The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Title: Page 39
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- Fantasy Annual 5 ed. Philip Harbottle (Cosmos Books, 2003, oa)
- Fantasy Annual III ed. Terry Carr (Timescape, May 1981, an)
- Fantasy Annual IV ed. Terry Carr (Timescape, November 1981, an)
- Fantasy Annual V ed. Terry Carr (Timescape, November 1982, an)
- Fantasy Box-Office Hits ed. Pete Taylor (M.S. Publications, August 2000, oa)
- Fantasycon X Programme Booklet ed. Jo Fletcher (Fantasycon X, September 1985, oa)
- FantasyCon XXIII Program Book ed. Debbie Bennett (FantasyCon, September 1999, an)
- FantasyCon XXII Program Book ed. Debbie Bennett (FantasyCon, September 1998, an)
- Fantasy Fanzine Index by Stephen Holland (British Fantasy Society, August 1987, bi)
- Fantasy for Good ed. Jordan Ellinger (Nightscape Press, December 2014, oa)
- Fantasy Gone Wrong ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, September 2006, oa)
- The Fantasy Hall of Fame ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Arbor House, October 1983, an)
- The Fantasy Hall of Fame ed. Robert Silverberg (HarperPrism, March 1998, an)
- Fantasy in the City ed. Jamie Ferguson (Kydala Publishing, July 2016, an)
- Fantasy Life by Mario Milosevic (Ruby Rose's Fairy Tale Emporium, August 2004, co)
- A Fantasy Medley ed. Yanni Kuznia (Subterranean Press, March 2009, oa)
- A Fantasy Medley 2 ed. Yanni Kuznia (Subterranean Press, December 2012, oa)
- A Fantasy Medley 3 ed. Yanni Kuznia (Subterranean Press, December 2015, oa)
- Fantasy Quarterly 1 ed. Philip Harbottle (Cosmos Books, 2001, oa)
- A Fantasy Reader ed. Jeff Frane (Seventh World Fantasy Convention, October 1981, an)
- Fantasy Readers Wanted—Apply Within ed. Nick Aires (Silver Lake Publishing, October 2003, oa)
- The Fantasy Sampler ed. Susan Allison (Berkley/Ace, October 1985, oa)
- Fantasy: Shapes of Things Unknown ed. Edmund J. Farrell (Scott, Foresman, 1974, an)
- Fantasy Short Stories Anthology Series Book Four ed. Neil A. Hogan (Maldek House, February 2020, oa)
- Fantasy Stories ed. Mike Ashley (Robinson Children's Books, September 1996, an)
- Fantasy Stories ed. Andrew Goodwyn (Oxford University Press, March 1991, an)
- Fantasy Tales ed. Barbara Ireson (Faber and Faber, 1977, an)
- Fantasy Tales 5 ed. Stephen Jones (Robinson, October 1990, oa)
- Fantasy Tales 6 ed. Stephen Jones (Robinson, July 1991, oa)
- Fantasy Tales 7 ed. Stephen Jones (Robinson, October 1991, oa)
- Fantasy Tales [v10 # 1, Autumn 1988] ed. Stephen Jones (Robinson, October 1988, oa)
- Fantasy Tales [v10 # 2, Spring 1989] ed. Stephen Jones (Robinson, May 1989, oa)
- Fantasy Tales [v11 # 3, Autumn 1989] ed. Stephen Jones (Robinson, October 1989, oa)
- Fantasy Tales [v11 # 4, Spring 1990] ed. Stephen Jones (Robinson, April 1990, oa)
- Fantasy Tales [v11 # 5, Autumn 1990] ed. Stephen Jones (Robinson, October 1990, oa)
- Fantasy Tales [v1 #1, Spring 1990] ed. Stephen Jones (Carroll & Graf, May 1990, oa)
- Fantasy Tales [v1 #2, Fall 1990] ed. Stephen Jones (Carroll & Graf, October 1990, oa)
- Fantasy Tales [v2 #3, Spring 1991] ed. Stephen Jones (Carroll & Graf, August 1991, oa)
- Fantasy Tales [v3 #4, Winter 1991] ed. Stephen Jones (Carroll & Graf, January 1992, oa)
- Fantasy Tales (var. 1) ed. Barbara Ireson (Beaver Books, 1981, an)
- Fantasy: The Best of 2001 ed. Karen Haber (ibooks, June 2002, an)
- Fantasy: The Best of 2002 ed. Karen Haber (ibooks, May 2003, an)
- Fantasy: The Best of 2004 ed. Karen Haber (ibooks, February 2005, an)
- Fantasy: The Best of the Year: 2006 Edition ed. Richard Horton (Prime Books, June 2006, an)
- Fantasy: The Best of the Year: 2007 Edition ed. Richard Horton (Prime Books, May 2007, an)
- Fantasy: The Best of the Year: 2008 Edition ed. Richard Horton (Prime Books, June 2008, an)
- Fantasy: The Literature of Subversion by Rosemary Jackson (Methuen, 1981, nf)
- Fantasy: The Literature of the Marvelous ed. Leo P. Kelley (McGraw-Hill, 1974, an)
- Fantasy: The Very Best of 2005 ed. Jonathan Strahan (Locus Press, August 2006, an)
- The Fantasy Writer’s Assistant and Other Stories by Jeffrey Ford (Golden Gryphon Press, June 2002, co)
- Far and Away by Anthony Boucher (Ballantine, 1955, co)
- Far Away & Never by Ramsey Campbell (Necronomicon Press, July 1996, co)
- Far Below and Other Horrors ed. Robert E. Weinberg (FAX, 1974, an)
- Far Boundaries ed. August Derleth (Pellegrini & Cudahy, April 1951, an)
- The Far Cry by Fredric Brown (E.P. Dutton, December 1951, n.)
- The Far Ends of Time and Earth by Isaac Asimov (Doubleday, January 1979, co)
- Farewell Fantastic Venus ed. Brian W. Aldiss (Macdonald, October 1968, an)
- Farewell Summer by Ray Bradbury (Subterranean Press, June 2011, n.)
- Farewell to a Child by Brian W. Aldiss (Priapus Poets, 1982, oc)
- Far Forests by Joan Aiken (Viking, 1977, co)
- Far Frontiers ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, September 2000, oa)
- Far Frontiers ed. James Baen (Baen, January 1985, oa)
- Far Frontiers Vol. II/Summer 1985 ed. James Baen (Baen, April 1985, oa)
- Far Frontiers Vol. III/Fall 1985 ed. James Baen (Baen, August 1985, oa)
- Far Frontiers Vol. IV/Winter 1985 ed. James Baen (Baen, January 1986, oa)
- Far Frontiers Vol. V/Spring 1986 ed. James Baen (Baen, May 1986, oa)
- Far Frontiers Vol. VI/Fall 1986 ed. James Baen (Baen, September 1986, oa)
- Far Frontiers Vol. VII/Winter 1986 ed. James Baen (Baen, December 1986, oa)
- Far Futures ed. Gregory Benford (Tor, December 1995, oa)
- Far Horizons ed. Robert Silverberg (Avon Eos, May 1999, oa)
- Far Lands, Other Days by E. Hoffmann Price (Carcosa House, December 1975, co)
- Far Out ed. Arthur J. Arkley (NEL, 1974, an)
- Far Out by Damon Knight (Simon & Schuster, 1961, co)
- The Far-Out People ed. Robert Hoskins (Signet, July 1971, an)
- The Far Reaches of Fear ed. Ramsey Campbell (Star Books, 1980, oa)
- Farseer by William King (Black Library, May 2002, n.)
- The Far Side of the Lake by Steve Rasnic Tem (Ash-Tree Press, May 2001, co)
- The Far Side of the Storm ed. Gary Elder (San Marcos Press, 1975, an)
- The Far Side of Time ed. Roger Elwood (Dodd, Mead, 1974, oa)
- Farsight by Phil Kelly (Black Library, October 2015, na)
- The Far Stars War ed. Bill Fawcett (Penguin/Roc, July 1990, oa)
- The Farthest Reaches ed. Joseph Elder (Trident, August 1968, oa)
- The Far Tower ed. Mark Valentine (Swan River Press, December 2019, oa)
- Far Travellers ed. Charles N. Brown (Mews Books, August 1976, an)
- Far Voyager ed. Nick Gevers (PS Publishing, November 2014, oa)
- Faster Than Light ed. Jack M. Dann (Harper & Row, 1976, oa)
- Fast Forward 1 ed. Lou Anders (Prometheus/Pyr, February 2007, oa)
- Fast Forward 2 ed. Lou Anders (Prometheus/Pyr, October 2008, oa)
- Fast Ships, Black Sails ed. Ann VanderMeer (Night Shade Books, 2008, oa)
- Fatal Distractions ed. Paul Cook (Animace Productions, October 1994, oa)
- The Fatal Eggs and Other Soviet Satire ed. Mirra Ginsburg (Evergreen/Grove Press, 1965, an)
- The Fatal Frontier ed. Ed Gorman (Carroll & Graf, January 1997, an)
- Fatal Journeys by Lucy Taylor (Overlook Connection Press, July 2014, co)
- The Fatal Move and Other Stories by Conall Cearnach (Swan River Press, April 2021, co)
- Fatal Women by Tanith Lee (Egerton House Publishing, May 2004, oc)
- Fatal Women (var. 1) by Tanith Lee (Lethe Press, January 2013, oc)
- Fate Fantastic ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, October 2007, oa)
- Fat Girl in a Strange Land ed. Kay T. Holt (Crossed Genres Publications, February 2012, oa)
- The Father Brown Omnibus by G. K. Chesterton (Dodd, Mead & Co., May 1951, om)
- Father Grim’s Storybook ed. Jessica A. Weiss (Wicked East Press, May 2012, oa)
- The Father of Lies by K. J. Parker (Subterranean Press, January 2018, co)
- Father Panic’s Opera Macabre by Thomas Tessier (Subterranean Press, 2001, n.)
- Father Raven and Other Tales by A. E. Coppard (Tartarus Press, April 2006, co)
- The Father, The Son, and the Walkperson by Michel Méry (III Publishing, May 1996, oc)
- The Father-Thing by Philip K. Dick (Underwood-Miller, May 1987, co)
- The Father-Thing by Philip K. Dick (Gollancz, November 1989, co)
- The Father-Thing by Philip K. Dick (Grafton, November 1990, co)
- The Father-Thing by Philip K. Dick (Voyager, May 1998, co)
- The Father-Thing by Philip K. Dick (Millennium, August 1999, co)
- Father to the Stars by Philip José Farmer (Pinnacle, July 1981, co)
- Fat Zombie ed. Paul Mannering (Permuted Press, January 2015, oa)
- Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Sphere, October 1974, pl)
- Favorite Fairy Tales to Read Aloud (Wonder, 1965, an)
- Favorite Father Brown Stories by G. K. Chesterton (Dover, March 1993, co)
- Favorite Sleuths ed. John Ernst (Doubleday, 1965, an)
- Favorite Stories of Hypnotism ed. Don Ward (Dodd, Mead, 1965, an)
- Favorite Tales of Horror ed. Gahan Wilson (Tempo, 1976, an)
- Favorite Trial Stories ed. A. K. Adams (Dodd, Mead, 1966, an)
- Favourite Book for Boys (Dean & Son, 1935, oa)
- Favourite Spy Stories (Octopus, 1981, an)
- Favourite Story Book (Dean & Son, 193?, oa)
- Favourite Story Book (Dean & Son, 1939, oa)
- Favourite Tales (Dean & Son, 1969, oa)
- Fear by Edith Nesbit (Stanley Paul & Co., 1910, co)
- Fear: A Modern Anthology of Horror and Terror, Volume Two (Crooked Cat Publishing, October 2012, oa)
- Fear and Trembling by Robert Bloch (Tor, March 1989, co)
- Fear and Trembling ed. Alfred Hitchcock (Dell, 1948, an)
- Fear! Fear! Fear! ed. Helen Hoke (Franklin Watts, 1980, an)
- Fearful Implications by Ramsey Campbell (PS Publishing, September 2023, co)
- Fearfully Frightening ed. Barbara Ireson (Beaver Books, 1984, an)
- Fearful Pleasures by A. E. Coppard (Arkham House, 1946, co)
- Fearful Rock and Other Precarious Locales by Manly Wade Wellman (Night Shade Books, December 2001, co)
- Fearful Symmetries ed. Ellen Datlow (ChiZine Publications, June 2014, oa)
- Fearie Tales ed. Stephen Jones (Jo Fletcher US, September 2014, oa)
- Fear in the Blood ed. Mike Ashley (The British Library, March 2024, an)
- Fear Itself ed. Jeffrey B. Gelb (Warner Aspect, February 1995, oa)
- Fear of Gravity by Brian Keene (Delirium Books, March 2004, oc)
- Fear of the Dark ed. Maria Grazia Cavicchioli (Horror Bound Publications, 2011, oa)
- The Fear Planet and Other Unusual Destinations by Robert Bloch (Subterranean Press, March 2005, co)
- The Fear Report by Elizabeth Massie (Bloodletting Press, 13 2004, co)
- Fears ed. Ellen Datlow (Tachyon Publications, September 2024, an)
- Fears ed. Charles L. Grant (Berkley, May 1983, oa)
- Fearsome Fairies ed. Elizabeth Dearnley (British Library Publishing, November 2021, an)
- Fearsome Journeys ed. Jonathan Strahan (Solaris, June 2013, oa)
- Fearsome Magics ed. Jonathan Strahan (Solaris, October 2014, oa)
- Fear Stalks the Village by Ethel Lina White (Ward, Lock and Co., 1932, n.)
- Fear Stalks the Village by Ethel Lina White (The British Library, January 2024, n.)
- Fears Unnamed by Tim Lebbon (Leisure, February 2004, co)
- Fear the Alien ed. Christian Dunn (Black Library, September 2010, oa)
- Fear the Fever ed. Michael Garrett (Pocket, July 1996, oa)
- Fear the Reaper ed. Joe Mynhardt (Crystal Lake Publishing, October 2013, oa)
- Fear Today, Gone Tomorrow by Robert Bloch (Award, September 1971, co)
- Fear to Tread by James Swallow (Black Library, September 2012, n.)
- The Feaster from Afar and Other Ghastly Visitants by Joseph Payne Brennan (Midnight House, 2008, co)
- A Feast for Crows by George R. R. Martin (Subterranean Press, November 2008, n.)
- A Feast of Blood ed. Charles M. Collins (Avon, 1967, an)
- A Feast of Crime (Worldwide, May 2005, oa)
- Feast of Faust by T. M. Gray (PublishAmerica, July 2003, oc)
- Feast of Fear ed. Vic Ghidalia (Manor Books, 1977, an)
- The Feast of St. Rosalie by Poppy Z. Brite (Subterranean Press, January 2003, ss)
- The Feathered Edge ed. Deborah J. Ross (Sky Warrior Book Publishing, February 2012, oa)
- Federations ed. John Joseph Adams (Prime Books, May 2009, an)
- Fedora: Private Eyes and Tough Guys ed. Michael Bracken (Wildside Press, July 2001, oa)
- Feeding the Glamour Hogs by Mark McLaughlin (The Ministry of Whimsy Press, December 1997, co)
- Feelings of Fear by Graham Masterton (Severn House, August 2000, co)
- Feesters in the Lake & Other Stories by Bob Leman (Midnight House, 2002, co)
- Feline and Famous ed. Ed Gorman (Donald I. Fine, October 1994, oa)
- Feline Felonies ed. Abigail Browning (Galahad Books, June 2001, an)
- Feline Fetishes ed. corwin (Circlet Press, May 1993, oa)
- Felix Running by Hilary Ford (Eyre & Spottiswoode, May 1959, n.)
- Felix Walking by Hilary Ford (Eyre & Spottiswoode, February 1958, n.)
- Felix Walking by Hilary Ford (Simon & Schuster, March 1958, n.)
- Fell Beasts and Fair ed. C. J. Brightley (Spring Song Press, March 2018, oa)
- Fell Cargo by Dan Abnett (Black Library, January 2006, n.)
- Fell Murder by E. C. R. Lorac (Collins, 1944, n.)
- Fell Murder by E. C. R. Lorac (The British Library, July 2019, n.)
- Fellowship Fantastic ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, January 2008, oa)
- Fellowship of the Stars ed. Terry Carr (Simon & Schuster, 1974, oa)
- The Fellow Travellers & Other Ghost Stories by Sheila Hodgson (Ash-Tree Press, June 1998, oc)
- Felonious Assaults ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Ivy, July 1989, an)
- The Female Detective by Andrew Forrester, Jr. (Ward and Lock, 1864, co)
- The Female Detective by Andrew Forrester, Jr. (The British Library, October 2012, co)
- Female Detectives in Early Crime Fiction 1841-1920 by Ashley Bowden (Fabula Mysterium Press, September 2024, nf)
- The Female Factory by Lisa L. Hannett (Twelfth Planet Press, December 2014, oc)
- The Female of the Species ed. Ellery Queen (Little Brown, July 1943, an)
- The Feminine Future ed. Mike Ashley (Dover Publications, March 2015, an)
- La Femme ed. Ian Whates (NewCon Press, April 2014, oa)
- Fen by Daisy Johnson (Vintage Digital, June 2016, oc)
- Fenceless Meadows: Tales of the Sea by Bill Adams (Frederick A. Stokes, 1923, co)
- Fen Country by Edmund Crispin (Gollancz, 1979, co)
- Fender Lizards by Joe R. Lansdale (Subterranean Press, October 2015, n.)
- Fender Lizards (var. 1) by Joe R. Lansdale (Subterranean Press, November 2015, co)
- Fendi, Ferragamo, & Fangs (Berkley Jam, July 2007, oa)
- Fengriffen & Other Gothic Tales by David Case (Valancourt Books, October 2015, co)
- The Fenstanton Witch and Others by M. R. James (Haunted Library, November 1999, co)
- Fenway Fiction ed. Adam Emerson Pachter (Rounder Books, 2005, oa)
- Fermented Ink by Fredric Brown (self-published, 1932, oc)
- Ferrus Manus: The Gorgon of Medusa by David Guymer (Black Library, February 2018, n.)
- Festival Moon ed. C. J. Cherryh (DAW, April 1987, oa)
- The Festival of the Dead by Sidney Herschel Small (Popular Publications, November 2022, co)
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