The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Author: Page 37
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Books by Author Index —
Desmond, William H. “Bill” (fl. 1970s-1980s) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Golden Fleece (with Diane M. Howard, John R. Howard & Robert K. Wiener) (Odyssey, 1975, OP4, 128pp, tp, an)
- * The Magic Carpet Magazine (with Diane M. Howard, John R. Howard & Robert K. Wiener) (Odyssey, 1977, OP9, $4, 128pp, tp, an, cover by M. Brundage from The Magic Carpet Magazine October 1933)
- * Oriental Stories (with Diane M. Howard, John R. Howard & Robert K. Weiner) (Odyssey Publications, November 1975, OP 3, $4.50, 128pp, tp, an, cover by M. Brundage from Oriental Stories Spring 1932)
- * Strange Tales (with Diane M. Howard, John R. Howard & Robert K. Weiner) (Odyssey Publications, 1976, OP6, $4.50, 128pp, tp, an)
Devlin, Delilah; pseudonym of Dolores Lynders (1958- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Girls Who Bite: Lesbian Vampire Erotica (Cleis Press, September 13, 2011, 978-1-57344-715-7, $14.95, viii+225pp, tp, oa)
- * She Shifters: Lesbian Paranormal Erotica (Cleis Press, July 10, 2012, 978-1-57344-796-6, $15.95, xi+217pp, tp, oa)
Dewar, Simon (fl. 2010s) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Suspended in Dusk (Books of the Dead Press, September 18, 2014, 978-1927112441, $13.99, 232pp, tp, oa)
- * Suspended in Dusk II (Grey Matter Press, July 2018, 978-1-940658-97-1, $13.95, 280pp, tp, oa, cover by Dean Samed)
Dick, Philip K(indred) (1928-1982) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Acts of Paul (Underwood-Miller, May 1987, no ISBN, 4pp, ph, uw)
- * Adjustment Team (Subterranean Press, October 2011, 978-1-59606-395-2, $40.00, 484pp, hc, co, cover by Bill Sienkiewicz)
- * The Best of Philip K. Dick (Del Rey, March 1977, 0-345-25359-0, $1.95, xiv+450pp, pb, co)
- * Beyond Lies the Wub (Underwood-Miller, May 1987, 0-88733-053-3, $125.00 for complete set, xxii+404pp, hc, co)
- * Beyond Lies the Wub (Gollancz, November 10, 1988, 0-575-04407-1, £12.95, 404pp, hc, co)
- * Beyond Lies the Wub (Grafton, May 17, 1990, 0-586-20764-3, £5.99, 510pp, tp, co, cover by Chris Moore)
- * Beyond Lies the Wub (Millennium, August 26, 1999, 1-85798-879-5, £7.99, vi+404pp, tp, co)
- * Blade Runner (Del Rey, May 1982, 0-345-30129-3, $2.75, 216pp, pb, n., cover by Drew Struzan)
- * The Book of Philip K. Dick (DAW, February 1973, 0-87997-044-8, 95¢, 187pp, pb, co, cover by Karel Thole)
- * Breakfast at Twilight & Other Stories (Prime Books, December 2009, 978-1-60701-203-0, $28.00, 287pp, hc, co)
- * The Broken Bubble (Arbor House, July 1988, 1-55710-012-8, $16.95, 246pp, hc, n., cover by Richard Powers)
- * The Broken Bubble (Gollancz, July 27, 1989, 0-575-04434-9, £12.95, 246pp, hc, no, cover by Richard Jones)
- * The Broken Bubble (Paladin, August 1991, 0-586-09066-5, £4.99, 246pp, tp, no, cover by Chris Moore)
- * The Broken Bubble (Gollancz, June 12, 2014, 978-0-575-13308-2, £8.99, 246pp, tp, no, cover by Chris Moore)
- * Cantata-140 (Gollancz, March 13, 2003, 0-575-07459-0, £6.99, 188pp, tp, no, cover by Chris Moore)
- * Clans of the Alphane Moon (Ace, November 1964, F-309, 40¢, 192pp, pb, n., cover by Ed Valigursky)
- * Clans of the Alphane Moon (Panther, March 1975, 586-04159-1, 50p, 295pp, pb, no, cover by Peter Jones)
- * Clans of the Alphane Moon (Bluejay, April 1984, 0-312-94051-3, $6.95, 269pp, tp, n., cover by Barclay Shaw)
- * Clans of the Alphane Moon (Carroll & Graf, November 1988, 0-88184-436-5, $3.95, 269pp, pb, n.)
- * Clans of the Alphane Moon (Voyager, December 2, 1996, 0-00-648248-1, £5.99, 205pp, tp, no, cover by Chris Moore)
- * Clans of the Alphane Moon (Vintage, May 2002, 0-375-71928-8, $13.00, 251pp, tp, n.)
- * The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick: Volume 1 (Gollancz, September 14, 2023, 978-1-3996-1123-7, £10.99, 624pp, tp, co)
- * The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick: Volume 2 (Gollancz, September 14, 2023, 978-1-3996-1125-1, £10.99, 624pp, tp, co)
- * The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick: Volume 3 (Gollancz, October 26, 2023, 978-1-3996-1127-5, £10.99, 672pp, tp, co)
- * The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick: Volume 4 (Gollancz, October 26, 2023, 978-1-3996-1129-9, £10.99, 624pp, tp, co)
- * The Dark Haired Girl (Mark V. Ziesing, December 1988, 0-929480-03-1, $19.95, xx+249pp, hc, co, cover by Mark Bilokur)
- * The Days of Perky Pat (Underwood-Miller, May 1987, 0-88733-053-3, $125.00 for complete set, 380pp, hc, co)
- * The Days of Perky Pat (Gollancz, April 5, 1990, 0-575-04756-9, £14.95, 380pp, hc, co)
- * The Days of Perky Pat (Grafton, May 9, 1991, 0-586-20768-6, £5.99, 494pp, tp, co, cover by Chris Moore)
- * The Defenders and Others: The Classic Short Fiction of Philip K. Dick (Wildside Press, June 3, 2010, 978-1-4344-0947-8, $6.99, 234pp, tp, co)
- * The Early Science Fiction of Philip K. Dick (Dover Publications, August 22, 2013, 978-0-486-49733-4, $9.95, ix+258pp, tp, co)
- * The Early Science Fiction of Philip K. Dick: Volume 2 (Dover Publications, February 17, 2016, 978-0-486-80150-6, $9.95, vii+182pp, tp, co)
- * The Eye of the Sibyl (Citadel Twilight, May 1992, 0-8065-1328-4, $12.95, 395pp, tp, co, cover by Kevin Kelly)
- * The Eye of the Sibyl and Other Classic Stories (Citadel Press, July 2002, 0-8065-1328-4, $14.95, 395pp, tp, co)
- * The Father-Thing (Underwood-Miller, May 1987, 0-88733-053-3, $125.00 for complete set, 376pp, hc, co)
- * The Father-Thing (Gollancz, November 16, 1989, 0-575-04616-3, £13.95, 376pp, hc, co)
- * The Father-Thing (Grafton, November 15, 1990, 0-586-20767-8, £5.99, 476pp, tp, co, cover by Chris Moore)
- * The Father-Thing (Voyager, May 5, 1998, 0-586-20767-8, £7.99, 476pp, tp, co, cover by Chris Moore)
- * The Father-Thing (Millennium, August 26, 1999, 1-85798-881-7, £7.99, ix+376pp, tp, co)
- * The Golden Man (Berkley, February 1980, 04288, $2.25, xxviii+336pp, pb, co, cover by Walter Velez)
- * A Handful of Darkness (Rich & Cowan, August 1955, 10/6d, 224pp, hc, co, cover by Peter Rudland)
- * A Handful of Darkness (var. 1) (Panther, 1966, 2108, 3/6d, 186pp, pb, co)
- * Human Is? (Gollancz, March 2007, 978-0-575-08034-8, £7.99, 438pp, tp, co, cover by Sue Michniewicz)
- * I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon (Doubleday, July 1985, 0-385-19567-2, $12.95, 179pp, hc, co, cover by Cathy Canzani)
- * I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon (Gollancz, February 1986, 0-575-03578-1, £8.95, 179pp, hc, co)
- * I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon (St. Martin’s, September 1987, 0-312-90838-5, $3.50, 201pp, pb, co, cover by Paul Lehr)
- * I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon (Grafton, February 1988, 0-586-07415-5, £2.95, 220pp, pb, no, cover by Chris Foss)
- * The King of the Elves (Subterranean Press, February 2011, 978-1-59606-340-2, $40.00, 487pp, hc, co, cover by Bill Sienkiewicz)
- * The Little Black Box (Underwood-Miller, May 1987, 0-88733-053-3, $125.00 for complete set, 395pp, hc, co)
- * The Little Black Box (Gollancz, October 25, 1990, 0-575-04845-X, £14.95, 395pp, hc, co)
- * The Minority Report (Pantheon, May 2002, 0-375-42187-4, $12.95, 103pp, hc, nv)
- * The Minority Report (Citadel Twilight, December 1991, 0-8065-1276-8, $12.95, 380pp, tp, co)
- * The Minority Report (Millennium, May 18, 2000, 1-85798-947-3, £7.99, xii+380pp, tp, co)
- * The Minority Report (Subterranean Press, August 8, 2013, 978-1-59606-598-7, $40.00, 472pp, hc, co, cover by Bill Sienkiewicz)
- * The Minority Report and Other Classic Stories (Citadel Press, May 2002, 0-8065-2379-4, $14.95, 380pp, tp, co)
- * Minority Report (var. 1) (Gollancz, July 18, 2002, 1-85798-738-1, £6.99, xi+290pp, hc, co)
- * Minority Report (var. 1) (Orion, March 24, 2005, 0-752-86431-9, £6.99, 290pp, tp, co, cover by Nina Farrell)
- * Nick and the Glimmung (Subterranean Press, December 2009, 978-1-59606-168-2, $35.00, 121pp, hc, na, cover by Phil Parks)
- * Paycheck (Gollancz, February 5, 2004, 0-575-07001-3, £7.99, 312pp, hc, co)
- * Paycheck (Gollancz, October 14, 2004, 0-575-07585-6, £6.99, 312pp, pb, co)
- * Paycheck and Other Classic Stories (Citadel Press, September 2003, 0-8065-2630-0, $14.95, 404pp, tp, co, cover by Paul Bachem)
- * A Philip K. Dick Omnibus (Sidgwick & Jackson, October 1970, 0-283-48450-0, £1.95, 190+100+138pp, hc, co)
- * The Philip K. Dick Reader (Citadel Twilight, February 1997, 0-8065-1856-1, $14.95, 422pp, tp, co, cover by Zina Saunders)
- * Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams: Volume 1 (Gollancz, September 14, 2017, 978-1-4732-2328-8, £8.99, 224pp, tp, co)
- * The Preserving Machine (Ace, April 1969, 67800, 95¢, 317pp, pb, co, cover by Leo & Diane Dillon)
- * The Preserving Machine (Grafton, October 1987, 0-586-06938-0, £3.50, 413pp, pb, co, cover by Chris Foss)
- * The Preserving Machine and Other Stories (Gollancz, February 1971, 978-0-575-00562-4, £1.60, 252pp, hc, co)
- * The Preserving Machine and Other Stories (UKSFBC, February 1972, 252pp, hc, co)
- * The Preserving Machine and Other Stories (var. 1) (Pan, November 1972, 0-330-23363-7, 35p, 286pp, pb, co)
- * Robots, Androids, and Mechanical Oddities: The Science Fiction of Philip K. Dick (Southern Illinois University Press, June 1984, 0-8093-1159-3, $19.95, 261pp, hc, co)
- * Second Variety (Underwood-Miller, May 1987, 0-88733-053-3, $125.00 for complete set, 393pp, hc, co)
- * Second Variety (Gollancz, April 13, 1989, 0-575-04460-8, £12.95, 395pp, hc, co)
- * Second Variety (Grafton, July 12, 1990, 0-586-20765-1, £5.99, 493pp, tp, co, cover by Chris Moore)
- * Second Variety (Millennium, August 26, 1999, 1-85798-880-9, £7.99, viii+395pp, tp, co)
- * Second Variety and Other Classic Stories (Citadel Press, April 25, 2017, 978-0-8065-3799-3, $16.00, 432pp, tp, co)
- * Second Variety (var. 1) (Citadel Twilight, June 1991, 0-8065-1226-1, $12.95, 414pp, tp, co, cover by Kevin Kelly)
- * Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick (Pantheon Books, November 2002, 0-375-42151-3, $25.95, xiv+476pp, hc, co)
- * Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick (SFBC, November 2002, #54693, $12.99, xiv+476pp, hc, co)
- * Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, April 2013, 978-0-544-04054-0, $28.00, xii+466pp, hc, co)
- * The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick (Vintage, February 1996, 0-679-74787-7, $13.00, 350pp, tp, nf)
- * The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick: Selected Literary and Philosophical Writings (Pantheon, January 1995, 0-679-42644-2, $27.50, 350pp, hc, nf)
- * The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford (Citadel Twilight, April 1990, 0-8065-1153-2, $12.95, 404pp, tp, co, cover by Kevin Kelly)
- * The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford and Other Classic Stories (Citadel Press, July 2002, 0-8065-1153-2, $14.95, 404pp, tp, co)
- * Total Recall (Gollancz, August 9, 2012, 978-0-575-10029-9, £8.99, xii+395pp, tp, co)
- * The Turning Wheel and Other Stories (Coronet, July 1977, 0-340-21829-0, 80p, 189pp, pb, co, cover by Geoff Taylor)
- * Ubik: The Screenplay (Subterranean Press, August 2008, 978-1-59606-169-9, $35.00, 182pp, hc, pl, cover by Dave McKean)
- * Upon the Dull Earth (Subterranean Press, July 2012, 978-1-59606-512-3, $40.00, 449pp, hc, co, cover by Bill Sienkiewicz)
- * The Variable Man & Other Stories (Prime Books, August 2009, 978-1-60701-202-3, $28.00, 408pp, hc, co, cover by Klaus-Dieter Hesse)
- * The Variable Man and Other Stories (Ace, 1957, D-261, 35¢, 255pp, pb, co, cover by Ed Emshwiller)
- * The Variable Man and Other Stories (Sphere Books, August 1969, 978-0-7221-2958-6, 6/-, 220pp, pb, co)
- * Vintage PKD (Vintage Books, June 2006, 978-1-4000-9607-7, $11.95, 189pp, tp, co, cover by John Gall)
- * We Can Remember It for You Wholesale (Dark Carnival, July 1990, no ISBN, $1.00, 18pp, ph, nv)
- * We Can Remember It for You Wholesale (Citadel Twilight, September 1990, 0-8065-1209-1, $12.95, 381pp, tp, co, cover by Norris Burroughs)
- * We Can Remember It for You Wholesale (var. 1) (Grafton, November 7, 1991, 0-586-20769-4, £5.99, 495pp, tp, co, cover by Chris Moore)
- * We Can Remember It for You Wholesale (var. 1) (Millennium, May 18, 2000, 1-85798-948-1, £7.99, xii+395pp, tp, co)
- * We Can Remember It for You Wholesale (var. 2) (Subterranean Press, October 6, 2014, 978-1-59606-649-6, $40.00, 479pp, hc, co, cover by Bill Sienkiewicz)
- * The Worlds of If Collection (Library and Archives Canada, April 28, 2020, 978-1-9990115-5-0, $8.99, 241pp, tp, co)
Dickens, Charles (John Huffam) (1812-1870) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * Charles Dickens’ Christmas Ghost Stories (Robert Hale, September 1992, 0-7090-4867-X, £14.95, 256pp, hc, co)
- * A Christmas Carol, The Signalman and Other Ghostly Tales: The Best Ghost Stories of Charles Dickens (Oldstyle Tales Press, December 17, 2018, 978-1-79187-052-2, $21.20, 267pp, tp, co)
- * The Complete Ghost Stories of Charles Dickens (Michael Joseph, 1982, 342pp, hc, co)
- * Hunted Down The Detective Stories of Charles Dickens (Peter Owen, 1996, 0-7206-0994-1, £16.95, 223pp, hc, co, cover by Sutchinda Rangsi-Thompson)
_____, ed.
- * The Haunted House (Hesperus Press, November 9, 2012, 978-1843910213, £6.99, ix+128pp, pb, oa)
Dickinson, Oliver (Thomas Pilkington Kirwan) (1941- ) (items) (chron.)
- * The Collected Griselda (Reaching Moon Megacorp, August 1993, 1-898190-00-3, £6.99, 157pp, tp, co)
- * Hero Wars: The Complete Griselda (Issaries, August 2001, 1-929052-11-1, $17.95, 219pp, tp, co, cover by Heather Bruton)
Dickinson, Peter (Malcolm de Brissac) (1927-2015) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * Earth and Air: Tales of Elemental Creatures (Small Beer Press, September 2012, 978-1-618730-58-9, $17.95, 193pp, hc, oc, cover by Jackie Morris)
- * Merlin Dreams (Delacorte, October 1988, 0-440-50067-2, $19.95, 167pp, hc, co)
- * The Weir: Poems (Peter Dickinson Books, December 16, 2007, 978-0-9557805-1-6, £9.10, 80pp, tp, oc)
Dickinson, Susan (1931- ) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Case of the Vanishing Spinster (Collins, 1972, 0-00-195157-2, 256pp, hc, an)
- * Drugged Cornet and Other Mystery Stories (Dutton, 1973, 0-525-28928-3, $5.95, 230pp, hc, an)
- * Ghostly Encounters (Armada Lion, 1973, C611, 25p, 157pp, pb, an)
- * Ghostly Experiences (Fontana Lions, 1973, C521, 25p, 158pp, pb, an)
- * The Restless Ghost (Collins, 1970, 0-00-195272-2, 30/-, 318pp, hc, an)
Dickson, Gordon R(upert) (1923-2001) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * Ancient, My Enemy (Doubleday, October 1974, 0-385-05202-2, $6.95, 226pp, hc, co, cover by Peter Rauch)
- * Beginnings (Baen, August 1988, 0-671-65429-2, $3.50, 282pp, pb, co, cover by Greg West)
- * The Best of Gordon R. Dickson: Volume 1 (Baen, April 4, 2017, 978-1-4767-8217-1, $16.00, 260pp, tp, co, cover by Adam Burn)
- * Beyond the Dar Al-Harb (Tor, November 1985, 0-812-53550-2, $2.95, 253pp, pb, co, cover by Alan Gutierrez)
- * The Book of Gordon Dickson (DAW, May 1973, 0-87997-055-3, 95¢, 205pp, pb, co, cover by Karel Thole)
- * Danger—Human (Doubleday, 1970, LC:77-89082, $4.95, 228pp, hc, co, cover by Peter Rauch)
- * Dickson! (NESFA Press, August 1984, 0-915368-27-7, $13.00, xii+193pp, hc, co, cover by Frank Kelly Freas)
- * The Dorsai Companion (Ace, June 1986, 0-441-16026-3, $5.95, 231pp, pb, co, cover by Enric)
- * Earthman’s Burden [Hokas] (with Poul Anderson) --- see under Poul Anderson.
- * Ends (Baen, October 1988, 0-671-69782-X, $3.95, 342pp, pb, co, cover by Carl Lundgren)
- * Forward! (Baen, July 1985, 0-671-55971-0, $2.95, 242pp, pb, co, cover by Paul Chadwick)
- * Gordon R. Dickson’s SF Best (Dell, February 1978, 0-440-13181-2, $1.75, 236pp, pb, co, cover by George Tsui)
- * Guided Tour (Tor, February 1988, 0-812-53589-8, $3.50, 244pp, pb, co, cover by David Lee Anderson)
- * Hoka! (with Poul Anderson) --- see under Poul Anderson.
- * Hoka! Hoka! Hoka! [Hokas] (with Poul Anderson) --- see under Poul Anderson.
- * Hokas Pokas! [Hokas] (with Poul Anderson) --- see under Poul Anderson.
- * The Human Edge (Baen, December 2003, 0-7434-7174-1, $6.99, 406pp, pb, co, cover by David B. Mattingly)
- * In Iron Years (Doubleday, August 1980, 0-385-01555-0, $9.95, 250pp, hc, co, cover by Soren Arutyunyan)
- * In the Bone: The Best Science Fiction of Gordon R. Dickson (Ace, March 1987, 0-441-37049-7, $2.95, 228pp, pb, co, cover by Richard Corben)
- * Invaders! (Baen, November 1985, 0-671-55994-X, $2.95, 253pp, pb, co, cover by Bryn Barnard)
- * The Last Dream (Baen, March 1986, 0-671-65559-0, $2.95, 263pp, pb, co, cover by James Warhola)
- * Lost Dorsai [Childe Cycle] (Ace, August 1980, 0-441-49299-1, $4.95, 287pp, tp, co, cover by Enric)
- * Lost Dorsai (var. 1) (Sphere, July 1988, 0-7221-3020-1, £2.50, 152pp, pb, co, cover by Les Edwards)
- * Love Not Human (Ace, February 1981, 0-441-50414-0, $2.50, 249pp, pb, co)
- * The Man from Earth (Tor, June 1983, 0-523-48576-X, $2.95, 288pp, pb, co, cover by David Egge from Future Life November 1979)
- * The Man the Worlds Rejected (Tor, August 1986, 0-812-53572-3, $2.95, 250pp, pb, co, cover by Alan Gutierrez)
- * Mindspan (Baen, July 1986, 0-671-65580-9, $2.95, 276pp, pb, co, cover by James Warhola)
- * Mutants (Macmillan, 1970, $4.95, v+250pp, hc, co, cover by Anthony Sini)
- * Planet Run (with Keith Laumer) (Doubleday, July 1967, $3.95, 167pp, hc, n., cover by Emanuel Schongut)
- * Planet Run (with Keith Laumer) --- see under Keith Laumer.
- * The Spirit of Dorsai [Childe Cycle] (Ace, September 1979, 0-441-77802-X, $5.95, 281pp, tp, co, cover by Enric)
- * The Star Road (Doubleday, 1973, 0-385-06811-5, $5.95, 229pp, hc, co, cover by Bill Naegels)
- * Steel Brother (Tor, December 1985, 0-812-53552-9, $2.95, xvii+236pp, pb, co)
- * The Stranger (Tor, March 1987, 0-812-53579-0, $2.95, 254pp, pb, co, cover by David Lee Anderson)
- * Survival! (Baen, December 1984, 0-671-55927-3, $2.75, 279pp, pb, co, cover by Alan Gutierrez)
- * Three to Dorsai! [Childe Cycle] (SFBC, October 1975, #1388, $3.50, xiv+532pp, hc, co)
_____, ed.
- * The Blood and Honor [Harriers] (Baen, August 1993, 0-671-72181-X, $4.99, 237pp, pb, oa, cover by Nan Fredman)
- * Combat SF (Doubleday, 1975, 0-385-04575-1, $6.95, ix+204pp, hc, an, cover by Robert Aulicino)
- * Combat SF (var. 1) (Ace, June 1981, 0-441-11531-4, $2.50, 10+266pp, pb, an, cover by Vincent Di Fate)
- * The Harriers [Harriers] (Baen, April 1991, 0-671-72048-1, $4.50, 258pp, pb, oa)
- * Nebula Winners Twelve (Harper & Row, February 1978, 0-06-011078-3, $9.95, xiv+242pp, hc, an, cover by Kim Kasow)
- * Rod Serling’s Devils and Demons --- see under Rod Serling.
- * Rod Serling’s Triple W: Witches, Warlocks and Werewolves --- see under Rod Serling.
Di Filippo, Paul (Gerard) (1954- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * Babylon Sisters and Other Posthumans (Prime Books, December 2002, 1-894815-81-5, $17.95, 323pp, tp, co, cover by Sang Lee)
- * Destroy All Brains! (Pirate Writings, October 1996, 0-964-01687-7, $4.95, 48pp, ph, co, cover by Dave Barnett)
- * The Emperor of Gondwanaland and Other Stories (Thunder’s Mouth Press, July 2005, 1-56025-665-6, $15.95, x+370pp, tp, co, cover by Marcia Salo)
- * Fractal Paisleys (Four Walls Eight Windows, October 1997, 1-56858-032-0, $20.00, 289pp, hc, co, cover by Christine A. Francis)
- * Little Doors (Four Walls Eight Windows, December 2002, 1-56858-241-2, $24.95, 271pp, hc, co)
- * Lost Pages (Four Walls Eight Windows, October 1998, 1-56858-099-1, $15.95, 207pp, tp, co, cover by Christine Francis)
- * Neutrino Drag (Four Walls Eight Windows, April 2004, 1-56858-300-1, $15.95, 492pp, tp, co, cover by Marcia Salo)
- * Ribofunk (Four Walls Eight Windows, April 1996, 1-56858-062-2, $20.00, 295pp, hc, co, cover by Christine Francis)
- * Shuteye for the Timebroker (Thunder’s Mouth Press, May 2006, 1-56025-817-9, $14.95, 312pp, tp, co, cover by Todd Schorr)
- * The Steampunk Trilogy [Steampunk] (Four Walls Eight Windows, April 1995, 1-56858-028-2, $20.00, 352pp, hc, co, cover by Christine Francis)
- * Strange Trades (Golden Gryphon Press, October 2001, 1-930846-05-3, $24.95, 343pp, hc, co, cover by Frank Kelly Freas)
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