The FictionMags Index
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[]Lamb, Charles (1775-1834); used pseudonym Timothy Bramble (about) (books) (chron.)
- * All Fools’ Day, (ms)
- * A Bachelor Complains, (ms)
- * A Bachelor’s Complaint of the Behavior of Married People, (ar)
- * The Children of Other People, (ms)
- * A Christmas Question, (ex) The London Magazine December 1822, as "A Few Words on Christmas"
- * The Coming In of the New Year, (ar)
- * Cupid’s Revenge, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1858
- * The Defeat of Time, or A Tale of the Fairies, (ss)
- * A Dissertation Upon Roast Pig, (ar) The London Magazine September 1822
- * Dream Children, (ss)
- * The Drunkard, (ms)
- * The Effervescent Epicure, (ms)
- * A Few Words on Christmas, (ex) The London Magazine December 1822
- * The Force of Habit, (pm) The Morning Post January 6 1802, as "Dick Strype; or The Force of Habit", by Timothy Bramble
- * Grace Before Meat, (ss)
- * Great Temperance Sermon, (ms)
- * The House Keeper, (pm)
- * Letter to C. Chambers, (lt) The Strand Magazine December 1891 [Ref. Charles Lamb]
- * Lines to His Sister, (pm)
- * A Midsummer Night’s Dream, (ss) Tales from Shakespear by Charles Lamb, The Juvenile Library, 1807
- * Mrs. Battle on Whist, (ss)
- * Much Ado About Nothing, (ss) Tales from Shakespear by Charles Lamb, The Juvenile Library, 1807
- * New Year’s Eve, (ms)
- * The Old Familiar Faces, (pm) Blank Verse by Charles Lamb & Charles Lloyd, 1798
- * A Popular Fallacy, (ar) The New Monthly Magazine June 1826
- * Rosamund Gray, (nv) A Tale of Rosamund Gray by Charles Lamb, Birmingham, 1798
- * St. Valentine’s Day, (es)
- * Shakespeare: The Tempest/A Winter’s Tale, (co) Travelman, December 1999
- * The Tempest, (ss) Tales from Shakespear by Charles Lamb, The Juvenile Library, 1807
- * The Tempest, a Tale from Shakespeare, (ss) Tales from Shakespear by Charles Lamb, The Juvenile Library, 1807
- * Valentine’s Day, (ms)
- * The Winter’s Tale, (ss) Tales from Shakespear by Charles Lamb, The Juvenile Library, 1807
- * The Witch Aunt, (ss)
- * Witches, and Other Night Fears, (es)
_____, [ref.]
- * Charles Lamb by Alfred J. Church, (ar) Atalanta December 1887
- * Charles Lamb and Robert Lloyd: Some Unpublished Letters by E. V. Lucas, (lt) The Cornhill Magazine May, Jun 1898
- * Charles Lamb and “The Laughing Philosopher” by Walter Jerrold, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine November 1924
- * Charles Lamb’s Commonplace Books by E. V. Lucas, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1904
- * Charles Lamb’s Dramatic Efforts by Brander Matthews, (bg) Lippincott’s Magazine May 1883
- * Charles Lamb’s Forerunners of the Dime Novel by J. E. Riehl, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up October 1978
- * How I Traced Charles Lamb in Hertfordshire by Alfred Ainger, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine May 1904
- * Letter to C. Chambers by Charles Lamb, (lt) The Strand Magazine December 1891
- * On the “Essays” ad “Last Essays” of “Elia” by E. V. Lucas, (cn) The Cornhill Magazine January 1911
- * Unpublished Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1892
- * Unpublished Letters of Charles Lamb, (ar) The Mirror #58, December 6 1873
[]Lamb, Harold A(lbert) (1892-1962) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Across a Frozen Sea, (ss) Argosy April 1944
- * The Admiral Declares War, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 24 1951
- * Aegean Venture, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1944
- * Alamut [Khlit the Cossack], (nv) Adventure 1st August 1918
- * Amateur Spy, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 12 1952
- * Ameer of the Sea [Abdul Dost], (na) Adventure mid April 1920
- * Among the Missing, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 7 1953
- * Anna Maria—Mary Ann, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion April 1940
- * Appendix, (ms) Wolf of the Steppes, University of Nebraska Press/Bison Books, 2006
- * Appendix, (ms) Warriors of the Steppes, University of Nebraska Press/Bison Books, 2006
- * Appendix, (ms) Swords of the Steppes, University of Nebraska Press/Bison Books, 2007
- * At Alexander’s Palace, (ss) Collier’s April 21 1934
- * Azadi’s Jest, (ss) Collier’s November 11 1933
- * The Baiting of the Warriors [Ayub; Demid], (ss) Adventure September 10 1923
- * The Bear’s Head, (ss) Collier’s March 17 1934
- * Beauseant Goes Forward, (ar) Adventure February 15 1931
- * Behind the Veil, (ss) Collier’s June 2 1934
- * The Bells of the Mountain, (ss) Collier’s September 13 1941
- * Berserk, (ss) Collier’s December 13 1941
- * Between the Devil and—, (ss) All-Story Weekly February 8 1919
- * The Black Road, (ss) Collier’s January 23 1943
- * The Blue Pigeons, (ss) Collier’s December 31 1932, as "The Eighth Wife"
- * Bogatyr [Khlit the Cossack; Ayub], (ss) Adventure September 30 1925
- * Bolshaya, Room Three, (ss) Collier’s March 20 1943
- * The Book of the Tiger: The Emperor, (na) Adventure July 8 1926; “transcribed from the memoirs of Babar by Harold Lamb”.
- * The Book of the Tiger: The Warrior, (na) Adventure June 23 1926; “transcribed from the memoirs of Babar by Harold Lamb”.
- * The Bride of Jagannath [Khlit the Cossack; Abdul Dost], (nv) Adventure 1st August 1920
- * The Buffalo Bear, (nv) Short Stories November 10 1924
- * Call of the Caribbean, (nv) People’s Favorite Magazine February 10 1919
- * The Camp of the Snake, (nv) Short Stories July 10 1924
- * The Caravan of the Dead, (n.) Argosy Jun 12, Jun 19, Jun 26, Jul 3, Jul 10, Jul 17 1920
- * Chambeau’s Investment, (ss) Argosy October 11 1919
- * Changa Nor [Khlit the Cossack], (nv) Adventure 1st February 1919
- * Channa’s Tabu, (ss) All-Story Weekly January 25 1919
- * Child of the Dragon, (ss) Everybody’s Combined with Romance June 1929
- * A Chinaman’s Chance, (ss) Argosy and Railroad Man’s Magazine May 24 1919
- * City under the Sea, (ss) Collier’s January 2 1943
- * The Corsair’s Raid, (ss) Pictorial Review July 1932
- * Cossack Wolf, (ss) Collier’s February 28 1942
- * The Curved Sword [Khlit the Cossack; Abdul Dost], (na) Adventure 1st November 1920
- * The Desert Driver [Robert Warner, the Collector], (nv) Short Stories June 25 1923
- * Detour to Persepolis, (??) Collier’s May 8 1943
- * The Devil’s Bungalow, (nv) Short Stories January 25 1924
- * The Devil’s Current, (ss) Collier’s July 30 1938
- * The Devil’s Song, (ss) Collier’s April 10 1937
- * The Devil’s Visit, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 29 1947
- * Doom Rides In, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine January 1932
- * Dorgan’s Devil-Devil, (ss) Adventure mid March 1918
- * The Drub-Devil March, (na) The Blue Book Magazine December 1949
- * Durandal [Sir Hugh of Taranto], (ss) Adventure September 23 1926
- * An Edge to a Sword [Ayub], (ss) Adventure July 10 1923
- * The Eighth Wife, (ss) Collier’s December 31 1932
- * Elf Woman, (ss) Collier’s November 21 1942
- * The Empress’ Yankee, (ss) Collier’s August 2 1941
- * An Equivalent in Cash, (ss) Argosy February 21 1920
- * Expert Proficiency, (ss) All-Story Weekly June 23 1917
- * The Eyes of Ya Long, (ss) Argosy June 5 1920
- * The Faring Forth, (ss) Adventure November 15 1929
- * Fire Circle, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine October 1 1918
- * Flame Weapons, (ar) Adventure July 15 1927
- * Flower Girl, (ss) Pictorial Review July 1933
- * Forward [John Paul Jones], (na) Adventure October 10 1924
- * From the Ends of the Earth, (na) People’s Favorite Magazine June 10 1919
- * Gallant Gesture, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 18 1950
- * The Gate in the Sky, (ss) Adventure February 20 1922
- * The Ghost of Los Cordas, (na) People’s Favorite Magazine June 10 1919, as "From the Ends of the Earth"
- * The Golden Empress, (ss) Collier’s October 6 1934
- * The Golden Horde [Nial O’Gordon], (na) Adventure May 15, Jun 1933
- * The Grand Cham, (na) Adventure 1st July 1921
- * The Guest of Karadak [Daril Ibn Athir], (na) Adventure August 15 1927
- * His Excellency, the Vulture, (nv) Adventure 1st October 1917
- * Home from Bethlehem, (??) Collier’s December 19 1931
- * The Hour of the Ghosts, (ss) Collier’s October 10 1936
- * The House of Hidden Faces, (nv) Adventure 1st December 1918
- * The House of the Strongest, (ss) Adventure November 20 1921
- * The Hundred Visitors [Robert Warner, the Collector], (ss) Short Stories July 10 1923
- * The Impossible Fleet, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine November 1 1915
- * Iron Curtain Incident, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 6 1957
- * The Iron Man Rides, (ss) Adventure June 1 1929
- * The Island of Changing Shapes, (nv) Adventure 1st December 1917
- * The Jest of Azadi, (ss) Collier’s November 11 1933, as "Azadi’s Jest"
- * The Jumping-Off Place, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly April 16 1921
- * Justice of the Lone Lands, (ss) Short Stories December 25 1921
- * Keeper of the Gate [Nial O’Gordon], (na) Adventure August 1936
- * Khlit [Khlit the Cossack], (ss) Adventure 1st November 1917
- * The King Dies [Ayub; Demid], (ss) Adventure September 30 1923
- * The Kite, (nv) Argosy and Railroad Man’s Magazine February 8 1919
- * Knights with Wings, (ss) Collier’s May 10 1941
- * Koum [Koum the Cossack], (ss) Adventure July 15 1931
- * The Krit from the Sky, (ss) Esquire December 1943
- * The Lady and the Pirate, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 29 1950
- * The Lake of Long Dreams, (nv) All-Story Weekly December 7 1918
- * The Last Cabin, (nv) Short Stories November 1920
- * Law of Fire [Khlit the Cossack; Abdul Dost], (nv) Adventure mid July 1920
- * Light of the Palace [Daril Ibn Athir], (na) Adventure June 15 1928
- * The Lion Cub [Khlit the Cossack], (nv) Adventure 1st June 1920
- * Lionheart, (ss) Collier’s May 28 1949
- * Live Target, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 26 1949
- * The Long Perspective, (lt) Rob Wagner’s Script #554, May 11 1940
- * The Long Sword, (nv) Adventure September 1 1930; not the same as the story with a very similar title in the April 14, 1934 issue of Collier’s.
- * Longsword, (ss) Collier’s April 14 1934; not the same as the story with a very similar title in the September 1, 1930 issue of Adventure.
- * Lost City, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 17 1948
- * The Lost Crusade, (ar) Adventure February 1 1931
- * The Lost Dare-Devil, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine December 25 1918
- * Lost Land, (nv) People’s Favorite Magazine March 25 1919
- * Lost River, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1949
- * The Major Meets and Enchantress, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 21 1946
- * The Make-Weight, (ss) Short Stories September 25 1921
- * The Making of the Morning Star, (na) Adventure April 10 1924
- * The Man Who Measured the Wind, (nv) Short Stories March 10 1923
- * The Man with the Wooden Leg, (ss) The Premier Magazine #69, August 29 1919
- * Marching Sands, (n.) Argosy Oct 25, Nov 1, Nov 8, Nov 15 1919
- * Marching Sands and The Caravan of the Dead, (co) Steeger Books, December 2019
- * Mark of Astrakhan, (ss) Adventure November 20 1925
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