The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Title: Page 6
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- The Twelfth Armada Ghost Book ed. Mary Danby (Armada, 1980, oa)
- The Thirteenth Armada Ghost Book ed. Mary Danby (Armada, October 1981, oa)
- The Fourteenth Armada Ghost Book ed. Mary Danby (Armada, 1982, oa)
- The Fifteenth Armada Ghost Book ed. Mary Danby (Armada, 1983, oa)
- Armada Sci-Fi 1 ed. Richard Davis (Armada, April 1975, oa)
- Armada Sci-Fi 2 ed. Richard Davis (Armada, April 1975, oa)
- Armada Sci-Fi 3 ed. Richard Davis (Armada, 1976, oa)
- Armageddon by Aaron Dembski-Bowden (Black Library, August 2015, om)
- Armageddon ed. David A. Drake (Baen, May 1998, oa)
- The Armageddon Omnibus by Jonathan Green (Black Library, February 2011, co)
- Armageddons ed. Jack M. Dann (Ace, November 1999, an)
- The Armchair Companion ed. Abraham L. Furman (Gold Label Books, September 1944, an)
- Armchair Detective Reader ed. Ernest Dudley (Boardman, 1948, an)
- The Armchair Esquire ed. Arnold Gingrich (William Heinemann Ltd., 1959, an)
- The Armchair Science Reader ed. Isabel S. Gordon (Simon & Schuster, 1959, an)
- The Armies of Elfland by Poul Anderson (Tor, May 1992, co)
- The Arm of Mrs. Egan and Other Stories by William F. Harvey (J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1951, co)
- The Arm of the Sphinx by Josiah Bancroft (Subterranean Press, December 2019, n.)
- Armored ed. John Joseph Adams (Baen, April 2012, oa)
- The Armour of Contempt by Dan Abnett (Black Library, November 2006, n.)
- Armour of Faith by Graeme Lyon (Black Library, July 2015, na)
- Arms Against a Sea (and Other Troubles) by Rhys H. Hughes (Raphus Press, September 2019, oc)
- The Army of the Dead by Curtis Steele (Corinth Publications, February 1966, n.)
- The Army of the Dead by Curtis Steele (Steeger Books, January 2020, n.)
- Arrive At Easterwine by R. A. Lafferty (Charles Scribner's Sons, June 1971, n.)
- The Arrow and Two Other Stories by Christopher Morley (Heinemann, 1929, co)
- Arrow Book of Ghost Stories ed. Nora Kramer (Scholastic, August 1960, an)
- The Arrow Book of Horror Stories (Arrow, 1965, an)
- The Second Arrow Book of Horror Stories (Arrow, 1965, an)
- Arrow Book of Spooky Stories ed. Edna Mitchell Preston (Scholastic, 1962, an)
- Arrows of Eros ed. Alex Stewart (NEL, November 1989, oa)
- The Arsenal Stadium Mystery by Leonard R. Gribble (Harrap, 1939, n.)
- The Arsenal Stadium Mystery by Leonard R. Gribble (The British Library, July 2018, n.)
- Ars Gratia Sanguis ed. Steve J. Shaw (Black Shuck Books, September 2021, oa)
- Art After Apogee by Brian W. Aldiss (Avernus, August 2000, co)
- Artemis by Andy Weir (Subterranean Press, May 2018, n.)
- The Artemis Fowl Files by Eoin Colfer (Puffin, October 2004, co)
- Arthur C. Clarke & Lord Dunsany: A Correspondence ed. Keith Allen Daniels (Anamnesis Press, August 1998, nf)
- An Arthur C. Clarke Omnibus by Arthur C. Clarke (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1965, om)
- An Arthur C. Clarke Second Omnibus by Arthur C. Clarke (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1968, om)
- Artifacts Cycle I (Wizards of the Coast, June 2009, om)
- Artifacts Cycle II (Wizards of the Coast, September 2009, an)
- Artificial Things by Karen Joy Fowler (Bantam Spectra, December 1986, co)
- The Art of Adrian Smith by Adrian Smith (Black Library, August 2003, pi)
- The Art of Horror: An Illustrated History ed. Stephen Jones (Hal Leonard/Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, September 2015, oa)
- The Art of Horror Movies: An Illustrated History ed. Stephen Jones (Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, September 2017, oa)
- The Art of Kissing (, ? 1945, oa)
- The Art of Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (Ballantine Del Rey, October 1994, an)
- The Art of Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (Titan, March 1997, an)
- The Art of the B-Movie Poster! ed. Adam Newell (Gingko Press, October 2016, oa)
- The Art of the Fugue by Gerrold Watkins (Traveller's Companion, 1970, n.)
- The Art of the Impossible ed. Robert Adey (Xanadu, 1990, an)
- The Art of the Mystery Story ed. Howard Haycraft (Biblo and Tannen, 1976, oa)
- The Art of the Story: An International Anthology of Contemporary Short Stories ed. Daniel Halpern (Viking, November 1999, an)
- The Art of the Tale ed. Daniel Halpern (Viking, 1986, an)
- The Art of the X Files (Voyager, January 1999, pi)
- The Art of Warhammer 40,000 by Marc Gascoigne (Black Library, March 2006, nf)
- The Arts and Beyond ed. Thomas F. Monteleone (Doubleday, September 1977, an)
- De Arts in de Science-Fiction Literatur ed. Leo H. Zelders (Een Utigave Mycofarm-Delft, 1969, an)
- Ascendancies by Bruce Sterling (Subterranean Press, August 2007, co)
- Ascension by C. S. Goto (Black Library, November 2005, n.)
- The Ascent of Wonder ed. Kathryn Cramer (Tor, June 1994, an)
- Ascents of Wonder ed. David Gerrold (Popular Library, December 1977, oa)
- Ascent to Orbit: A Scientific Autobiography by Arthur C. Clarke (John Wiley & Sons, April 1984, co)
- As Dream and Shadow by Emil Petaja (SISU, 1972, oc)
- Ashes and Entropy ed. Robert S. Wilson (Nightscape Press, December 2018, oa)
- Ashes and Others ed. Robert M. Price (Miskatonic University Press, December 1982, an)
- The Ashes of Prospero by Gav Thorpe (Black Library, March 2018, ss)
- The Ash-Tree Press Annual Macabre 1997 ed. Jack Adrian (Ash-Tree Press, October 1997, an)
- The Ash-Tree Press Annual Macabre 1998 ed. Jack Adrian (Ash-Tree Press, November 1998, an)
- The Ash-Tree Press Annual Macabre 1999 ed. Jack Adrian (Ash-Tree Press, November 1999, an)
- The Ash-Tree Press Annual Macabre 2000 ed. Jack Adrian (Ash-Tree Press, November 2000, an)
- The Ash-Tree Press Annual Macabre 2001 ed. Jack Adrian (Ash-Tree Press, October 2001, an)
- The Ash-Tree Press Annual Macabre 2002 ed. Jack Adrian (Ash-Tree Press, December 2002, an)
- The Ash-Tree Press Annual Macabre 2003 ed. Jack Adrian (Ash-Tree Press, December 2003, an)
- The Ash-Tree Press Annual Macabre 2004 ed. Jack Adrian (Ash-Tree Press, December 2004, an)
- The Ash-Tree Press Annual Macabre 2005 ed. Jack Adrian (Ash-Tree Press, February 2006, an)
- Asian Monsters ed. Margrét Helgadóttir (Fox Spirit Books, December 2016, oa)
- The Asimov Chronicles by Isaac Asimov (Dark Harvest, May 1989, co)
- The Asimov Chronicles: Fifty Years of Isaac Asimov ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Dark Harvest, May 1989, co)
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume One by Isaac Asimov (Ace, August 1990, co)
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume One (var. 1) by Isaac Asimov (Legend, October 1991, co)
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Two by Isaac Asimov (Ace, October 1990, co)
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Two (var. 1) by Isaac Asimov (Legend, October 1991, co)
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Three by Isaac Asimov (Ace, December 1990, co)
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Four by Isaac Asimov (Ace, February 1991, co)
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Five by Isaac Asimov (Ace, April 1991, co)
- The Asimov Chronicles: Volume Six by Isaac Asimov (Ace, June 1991, co)
- Asimov’s Choice: Astronauts & Androids (Dale Books, 1977, an)
- Asimov’s Choice: Black Holes & Bug-Eyed-Monsters ed. George H. Scithers (Dale Books, 1977, an)
- Asimov’s Choice: Comets & Computers ed. George H. Scithers (Dale Books, July 1978, an)
- Asimov’s Choice: Dark Stars & Dragons ed. George H. Scithers (Dale Books, August 1978, an)
- Asimov’s Choice: Extraterrestrials & Eclipses ed. George H. Scithers (Dale Books, October 1978, an)
- Asimov’s Extraterrestrials ed. Isaac Asimov (Dragon, October 1986, an)
- Asimov’s Ghosts ed. Isaac Asimov (Dragon Books, 1986, an)
- Asimov’s Ghosts ed. Isaac Asimov (Dragon, October 1986, an)
- Asimov’s Ghosts & Monsters ed. Isaac Asimov (Armada, June 1988, om)
- Asimov’s Monsters ed. Isaac Asimov (Dragon, October 1986, an)
- Asimov’s Mutants ed. Isaac Asimov (Dragon, October 1986, an)
- Asimov’s Mysteries by Isaac Asimov (Doubleday, 1968, co)
- Asimov. Tomorrow’s Voices (Dial, April 1984, oa)
- As It Might Have Been ed. Robert Adey (Calabash Press, 1998, an)
- Ask a Policeman by Anthony Berkeley (Arthur Barker Ltd., 1933, n.)
- Ask Uncle Harlan by Harlan Ellison (Edgeworks Abbey, July 2020, co)
- Asleep in Armageddon ed. Michael Sissons (Panther, June 1962, an)
- As Other Men Are by Dornford Yates (Ward Lock & Co., 1925, co)
- Aspects of Science Fiction ed. G. D. Doherty (John Murray, November 1959, an)
- The Assassin by W. Wirt (Popular Publications, November 2023, co)
- Assassin Fantastic ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, July 2001, oa)
- Assassinorum Execution Force by Joe Parrino (Black Library, May 2015, na)
- The Assassins and Other Stories by Marcel Schwob (Snuggly Books, 2020, oc)
- Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb (Subterranean Press, January 2017, n.)
- The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J. Maas (Bloomsbury Children's Books, March 2014, co)
- The Assassins of Thasalon by Lois McMaster Bujold (Subterranean Press, July 2022, n.)
- Assassin’s Quest by Robin Hobb (Subterranean Press, January 2017, n.)
- Assault on Black Reach by Nick Kyme (Black Library, 2008, na)
- Assignment in Eternity by Robert A. Heinlein (Fantasy Press, August 1953, co)
- Assignment in Eternity (var. 1) by Robert A. Heinlein (Digit, 1960, co)
- Assignment in Tomorrow ed. Frederik Pohl (Hanover House, 1954, an)
- The Assimilated Cuban’s Guide to Quantum Santeria by Carlos Hernandez (Rosarium Publishing, 2016, co)
- As the Crow Flies by David Hutchinson (BeWrite Books, 2004, co)
- As the Sun Goes Down by Tim Lebbon (Night Shade Books, September 2000, co)
- As Time Goes By ed. Hank Davis (Baen, February 2015, an)
- As Tomorrow Becomes Today ed. Charles W. Sullivan (Prentice-Hall, 1974, an)
- Astonishing! Astounding! by Malcolm Jameson (Surinam Turtle Press, June 2012, om)
- Astonishing Tales of the Sea by Peter Schranz (, October 2012, oc)
- Astorath The Grim: Redeemer of the Lost by Andy Smillie (Black Library, December 2013, ss)
- As Tough as They Come ed. Will Oursler (Permabooks, 1951, an)
- Astounding ed. Harry Harrison (Random House, November 1973, oa)
- The Astounding-Analog Reader, Book One ed. Brian W. Aldiss (Sphere, October 1973, an)
- The Astounding-Analog Reader, Book Two ed. Brian W. Aldiss (Sphere, October 1973, an)
- The Astounding-Analog Reader, Volume One ed. Brian W. Aldiss (Doubleday, December 1972, an)
- The Astounding-Analog Reader, Volume Two ed. Brian W. Aldiss (Doubleday, April 1973, an)
- Astounding Days by Arthur C. Clarke (Gollancz, May 1989, nf)
- The Astounding Science Fiction Anthology ed. John W. Campbell, Jr. (Simon & Schuster, February 1952, an)
- The Astounding Science Fiction Anthology (var. 1) ed. John W. Campbell, Jr. (Berkley, December 1956, an)
- Astounding Science Fiction July 1939 ed. John W. Campbell, Jr. (Southern Illinois University Press, 1981, an)
- Astounding Stories: The 60th Anniversary Collection (Vol. 1) (Easton Press, 1990, an)
- Astounding Stories: The 60th Anniversary Collection (Vol. 2) (Easton Press, 1990, an)
- Astounding Stories: The 60th Anniversary Collection (Vol. 3) (Easton Press, 1990, an)
- Astounding Tales of Space and Time ed. John W. Campbell, Jr. (Berkley, February 1957, an)
- Astra Militarum (Black Library, December 2015, an)
- Astra Militarum (Black Library, December 2016, an)
- Astrologica: Stories of the Zodiac ed. Allen Ashley (The Alchemy Press, October 2013, oa)
- Asurmen: Hand of Asuryan by Gav Thorpe (Black Library, July 2015, n.)
- Asylum Piece and Other Stories by Anna Kavan (Jonathan Cape, 1940, oc)
- Asylum Piece and Other Stories (var. 1) by Anna Kavan (Doubleday & Company, Inc., August 1946, co)
- The Asylum, Vol. 1: The Psycho Ward ed. Victor Heck (DarkTales Publications, October 1999, oa)
- The Asylum, Vol. 2: The Violent Ward ed. Victor Heck (DarkTales Publications, March 2002, oa)
- Asymmetry by Thoraiya Dyer (Twelfth Planet Press, March 2013, oc)
- As You Wish ed. Virginia M. Mohlere (Papaveria Press, March 2013, oa)
- At a Bigger House by Brian W. Aldiss (Avernus, 2002, oc)
- At a Winter’s Fire by Bernard Capes (C. Arthur Pearson, 1899, co)
- At Close of Eve ed. Jeremy Scott (Jarrolds, 1947, oa)
- At Dead of Night ed. Christine Campbell Thomson (Selwyn & Blount, November 1931, an)
- At Ease with the Dead ed. Barbara Roden (Ash-Tree Press, June 2007, oa)
- The Atheist in the Attic Plus… by Samuel R. Delany (PM Press, April 2018, oc)
- Athena’s Daughters: Women in Science Fiction & Fantasy, Vol. 1 ed. Jean Rabe (Silence in the Library, May 2014, oa)
- At Home in the Dark ed. Lawrence Block (Subterranean Press, May 2019, oa)
- Atlanta Noir ed. Tayari Jones (Akashic Books, August 2017, oa)
- The Atlantic Council Art of Future Warfare Project ed. August Cole (The Atlantic Council, November 2015, oa)
- Atlantis ed. Isaac Asimov (NAL/Signet, January 1988, an)
- Atlantis: Three Tales by Samuel R. Delany (Incunabula, June 1995, co)
- Atlas Infernal by Rob Sanders (Black Library, July 2011, n.)
- Atmosphæra Incognita by Neal Stephenson (Subterranean Press, July 2019, nv)
- Atmospheric Disturbances by Helen Grant (Swan River Press, November 2024, co)
- Atomic-Age Cthulhu ed. Glynn Owen Barrass (Chaosium, March 2015, oa)
- Atoms and Evil by Robert Bloch (Gold Medal, August 1962, co)
- Atoms of Empire by C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne (Macmillan & Co., November 1904, co)
- Atoning by K. L. Armstrong (Subterranean Press, March 2015, na)
- Atrocity Exhibition by J. G. Ballard (Jonathan Cape, July 1970, co)
- The Atrocity Exhibition (var. 1) by J. G. Ballard (Re/Search Publications, September 1990, co)
- The Atrocity Exhibition (var. 2) by J. G. Ballard (Flamingo, October 1993, co)
- The Atrocity Exhibition (var. 3) by J. G. Ballard (HarperPerennial UK, September 2006, co)
- At Sea by William Hope Hodgson (Necronomicon Press, October 1993, co)
- Attack of the Blizzard Men by Curtis Steele (Steeger Books, May 2020, n.)
- Attack of the Jazz Giants and Other Stories by Gregory Frost (Golden Gryphon Press, June 2005, co)
- Attack on the Redan by Garry D. Kilworth (Robinson, June 2004, n.)
- Attack on the Redan by Garry D. Kilworth (Constable, June 2003, n.)
- At the Caligula Hotel and Other Poems by Brian W. Aldiss (Sinclair-Stevenson, May 1995, co)
- At the Court of the Crow by Tanith Lee (Immanion Press, December 2020, na)
- At the Edge of the World by Lord Dunsany (Ballantine Adult Fantasy, March 1970, co)
- At the Foot of the Story Tree: The Fiction of Peter Straub by Bill Sheehan (Subterranean Press, May 2000, nf)
- At the Human Limit by Jack Williamson (Haffner Press, April 2011, co)
- At the Molehills of Madness by Rhys H. Hughes (Pendragon Press UK, 2006, co)
- At the Mountains of Madness and Other Novels by H. P. Lovecraft (Arkham House, 1964, co)
- At the Mountains of Madness and Other Tales of Terror by H. P. Lovecraft (Beagle, January 1971, co)
- At the Mountains of Murkiness ed. George W. Locke (Ferret Fantasy, 1973, an)
- At the Rising of the Moon: Irish Stories and Studies by Frank Mathew (McClure UK, 1893, co)
- At the Scene of the Crime ed. Dana Stabenow (Running Press, November 2008, oa)
- At the Sign of Sagittarius by Richard Basil Ince (Faber & Gwyer, 1926, co)
- At the Sign of the Golden Apple by R. A. Lafferty (Chris Drumm, December 1987, pm)
- At the Sleepy Sailor ed. Guy H. Lillian, III (The Sons of the Sand, 1979, oa)
- Attica by Garry D. Kilworth (Atom, March 2006, n.)
- Attica by Garry D. Kilworth (Atom, May 2007, n.)
- The Attic Express and Other Macabre Stories by Alex Hamilton (Ash-Tree Press, July 2007, co)
- Attic Toys ed. Jeremy C. Shipp (Evil Jester Press, March 2012, oa)
- The Aubergine Alphabet by Caitlín R. Kiernan (Subterranean Press, April 2017, nv)
- Auction of Blood by Joshua M. Reynolds (Black Library, August 2017, nv)
- August Derleth’s Eerie Creatures by August Derleth (The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, February 2009, co)
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