The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Title: Page 119
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- Wollheim’s World’s Best SF, Series Two ed. Arthur W. Saha (DAW, December 1978, an)
- Wollheim’s World’s Best SF, Series Three ed. Arthur W. Saha (DAW, December 1979, an)
- Wollheim’s World’s Best SF, Series Four ed. Arthur W. Saha (DAW, December 1980, an)
- Wollheim’s World’s Best SF, Series Five ed. Arthur W. Saha (DAW, December 1981, an)
- Wollheim’s World’s Best SF, Series Six ed. Arthur W. Saha (DAW, December 1982, an)
- Wollheim’s World’s Best SF, Series Seven ed. Arthur W. Saha (DAW, December 1983, an)
- Wollheim’s World’s Best SF, Series Eight ed. Arthur W. Saha (DAW, December 1984, an)
- Wollheim’s World’s Best SF, Series Nine ed. Arthur W. Saha (DAW, December 1985, an)
- Wolves of Darkness by Jack Williamson (Haffner Press, September 1999, co)
- Wolves of Fenris by Chris Wraight (Black Library, April 2014, co)
- The Wolves of God by Algernon Blackwood (Cassell & Co., May 1921, co)
- The Woman in Black by M. Y. Halidom (Ash-Tree Press, February 2007, n.)
- The Woman in Black and Other Stories by Susan Hill (Profile Books, 2015, co)
- Woman in the Dark by Dashiell Hammett (Jonathan Press Mystery, 1951, co)
- The Woman in the Wardrobe by Peter Antony (Evans Brothers, 1951, n.)
- The Woman in the Wardrobe by Peter Shaffer (The British Library, June 2020, n.)
- The Womanizer by Eliot B. Reston (Lancer, 1973, n.)
- The Woman of the Pyramid and Other Tales by Perley Poore Sheehan (Steeger Books, December 2019, co)
- A Woman’s Eye ed. Sara Paretsky (Delacorte, September 1991, oa)
- The WomanSleuth Anthology ed. Irene Zahava (The Crossing Press, 1988, oa)
- Woman Space (New Victoria Publishers, 1981, oa)
- A Woman’s Place and Other Mysterious Tales by D. R. Meredith (Five Star US, December 2001, co)
- Womanthology ed. Forrest J Ackerman (Sense of Wonder Press, July 2003, an)
- The Woman Who Is the Midnight Wind by Terence M. Green (Pottersfield Press, April 1987, co)
- The Woman Who Loved the Moon by Elizabeth A. Lynn (Berkley, September 1981, co)
- The Woman Who Married a Cloud by Jonathan Carroll (Subterranean Press, June 2012, co)
- The Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories by D. H. Lawrence (Secker & Warburg, 1928, co)
- The Woman with the Flying Head by Yumiko Kurahashi (Sharpe/East Gate, December 1997, co)
- The Womb of Time by Brian M. Stableford (Perilous Press, January 2011, oc)
- Women and Fiction: Short Stories by and About Women ed. Susan Neunzig Cahill (New American Library, December 1975, an)
- Women and Ghosts by Alison Lurie (Heinemann, June 1994, oc)
- Women Are That Way by David H. Keller (Black Dog Books, December 2014, co)
- Women as Demons by Tanith Lee (The Women's Press, March 1989, co)
- Women of Darkness ed. Kathryn Ptacek (Tor, December 1988, oa)
- Women of Darkness II ed. Kathryn Ptacek (Tor, November 1990, oa)
- Women of Mystery ed. Cynthia Manson (Carroll & Graf, April 1992, an)
- Women of Mystery II ed. Cynthia Manson (Carroll & Graf, September 1994, an)
- The Women of Nell Gwynne’s by Kage Baker (Subterranean Press, June 2009, na)
- Women of the Apocalypse (Absolute Xpress, September 2009, oa)
- Women of the Bite ed. Cecilia Tan (Alyson, October 2009, oa)
- Women of the Weird ed. Gogo Lewis (Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1976, an)
- Women of the West ed. Kathryn Ptacek (Doubleday, 1990, oa)
- Women of War ed. Tanya S. Huff (DAW, July 2005, oa)
- The Women of Weird Tales (Valancourt Books, November 2020, an)
- Women of Wonder ed. Pamela Sargent (Vintage, January 1975, an)
- Women of Wonder: The Classic Years ed. Pamela Sargent (Harcourt Brace, August 1995, an)
- Women of Wonder: The Contemporary Years ed. Pamela Sargent (Harcourt Brace, August 1995, an)
- Women on the Case ed. Sara Paretsky (Delacorte, June 1996, oa)
- Women on the Edge ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Donald I. Fine, October 1992, an)
- Women Sleuths ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Academy Chicago, November 1985, an)
- The Women’s Press Book of New Myth and Magic ed. Helen Windrath (The Women's Press, November 1993, oa)
- Women’s Weird: Strange Stories by Women, 1890-1940 ed. Melissa Edmundson (Handheld Press, October 2019, an)
- Women’s Wiles ed. Michele B. Slung (HBJ, 1979, an)
- Women Who Made the West ed. Judy Alter (Doubleday, 1980, nf)
- The Women Who Walk Through Fire ed. Susanna J. Sturgis (Crossing Press, September 1990, oa)
- Women Who Wear the Breeches by Shahrukh Husain (Virago Press, 1995, oc)
- Women Without Men ed. Alex Austin (Lion Library, January 1957, an)
- Women Write Murder ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Academy Chicago, December 1987, an)
- Women Writing the Weird II: Dreadful Daughters ed. Deb Hoag (Dog Horn Publishing, January 2014, oa)
- Wonderful and Wicked (Zebra, June 2000, oa)
- The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit and Other Plays by Ray Bradbury (Bantam, April 1972, co)
- The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More by Roald Dahl (Knopf, September 1977, co)
- Wonderland ed. Paul Kane (Titan Books, September 2019, oa)
- Wondermakers ed. Robert Hoskins (Fawcett Premier, May 1972, an)
- Wondermakers 2 ed. Robert Hoskins (Fawcett Premier, February 1974, an)
- The Wondersmith and Other Macabre Tales ed. Peter Tremayne (Wolfhound Press, 1988, an)
- The Wondersmith and Others by Fitz-James O’Brien (Ash-Tree Press, April 2008, co)
- Wonder Tales ed. Marina Warner (Chatto & Windus, March 1994, an)
- Wonder Years ed. Peter McNamara (MirrorDanse Books/Aphelion Publications, June 2003, an)
- Wondrous Beginnings ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, January 2003, an)
- Wondrous Web Worlds 5 ed. J. Alan Erwine (Sam's Dot Publishing, 2005, oa)
- The Woodley Lane Ghost and Other Stories by Madeleine Vinton Dahlgren (Drexel Biddle, 1899, co)
- Woods & Waters Wild by Charles de Lint (Subterranean Press, December 2008, co)
- Wool by Hugh Howey (Subterranean Press, August 2014, n.)
- Word Bearers: The Omnibus by Anthony Reynolds (Black Library, January 2012, om)
- A Word from the Outer Dark by Robert E. Howard (Project Pride, February 2009, co)
- Word Monkey by Christopher Fowler (Doubleday UK, August 2023, nf)
- Word Monkey by Christopher Fowler (Penguin, June 2024, nf)
- The Word of God, or, Holy Writ Rewritten by Thomas M. Disch (Tachyon Publications, September 2008, oc)
- Word of Mouth: Volume 2 ed. Irene Zahava (Crossing Press, 1991, oa)
- The Word of the Silent King by Laurie Goulding (Black Library, December 2014, ss)
- Word Puppets by Mary Robinette Kowal (Prime Books, November 2015, co)
- Words Are My Matter by Ursula K. Le Guin (Small Beer Press, October 2016, nf)
- Words International—The Book ed. Jean Shelley (The Words Publishing Company Limited, October 1987, oa)
- Words of Birth and Death by Hannu Rajaniemi (Bloc Press, Writers' Bloc, 2006, oc)
- Words of Blood ed. Christian Dunn (Black Library, March 2002, an)
- Words of the Witches ed. Yvonne A. Jocks (Berkley, August 2002, oa)
- Words Without Pictures ed. Steve Niles (Eclipse Books, October 1990, oa)
- Working for Bigfoot by Jim Butcher (Subterranean Press, June 2015, co)
- A Work of Art and Other Stories by Denys Val Baker (William Kimber, 1984, co)
- The Work of William F. Temple by Mike Ashley (The Borgo Press, 1994, nf)
- The Works of H. Rider Haggard by H. Rider Haggard (J.W. Black, 1928, co)
- The Works of M.P. Shiel, Volume III: The Shielography Updated (Part 2) ed. A. Reynolds Morse (The Reynolds Morse Foundation, 1980, nf)
- The Works of M.P. Shiel, Volume II: The Shielography Updated (Part 1) ed. A. Reynolds Morse (The Reynolds Morse Foundation, 1980, nf)
- The World Above the World ed. Brian M. Stableford (Black Coat Press, April 2011, oa)
- The World and Thorinn by Damon Knight (Berkley/Putnam, February 1981, n.)
- World Beyond ed. Mary Verdick (American Education Publications, 1976, oa)
- A World by the Tale ed. John W. Campbell, Jr. (Curtis, 1965, an)
- Worldcon Guest of Honor Speeches ed. Mike Resnick (ISFiC Press, August 2006, oa)
- The World Engine by Ben Counter (Black Library, March 2015, n.)
- World Enough and Crime ed. Alex Carrick (Carrick Publishing, October 2014, oa)
- World-Famous Great Mystery Stories ed. Eleanor Middleton Edwards (Hart, 1960, an)
- The World Fantasy Awards Volume Two ed. Fritz Leiber (Doubleday, 1980, an)
- World Fantasy Convention 1983 ed. Robert E. Weinberg (Weird Tales Ltd., October 1983, oa)
- World Fantasy Convention, 1984 ed. Charles de Lint (Triskell Press, October 1984, oa)
- World Fantasy Convention 1990 (Weird Tales Ltd., October 1990, oa)
- World Fantasy Convention ’82 ed. Kennedy Poyser (World Fantasy Convention, October 1982, oa)
- World Fantasy Convention Toronto 2012 ed. Barbara Roden (, November 2012, oa)
- The World Idiot and Other Absurdlings by Rhys H. Hughes (Gloomy Seahorse Press, December 2011, co)
- World in Duplicate by John Russell Fearn (Gryphon Books, January 2005, co)
- World Interdependence Fund by Ray Bradbury (World Interdependence Fund, April 1985, co)
- The World in Winter by John Christopher (Eyre & Spottiswoode, September 1962, n.)
- The World in Winter by John Christopher (Penguin, 1964, n.)
- The World in Winter by John Christopher (Sphere, October 1978, n.)
- The World in Winter by John Christopher (Penguin Worlds, September 2016, n.)
- The World in Winter by C. S. Youd (The Syle Press, May 2020, n.)
- The World Is Dead ed. Kim Paffenroth (Permuted Press, September 2009, oa)
- Worldmakers ed. Gardner R. Dozois (St. Martin's Griffin, December 2001, an)
- A World Named Cleopatra ed. Poul Anderson (Pyramid, March 1977, oa)
- A World of Difference by Edmund Cooper (Robert Hale, November 1980, co)
- A World of Horror ed. Eric J. Guignard (Dark Moon Books, September 2018, oa)
- The World of Mystery Fiction ed. Elliot L. Gilbert (U. of Cal. San Diego, 1978, an)
- The World of Tiers Volume One by Philip José Farmer (SFBC, November 1981, co)
- The World of Tiers Volume Two by Philip José Farmer (SFBC, November 1981, co)
- World of Wonder ed. Fletcher Pratt (Twayne, 1951, an)
- The World Outside the Window ed. E. Don Harpe (R.J. Buckley Publishing, December 2008, oa)
- Worlds by Eric Flint (Baen, February 2009, co)
- World’s 25 Most Popular Ghost Stories (of the 19th Century) ed. T. M. Gray (Sam Teddy Publishing, 2013, an)
- Worlds Apart ed. Camilla Decarnin (Alyson, August 1986, an)
- Worlds Apart ed. George W. Locke (Cornmarket Reprints, November 1972, an)
- Worlds Apart ed. Mably Owen (Blackie & Son, 1966, an)
- Worlds at War (Tempest Publishing, 194?, an)
- World’s Best Mystery and Detective Stories (Seven Treasures Publications, 2008, an)
- The World’s Best Mystery Stories (United Press, 1935, an)
- The World’s Best One Hundred Detective Stories, Volume 1 ed. Eugene Thwing (Funk & Wagnall's, 1929, an)
- The World’s Best One Hundred Detective Stories, Volume 2 ed. Eugene Thwing (Funk & Wagnall's, 1929, an)
- The World’s Best One Hundred Detective Stories, Volume 3 ed. Eugene Thwing (Funk & Wagnall's, 1929, an)
- The World’s Best One Hundred Detective Stories, Volume 4 ed. Eugene Thwing (Funk & Wagnall's, 1929, an)
- The World’s Best One Hundred Detective Stories, Volume 5 ed. Eugene Thwing (Funk & Wagnall's, 1929, an)
- The World’s Best One Hundred Detective Stories, Volume 6 ed. Eugene Thwing (Funk & Wagnall's, 1929, an)
- The World’s Best One Hundred Detective Stories, Volume 7 ed. Eugene Thwing (Funk & Wagnall's, 1929, an)
- The World’s Best One Hundred Detective Stories, Volume 8 ed. Eugene Thwing (Funk & Wagnall's, 1929, an)
- The World’s Best One Hundred Detective Stories, Volume 9 ed. Eugene Thwing (Funk & Wagnall's, 1929, an)
- The World’s Best One Hundred Detective Stories, Volume 10 ed. Eugene Thwing (Funk & Wagnall's, 1929, an)
- World’s Best Pirate Stories ed. Alex Miller (Sam Teddy Publishing, 2020, an)
- World’s Best Science Fiction ed. Terry Carr (Gollancz, 1969, an)
- The World’s Best Science Fiction: 1965 ed. Terry Carr (Ace, 1965, an)
- The World’s Best Science Fiction: 1966 ed. Terry Carr (Ace, 1966, an)
- The World’s Best Science Fiction: 1967 ed. Terry Carr (Ace, 1967, an)
- The World’s Best Science Fiction: 1968 ed. Terry Carr (Ace, 1968, an)
- The World’s Best Science Fiction: 1969 ed. Terry Carr (Ace, May 1969, an)
- The World’s Best Science Fiction: 1970 ed. Terry Carr (Ace, 1970, an)
- The World’s Best Science Fiction: 1971 ed. Terry Carr (Ace, 1971, an)
- World’s Best Science Fiction: First Series ed. Terry Carr (Ace, 1970, an)
- World’s Best Science Fiction: Second Series ed. Terry Carr (Ace, 1970, an)
- World’s Best Science Fiction: Third Series ed. Terry Carr (Ace, 1970, an)
- World’s Best Science Fiction: Fourth Series ed. Terry Carr (Ace, 1970, an)
- The World’s Best S.F. 3 ed. Arthur W. Saha (Dennis Dobson, March 1979, an)
- The World’s Best S.F. 4 ed. Arthur W. Saha (Dennis Dobson, November 1979, an)
- The World’s Best S.F. 5 ed. Arthur W. Saha (Dennis Dobson, 1980, an)
- The World’s Best S.F. No. 1 ed. Terry Carr (Sphere, March 1971, an)
- The World’s Best SF Short Stories No. 1 ed. Donald A. Wollheim (The Elmfield Press, 1975, an)
- The World’s Best SF Short Stories No. 2 ed. Donald A. Wollheim (The Elmfield Press, November 1976, an)
- The World’s Best Short Short Stories ed. Roger B. Goodman (Bantam Pathfinder, May 1967, an)
- Worlds Enough & Time by Dan Simmons (Subterranean Press, March 2002, co)
- Worlds Far and Near ed. Terry Carr (Thomas Nelson US, November 1974, an)
- The World’s Finest Mystery and Crime Stories: First Annual Collection ed. Ed Gorman (Forge, September 2000, an)
- The World’s Finest Mystery and Crime Stories: Second Annual Collection ed. Ed Gorman (Forge, August 2001, an)
- The World’s Finest Mystery and Crime Stories: Third Annual Collection ed. Ed Gorman (Forge, August 2002, an)
- The World’s Finest Mystery and Crime Stories: Fourth Annual Collection ed. Ed Gorman (Forge, September 2003, an)
- The World’s Finest Mystery and Crime Stories: Fifth Annual Collection ed. Ed Gorman (Forge, October 2004, an)
- The World’s Great Crime Stories ed. Dorothy L. Sayers (Blue Ribbon, June 1939, an)
- World’s Great Detective Stories ed. Will Cuppy (The World Publishing Company, November 1943, an)
- The World’s Great Detective Stories ed. S. S. Van Dine (Blue Ribbon, 1931, an)
- World’s Great Detective Stories (Black's Readers Service Co., 1928, an)
- World’s Great Detective Stories (Kessinger Publishing Company, March 2004, an)
- The World’s Greatest Detective Stories (Syndicate Pub. Co., 1934, an)
- World’s Greatest Horror Stories ed. David Carson (Barnes & Noble, March 2004, an)
- The World’s Greatest Short Stories ed. James Daley (Dover Books, 2006, an)
- World’s Great Mystery Stories ed. Will Cuppy (The World Publishing Company, January 1943, an)
- World’s Great Spy Stories ed. Vincent Starrett (World, September 1944, an)
- Worlds Imagined ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Avenel, April 1989, an)
- Worlds in Small ed. John Robert Colombo (Cacanadadada Press, June 1992, an)
- The World’s Most Evil Cults by Peter Haining (Parragon Publishing, January 2006, nf)
- Worlds of Adventure ed. Stephen Holland (Bear Alley Books, November 2013, an)
- The Worlds of Anne McCaffrey by Anne McCaffrey (Andre Deutsch, 1981, om)
- The Worlds of Clifford Simak by Clifford D. Simak (Simon & Schuster, 1960, co)
- The Worlds of Clifford Simak (var. 1) by Clifford D. Simak (Avon, 1961, co)
- Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs ed. Robert T. Garcia (Baen, October 2013, oa)
- Worlds of Fear ed. David G. Hartwell (Tor, September 1994, an)
- Worlds of Fiction ed. Charles R. Larson (MacMillan College Division, January 1993, an)
- The Worlds of Frank Herbert by Frank Herbert (NEL, December 1970, co)
- The Worlds of Frank Herbert (var. 1) by Frank Herbert (Ace, 1971, co)
- The Worlds of Fritz Leiber by Fritz Leiber (Ace, November 1976, co)
- Worlds of If: A Retrospective Anthology ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Bluejay, December 1986, an)
- The Worlds of If Collection by Philip K. Dick (Library and Archives Canada, April 2020, co)
- The Worlds of Jack Williamson by Jack Williamson (Haffner Press, April 2008, co)
- Worlds of Light & Darkness ed. Scot Noel (Uproar Books, May 2021, an)
- Worlds of Maybe ed. Robert Silverberg (Thomas Nelson US, 1970, an)
- Worlds of Never ed. Douglas Menville (Arno Press, 1978, an)
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