Subterranean Press, 2007, co)
- Riding the Pulp Trail by Paul S. Powers (Altus Press, July 2011, co)
- Riding the Torch/Tin Soldier (Tor, July 1990, an)
- The Right Hand of Doom & Other Tales of Solomon Kane by Robert E. Howard (Wordsworth, April 2007, co)
- Right to Life by Jack Ketchum (Edge Books, 2002, co)
- The Right Way to Figure Plumbing by Thomas M. Disch (The Basilisk Press, 1972, co)
- The Rim Gods by A. Bertram Chandler (Ace Double, 1969, n.)
- Rim of the Unknown by Frank Belknap Long (Arkham House, 1972, co)
- The Rim-World Legacy and Beyond by Frank A. Javor (DAW, September 1991, co)
- Rind of Earth by August Derleth (The Press of James A. Decker, 1942, oc)
- Ringing Changes by R. A. Lafferty (Ace, January 1984, co)
- Ring of Fire ed. Eric Flint (Baen, January 2004, oa)
- Ring of Fire II ed. Eric Flint (Baen, January 2008, oa)
- Ring of Fire III ed. Eric Flint (Baen, July 2011, oa)
- Ring of Fire IV ed. Eric Flint (Baen, May 2016, oa)
- The Ring of Thoth by Arthur Conan Doyle (John Murray, 1968, co)
- Rio Noir ed. Tony Bellotto (Akashic Books, June 2016, oa)
- The Riot at Bucksnort and Other Western Tales by Robert E. Howard (Bison Books, April 2005, co)
- R.I.P. ed. Douglas Menville (Arno, 1976, an)
- Ripper! ed. Susan Casper (Tor, September 1988, oa)
- Riptide ed. Skye Alexander (Level Best Books, 2004, oa)
- Rip Van Winkle and Other Selected Stories by Washington Irving (Tor, January 1993, co)
- The Rise by Ian Rankin (Orion, November 2023, nv)
- The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. by Nicole Galland (Subterranean Press, November 2023, n.)
- The Trigan Empire: The Invaders from Gallas ed. Stephen Holland (Don Lawrence Collection, February 2009, an)
- The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: Revolution in Zabriz ed. Stephen Holland (Don Lawrence Collection, March 2007, an)
- The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Reign of Thara ed. Stephen Holland (Don Lawrence Collection, November 2006, an)
- The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Three Princes ed. Stephen Holland (Don Lawrence Collection, March 2006, an)
- The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Red Death ed. Stephen Holland (Don Lawrence Collection, April 2008, an)
- The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Puppet Emperor ed. Stephen Holland (Don Lawrence Collection, November 2007, an)
- The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Rallu Invasion ed. Stephen Holland (Don Lawrence Collection, August 2006, an)
- The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Prisoner of Zerss ed. Stephen Holland (Don Lawrence Collection, March 2004, oa)
- The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Curse of King Yutta ed. Stephen Holland (Don Lawrence Collection, October 2005, an)
- The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The House of the Five Moons ed. Stephen Holland (Don Lawrence Collection, March 2005, an)
- The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Sun-Worshippers ed. Stephen Holland (Don Lawrence Collection, October 2004, an)
- The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire: The Green Smog ed. Stephen Holland (Don Lawrence Collection, February 2009, an)
- The Rise of Endymion by Dan Simmons (Subterranean Press, April 2016, n.)
- The Rise of Nagash by Mike Lee (Black Library, December 2012, om)
- Rise of the Cyberzines by Mike Ashley (Liverpool University Press, March 2022, nf)
- The Rise of the Empire (Del Rey, October 2015, an)
- The Rise of the Horned Rat by Guy Haley (Black Library, January 2015, n.)
- Rise of the Terran Empire by Poul Anderson (Baen, June 2009, co)
- R Is for Rocket by Ray Bradbury (Doubleday, October 1962, co)
- Rising ed. Stephen Jones (Pegasus Books, January 2020, oa)
- Rite by Tad Williams (Subterranean Press, December 2006, co)
- Rites of Passage ed. S. G. Johnson (Obelesk Books, July 1994, oa)
- The Rithian Terror by Damon Knight (Ace Double, 1965, n.)
- A Rival from the Grave by Seabury Quinn (Night Shade Books, September 2018, co)
- Rivals of Dracula ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz (Barnes & Noble, September 1996, an)
- The Rivals of Dracula ed. Michel Parry (Corgi, 1977, an)
- The Rivals of Frankenstein ed. Michel Parry (Corgi, 1977, an)
- The Rivals of H. G. Wells, Vol. I ed. Charles G. Waugh (Sam Teddy Publishing, 2021, an)
- The Rivals of H. G. Wells, Vol. II ed. Charles G. Waugh (Sam Teddy Publishing, 2024, an)
- The Rivals of King Kong ed. Michel Parry (Corgi, 1978, an)
- The Rivals of Moby Dick ed. Jon A. Schlenker (Sam Teddy Publishing, 2022, an)
- The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes ed. Hugh Greene (The Bodley Head, September 1970, an)
- The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes ed. Nick Rennison (No Exit, February 2008, an)
- Rivals of Sherlock Holmes ed. Alan K. Russell (Castle, November 1978, an)
- Rivals of Sherlock Holmes 2 ed. Alan K. Russell (Castle, 1979, an)
- Rivals of Weird Tales ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz (Bonanza, May 1990, an)
- River ed. Alma Alexander (Dark Quest Books, December 2011, oa)
- The River Horses by Allen M. Steele (Subterranean Press, December 2007, na)
- The River of Souls by Robert R. McCammon (Subterranean Press, May 2014, n.)
- River’s Edge by James P. Blaylock (Subterranean Press, August 2017, n.)
- Rivers of Time by L. Sprague de Camp (Baen, November 1993, co)
- Rivers to Cross ed. William R. Cox (Dodd, Mead, 1966, an)
- The River Underground ed. Shaun T. Griffin (University of Nevada Press, April 2001, an)
- Riverworld and Other Stories by Philip José Farmer (Berkley, November 1979, co)
- Riverworld and Other Stories (var. 1) by Philip José Farmer (Open Road Integrated Media, August 2017, co)
- Riverworld War by Philip José Farmer (Ellis Press, June 1980, co)
- R & L Locker / Harborough Publishing Co Ltd / Archer Press (1944-1954) by Stephen Holland (R. Williams, September 1986, nf)
- Road Brothers: Tales from the Broken Empire by Mark Lawrence (Harper Voyager, November 2017, oc)
- The Road of Azrael by Robert E. Howard (Donald M. Grant, 1979, co)
- The Road of Azrael by Robert E. Howard (Bantam, July 1980, co)
- The Road of Blades by Joshua M. Reynolds (Black Library, December 2016, ss)
- Road of Skulls by Joshua M. Reynolds (Black Library, January 2013, n.)
- Roads Not Taken ed. Gardner R. Dozois (Ballantine Del Rey, July 1998, an)
- Roads of Destiny by O. Henry (Doubleday, Page & Company, April 1909, co)
- Roads of Destiny ed. Alasdair Richmond (The British Library, November 2023, an)
- Road to Damascus by Michael Gilbert (Eurographica, 1990, co)
- The Road to Lisdoonvarna by Charles de Lint (Subterranean Press, March 2001, n.)
- The Road to Neozon by Anna Tambour (Obsidian Sky Books, June 2018, oc)
- The Road to Science Fiction #1 ed. James E. Gunn (Mentor, September 1977, an)
- The Road to Science Fiction #2 ed. James E. Gunn (Mentor, February 1979, an)
- The Road to Science Fiction #3 ed. James E. Gunn (Mentor, December 1979, an)
- The Road to Science Fiction #4 ed. James E. Gunn (Mentor, November 1982, an)
- The Road to Science Fiction Volume 4 (var. 1) ed. James E. Gunn (White Wolf, January 1997, an)
- The Road to Science Fiction Volume 5 ed. James E. Gunn (White Wolf, February 1998, an)
- The Road to Science Fiction Volume 6 ed. James E. Gunn (White Wolf, July 1998, an)
- The Road to the Stars (Houghton Mifflin, 1993, an)
- Roald Dahl’s Book of Ghost Stories ed. Roald Dahl (Jonathan Cape, October 1983, an)
- A Roald Dahl Selection by Roald Dahl (Longman, 1980, co)
- The Roald Dahl Treasury by Roald Dahl (Jonathan Cape, September 1997, co)
- Roarings from Further Out by Algernon Blackwood (The British Library, October 2019, co)
- Robert Adams’ Book of Alternate Worlds ed. Pamela Crippen Adams (NAL/Signet, July 1987, an)
- Robert Adams’ Book of Soldiers ed. Pamela Crippen Adams (NAL Signet, September 1988, an)
- The Robert A. Heinlein Centennial Souvenir Book by Robert A. Heinlein (Nitrosyncretic Press, July 2007, oc)
- Robert Bloch: Appreciations of the Master by Robert Bloch (Tor, 1995, co)
- Robert Bloch: Appreciations of the Master ed. Ricia Mainhardt (Tor, October 1995, nf)
- Robert Bloch’s Psychos ed. Robert Bloch (CD Publications, November 1997, an)
- The Robert E. Howard Foundation Holiday Special by Robert E. Howard (The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, December 2009, oc)
- Robert E. Howard in The Fantasy Fan by Robert E. Howard (Roehm's Room Press, August 2006, nf)
- The Robert E. Howard Omnibus by Robert E. Howard (Orbit, 1977, co)
- The Robert E. Howard Reader Volume 1 by Robert E. Howard (Wildshade Books, 2007, co)
- Robert E. Howard’s Complete Conan of Cimmeria: Volume One (1932-1933) by Robert E. Howard (Wandering Star, May 2002, co)
- Robert E. Howard’s Complete Conan of Cimmeria, Volume Two (1934) by Robert E. Howard (Wandering Star, 2003, co)
- Robert E. Howard: Selected Poems by Robert E. Howard (Frank Coffman, November 2009, co)
- Robert E. Howard’s Strange Tales by Robert E. Howard (Old Tiger Press, 2005, co)
- Robert E. Howard’s World of Heroes by Robert E. Howard (Robinson, April 1989, co)
- Robert E. Howard: The Power of the Writing Mind ed. Ben J. S. Szumskyj (Mythos Books, 2003, an)
- The Robert Heinlein Omnibus by Robert A. Heinlein (UKSFBC, 1958, om)
- A Robert Heinlein Omnibus by Robert A. Heinlein (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1966, om)
- Robert Silverberg’s Monsters and Things by Robert Silverberg (Drugstore Indian Press, May 2023, co)
- Robert Silverberg’s Monsters and Things by Robert Silverberg (PS Publishing, May 2023, co)
- Robert Silverberg’s Worlds of Wonder ed. Robert Silverberg (Warner, October 1987, an)
- A Robot, a Cyborg, and a Martian Walk into a Space Bar ed. J. Alan Erwine (Nomadic Delirium Press, January 2015, oa)
- The Robot and the Man ed. Martin Greenberg (Gnome Press, March 1953, an)
- The Robot Collection by Isaac Asimov (Doubleday, 1983, om)
- Robot Dreams by Isaac Asimov (Berkley, November 1986, co)
- Robotica ed. Elizabeth Hirst (Pop Seagull Publishing, October 2015, oa)
- Robotic Ambitions ed. Lesley Conner (Apex Publications, October 2023, oa)
- The Robot Novels by Isaac Asimov (SFBC, May 1971, om)
- The Robot Novels (var. 1) by Isaac Asimov (Ballantine Del Rey, October 1988, om)
- Robots ed. Isaac Asimov (NAL Signet, April 1989, an)
- Robots ed. Isaac Asimov (Robinson, August 1989, an)
- Robots ed. Jack M. Dann (Ace, September 2005, an)
- Robots and Changelings by Lester del Rey (Ballantine, 1957, co)
- Robots and Magic by Lester del Rey (NESFA Press, February 2010, co)
- Robots and Murder by Isaac Asimov (SFBC, November 1999, om)
- Robots, Androids, and Mechanical Oddities by Philip K. Dick (Southern Illinois University Press, June 1984, co)
- Robots Beyond ed. Lane Adamson (Permuted Press, May 2009, oa)
- Robots Have No Tails by Henry Kuttner (Lancer, April 1973, co)
- Robots Have No Tails by Lewis Padgett (Gnome Press, 1952, co)
- Robots Robots Robots ed. Harry M. Geduld (New York Graphic Society, June 1978, an)
- Robots Through the Ages ed. Bryan Thomas Schmidt (Blackstone Publishing, July 2023, an)
- The Robot’s Twilight Companion by Tony Daniel (Golden Gryphon Press, September 1999, co)
- Robots vs. Fairies ed. Dominik J. Parisien (Saga Press, January 2018, oa)
- Robot Uprisings ed. John Joseph Adams (Vintage Books, April 2014, an)
- Robot Visions by Isaac Asimov (NAL/Roc, April 1990, co)
- Robot Warriors ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Ace, October 1991, an)
- Roboute Guilliman: Lord of Ultramar by David Annandale (Black Library, April 2016, n.)
- Rockabilly by Harlan Ellison (Gold Medal Books, October 1961, n.)
- Rock Breaks Scissors Cut by David J. Schow (Subterranean Press, March 2004, n.)
- Rocket’s Red Glare ed. James M. Reasoner (Rough Edges Press, May 2017, oa)
- Rockets, Redheads and Revolution by James P. Hogan (Baen, April 1999, co)
- Rocket: The First Space-Age Weekly by Stephen Holland (Bear Alley Books, April 2020, nf)
- The Rocking-Horse Winner/A Fragment of Stained Glass by D. H. Lawrence (Travelman, July 1998, co)
- Rock Manning Goes for Broke by Charlie Anders (Subterranean Press, September 2018, na)
- Rock On ed. Paula Guran (Prime Books, September 2012, an)
- Rod Serling’s Devils and Demons ed. Rod Serling (Bantam, February 1967, an)
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