The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 282
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Armour, R(obert) C(outts) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Eternal Feminine, (ss) The Red Magazine May 1 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Eternal Papa, (ss) The Red Magazine October 31 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Eternal Recurrence, (ss) The Yellow Magazine June 13 1924, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Exile, (ss) The Red Magazine April 1 1917, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * An Exile, (ss) The Red Magazine August 9 1929, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Ex Terra (Special!), (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 24 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * “—Eyes and See Not”, (ss) The Red Magazine October 15 1914, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Face of Providence, (ss) The Red Magazine March 1 1918, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Faith, (ss) The Red Magazine November 15 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Fall of Podunkey, (ss) The Red Magazine March 15 1916, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * False Dawn, (ss) The Red Magazine March 15 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * False Gold, (ss) The Red Magazine January 1 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Family Affair, (ss) The Red Magazine October 31 1919, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Fatal Talisman [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #340, June 1932, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Fat of the Land, (ss) The Red Magazine August 3 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Feet of Lead, (ss) The Red Magazine September 30 1921, as by Reid Whitly
- * A Field Day, (ss) The Red Magazine April 1 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Fighting Schoolmaster, (n.) Aldine Boxing Novels #60, 1929, as by Reid Whitley
- * The First Round, (ss) The Red Magazine July 15 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Fish, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #50, August 10 1923, as by Reid Whitley
- * Flowers That Bloomed in the Spring, (ss) The Red Magazine February 15 1913, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * ’Fluence, (ss) The Red Magazine March 16 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Flutter in Flounces, (ss) The Red Magazine June 6 1924, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Fool Luck, (ss) The Red Magazine May 1932, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Footnote to Romance, (ss) The Red Magazine December 1 1914, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * For a Rainey Day, (ss) The Yellow Magazine November 4 1921, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Forest Gold, (n.) Aldine Adventure Library #19, 1928, as by Reid Whitley
- * A Foretaste, (ss) The Red Magazine July 15 1914, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * For the Good of Creation, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #120, April 16 1926, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * For the Sake of Enlightenment [Fung Lee], (ss) Oriental Stories February/March 1931, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Founder of the Faculty, (ss) The Red Magazine January 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Fragmentary Affair, (ss) The Red Magazine March 1 1912, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * From Away Back, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #126, July 23 1926, as by Reid Whitly
- * From the Depths, (ss) The Red Magazine June 15 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Gang’s Deserter [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #263, November 1930, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Gap in the Armour, (ss) The Red Magazine September 29 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Gazetted for Matrimony, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #108, October 30 1925, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Generations of His Forefathers, (ss) The Red Magazine March 15 1911, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Get-Rich Henry!:
* ___ 1: A Matter of Rabbit, (ss) The Red Magazine May 15 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
* ___ 2: A Matter of Grabbit, (ss) The Red Magazine June 1 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
* ___ 3: A Matter of Habit, (ss) The Red Magazine June 15 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Ghost of Sir Claud, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #112, December 25 1925, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Gift of the Greeks, (ss) The Red Magazine May 1 1919, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Gilded Flame, (ss) The Red Magazine March 15 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Gleaner, (ss) The Red Magazine July 1 1927, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Glory of Women, (ss) The Red Magazine April 1 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Golden Aurelia, (ss) The Red Magazine May 7 1926, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Golden Eggs, (ss) The Red Magazine July 16 1926, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Golden Lure, (ss) The Red Magazine December 19 1924, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Golden Mademoiselle, (ss) The Red Magazine July 25 1919, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Golden Tiger, (n.) Aldine Adventure Library #7, 1928, as by Reid Whitley
- * Gold of Carthage, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #124, June 25 1926, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Gold Trail: A Brush with the Blacks! [Star of the North], (ss) Chums October 24 1926, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Gold Trail: Bail Up! [Star of the North], (ss) Chums October 17 1926, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Gold Trail: Hop! Skip! Jump! [Star of the North], (ss) Chums October 3 1926, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Gold Trail: The Baleful Bunyip! [Star of the North], (ss) Chums November 7 1926, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Gold Trail: The End of the Trail [Star of the North], (ss) Chums November 28 1926, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Gold Trail: The Great Nugget! [Star of the North], (ss) Chums November 14 1926, as by Reid Whitly
- * A Good Bargain, (ss) The Corner Magazine June 1933, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Gorgeous East, (ss) The Red Magazine January 15 1918, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Go to the—Ant!, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #130, September 17 1926, as by Reid Whitly
- * Grace Abounding, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #51, August 24 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Grass, (ss) The Green Magazine #10, March 13 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Green Belt, (ss) The Yellow Magazine April 21 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Green Stuff, (ss) The Red Magazine January 15 1917, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Growing Concern, (ss) The Red Magazine January 15 1913, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Growth, (ss) The Red Magazine June 8 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Grub, (pm) The Red Magazine October 15 1917, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Grub, (ss) The Yellow Magazine December 26 1924, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Grub Fiend, (ss) The Corner Magazine April 1932, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Grub Is Trumps, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #121, April 30 1926, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Hairdresser’s Revenge, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #105, September 18 1925, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Hands of the Potter, (ss) The Red Magazine June 19 1925, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Happy Landing, (ss) Mystery Stories #24, November 1941, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Hark to the Song of the Ostrich [Willis Screever], (ss) Wild West (UK) #46, January 21 1939, uncredited.
- * Heat, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #101, July 24 1925, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * “Heavier Than Air”, (ss) The Red Magazine June 15 1913, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Helping Hands, (ss) The Red Magazine May 15 1912, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Helping Hands, (ss) The Red Magazine February 15 1919, as by Reid Whitly
- * Hence the Pyramids, (ss) The Yellow Magazine January 13 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Heritage, (ss) The Red Magazine June 23 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Higher Civilisation, (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1937, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * High Tensions, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #81, October 17 1924, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * His Lucky Day, (ss) The Corner Magazine February 1932, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * His Own Petard, (ss) The Red Magazine March 1 1913, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Homing Pigeon, (ss) The Green Magazine #22, August 28 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Honours Even, (ss) The Red Magazine April 15 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * “Hope at the Prow”, (ss) The Red Magazine August 15 1917, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Horror and the Hairpins, (ss) The Yellow Magazine March 6 1925, as by Reid Whitly
- * Horseshoes for Luck, (ss) The Red Magazine March 18 1921, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Hot and Cold, (ss) The Green Magazine #16, June 5 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Hour of Glory, (ss) The Yellow Magazine October 21 1921, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The House in Bryden Square, (ss) The Red Magazine April 1932, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Hunting of Pheeoo, (ss) The Green Magazine #3, December 5 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Hush! Hush!, (ss) The Red Magazine March 4 1921, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Illusion, (ss) The Red Magazine August 1932
- * The Immortal, (ss) The Red Magazine May 9 1924, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * An Impressive Affair, (ss) The Red Magazine January 5 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * In a Backwater, (ss) The Red Magazine November 1 1917, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * In Black or White?, (ss) The Red Magazine October 15 1917, as by Reid Whitly
- * In His Own Country, (ss) The Red Magazine July 1930, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Initial Difficulties, (pm) The Red Magazine February 15 1916, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * In Mid-Stream, (ss) The Blue Magazine #119, June 1929, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * In Reversion, (ss) The Red Magazine November 28 1919, as by Reid Whitly
- * In Savage Hayti [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #292, 1923, uncredited.
- * Insulation, (ss) The Yellow Magazine November 17 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Interlude, (ss) The Red Magazine February 6 1920, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Interlude, (ss) The Red Magazine January 4 1924, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * In the Glass of Circumstance, (ss) The Red Magazine October 1 1920, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * In the House of Janus, (ss) The Red Magazine August 1 1914, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * In the Key of Blue, (ss) The Green Magazine #29, December 4 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * “In the Key of G”, (ss) The Red Magazine April 1 1913, as by Reid Whitly
- * In the Long Run, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #74, July 11 1924, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * In the Long Run, (n.) Aldine Racing Novels #96, 1930, as by Reid Whitley
- * In the Matter of a Concession, (ss) The Green Magazine #28, November 20 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * In the Matter of a Tail, (ss) The Red Magazine March 1 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * In the Shadow of the Purple, (ss) The Red Magazine December 1 1914, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Invasion, (ss) The Red Magazine September 1 1916, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * It Happened at Night, (nv) Cassell’s Magazine June 1930, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Its Own Reward, (ss) The Red Magazine August 15 1916, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Julius Caesar’s Hair Restorer, (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 9 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Kesdale Affair, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #76, August 8 1924, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * King Alfred’s Frying-Pan, (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 23 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The King’s Teeth, (ss) The Yellow Magazine March 9 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Knight’s Move, (ss) The Red Magazine January 15 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Knights of Commerce, (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 20 1925, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * “Knock-Out” Fenton, (n.) Aldine Boxing Novels #70, 1930, as by Reid Whitley
- * A Laodicean, (ss) The Red Magazine October 3 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Last Bite, (ss) The Red Magazine May 27 1921, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Last Love, (pm) The Red Magazine March 15 1915, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Last of the Bushrangers, (n.) Aldine Adventure Library #1, 1927, as by Reid Whitley
- * The Law of the Universe, (ss) The Red Magazine June 1 1913, as "The Dominant Factor", by Reid Whitly
- * Leader and Levitation, (ss) The Red Magazine May 1 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Leopard Man [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #188, 1921, uncredited.
- * A Lesson in Honesty, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #125, July 9 1926, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Light as ’Air, (ss) The Red Magazine September 15 1916, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Light Clothing, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #117, March 5 1926, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Lighthouse Mystery [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #260, 1922, uncredited.
- * A Light Sovereign, (ss) The Red Magazine January 19 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Light That Never Was, (ss) The Yellow Magazine March 24 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Lightweight Cargo, (n.) Aldine Boxing Novels #76, 1930, as by Reid Whitley
- * A Limb of the Law, (ss) The Yellow Magazine January 9 1925, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Limit, (ss) The Red Magazine October 1 1917, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Lion of Asshur, (ss) The Red Magazine September 19 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Little Bit of Fat, (ss) The Red Magazine April 1 1921, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Little Bit o’ Luck, (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 23 1923, as by Reid Whitley
- * Little Glass Jug, (ss) Gloucester Journal March 9 1940, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Little More, (ss) The Red Magazine June 15 1919, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Little River War, (n.) Aldine War Stories #25, 1931, as by Reid Whitley
- * The Logic of Kings, (ss) The Red Magazine July 1 1914, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Long Arm, (ss) The Red Magazine April 11 1924, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Lower Level, (ss) The Red Magazine March 15 1913, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Luck, (ss) The Red Magazine March 12 1926, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Luck and Mr. Iddley, (ss) The Red Magazine January 23 1920, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Luck—and the Doodle, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #209, November 1939, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * “Lucky Dips”, (ss) The Yellow Magazine May 4 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Lunar Missile, (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 24 1922, as "Ex Terra (Special!)", by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Magic Bag Express! [Magic Bag Express], (ss) The Ranger #113 Apr 8, #114 Apr 15, #115 Apr 22 1933, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Magpies, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #108, October 30 1925, as by Reid Whitly
- * A Major Probability, (ss) The Red Magazine December 14 1912, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Man from the Sea, (ss) The Red Magazine May 1 1917, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Man in the Kitchen, (ss) The Red Magazine July 1932, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Man Who Forgot [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #185, 1921, uncredited.
- * The Man Who Made Gold [Sexton Blake], (na) The Union Jack #1242,, uncredited.
- * The Man Who Sailed with Rupert, (ss) The Red Magazine July 15 1913, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Marooned, (ss) The Yellow Magazine May 5 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Marriage Has Been Arranged, (ss) The Red Magazine July 2 1926, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Mascot, (ss) The Red Magazine August 15 1914, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Masked Man of the Desert [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #587, August 1937, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Masked Raiders [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #232, March 1930, uncredited.
- * A Master Craftsman, (ss) The Red Magazine April 1 1913, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Matter of Chance, (ss) The Red Magazine August 23 1929, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Matter of Grabbit, (ss) The Red Magazine June 1 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Matter of Gravity, (ss) The Red Magazine January 1 1913, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Matter of Habit, (ss) The Red Magazine June 15 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Matter of History, (ss) The Red Magazine July 20 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Matter of Metal, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #82, October 31 1924, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Matter of Rabbit, (ss) The Red Magazine May 15 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Meanderings of Ann, (ss) The Red Magazine September 30 1921, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Memoirs of Machiavelli Machen:
* ___ 1: The Case of Uncle Harris, (ss) The Green Magazine #27, November 6 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
* ___ 2: In the Matter of a Concession, (ss) The Green Magazine #28, November 20 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
* ___ 3: In the Key of Blue, (ss) The Green Magazine #29, December 4 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
* ___ 4: The Peer and the Picture, (ss) The Green Magazine #30, December 18 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Men Who Knew, (ss) The Red Magazine January 13 1928, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Meow!, (ss) The Yellow Magazine April 7 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Meter Metre, (pm) The Red Magazine April 1 1916, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Middleman, (ss) The Red Magazine January 9 1920, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Minstrel’s Currrse, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #21, June 30 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Miracle, (ss) The Red Magazine August 8 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Mirror to Nature, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #56, November 2 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Mr. Elizabeth, (ss) The Red Magazine November 1930, as by Reid Whitley
- * Mr. Fipkins and the Younger World, (ss) The Red Magazine October 12 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Mixed Piggies, (ss) The Red Magazine December 1 1910, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Moon of Egypt, (ss) The Red Magazine September 1 1917, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * “Moosic Heavenly Made”, (ss) The Red Magazine July 1 1916, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Movie Mystery [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #99, 1927, uncredited.
- * Murder at the Tower of London [Sexton Blake], (na) Detective Weekly #121, June 15 1935, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Murder in the Air [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #328, March 1932, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Murder of Munsden [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #299, August 1931, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Mutations of Hiram:
* ___ No. 1. Mutton for Melkarth, (ss) The Yellow Magazine January 26 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
* ___ No. 2. Julius Caesar’s Hair Restorer, (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 9 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
* ___ No. 3. King Alfred’s Frying-Pan, (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 23 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
* ___ No. 4. The King’s Teeth, (ss) The Yellow Magazine March 9 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
* ___ No. 5. Treating ’Em Ruff, (ss) The Yellow Magazine March 23 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
* ___ No. 6. Sovereign Nap, (ss) The Yellow Magazine April 6 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Mutton for Melkarth, (ss) The Yellow Magazine January 26 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Mysterious Mr. West, (na) The Thriller #272, April 21 1934, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Mystery of Bullen Point [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #56, 1926, uncredited.
- * The Mystery of the ’Bandalong’, (sl) Detective Weekly #322 Apr 22, #323 Apr 29, #324 May 6, #325 May 13 1939, as by Reid Whitley
- * The Mystery of the Isle of Fortune [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #127, 1927, uncredited.
- * The Mystery of the Masked Surgeon [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #166, October 1928, uncredited.
- * The Mystery of the Missing Doctor [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #610, February 1938, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Mystery of the Red Tower [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #719, May 1940, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Mystery of the Sunken Road [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #231, 1922, uncredited.
- * The Mystery of the Tramp Steamer [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #371, February 1933, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Natural Causes, (ss) The Red Magazine May 12 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Natural Gas, (ss) The Red Magazine October 1 1913, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * —Never Did Run Smooth, (ss) The Yellow Magazine May 16 1924, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * New Guinea Gold, (n.) Aldine Adventure Library #11, 1928, as by Reid Whitley
- * A New Species?, (ss) The Red Magazine June 10 1921, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Nightpiece to Barkis, (pm) The Red Magazine February 15 1916, as by Reid Whitly
- * Nip and Tuck, (ss) The Red Magazine January 7 1921, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * “Noah’s Bird”, (ss) The Red Magazine December 15 1914, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * “Nor Poppy, nor Mandragora”, (ss) The Red Magazine June 15 1914, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Not an Earthly, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #54, October 5 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Not to Be Sniffed At, (ss) The Red Magazine October 13 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Nursing Home Crime [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #478, May 1935, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Nut of Destiny, (ss) The Red Magazine January 20 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Obsession, (ss) The Red Magazine August 1918, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Odds On, (ss) The Green Magazine #5, January 2 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * An Official Affair, (ss) The Red Magazine February 29 1924, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Oh, Love! Oh, Merchandise!, (ss) The Red Magazine May 15 1916, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Old Adam, (ss) The Red Magazine July 1918, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Old Trouble, (pm) The Red Magazine February 15 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * “Once Bitten—”, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #218, August 1940, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * One Crowded Day, (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 22 1924, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * One Good Turn, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #129, September 3 1926, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * One of Our Conquerors, (ss) The Yellow Magazine April 6 1923, as by Reid Whitly
- * One Stalwart Soul in a Yappy Land, (pm) The Red Magazine January 15 1918, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Onions, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #110, November 27 1925, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * On the Frontier, (ss) The Red Magazine November 1 1913, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Out of Egypt, (ss) The Red Magazine September 15 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Out of Hind, (ss) The Red Magazine March 15 1917, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Out of the Past, (ss) The Red Magazine September 1932
- * Out of the Rut, (ss) The Red Magazine August 1 1917, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Out of the Sea, (ss) The Red Magazine December 12 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * An Overdraught, (ss) The Red Magazine January 1 1914, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Pain Bestowing Consequences, (ss) The Evening Standard May 29 1934, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Parsimonious Penelope’s Porcupine, (pm) The Red Magazine April 15 1913, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Peculiar Experiences of Mr. Spofforth, (ss) The Red Magazine November 14 1919, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Pedlar Pug, (n.) Aldine Boxing Novels #88, 1931, as by Reid Whitley
- * The Peer and the Picture, (ss) The Green Magazine #30, December 18 1923, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Peradventures of Mr. Grigg:
* ___ 1: A Substituted Substitute, (ss) The Red Magazine February 15 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
* ___ 2: A Cabinet Secret, (ss) The Red Magazine March 1 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
* ___ 3: The Gilded Flame, (ss) The Red Magazine March 15 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
* ___ 4: A Field Day, (ss) The Red Magazine April 1 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
* ___ 5: Honours Even, (ss) The Red Magazine April 15 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
* ___ 6: The Eternal Feminine, (ss) The Red Magazine May 1 1915, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Pete Peters Out, (ss) The Red Magazine December 15 1917, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Pink Mask, (sl) Detective Weekly #290 Sep 10, #291 Sep 17, #292 Sep 24, #293 Oct 1, #294 Oct 8, #295 Oct 15 1938, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Pioneer, (ss) The Yellow Magazine March 10 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Pioneers, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #120, April 16 1926, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Pirates of the Airway [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #92, 1927, uncredited.
- * The Pitcher, (ss) The Red Magazine September 19 1919, as by Reid Whitly
- * The Planet Wrecker, (ss) The Red Magazine February 14 1914, as "Beyond the Orbit", by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Platinum Smugglers [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #334, 1924, uncredited.
- * Pooge—and the Middle Ages, (ss) The Red Magazine November 15 1913, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Pot Luck, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) May 1927, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Power, (ss) The Red Magazine April 25 1924, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * “The Power of the Beast”, (ss) The Red Magazine November 1 1914, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Power of the Press, (ss) The Yellow Magazine June 2 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * PQliar!, (pm) The Red Magazine January 15 1918, as by Reid Whitly
- * A Pretty Pass, (ss) The Red Magazine June 15 1917, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Pride of the Heavies, (n.) Aldine Boxing Novels #73, 1930, as by Reid Whitley
- * Prisoner of La Paz, (na) Detective Weekly #155, February 8 1936, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Prisoner of the Buddah [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #109, 1927, uncredited.
- * Promisc’us-Like, (ss) The Red Magazine October 16 1916, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Proof of the Pudding, (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 8 1924, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Proverbial Needle, (ss) The Red Magazine November 1930, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * A Question of Attraction, (ss) The Red Magazine September 15 1913, as by Reid Whitly
- * Raising the Wind, (ss) The Yellow Magazine December 1 1922, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Ralston’s Penny Cruiser, (n.) Aldine War Stories #20, 1931, as by Reid Whitley
- * The Raw Material, (ss) The Red Magazine July 27 1928, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * The Real Thing, (ss) The Red Magazine September 1 1914, as by Reid Whitley
- * The Reasoning Animal, (ss) The Red Magazine December 24 1920, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Red Paint, (ss) The Red Magazine June 29 1928, as by Coutts Brisbane
- * Red Shell, (ss) Chums October 22 1927, as by Reid Whitley
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