The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Title: Page 87
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- Pulp Detectives by Tom Johnson (Altus Press, February 2010, oc)
- Pulp Fiction: The Crimefighters ed. Otto Penzler (Quercus, 2006, an)
- Pulp Fiction: The Villains ed. Otto Penzler (Quercus, July 2007, an)
- Pulp Frictions ed. Peter Haining (Souvenir Press, 1996, an)
- The Pulp Horror Book of Phobias ed. M. J. Sydney (Lycan Valley Press, May 2019, oa)
- Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine: Issue One: Fall—Horror ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Pulphouse, October 1988, oa)
- Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine: Issue Two: Winter 1988 ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Pulphouse, December 1988, oa)
- Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 3: Spring 1989, Fantasy ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Pulphouse, March 1989, oa)
- Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 4: Summer 1989, Science Fiction ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Pulphouse, July 1989, oa)
- Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 5: Fall 1989, Horror ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Pulphouse, October 1989, oa)
- Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 6: Winter 1990, Fantasy ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Pulphouse, April 1990, oa)
- Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 7: Spring 1990, Horror ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Pulphouse, June 1990, oa)
- Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 8: Summer 1990, Science Fiction ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Pulphouse, September 1990, oa)
- Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 9: Fall 1990, Dark Fantasy ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Pulphouse, November 1990, oa)
- Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 10: Winter 1991, Special Issue ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Pulphouse, March 1991, oa)
- Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 11: Spring 1991, Speculative Fiction ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Pulphouse, September 1991, oa)
- Pulphouse, The Hardback Magazine: Issue Twelve, The Last Issue ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Pulphouse, September 1993, oa)
- Pulp Magazine Thrillers ed. James Van Hise (James Van Hise, July 1998, nf)
- Pulpmaster: The Theodore Roscoe Story by Audrey Parente (Starmont House, May 1992, nf)
- Pulpmaster: The Theodore Roscoe Story by Audrey Parente (Altus Press, September 2012, nf)
- Pulp: Poems in the Pulp Tradition by Scott E. Green (W. Paul Ganley, September 2004, co)
- The Pulps ed. Tony Goodstone (Chelsea House, 1976, an)
- The Pulps (var. 1) ed. Tony Goodstone (Chelsea House, 1980, an)
- Pulp Thrillers ed. Ron Hanna (WildCat Books, 2005, an)
- The Pulp Western Anthology: Volume 1 ed. John Walker Blue (Clarion Publishing, November 2016, an)
- The Pulp Western Anthology: Volume 2 ed. John Walker Blue (Clarion Publishing, January 2017, an)
- Pulsar 1 ed. George Hay (Penguin, 1978, oa)
- Pulsar 2 ed. George Hay (Penguin, 1979, oa)
- A Punk Rock Future ed. Steve Zisson (Zsenon Publishing, October 2019, oa)
- The Purcell Papers by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (Richard Bentley & Son, 1880, co)
- The Purcell Papers (var. 1) by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (Arkham House, 1975, co)
- The Pure Product by John Kessel (Tor, December 1997, co)
- The Purge by Anthony Reynolds (Black Library, July 2014, na)
- The Purging of Kadillus by Gav Thorpe (Black Library, February 2011, n.)
- The Purloined Poodle by Kevin Hearne (Subterranean Press, September 2016, na)
- Purnell’s Book of Horror Stories (Purnell, 1983, oa)
- Purnell’s Book of Mystery Stories (Purnell, 1982, oa)
- Purple and Black by K. J. Parker (Subterranean Press, August 2009, na)
- The Purple Book by Philip José Farmer (Tor, August 1982, co)
- The Purple Hours ed. Lisa Conesa (Lisa Conesa, 1974, oa)
- The Purple Pterodactyls by L. Sprague de Camp (Phantasia, January 1980, co)
- The Purple Sapphire and Other Posthumous Papers by Christopher Blayre (Philip Allan & Co., April 1921, oc)
- The Purple Scar Archives by John S. Endicott (Thrilling, December 2017, co)
- Purple Tornado by Robert Sidney Bowen (Corinth, 1966, n.)
- The Purple Tornado by Robert Sidney Bowen (Altus Press, July 2017, n.)
- Purr-Fect Crime ed. Isaac Asimov (Lynx, April 1989, an)
- The Pursuit of the House Boat by John Kendrick Bangs (Harper, 1897, n.)
- Putrid Pulp Reprint #3 ed. Dennis J. Druktenis (Scary Monsters Magazine, 2009, an)
- Putting the Pieces in Place by Raymond B. Russell (Ex Occidente Press, January 2009, oc)
- Puzzle Box by Anthony More (Trover Hall, 1946, co)
- The Puzzle Box by Various (Hades/EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy, August 2013, oc)
- Puzzle of the Space Pyramids by Eando Binder (Curtis, 1971, n.)
- Puzzles from Other Worlds by Martin Gardner (Oxford University Press, March 1986, nf)
- Puzzles of the Black Widowers by Isaac Asimov (Doubleday, January 1990, co)
- The Pyres of Armageddon by David Annandale (Black Library, July 2015, n.)
- Python Isle by Kenneth Robeson (Bantam Falcon, October 1991, n.)
- Python Isle by Kenneth Robeson (Altus Press, December 2013, n.)
- Python Men of Lost City by Chester Hawks (Robert Weinberg, 1974, na)
- The Python Pit by George Frank Worts (Steeger Books, November 2020, co)
- “Q and False” and Other Stories (Titan Comics, December 2022, an)
- The Q Chronicles (Pocket UK, January 1999, an)
- QSFx2: Queer Science Fiction by Clay Caldwell (Badboy, September 1995, co)
- Quadratic by Murray Leinster (Fantasy Publishing Co., Inc., 1953, om)
- Quakes (Philip Allan, 1933, oa)
- Qualia Nous ed. Michael Bailey (Written Backwards, August 2014, oa)
- The Quality of Murder ed. Anthony Boucher (E.P. Dutton, 1962, oa)
- Quantum Musings ed. Raymond M. Coulombe ( Club Press, 2001, an)
- Quantum of Solace by Ian Fleming (Penguin, October 2008, co)
- Quantum Special 1 (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1979, om)
- Quantum Special 2 (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1981, om)
- Quark/1 ed. Samuel R. Delany (Paperback Library, November 1970, oa)
- Quark/2 ed. Samuel R. Delany (Paperback Library, February 1971, oa)
- Quark/3 ed. Samuel R. Delany (Paperback Library, May 1971, oa)
- Quark/4 ed. Samuel R. Delany (Paperback Library, August 1971, oa)
- Quarry ed. Kate Flora (Level Best Books, 2009, oa)
- Quarry’s Greatest Hits by Max Allan Collins (Five Star US, September 2003, co)
- Quartet by George R. R. Martin (NESFA Press, February 2001, co)
- The Queen in Winter (Berkley, February 2006, oa)
- The Queen of Air and Darkness by Poul Anderson (NESFA Press, September 2009, co)
- The Queen of Air and Darkness and Other Stories by Poul Anderson (Signet, December 1973, co)
- A Queen of Atlantis by Frank Aubrey (Hutchinson, 1899, n.)
- A Queen of Atlantis by Frank Aubrey (Steeger Books, November 2020, n.)
- The Queen of Bedlam by Robert R. McCammon (Subterranean Press, July 2014, n.)
- Queen of the Black Coast by Robert E. Howard (Donald M. Grant, 1978, co)
- The Queen of the Fays & Other Marvelous Tales ed. Brian M. Stableford (Black Coat Press, December 2018, oa)
- The Queen of the Legion by Jack Williamson (Haffner Press, September 1998, n.)
- Queen of the Wolves by Tanith Lee (Hodder Silver, January 2001, n.)
- The Queen’s Awards, 1946 ed. Ellery Queen (Little Brown, 1946, an)
- The Queen’s Awards, 1947 ed. Ellery Queen (Little Brown, November 1947, an)
- The Queen’s Awards, 1948 ed. Ellery Queen (Little Brown, September 1948, an)
- The Queen’s Awards, 1949 ed. Ellery Queen (Little Brown, November 1949, an)
- The Queen’s Awards: 5th Series ed. Ellery Queen (Little Brown, October 1950, an)
- The Queen’s Awards: 6th Series ed. Ellery Queen (Little Brown, 1951, an)
- The Queen’s Awards: 7th Series ed. Ellery Queen (Little Brown, 1952, an)
- The Queen’s Awards: 8th Series ed. Ellery Queen (Little Brown, October 1953, an)
- Queens Noir ed. Robert Knightly (Akashic Books, January 2008, oa)
- Queens of Deliria by Michael Butterworth (Collectors Guide Publishing, June 1995, n.)
- Queens of Deliria by Michael Butterworth (Apex-Verlag, August 2021, n.)
- Queens of Deliria by Michael Butterworth (Star, August 1977, n.)
- Queens of the Abyss ed. Mike Ashley (The British Library, September 2020, an)
- Queen Vaiti by Beatrice Grimshaw (N.S.W. Bookstall, 1920, co)
- Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells ed. Ellen Datlow (Tor, March 2013, oa)
- The Queerest Man Alive and Other Stories by George H. Hepworth (R.F. Fenno & Company, 1897, co)
- Queer Stories from Truth (Cassell, 1886, an)
- Quest ed. David F. Bischoff (Raintree, 1977, oa)
- Quest for Atlantis ed. Alva J. Roberts (Pill Hill Press, March 2010, oa)
- Quest for the Holy Grail ed. Mike Ashley (Past Times, August 1997, oa)
- Quest for the White Witch by Tanith Lee (DAW, February 1978, n.)
- Questionable Practices by Eileen Gunn (Small Beer Press, March 2014, co)
- Questionable Shapes by William Dean Howells (Harper & Brothers, 1903, co)
- Question and Answer by Poul Anderson (NESFA Press, January 2017, co)
- The Question Mark by Muriel Jaeger (The Hogarth Press, 1926, n.)
- The Question Mark by Muriel Jaeger (The British Library, July 2019, n.)
- A Question of Blood ed. Steve Bowles (Collins Educational, 1990, an)
- A Question of Blood by Ian Rankin (Orion, 2003, n.)
- A Question of Faith by C. L. Werner (Black Library, June 2014, nv)
- A Question of Navigation by Kevin Hearne (Subterranean Press, February 2021, na)
- Questions for a Soldier by John Scalzi (Subterranean Press, December 2005, ss)
- Quest to Riverworld ed. Philip José Farmer (Warner Questar, August 1993, oa)
- Quick Chills ed. Peter Enfantino (Deadline Publications, August 1990, an)
- Quick Chills II ed. Peter Enfantino (Deadline Press, April 1992, an)
- Quick Chills II ed. Peter Enfantino (Deadline Press, April 1992, an)
- Quick Curtain by Alan Melville (Skeffington, 1934, n.)
- Quick Curtain by Alan Melville (The British Library, August 2015, n.)
- The Quickening by Andy Smillie (Black Library, December 2012, ss)
- Quicker than the Eye by Ray Bradbury (Avon, December 1996, co)
- Quickfic Anthology 1 (Digital Fiction Publishing, April 2016, an)
- Quickie Thrillers ed. Arthur Liebman (Pocket Books, October 1975, an)
- Quicks Around the Zodiac: A Farce by Fritz Leiber (Cheap Street, March 1983, ss)
- Quicksilver & Shadow by Charles de Lint (Subterranean Press, March 2005, co)
- The Quiet by Kealan-Patrick Burke (Subterranean Press, 2006, co)
- A Quiet Flame by Philip Kerr (Quercus, 2022, n.)
- Quiet Horror by Stanley Ellin (Dell, 1959, co)
- A Quiet Place by J. W. Schnarr (Five Rivers Chapmanry, November 2013, oc)
- The Quiet Woman by Christopher Priest (Bloomsbury, March 1990, n.)
- The Quiet Woman by Christopher Priest (Cosmos Books, 2005, n.)
- The Quiet Woman by Christopher Priest (Abacus, April 1991, n.)
- The Quiet Woman by Christopher Priest (Gollancz, December 2014, n.)
- The Quintessence of Queen ed. Anthony Boucher (Random House, 1962, an)
- The Quintessence of Queen #2 ed. Anthony Boucher (Avon, 1963, an)
- The Quintessence of Queen (var. 1) ed. Anthony Boucher (Avon, 1963, an)
- Quintet (Lion Library, August 1956, an)
- A Quintet of Sixes ed. Donald A. Wollheim (Ace, 1969, an)
- Quintet: The Cases of Chase and Delacroix by Richard A. Lupoff (Crippen & Landru, March 2008, co)
- Quirx 1: Welcome to Inner Space by Lesley Howarth (Hodder Children's Books, November 1997, oc)
- Quirx: The Edge of the World by Lesley Howarth (Hodder Children's Books, March 1998, oc)
- Quis Separabit by Brian J. Showers (Swan River Press, December 2007, nv)
- A Quiver of Ghosts ed. Aidan Chambers (The Bodley Head, March 1987, oa)
- A Quiver of Ghosts by R. Chetwynd-Hayes (William Kimber, 1984, co)
- Quiver of Horror ed. Dennis Wheatley (Arrow, 1964, an)
- The Quorum by Kim Newman (Titan, October 2013, co)
- Rabbit Pie & Other Tales of Intrigue by Brian Clemens (PS Publishing, October 2013, co)
- Rabid Transit (Velocity Press, May 2002, oa)
- Rabid Transit: A Mischief of Rats ed. Barth Anderson (Velocity Press, May 2003, oa)
- Rabid Transit: Long Voyages, Great Lies ed. Christopher Barzak (Velocity Press, May 2006, oa)
- Rabid Transit: Menagerie ed. Christopher Barzak (Velocity Press, May 2005, oa)
- Rabid Transit: Petting Zoo ed. Barth Anderson (Velocity Press, May 2004, oa)
- A Race for Life and Other Tales (Leisure Hour, ca 1872, co)
- The Race for Mars by Peter Haining (Comet, June 1986, nf)
- Race to the Stars ed. Oscar J. Friend (Crest, October 1958, an)
- Racing Can Be Murder ed. Tony Perona (Blue River Press, October 2007, oa)
- Racing Home ed. Sharlene Baker (The Paper Journey Press, November 2001, oa)
- The Rackham Files by Dean C. Ing (Baen, February 2004, co)
- Radiant Apples by Joe R. Lansdale (Subterranean Press, December 2021, na)
- Radical Utopias (BOMC, January 1991, om)
- Radical Utopias (BOMC/QPBC, April 1991, om)
- The Radio Gun-Runners by Ralph Milne Farley (Altus Press, April 2016, n.)
- The Radio Menace by Ralph Milne Farley (Altus Press, December 2018, n.)
- Radio Plays by D. G. Compton (Kerosina, April 1988, co)
- Raffles by David Fletcher (Macmillan, 1977, co)
- The Ragged Edge by John Christopher (Simon & Schuster, December 1965, n.)
- The Ragged Edge by John Christopher (Signet, March 1967, n.)
- Ragged Maps by Ian R. MacLeod (Subterranean Press, August 2023, co)
- The Ragged School by F. K. Salwood (Headline, September 1995, n.)
- The Ragged School by F. K. Salwood (Headline, 1996, n.)
- Ragman & Other Family Curses by Rebecca Lloyd (Egaeus Press, May 2016, oc)
- Ragnar Blackmane by Aaron Dembski-Bowden (Black Library, August 2015, n.)
- Ragnar’s Claw by William King (Black Library, July 2000, n.)
- The Ragthorn by Robert Holdstock (infinity plus, September 2015, co)
- Raider of the Seas by Warren Hastings Miller (Black Dog Books, March 2011, co)
- The Raiders by Garry D. Kilworth (Mammoth, August 1996, n.)
- Raiders of the Red Death by Curtis Steele (Steeger Books, August 2020, n.)
- The Raid of “Le Vengeur” and Other Stories by George Griffith (Ferret Fantasy, 1974, co)
- The Railroaders ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Fawcett Gold Medal, March 1986, an)
- Railsea by China Miéville (Subterranean Press, November 2012, n.)
- Rainbow Fantasia: 35 Spectrumatic Tales of Wonder ed. Forrest J Ackerman (Sense of Wonder Press, August 2001, an)
- Rainbow Mars by Larry Niven (Tor, March 1999, co)
- The Rain Ghost by Garry D. Kilworth (Hippo, May 1989, n.)
- The Rain Ghost by Garry D. Kilworth (Scholastic, March 1990, n.)
- Raintree (Harlequin/HQN, October 2008, om)
- The Rajah from Hell by H. Bedford-Jones (Black Dog Books, July 2012, co)
- Ramsey Campbell by Ramsey Campbell (Centipede Press, August 2020, co)
- Ramsey Campbell, Probably by Ramsey Campbell (PS Publishing, September 2002, co)
- Randalls Round by Eleanor Scott (Ernest Benn, 1929, co)
- Randalls Round by Eleanor Scott (Ash-Tree Press, February 1996, co)
- Randalls Round (var. 1) by Eleanor Scott (The British Library, September 2021, co)
- Random Access Messages of the Computer Age ed. Thomas F. Monteleone (Hayden, December 1984, an)
- The Random House Book of Fantasy Stories ed. Mike Ashley (Random House, 1997, an)
- The Random House Book of Science Fiction Stories ed. Mike Ashley (Random House, 1997, an)
- Ranger: The National Boys’ Magazine by Stephen Holland (Bear Alley Books, April 2013, co)
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