The FictionMags Index
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[]Lake, Frances (1899-1976); also known as Frances Lake McKenna (about) (chron.)
- * About All-Story, (cl) All-Story Love February 1953, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Another Girl’s Past, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly April 1942
- * Back-Street Bride, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly June 1942
- * Back-Street Romance, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly March 1939
- * Because I Kissed You, (nv) All-Story Love Tales September 24 1938
- * The Best Laid Plans, (ss) Love Book Magazine March 1948, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * The Bride’s Deception, (nv) Complete Love Magazine November 1949, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Bride Without Love, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly October 1943
- * Bridge of Dreams, (ss) All-Story Love February 1953, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Brief Paradise, (nv) Love Short Stories April 1948, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Caribbean Blonde, (nv) New Love Magazine September 1946, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Courtesy of Reno, (ss) Love Short Stories May 1943, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Dance of the Golden Statue, (ss) All-Story Love Tales January 7 1939
- * Dangerous, (nv) 1948, as "Love Me or Say Good-bye", by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Deadline for Love, (ss) 1947, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Dealer in Hearts, (ss) Love Fiction Monthly April 1939
- * Desert Bride, (ss) Leading Love July 1946, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Ex-Lady, (ss) Complete Love Magazine December 1939
- * Forever in My Heart, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #321, January 1943, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Free with Her Kisses, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly May 1940
- * Halfway to the Altar, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly February 1940
- * Hands Off—He’s Mine!, (ss) All-Story Love December 15 1940, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Haunted Lips, (nv) Love Novels Magazine November 1948, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Her Kissless Marriage, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly August 1942
- * High Society Blues, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly July 1939
- * Holiday from Love, (nv) Ten-Story Love Magazine September 1938
- * If I Could Believe You, (ss) All-Story Love June 1947, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Kisses Best Forgotten, (nv) Variety Love Stories April 1940
- * Kisses Lightly Given, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly November 1938
- * Lady in Danger, (ss) All-Story Love August 1945, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * The Lady Takes Chances, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly December 1938
- * Love for the Asking, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly July 1941
- * Lover Come Back, (nv) New Love Magazine June 1944, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Love’s Candid Camera, (ss) All-Story Love Tales September 3 1938
- * A Man to Beware Of, (nv) Ten-Story Love Magazine March 1942
- * Marriage Not Intended, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #279, July 1939, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Marry Me in Mexico, (nv) New Love Magazine November 1944, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Men Are So Blind, (nv) Complete Love Magazine February 1941
- * Midnight Kiss, (na) Love Novels Magazine July 1950, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Morning Glory, (ss) All-Story Love September 15 1940, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Priority Bridegroom, (ss) Love Fiction Monthly July 1943
- * Remind Me to Marry You!, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly March 1941
- * Reunion in Carolina, (nv) Romance February 1947, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Swingtime Marriage, (nv) Ten-Story Love Magazine November 1938
- * That Blonde from Rio, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly February 1941
- * That South American Man, (ss) Amour March 1946, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Tonight You’re Mine!, (nv) All-Story Love February 1 1940
- * Tropic Kisses, (nv) Love Fiction Monthly October 1938
- * The Truth About the Bride, (nv) Variety Love Stories August 1941
- * Two Against Heartbreak, (nv) Romance June 1946, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Vagabond Sweetheart, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #315, July 1942, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * What Happened to Carol Reed?, (nv) Complete Love Magazine October 1942
- * Wherever You Are, (nv) Love Novels Magazine June 1945, as by Frances Lake McKenna
- * Wolf! Wolf!, (ss) All-Story Love Tales March 4 1939
- * A Woman Like Eve—, (nv) Complete Love Magazine December 1938
- * Young Passion, (ss) All-Story Love Tales November 12 1938
[]Lake, Howard (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * The Big Picture, (ss) Mayfair v26 #10, 1991
- * Lady Vamp, (ss) Mayfair v26 #7, 1991
- * One Night with an Angel, (ss) Mayfair v26 #9, 1991
- * Private Investigations, (ss) Mayfair v26 #5, 1991
- * Scoop, (ss) Mayfair v26 #6, 1991
[]Lake, Jay; [i.e., Joseph Edward Lake, Jr.] (1964-2014) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Achilles, Sulking in His Buick, (ss) Realms of Fantasy December 2008
- * The Algebra of Heaven, (ss) Full Unit Hookup #5, Spring 2004
- * All Our Heroes Are Bastards, (ss) The Third Alternative #35, Summer 2003
- * The American Dead, (ss) Interzone #203, April 2006
- * American Sorrows, (co) Wheatland Press, September 2004
- * Ancient Wine, (ss) Dogs in the Moonlight, Prime Books, 2004
- * The Angel’s Daughter, (ss) Realms of Fantasy August 2004
- * The Angle of My Dreams, (ss) 3SF #1, October 2002
- * Apologising to the Concrete, (vi) Nemonymous #4, 2004, uncredited.
- * April, (ss) Ideomancer April 2004
- * Aprill, with His Shoures Soote, (ss) Strange Horizons August 18 2003
- * Arrange the Bones, (ss) Say… #1, 2002
- * Author’s Afterword, (aw) American Sorrows, Wheatland Press, 2004
- * The Beauty of Our Weapons, (ss) Full Unit Hookup #4, Fall 2003
- * Benedice Te, (ss) Challenging Destiny #18, July 2004
- * The Best of Men, The Best of Times, (ss) GrendelSong #1, 2006
- * The Big Ice (with Ruth Nestvold), (ss) Jim Baen’s Universe December 2006
- * Bird of Leaves, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #1, January 2007
- * Black Baccara (with Ruth Nestvold), (vi) Daily Science Fiction March 16 2016
- * The Black Back-Lands, (ss) Shimmer v1 #2, 2006
- * Black Heart, White Mourning, (ss) Grants Pass ed. Jennifer Brozek & Amanda Pillar, Morrigan Books, 2009
- * Bone Island (with Shannon Page), (ss) Interzone #225, November/December 2009
- * Brightly Shining, (ss) Strange Horizons September 15 2003
- * Browsing in the Month of Lightly Done, (ss) Irregular Quarterly March 2004
- * The Canadian Who Came Almost All the Way Home from the Stars (with Ruth Nestvold), (nv) Sci Fiction September 28 2005
- * The Cancer Catechism, (ss) Dark Faith: Invocations ed. Maurice Broaddus & Jerry Gordon, Apex Publications, 2012
- * Chain of Fools [Mainspring], (ss) Subterranean (online) Summer 2008
- * Chain of Stars, (ss) Subterranean (online) Fall 2009
- * Chewing Up the Innocent, (ss) Clarkesworld #5, February 2007
- * A Child’s Garden of Teeth®©, (ss) Worlds Apart #2, July 2007
- * Christmas Season, (ss) Strange Horizons June 17 2002
- * The Cleansing Fire of God, (ss) Strange Horizons September 29 2003
- * Clown Eggs, (vi) Abyss & Apex #9, May/June 2004
- * Coming for Green, (nv) The Sky That Wraps, Subterranean Press, 2010
- * Companies of the Heart, Come with Fire and Sword, (ss) From the Trenches ed. Joseph Paul Haines & Samantha Henderson, Carnifex Press, 2007
- * A Conspiracy of Dentists, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #14, June 2004
- * The Courtesy of Guests, (ss) Bones of the World ed. Bruce Holland Rogers, SFF Net, 2001
- * Crimson Mud, Drying Blood, (ss) Lone Star Stories #4, August 2004
- * Crossing the Seven, (nv) Logorrhea: Good Words Make Good Stories ed. John Klima, Bantam Spectra, 2007
- * Daddy’s Caliban, (ss) The Third Alternative #39, Autumn 2004
- * Dancing in the Light, (ss) Realms of Fantasy April 2005
- * Dark Flowers, Inverse Moon, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2005
- * The Dead Man’s Child, (ss) Cosmos (online) November 29 2006
- * The Decaying Mansions of Memory, (nv) Untold Adventures, Wizards of the Coast, 2011
- * Deka Logos, (ss) Strange Horizons October 20 2003
- * Demon Possession Today & How to Be Free, (ss) Full Unit Hookup #8, Summer 2006
- * Descanso Dream (with Ruth Nestvold), (vi) Daily Science Fiction October 12 2016
- * Desert Peace (with Ruth Nestvold), (vi) Daily Science Fiction January 18 2017
- * Devil on the Wind (with Michael J. Jasper), (ss) Black Gate Winter 2010
- * Different in the Lands of Glory, (ss) Agog! Ripping Reads ed. Cat Sparks, Agog Press, 2006
- * A Different Way Into the Life, (ss) Wizards, Inc. ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Loren L. Coleman, DAW, 2007
- * Dogs in the Moonlight, (co) Wildside Press/Prime Books, November 2004
- * Dogs in the Moonlight, (ss) Fortean Bureau Fall 2003
- * Down in the Ship Mines, (ss) SQ Mag #4, September 2012
- * Dream of the Arrow, (ss) Subterranean (online) Summer 2010
- * Dreams of the White City, (ss) Interzone #194, September/October 2004
- * Dresséd All in Green, Oh, (ss) Strange Horizons February 17 2003
- * The Dying Dream of Water, (ss) Flytrap #3, November 2004
- * Eating Their Sins and Ours, (ss) Lone Star Stories #21, June 2007
- * Eden Rose (with Ruth Nestvold), (vi) Daily Science Fiction March 30 2016
- * Eglantine’s Time, (ss) Dark Terrors 6 ed. Stephen Jones & David Sutton, Gollancz, 2002
- * An Elderly Pirate Recalls the Death of Love, (ss) Electric Velocipede #17/18, Spring 2009
- * Eleven Went to Heaven, (ss) Strange Horizons November 17 2003
- * Embers (with Shannon Page), (ss) The Feathered Edge ed. Deborah J. Ross, Sky Warrior Book Publishing, 2012
- * Ever, (ss) H.P. Lovecraft’s Magazine of Horror #4, Spring/Summer 2007
- * An Exile of the Heart, (ss) Clarkesworld #100, January 2015
- * Ex Libris Noctis, (ss) Lightspeed #67, December 2015
- * Eye Teeth, (ss) Challenging Destiny #22, April 2006
- * Fading Away, (vi) Abyss & Apex #21, 1st Quarter 2007
- * The Fall of the Moon, (ss) Realms of Fantasy October 2010
- * Fat Jack and the Spider Clown, (ss) Black Gate Summer 2005
- * Fat Man, (nv) The Mammoth Book of Monsters ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson, 2007
- * A Feast of Angels, (ss) Visitants ed. Stephen Jones, Ulysses Press, 2010
- * February, (ss) Ideomancer February 2004
- * Florence de Lattre (with Ruth Nestvold), (vi) Daily Science Fiction April 27 2016
- * The Fly and Die Ticket, (ss) Subterranean (online) Fall 2007
- * Foreword, (fw) Green Grow the Rushes-Oh, Fairwood Press, 2004
- * For the Twelve, (ss) Strange Horizons December 15 2003
- * Four Clowns of the Apocalypse, (ss) Lone Star Stories #11, October 2005
- * From the Countries of Her Dreams (with Shannon Page), (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #44, November 2010
- * The Future by Degrees, (ss) Seeds of Change ed. John Joseph Adams, Prime Books, 2008
- * Genre Is Dead, Long Live Genre, (ar) Aeon #2, February 2005
- * The Git, the Dog, the Fish, and the Gray, (ss) Electric Velocipede #6, Spring 2004
- * Glass: A Love Story, (nv) Greetings from Lake Wu, Wheatland Press, 2003
- * The Goat Cutter, (ss) Greetings from Lake Wu, Wheatland Press, 2003
- * G.O.D., (ss) Greetings from Lake Wu, Wheatland Press, 2003
- * The God-Clown Is Near, (ss) Dark Discoveries Summer 2007
- * Going Bad, (ss) Visitants ed. Stephen Jones, Ulysses Press, 2010
- * Golden Pepper, (vi) Flash Fiction Online February 2009
- * Golden Unicorn (with Ruth Nestvold), (vi) Daily Science Fiction February 17 2016
- * The Golden Whip, (ss) Helix #6, Fall 2007
- * Gospel Truth, (ss) Strange Horizons April 21 2003
- * Gratitude, (ss) Dogs in the Moonlight, Prime Books, 2004
- * Green, (nv) Aeon #5, November 2005
- * Green Grass Blues, (nv) The River Knows Its Own by Jay Lake, Wheatland Press, 2007
- * Green Grow the Rushes-Oh, (co) Fairwood Press, April 2004
- * Green Ice (with Ruth Nestvold), (vi) Daily Science Fiction January 20 2016
- * Greetings from Lake Wu, (co) Wheatland Press, November 2003
- * The Hangman Isn’t Hanging, (ss) Lone Star Stories #9, June 2005
- * Harlekin (with Ruth Nestvold), (vi) Daily Science Fiction March 2 2016
- * “Hello,” Said the Gun, (vi) Daily Science Fiction February 22 2011
- * Her Fingers Like Whips, Her Eyes Like Razors, (ss) The New and Perfect Man ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2011
- * Hitching to Aurora, (ss) Dogs in the Moonlight, Prime Books, 2004; previously appeared in audio format at
- * Hook Agonistes (with Seanan McGuire), (ss) Subterranean (online) Fall 2013
- * The Houses of the Favored, (ss) Visitants ed. Stephen Jones, Ulysses Press, 2010
- * Human Error, (ss) Interzone #226, January/February 2010
- * Hungry Ghosts, (ss) Weird Tales Spring 2010
- * If This Were a Romance (with Shannon Page), (nv) Love & Rockets ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Kerrie Hughes, DAW, 2010
- * Incipit (with Ruth Nestvold), (ss) Text: UR, The New Book of Masks ed. Forrest Aguirre, Raw Dog Screaming Press, 2007
- * In Defeat of Transcendent Epiphany, (ss) Ideomancer April 2003
- * In the Beginnings (with Shannon Page), (ss) Electric Velocipede #21/22, Fall 2010
- * In the Emperor’s Garden (with Shannon Page), (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #36, March 2010
- * In the Forests of the Night [Metatropolis], (na) Metatropolis ed. John Scalzi, Subterranean Press, 2009
- * Into the Gardens of Sweet Night, (na) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XIX ed. Algis Budrys, Bridge/Galaxy, 2003
- * Jack’s House, (nv) Strange Horizons December 23 2002
- * January, (ss) Ideomancer January 2004
- * Journal of an Inmate, (nv) Postscripts #7, Summer 2006
- * July, (ss) Ideomancer September 2004
- * June, (ss) Ideomancer June 2004
- * King of the Kingless, (ss) Fiction River #5, Hex in the City, December 2013
- * Last Drink Bird Head, (ss) Last Drink Bird Head ed. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Ministry of Whimsy, 2009
- * Last Plane to Heaven, (ss) Jim Baen’s Universe June 2008
- * The Launch Pad: An Attendee’s Perspective, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #198, Summer 2012
- * Lavaglut (with Ruth Nestvold), (vi) Daily Science Fiction November 23 2016
- * Lehr, Rex, (nv) Forbidden Planets ed. Peter Crowther, DAW, 2006
- * Leopard, (ss) Jim Baen’s Universe June 2009
- * The Leopard’s Paw, (ss) Subterranean (online) Spring 2007
- * Liane (with Ruth Nestvold), (vi) Daily Science Fiction October 26 2016
- * Life in the Pit of Bones, (ss) Space Squid Summer 2005
- * Lights in the Evening Sky Like the Promise of Heaven, (ss) Full Unit Hookup #3, Spring 2003
- * Like Cherries in the Dark, (ss) Flytrap #1, November 2003
- * Like Cleveland, Without the Sparkle, (vi) Fictitious Force #1, 2005
- * Little Pig, Berry Brown, and the Hard Moon, (ss) The Magic Toybox ed. Denise Little, DAW, 2006
- * The Lizard of Ooze, (ss) Flytrap #4, May 2005
- * A Lock of Dreams, (ss) Subterranean #3, 2006
- * The Lollygang Save the World on Accident, (nv) Extraordinary Engines ed. Nick Gevers, Solaris, 2008
- * A Long Walk Home [Sunspin], (ss) Subterranean (online) Winter 2011
- * A Long Way Home [Sunspin], (ss) Subterranean (online) Winter 2011, as "A Long Walk Home"
- * Looking for Truth in a Wild Blue Yonder (with Ken Scholes), (ss) January 13 2010
- * Mama She Truck, (ss) Dogs in the Moonlight, Prime Books, 2004
- * The Man Who Swallowed Mirrors (with Scott William Carter), (ss) Full Unit Hookup #7, Summer 2005
- * The Man with One Bright Eye, (ss) Fate Fantastic ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Daniel M. Hoyt, DAW, 2007
- * Many-Splendored, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #19, June/July 2005
- * March, (ss) Ideomancer March 2004
- * Marie-Luise Marjan (with Ruth Nestvold), (vi) Daily Science Fiction November 9 2016
- * Martyrs’ Carnival, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 2005
- * May, (ss) Ideomancer May 2004
- * Mr. Heaven, (ss) Dogs in the Moonlight, Prime Books, 2004
- * Mr. Scalpel and Mr. Gloves and the Cancer at the Heart of the World, (ss) Fusing Horizons #3, Summer 2004
- * Monsters in the Mountains at the Edge of the World, (ss) That Is Not Dead ed. Darrell Schweitzer, Drugstore Indian Press, 2015
- * Mother Urban’s Booke of Dayes, (ss) Dark Faith ed. Maurice Broaddus & Jerry Gordon, Apex Publications, 2010
- * The Murasaki Docterine, (na) Greetings from Lake Wu, Wheatland Press, 2003
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