The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Title: Page 94
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- Scourge of the Invisible Death by Curtis Steele (Dimedia, October 1980, n.)
- Scourge of the Invisible Death by Curtis Steele (Steeger Books, June 2020, n.)
- Scourge of the Scorpion by Will Murray (Altus Press, May 2022, n.)
- Scourge of the Yellow Fangs by Grant Stockbridge (Popular Publications, September 2020, n.)
- Scourge the Heretic by Sandy Mitchell (Black Library, February 2008, n.)
- Scrape to Victory by Gav Thorpe (Black Library, April 2017, ss)
- The Scrap of Lace by Hulbert Footner (Steeger Books, December 2019, co)
- Scratching the Surface ed. Christina Crooks (Wordbeams, September 2000, an)
- Scream Along with Me ed. Alfred Hitchcock (Dell, December 1970, an)
- Scream at Midnight by Joseph Payne Brennan (Macabre House, 1963, co)
- Scream for Jeeves by P. H. Cannon (Wodecraft Press, June 1994, co)
- Scream for Me ed. Madelaine Kinhill (Wild Child, 1997, oa)
- The Screaming Book of Horror ed. Johnny Mains (Screaming Dreams, October 2012, oa)
- The Screaming Eye by Robert Sidney Bowen (Altus Press, September 2017, n.)
- Screamingly Funny ed. Charles G. Waugh (Sam Teddy Publishing, 2021, an)
- The Screaming Mimi by Fredric Brown (E.P. Dutton, December 1949, n.)
- Screaming Science Fiction by Brian Lumley (Subterranean Press, February 2006, co)
- The Screaming Skull and Other Classic Horror Stories ed. Michael Kelahan (Fall River, September 2010, an)
- The Screaming Skull and Other Great American Ghost Stories ed. David G. Hartwell (Tor, September 1995, an)
- The Screaming Skull and Other True Mysteries by Peter Haining (Armada, October 1979, oc)
- A Scream in Soho by John G. Brandon (Wright & Brown, 1940, n.)
- A Scream in Soho by John G. Brandon (The British Library, September 2014, n.)
- Screamplays ed. Richard T. Chizmar (Ballantine Del Rey, September 1997, oa)
- Scream Quietly by Charles L. Grant (Drugstore Indian Press, December 2016, co)
- Screams from the Dark ed. Ellen Datlow (Tor Nightfire, June 2022, an)
- Screen by Barry N. Malzberg (Olympia Press, February 1969, n.)
- Screen by Barry N. Malzberg (Olympia Press, September 1970, n.)
- Screen/Cinema by Barry N. Malzberg (Stark House, May 2020, om)
- The Screen of Ice by George Frank Worts (Popular Publications, November 2023, co)
- Screen Writing of Robert A. Heinlein: Volume I by Robert A. Heinlein (The Virginia Edition, February 2012, oc)
- Screen Writing of Robert A. Heinlein: Volume II by Robert A. Heinlein (The Virginia Edition, February 2012, co)
- The Screwrape Lettuce by Jack Trevor Story (Savoy Books, December 1980, n.)
- Screwtop/The Girl Who Was Plugged In (Tor, April 1989, an)
- Scribblings by L. Sprague de Camp (NESFA Press, 1972, co)
- Scribner Anthology of Contemporary Short Fiction ed. Michael Martone (Scribner, December 1999, an)
- Scribner’s Best of the Fiction Workshops 1997 ed. Natalie Danford (Scribner, February 1997, an)
- The Scribner Treasury (BOMC/Scribner's, 1953, an)
- Scryfa—Volume Eleven ed. Simon Parker (Scryfa, 2008, oa)
- Sculpting God: Volume I: Bedtime Stories for Adults by J. Daniel Sawyer (AWP Fantasy, August 2013, co)
- The Sculptor by Garry D. Kilworth (infinity plus, December 2011, nv)
- Scythes of the Emperor by Laurie Goulding (Black Library, August 2017, co)
- Sea ed. Alan Ridout (John Murray, 1980, an)
- A Seabold Fights by Frederick Faust (Adelaide & Sheppard, August 2019, n.)
- The Sea Change & Other Stories by Helen Grant (Swan River Press, February 2013, co)
- Seacon ’79 Programme Book ed. Graham Charnock (Seacon, August 1979, oa)
- Seacon ’84 Programme Book ed. Alan Dorey (Seacon, April 1984, nf)
- Sea-Cursed ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz (Barnes & Noble, May 1994, an)
- The SeaHarp Hotel ed. Charles L. Grant (Tor, June 1990, oa)
- The SEA Is Ours ed. Joyce Chng (Rosarium Publishing, November 2015, oa)
- Sea Kings of Mars by Leigh Brackett (Gollancz, July 2005, co)
- Sea Kissed by Robert Bloch (Utopian Publications, 1945, co)
- The Seal of John Solomon by H. Bedford-Jones (Steeger Books, July 2020, n.)
- Sea Mist by E. F. Benson (Ash-Tree Press, February 2005, co)
- A Sea of Alone ed. Christopher Conlon (Dark Scribe Press, July 2011, oa)
- The Sea of Blood by Reggie Oliver (Dark Renaissance Books, June 2015, co)
- The Sea of Flesh and Ash by Jeffrey Thomas (Terradan Works, May 2011, oc)
- Sea of Rust by C. Robert Cargill (Subterranean Press, November 2018, n.)
- A Sea of Space ed. William F. Nolan (Bantam, May 1970, an)
- Searchers After Horror ed. S. T. Joshi (Fedogan & Bremer, 2014, oa)
- The Search for Self ed. Hannah Beate Haupt (McDougal, Littell & Co., 1972, an)
- Search for the Hidden Places ed. E. D. Mygatt (David McKay, 1963, an)
- Searchlight: Adventure Stories for Boys (Spring Books, 1961, oa)
- Searoad by Ursula K. Le Guin (HarperCollins, October 1991, co)
- Seaserpents! ed. Jack M. Dann (Ace, December 1989, an)
- Seasmoke ed. Kate Flora (Level Best Books, 2006, oa)
- A Season in Carcosa ed. Joseph S. Pulver, Sr. (Miskatonic River Press, 2013, oa)
- The Season of the Heart (Harlequin, 2005, oa)
- Season of Wonder ed. Paula Guran (Prime Books, November 2012, an)
- Seasons ed. Mercedes R. Lackey (DAW Books, November 2019, oa)
- Seasons in Flight by Brian W. Aldiss (Jonathan Cape, December 1984, co)
- Seasons in Flight (var. 1) by Brian W. Aldiss (Grafton, March 1986, co)
- Sea, Swallow Me and Other Stories by Craig Laurance Gidney (Lethe Press, December 2008, co)
- Sea Tales of Terror ed. J. J. Strating (Fontana, 1974, an)
- The Seat of the Scornful by John Dickson Carr (Hamish Hamilton, 1942, n.)
- The Seat of the Scornful by John Dickson Carr (The British Library, June 2002, n.)
- Sea Trails by Sea-Wrack (Hutchinson, 1935, co)
- Seattle Noir ed. Curt Colbert (Akashic Books, June 2009, oa)
- The Second Armada Monster Book ed. R. Chetwynd-Hayes (Armada, 1976, an)
- Second Armchair Companion ed. Abraham L. Furman (Lantern Press, June 1946, oa)
- Second Armchair Detective Reader ed. Ernest Dudley (Boardman, 1950, an)
- The Second Astounding Science Fiction Anthology ed. John W. Campbell, Jr. (Grayson & Grayson, 1954, an)
- The Second Astounding Science Fiction Anthology (var. 1) ed. John W. Campbell, Jr. (Four Square Books, 1965, an)
- The 2nd Avon Fantasy Reader ed. George Ernsberger (Avon, February 1969, an)
- The Second Bedside Book of Great Detective Stories ed. Herbert van Thal (Arthur Barker Ltd., 1977, an)
- The Second Bedside Book of Strange Stories ed. Herbert van Thal (Arthur Barker, 1976, oa)
- The Second Black Lizard Anthology of Crime Fiction ed. Ed Gorman (Black Lizard, 1988, an)
- The Second Book of Crime-Craft ed. Brett Halliday (Corgi, 1958, an)
- The Second Book of Crime-Craft by Mystery Writers of America (Corgi, 1958, an)
- The Second Book of Fritz Leiber by Fritz Leiber (DAW, September 1975, co)
- Second Book of Horror Stories: Tales of Strange Happenings ed. Dennis Wheatley (Hutchinson, 1968, an)
- The Second Book of Robert E. Howard by Robert E. Howard (Zebra, May 1976, co)
- The Second Book of Unknown Tales of Horror ed. Peter Haining (Sidgwick & Jackson, May 1978, an)
- A Second Century of Creepy Stories ed. Hugh Walpole (Hutchinson, 1937, an)
- Second Century of Detective Stories ed. E. C. Bentley (Hutchinson, 1938, an)
- A Second Chance at Eden by Peter F. Hamilton (Macmillan UK, October 1998, oc)
- The Second Chance Brides Collection (Barbour, 2017, oa)
- The Second Class Passenger and Other Stories by Perceval Gibbon (Methuen & Co. Ltd., August 1913, co)
- The 2nd Coming ed. Edward J. McFadden, III (Padwolf Publishing, 2003, an)
- 2nd Culprit ed. Liza Cody (St. Martin's, June 1994, oa)
- The Second Dedalus Book of Decadence: The Black Feast ed. Brian M. Stableford (Dedalus, March 1992, an)
- Second Ending by James White (Ace Double, December 1962, n.)
- Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov (Gnome Press, March 1953, n.)
- The Second Ghost Book ed. Cynthia Asquith (James Barrie, 1952, oa)
- Second-Hand Death and Other Stories by Arthur Leo Zagat (Popular Publications, January 2023, co)
- The Second Humdrumming Book of Horror Stories ed. Ian Alexander Martin (Humdrumming, September 2008, oa)
- The Second If Reader of Science Fiction ed. Frederik Pohl (Doubleday, November 1968, an)
- The Second Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling (Macmillan & Co., 1895, co)
- The Second Mystery Book (Farrar & Rinehart, 1940, an)
- Second Mystery Companion ed. Abraham L. Furman (Gold Label Books, October 1944, an)
- The Second Omni Book of Science Fiction ed. Ellen Datlow (Zebra, December 1983, an)
- Second Omnibus of Crime ed. Dorothy L. Sayers (Coward-McCann, 1932, an)
- Second Orbit ed. G. D. Doherty (John Murray, 1965, an)
- The Second Pacific Book of Science Fiction ed. John Baxter (Angus & Robertson, 1971, an)
- The Second Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Herbert van Thal (Pan, 1960, an)
- The Second Reel West ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Doubleday & Co., 1985, an)
- A Second Roald Dahl Selection by Roald Dahl (Longman, 1987, co)
- Second Sight (Penguin/Philomel, October 1999, oa)
- Second Sight and Other Stories by A. F. Kidd (Chico Kidd, 2001, oc)
- The Second Target Book of Horror ed. Kurt Singer (Target, 1984, an)
- Second Variety by Philip K. Dick (Underwood-Miller, May 1987, co)
- Second Variety by Philip K. Dick (Gollancz, April 1989, co)
- Second Variety by Philip K. Dick (Grafton, July 1990, co)
- Second Variety by Philip K. Dick (Millennium, August 1999, co)
- Second Variety and Other Classic Stories by Philip K. Dick (Citadel Press, April 2017, co)
- Second Variety (var. 1) by Philip K. Dick (Citadel Twilight, June 1991, co)
- The Second Wish and Other Exhalations by Brian Lumley (NEL, January 1995, co)
- The Second WomanSleuth Anthology ed. Irene Zahava (The Crossing Press, 1989, oa)
- The Second World of If ed. James L. Quinn (Quinn, 1958, an)
- The Secret 6: The Complete Adventures by Robert J. Hogan (Altus Press, June 2009, co)
- The Secret Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Gary Lovisi (Ramble House, March 2007, co)
- Secret Agent “X” ed. Ron Hanna (WildCat Books, 2004, an)
- Secret Agent-X: A History by Tom Johnson (Robert Weinberg, 1980, nf)
- Secret Agent “X”: Volume One ed. Ron Hanna (WildCat Books, 2006, oa)
- The Secretary of Dreams, Volume One by Stephen King (Cemetery Dance Publications, August 2006, co)
- The Secretary of Dreams, Volume 2 by Stephen King (Cemetery Dance Publications, October 2010, co)
- The Secret Backs of Things by Christopher Golden (CD Publications, November 2010, co)
- The Secret Books of Paradys by Tanith Lee (Overlook Duckworth, December 2007, om)
- The Secret Books of Paradys I & II by Tanith Lee (SFBC, July 1991, om)
- The Secret Books of Paradys III & IV by Tanith Lee (SFBC, July 1993, om)
- The Secret Books of Venus I & II by Tanith Lee (SFBC, December 1999, om)
- The Secret Books of Venus III & IV by Tanith Lee (SFBC, December 2003, om)
- Secret City ed. Jo Fletcher (Titan Books, October 1997, oa)
- Secret Europe by John Howard (Ex Occidente Press, February 2012, oc)
- The Secret Files of Solar Pons by Basil Copper (Pinnacle Books, October 1979, oc)
- The Secret Files of the Diogenes Club by Kim Newman (MonkeyBrain Books, November 2007, co)
- The Secret Geography of Nightmare by L. H. Maynard (Wildside Press, April 2002, co)
- A Secret Guide to Fighting Elder Gods ed. Jennifer Brozek (Pulse Publishing, April 2019, oa)
- Secret Hours by Michael Cisco (Mythos Books, February 2007, co)
- Secret Language by Neil Williamson (NewCon Press, 2016, co)
- The Secret Mountain and Other Tales by Kenneth Morris (Faber & Gwyer, 1926, co)
- The Secret of Father Brown by G. K. Chesterton (Cassell and Company, Ltd., September 1927, co)
- The Secret of Hangman’s Inn by Bruce Campbell (Grosset & Dunlap, September 1951, n.)
- The Secret of High Eldersham by Miles Burton (Collins, 1930, n.)
- The Secret of High Eldersham by Miles Burton (The British Library, May 2016, n.)
- The Secret of Skeleton Island by Bruce Campbell (Grosset & Dunlap, September 1949, n.)
- Secret of the Earth Star and Others by Henry Kuttner (Starmont House, 1991, co)
- The Secret of the Sangraal by Arthur Machen (The Tartarus Press, January 1995, co)
- The Secret of the Sangraal (var. 1) by Arthur Machen (The Tartarus Press, February 2007, co)
- The Secret of the Universe by Isaac Asimov (Oxford University Press, March 1992, nf)
- The Secret of This Book by Brian W. Aldiss (HarperCollins UK, October 1995, co)
- The Secret Place by Denys Val Baker (William Kimber, 1977, co)
- Secrets and Other Stories of Suspense by Carolyn G. Hart (Five Star US, September 2002, co)
- The Secret Self 1: Short Stories by Women ed. Hermione Lee (Everyman US, January 1993, an)
- The Secret Sharer by Robert Silverberg (Subterranean Press, February 2024, na)
- Secrets of a Perfect Night (Avon, December 2000, oa)
- The Secrets of Dr. Taverner by Dion Fortune (Noel Douglas, 1926, co)
- The Secrets of Dr. Taverner (var. 1) by Dion Fortune (Llewellyn Publications, December 1978, co)
- The Secrets of Dr. Taverner (var. 1) by Dion Fortune (Ariel Press, January 1990, co)
- The Secrets of Dr. Taverner (var. 1) by Dion Fortune (Ash-Tree Press, November 2000, co)
- The Secrets of Insects by Richard Kadrey (Subterranean Press, October 2023, co)
- Secrets of the Heart (Topaz, December 1994, oa)
- The Secret Songs by Fritz Leiber (Rupert Hart-Davis, September 1968, co)
- Secrets & Sovereigns by E. Phillips Oppenheim (Stark House, May 2004, co)
- The Secret Weavers ed. Marjorie Agosin (White Pine Press, October 1991, oa)
- Secret Windows: Essays and Fiction on the Craft of Writing by Stephen King (Book-of-the-Month Club, 2000, co)
- The Secret Zombie History of the World (Rebellion/Abaddon US, December 2013, om)
- The Sedgemoor Strangler and Other Stories of Crime by Peter Lovesey (Crippen & Landru, September 2001, co)
- Sedition’s Gate (Black Library, December 2014, oa)
- Seductions by Ray Garton (Subterranean Press, February 1999, n.)
- Seductive Spectres ed. Amarantha Knight (Masquerade/Rhinoceros, November 1996, oa)
- Seedlings on the Solar Winds and Other Stories by J. Alan Erwine (Nomadic Delirium Press, December 2007, co)
- The Seedling Stars by James Blish (Gnome Press, April 1957, n.)
- The Seedling Stars / Galactic Cluster by James Blish (Signet, March 1983, om)
- The Seed of Evil by Barrington J. Bayley (Allison & Busby, 1979, co)
- The Seed of Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite (Subterranean Press, 1999, co)
- Seeds of Change ed. John Joseph Adams (Wildside Press/Prime Books, August 2008, oa)
- Seeds of Fear ed. Michael Garrett (Pocket, May 1995, oa)
- Seekers of Dreams ed. Douglas A. Anderson (Cold Spring Press, July 2005, an)
- Seekers of the Glittering Fetish by Dan Cushman (Altus Press, April 2010, co)
- The Seen and the Unseen by Richard Marsh (Methuen, 1900, co)
- The Seer of Trieste by Mark Valentine (Swan River Press, December 2008, ss)
- Seize the Moment by Christopher Priest (Gollancz, October 1993, nf)
- Seize the Moment by Christopher Priest (Gollancz, November 1994, nf)
- Seize the Night ed. Christopher Golden (Gallery Books, October 2015, oa)
- Selected Ghost Stories ed. Giles Gordon (Bloomsbury, November 1996, an)
- Selected Ghost Stories of M.R. James by M. R. James (Editions for the Armed Services, 1944, co)
- Selected Letters 1923-1930 by Robert E. Howard (Necronomicon, October 1989, nf)
- Selected Letters 1931-1936 by Robert E. Howard (Necronomicon Press, March 1991, nf)
- Selected Nonfiction 1962-2007 by J. G. Ballard (The MIT Press, October 2023, co)
- Selected Poems by Æ (Swan River Press, April 2017, co)
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