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[]Goldman, David W. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * The Axiom of Choice, (nv) The New Haven Review Winter 2011
- * The First Conquest of Earth, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2011
- * Health Tips for Traveller, (vi) Nature #7311, September 2 2010
- * Invasion of the Pattern Snatchers, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September 2008
- * The Last Man’s First Year on Earth, (ss) Helix #7, Winter 2008
- * Radical Acceptance, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2007
- * Reunion, (na) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 2007
- * Sentinel Chickens, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 2013
- * A Talent for Vanessa, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 2010
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[]Goldman, E(leanor) M(aureen) (1945?- ); used pseudonym Maureen Bryan Exter (chron.)
- * The Good-bye Birthday, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1970, as by Maureen Bryan Exter
- * Metastasis, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 1993
- * New Boy, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1971, as by Maureen Bryan Exter
- * Night of the Sphinx, (ss) Night of the Sphinx and Other Stories ed. Roger Elwood, Lerner, 1974, as by Maureen Bryan Exter
- * Santa Claws, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1981, as by Maureen Bryan Exter
- * The Spacers’ Dance, (nv) Crisis ed. Roger Elwood, Thomas Nelson US, 1974, as by Maureen Bryan Exter
[]Goldman, Harold (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Birthday Girl, (vi) The American Magazine September 1949
- * Cocktail Date, (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1945
- * The Emerald Bracelet, (ss) Cosmopolitan December 1945
- * Heart-Unbroken, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly April 1935
- * High Fish, (ss) The Young Hero, Fore Publications, 1943
- * Opened by Mistake, (ss) Cosmopolitan March 1946
- * Parking Violation, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1945
- * Pick-Up, (vi) Liberty July 20 1946
- * Signed, Sealed—and Swindled, (ss) Argosy May 1949
- * Silent Witness, (ss) Collier’s September 25 1948
- * Target for Commandos, (ss) Hero of the Air, Junior Press Ltd., 1944
- * There’s Nothing Like Mink, (vi) Liberty November 30 1946
- * Time to Remember, (vi) Liberty July 6 1946
[]Goldman, Kenneth C. (fl. 1990s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * And If Thine Eye Offends Thee, (ss) Thirteen Stories #9, May 2003
- * Ashes to Ashes, (ss) Enter the Realm #1, 1994
- * As Nature Intended, (ss) Futures: Short Tales for Story Lovers #18, December 2000/January 2001
- * Bird Food, (pm) Black Petals Summer 2000
- * The Boardwalk Cats, (nv) Dark Horizons #42, Autumn/Winter 2002
- * Bottom Feeder, (ss) Cthulhu Sex v1 #23, 2002
- * The Brain Game, (ss) The Dream Zone #8, January 2001
- * Breach Birth, (ss) Malpractice ed. Nathaniel Lambert, Stygian Publications, 2009
- * Buy…Psyche…Kill, (ss) Creepy Campfire Stories (for Grown Ups) ed. Jennifer Word, EMP Publishing, 2015
- * C-C-Cold, (ss) The Devil’s Food ed. L. B. Goddard & Jim Kelley, The Monsters Next Door, 2009
- * Chance of Rain, (ss) Fantasque Spring 2002
- * The Cleansing, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #2, Winter 1996
- * Confession, (ss) Tigershark Magazine #6, Spring 2015
- * Crash Test, (ss) Crossroads June 1995
- * Cry of the Red Wolf, (ss) Shapeshifter! 1995
- * Cupid, Playing, (ss) Horror Garage #12, 2006
- * Dallas Through the Looking Glass, (ss) Dread #1, Fall 1997
- * Death Bed Scene, (ss) Horror Bites Magazine #7, 2018
- * Death, Dying, & 3 Credits, (ss) Book of Dead Things ed. Tina L. Jens & Eric M. Cherry, Twilight Tales, 2007
- * Deleted, (ss) EOTU Ezine February 2001
- * The Devil and Myron Rabinowitz, (ss) Alternate Hilarities #3, 1993
- * The Devil, You Say, (ss) Strange Tales of Horror ed. Matt Nord, NorGus Press, 2011
- * Downlink, (ss) Mindmares #1, Winter 1998
- * Eckleburg’s Eyes, (ss) Night Terrors #4, July 1997
- * The Eulogy Pills, (ss) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #10, 2001
- * Exit to Dove’s Tail, (ss) Miseria’s Chorale ed. David Nell, Forgotten Tomb Press, 2013
- * Fat Larry’s Night with the Alligators, (ss) Out of the Gutter #2, 2007
- * Feeding the Beast, (ss) Darkness Rising, Volume Five: Black Shroud of Fear ed. L. H. Maynard & M. P. N. Sims, Prime Books, 2002
- * Flurg, (ss) Necrotic Tissue #9, January 2010
- * Get the Door for Me, Will You, Edgar?, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v6 #4, 2011
- * God’s Patience Abused, (ss) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #19, 2004
- * Gran’ma’s in the Bathroom (…and She’s Not Coming Out), (ss) Best New Zombie Tales, Volume Two ed. James Roy Daley, Books of the Dead Press, 2011
- * Gull Tender, (ss) Night Terrors #1, June 1996
- * Hair Raiser, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v9 #4, 2014
- * Harvest Moon, (ss) Gaslight Summer 1995
- * A Head Full of Pigs, (ss) Lore Winter 1995
- * Head Trip, (ss) Aberrations #18, March 1994
- * Hey, Siri, (ss) Liquid Imagination #48, June 2021
- * High Tide Coming, (ss) Wicked Karnival #5, 2005
- * Hokey Pokey, (ss) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Fifteen ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2002
- * If Thine Eye Offend Thee, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #19, June/July 2005
- * Inspiration, (ss) Sounds of the Night February 2010
- * Kissing Off Amber, (ss) Penumbric Speculative Fiction October 2003
- * Lady in Waiting, (ss) Aberations #14, 1993
- * Last Call at the Olde Towne Tavern (with D. G. K. Goldberg), (ss) Whispers from the Shattered Forum #6, 2001
- * The Last Days of Leonard Cross, (ss) Sinister Tales April 2006
- * A Little Nest Egg, (ss) Agony in Black #3, April 1999
- * Lover Unseen, (ss) Bare Bone #4, 2003
- * Love Shot, (ss) Shadow Box ed. Shane Jiraiya Cummings & Angela Challis, Brimstone Press, 2005
- * Lunchtime at the Justice Cafe, (vi) Midnight Carnival v1 #2, 1998
- * Made for Each Other, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v1 #1, 2005
- * Mercy Hathaway Is a Witch, (ss) Dark Horizons #46, Autumn/Winter 2004
- * A Museum Piece, (ss) Horror Carousel #2, Fall 2004
- * Necromancer, (ss) Aberrations #21, July 1994
- * The Odyssey of the Penelope Anne, (nv) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Two ed. David L. Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 1997
- * Of Grave Concern, (ss) Deadbolt Magazine #2, December 1998
- * One Last Duet with Davy, (ss) The 1995 SPGA Showcase ed. David G. Barnett & Bobbi Sinha-Morey, SPGA, 1996
- * Only What’s on the Menu, (ss) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #5, 1999
- * Optophobia, (ss) Möbius Blvd #2, December 2023
- * OverEasy, (ss) Millennium Science Fiction & Fantasy Magazine Spring 1999
- * Pandemic, (ss) Midnight Zoo v3 #7, 1993
- * Poe 103, (ss) Terminal Fright #11, Spring 1996
- * A Pound of Flesh, (ss) White Knuckles Winter 1996
- * Pray All in Their Distress, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #2, Fall 1995
- * Prime Time Hit, (vi) 100 Horrors ed. Kevin G. Bufton, Cruentus Libri Press, 2012
- * Purgatory Lakeside, (ss) Speculative Fiction Centre #5, Winter 2006
- * The Queen Is Not Amused, (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #60, May 2000
- * Quintessence and Other Dreams, (pm) Dead Lines #2, May 1995
- * Road Kill, (ss) Eulogy #1, 1992
- * Rubbing One Out, (ss) Underbelly Magazine #2, Autumn 2018
- * Same Day, Different Shit, (ss) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #13, 2002
- * Shannon’s Song, (ss) The Sirens Call #20, April 2015
- * Shark’s Tooth, (ss) The End #3, 1995
- * She Who Controls the Wind, (vi) Here & Now #5/6, Spring 2005
- * Sine Qua Non, (ss) Mindmares #8, Fall 1999
- * Six Ways from Sunday, (ss) Psychotrope #5, March 1997
- * Slouching Towards Bethlehem, (ss) Ghosts and Demons ed. Chris Bartholomew, Static Movement, 2010
- * Smoke and Mirrors, (ss) Dread #12, Summer 2000
- * Smokin’, (ss) Not One of Us #25, March 2001
- * Soul Man, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #5, 1996
- * A Story Written in Sand, (ss) Revelation September 2005
- * Swing a Sparrow on a String, (ss) Fantasque April 1999
- * A Tale from Captain Andy, (ss) Mooreeffoc Magazine #2, Winter 2000/2001
- * There’s Something in Autumn Palms Lake, (ss) Midnight Street #9, May/June 2007
- * This Is What Killed My Hamster, (vi) The Sirens Call #11, October 2013
- * Thunderin’ Mungo, (ss) Plot #2, Spring 1995
- * Toll Call, (ss) Black Petals Winter 2000/2001
- * Try the Fries, (vi) The Sirens Call #45, June 2019
- * Unmasked, (vi) The Sirens Call #51, Halloween 2020
- * Vette Fever, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v5 #1, 2009
- * Videodeath, (ss) Aberations #8, 1993
- * We’ve Got Our Eye on You, (ss) Outer Darkness #7, Spring 1996
- * What I Said to Richie Was…, (ss) Expiration Date ed. Nancy Kilpatrick, Hades Publications, 2015
- * When Shadows Come, (ss) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #1, 1998
- * White Agony, (ss) Night Terrors #8, October 1999
- * With Love, Veronica, (ss) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #2, 1998
- * Wood River Honey, (ss) Insidious Reflections #3, July 2005
- * Young Girls Are Coming to Ajo, (ss) That Hoodoo, Voodoo That You Do ed. Lincoln Crisler, Angelic Knight Press, 2015
- * “You’re a Good Dog, You.”, (ss) Black Rose #3, July 1999
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