The FictionMags Index
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Lee, Mary Soon (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Luna Incognita, (ss) Amazing Stories Spring 1999
- * Magicians, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2017
- * Mail-a-Day, (vi) Pirate Writings #9, 1996
- * Making Fields, (vi) 3SF #1, October 2002
- * Marna-Li, (ss) Random Realities #3, Summer 1993
- * The Matter of the Horses [The Sign of the Dragon], (pm) Ideomancer December 2014
- * Memory’s Child, (ss) On Spec Summer 1995
- * Mended, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2020
- * Mirror Cats, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2018
- * Monster: Puppeteer, (pm) Apex Magazine #104, January 2018
- * Monstrosity, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 1997
- * Moon Swan [The Sign of the Dragon], (pm) Star*Line Winter 2015
- * A Motley of Unicorns, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2021
- * The Mural, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #7, 1997
- * Murder Absolute, (ss) The Age of Wonders ed. Jeffry Dwight, SFF Net, 2000
- * Murmuration, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2022
- * Museums of Earth, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2020
- * Mythic Book Emporium, (pm) DreamForge Anvil #2, The Unbendable Heart 2021
- * Neolithic Cats of Stonehenge, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2018
- * New World, (vi) Interzone #176, February 2002
- * New Year’s Resolutions, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2019
- * No-Name in the Long Winter, (ss) On Spec Winter 1999
- * Not for Sale, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction November/December 2019
- * Not for Sale, Used Asteroid, One Owner, (pm) The Future Fire #58, 2021
- * Not Like This, (pm) Apex Magazine #87, August 2016
- * Numbers, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2014
- * Octo-Drabbles, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2023
- * Old Astronauts, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2015
- * 1-800-clone-me, (ss) Altair #4, August 1999
- * One Small Step, (ss) Pirate Writings #14, 1997
- * On Keeping Unicorns, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2019
- * On Reading Fantasy, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2015
- * On the Irritating Tendancy of Tau Cetians to Indulge… Passions, (vi) Tales of the Unanticipated #22, April 2001/March 2002
- * On the Making of Treaties, (ss) Space and Time #87, Summer 1997
- * Opus, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2015
- * Orchid Dragon, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2023
- * Packing for the Afterlife, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction September/October 2018
- * The Path to Peace, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2017
- * Patroclus, (pm) Mithila Review #13, March 2020
- * Patterns, (ss) Realms of Fantasy October 2001
- * Pause Time, (ss) Spectrum SF #4, November 2000
- * Personal Demons, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2023
- * Phoenix Dragon, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2023
- * A Piece of Strangeness, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #28, Summer 2007
- * Plant Life, (ss) Ebb Tides and Other Tales, Dark Regions Press, 2002
- * Poetry, (ss) Futures Mysterious Anthology Magazine #35, Fall 2004
- * Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November/December 2024
- * Prime Development Opportunity: Dirt, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May/June 2018
- * Puppetta, (vi) Odyssey #1, November/December 1997
- * The Qilin Visits the Zoo, (pm) Penumbric Speculative Fiction April 2023
- * A Quartet of Alphabetic Bubbles, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2020
- * Raised by Mushrooms, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2023
- * The Reaper’s Cat, (pm) Mirror Dance #47, Autumn 2020
- * Reasons Not to Bother a Dragon, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2015
- * Recruits, (pm) Mirror Dance #36, Winter 2016
- * Redemption, (ss) Fireside Quarterly Summer 2020
- * The Red Planet, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2021
- * Red Rising, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2018
- * A Reimaging, (pm) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine April/May 2022
- * A Retrospective on the Third Millennium, (vi) Daily Science Fiction December 26 2018
- * Rewind, (ss) Terra Incognita #5, Summer 2000
- * The Ride, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2015
- * Right to Shelter, (pm) Radon Journal #7, May 2024
- * Roadside Stop, (vi) Pirate Writings #15, 1997
- * Royal Prospects, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2019
- * Seeing Deeper, (ss) The Thirteenth Moon March 1995
- * Seventeenth Lesson [The Sign of the Dragon], (pm) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #31, 2017
- * Shelter, (ss) Midnight Journeys ed. Davi Dee & Bill Allen, Ozark Triangle Press, 1995
- * Shen’s Daughter, (ss) Sword and Sorceress XX ed. Marion Zimmer Bradley, DAW, 2003
- * The Sign of the King, (pm) Strange Horizons April 24 2017
- * Silent in the Cities, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction Fall 1996
- * Silicon Bird, (pm) Talebones #21, Spring 2001
- * Silver Linings, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2024
- * Slush, (vi) Pirate Writings #16, 1998
- * Snubbed, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2019
- * So This Is Mars, (pm) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September/October 2024
- * So This Is Neptune, (pm) Solarpunk Magazine #10, July/August 2023
- * Sphinx, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction September/October 2023
- * Spring Comes Round Again, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2023
- * The Strangers, (ss) Future Orbits #2, December 2001/January 2002
- * Suburbia 2050, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2017
- * A Tale at Bedtime [The Sign of the Dragon], (pm) 2015, as "Bedtime"
- * Tall Tale, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2019
- * Teatime with a Shapeshifter, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2021
- * Thirty-Ninth War Between Innis and Meqing: Commencement, (pm) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #48, 2021
- * The Three Kingdoms, (ss) Talebones #12, Summer 1998
- * The Tinkerbell Theory, (ss) Interzone #102, December 1995
- * Tirron, (pm) Mirror Dance #38, Summer 2017
- * To Have and to Hold, (ss) Dark Regions & Horror Magazine #10, Fall 1998
- * To Skeptics, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2019
- * To the Laws of Physics, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2024
- * To the Maxi-Blender 3000, (ss) On Spec Winter 2000
- * To the Whales, (pm) Space and Time #97, Spring 2003
- * Training: Endurance, (pm) Apex Magazine #75, August 2015
- * Training: Horse [The Sign of the Dragon], (pm) Mirror Dance #29, Spring 2015
- * Training: Stances [The Sign of the Dragon], (pm) Crowned by Mary Soon Lee, Dark Renaissance Books, 2015
- * Tranquillity, (ss) Interzone #145, July 1999
- * The Travelers, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Autumn 2002
- * The Treachery of Images, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2023
- * Treebound, (pm) Apex Magazine #104, January 2018
- * Truth Conquers All, (ss) Fission #2 ed. Eugen Bacon & Gene Rowe, HWS Press, 2022
- * The Turtle God, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #20, August 1999/April 2000
- * Under Earth, (vi) New Myths #56/57, Fall/Winter 2021
- * Unicorn Care, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2019
- * Universal Grammar [Janna Suzorsky], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 1997
- * Vengeance, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2015
- * Venus, As It Might Have Been, (pm) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March/April 2018
- * Vigil, (ss) Talebones #15, Spring 1999
- * Vintage Science Fiction, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2022
- * The Virgin and the Unicorn, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2014
- * The Voice, (ss) Deathrealm #28, Summer 1996
- * Voyage of Failed Heroes, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2021
- * Wanted—Personal Demon, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction September/October 2024
- * The Washerwoman’s Daughter [The Sign of the Dragon], (pm) Crowned by Mary Soon Lee, Dark Renaissance Books, 2015
- * What Aliens Read, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2021
- * What Atun Learned, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2015
- * What Bees Read, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2021
- * What Cacti Read, (pm) Strange Horizons July 26 2021
- * What Cassandra Read, (pm) New Myths #65, Winter 2023
- * What Chimerae Read, (pm) Fantasy Magazine #86, December 2022
- * What Cosmologists Read, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2024
- * What Fairy Godmothers Read, (pm) Kaleidotrope Summer 2022
- * What Giants Read, (pm) Strange Horizons January 29 2024
- * What Heroines Read, (pm) The Future Fire #70, 2024
- * What Martians Read, (pm) DreamForge Anvil #10, What We Give 2022
- * What Phoenixes Read, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2020
- * What the Hero Didn’t Do, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2024
- * What They Didn’t Do, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction July/August 2024
- * What They Took, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2018
- * What Trolls Read, (pm) Small Wonders #2, August 2023
- * What Villains Read, (pm) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2024
- * What Xenologists Read, (pm) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November/December 2023
- * When Arthur, Then a Boy, Came to Me, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2023
- * When They Come for You, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2022
- * Wilderness 2050, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2017
- * Without Winter, No Plum Blossom, (pm) Small Wonders #0, February 2023
- * Without Worship, (pm) Space and Time #136, Spring 2020
- * Wolf Moon [The Sign of the Dragon], (pm) Crowned by Mary Soon Lee, Dark Renaissance Books, 2015
- * Wrong Turn, (ss) DreamForge #3, September 2019
- * Zero, (vi) Pirate Writings #12, 1996
_____, [ref.]
[]Lee, Matt; pseudonym of Sam Merwin, Jr. (1910-1996) (chron.)
- * All-Time Field Goal Champion, (ar) Exciting Sports February 1949
- * Almond Eyes and A-Cups, (ar) Cocktail v6 #1, 1966
- * Appointment in New Utrecht, (ss) Startling Stories March 1950
- * Bachelors “Go for Broke”, (ar) Cocktail v7 #1, 1967
- * The Battling Babes, (ar) Champagne v6 #3, 1968/69
- * The “Big” and the Famous, (ar) Yes v3 #3, 1971
- * Big Breaks and Bad Bets, (ar) Tonight v7 #1, 1968
- * Chance for Glory, (ss) Exciting Football Winter 1948
- * The Changing “Bottom Look”, (ar) Bottom October/November/December 1969
- * Cleo’s Secret Sex Snare, (ar) Madcap v3 #3, 1966
- * Code of the Monkey, (ss) Exciting Sports Fall 1945
- * Dan Patch—Greatest Pacer of Them All, (ms) Popular Sports Fall 1949
- * Deception, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories April 1951
- * Diamond Freaks, (ms) Thrilling Baseball Summer 1949
- * The “Dirtiest” Dance of All, (ar) Guys & Dolls v1 #2, 1968/69
- * Duster, (vi) Popular Sports Magazine April 1948
- * Europe’s Sexpot Stew, (ar) Yes v4 #2, 1971/72
- * Exit Line, (ss) Startling Stories September 1950
- * Fashions in Undress, (ar) 38-26-34 v4 #3, 1967
- * The Female Mystique—It’s Murder!, (ar) Trojan v5 #1, 1966/67
- * The Feminine Touch, (ar) Sensation v3 #4, 1966/67
- * Final Haven, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1951
- * France’s Boudoir Referee, (ar) French Frills v5 #4, 1966
- * French Girls: Pleading for Passion, (ar) French Follies v6 #2, 1969
- * A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Bedroom, (ar) Body Shop v4 #4, 1967
- * Glamorville’s New Golden Gals, (ar) Black Magic v3 #3, 1966
- * The Gold Digger Royal, (ar) Quickie v3 #2, 1966
- * The Great Decade of Pro Football, (ar) Thrilling Football Fall 1943
- * The Gridiron Hue and Cry, (ar) Thrilling Football Winter 1949
- * Guts Gets the Gals, (ar) Pagan v6 #2, 1968
- * High Training, (ms) Popular Football Fall 1950
- * Hollywood’s Golden-Egg Scramblers, (ar) Cocktail v6 #2, 1966
- * Hollywood’s Pampered Royalty, (ar) Snap v6 #2, 1966/67
- * I Do Not Like Thee…, (ss) Fantastic Story Magazine Summer 1951
- * Ignoblest Roman, (ss) Popular Football Winter 1945
- * The Jailbait Jungle, (ar) Pussycat v2 #4, 1968
- * The Jumping Jet Set, (ar) Quickie v3 #4, 1966
- * King of Swingers, (ar) Girl to Girl October/November/December 1969
- * Ladies in Command, (ar) Midnight v7 #2, 1968
- * Last of the Big Time Molls, (ar) Body Shop v3 #3, 1966
- * Legs Ought to Be Lovely, (ar) Tonight v5 #1, 1966
- * Letters of Fire, (na) Startling Stories May 1951
- * The “Loaded” Losers, (ar) Tonight v8 #1, 1969
- * Love Jumps the Age Barrier, (ar) Champagne v4 #3, 1966/67
- * A Lovely Lot of Lynne, (ar) Tonight v6 #2, 1967
- * Love Magic of Music, (ar) Pagan v5 #2, 1967
- * Love on the Run, (ar) Tonight v5 #2, 1966
- * Lovers: For Money Only, (ar) Pagan v6 #4, 1969
- * The “Lucky Stars”, (ar) Midnight v5 #2, 1966
- * The Lusty Science, (ar) Quickie v3 #3, 1966
- * The Male Targets, (ar) Midnight v5 #1, 1966
- * Mini-Bosom Bonanza, (ar) Cocktail v7 #2, 1967
- * The Mobile Merrymakers, (ar) 38-26-34 v4 #2, 1967
- * Movies, Moppets and Millions, (ar) Madcap v4 #1, 1966/67
- * Naked Truths About Nudity, (ar) Pussycat v3 #1, 1968
- * The New Male Sex Secret, (ar) Tonight v8 #3, 1969
- * No Waltz for Dorman, (ss) Thrilling Sports January 1949
- * Off with Their Threads!, (ar) Tip Top v8 #1, 1968
- * Olympic Gadgetry, (ms) Startling Stories November 1948
- * One for the Cup, (ss) Thrilling Sports Summer 1951
- * Payoff on Panic, (vi) Popular Football Winter 1948
- * A Problem in Astrogation, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories April 1948
- * The Protein Test, (ss) Exciting Football Winter 1944
- * The Psychiatric Home Run, (ss) Thrilling Sports Winter 1945
- * Red Light, (ss) Thrilling Sports Spring 1944
- * The Secret Killers, (ar) Sensation v3 #3, 1966
- * Sex and the Devil, (ar) Pagan v4 #3, 1967
- * Sex on Stage, (ar) Pagan v6 #1, 1968
- * Sex on “The Street”, (ar) The Nylon Jungle v7 #3, 1969
- * Sex Under Glass, (ar) Lasses & Glasses v1 #1, 1968
- * The “Shame-Shame” Game, (ar) Yes v2 #1, 1968
- * The Smaller They Are, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine Spring 1945
- * Smash Go the Sex Sultans, (ar) Pagan v3 #4, 1966
- * Spotty Performance, (ss) Exciting Sports Spring 1945
- * The Story of Navy Wings, (ar) Army-Navy Flying Stories Fall 1944
- * Strippers—If the Price Is Right!, (ar) Champagne v6 #2, 1968
- * Students—Bone Up on Oxygen!, (ms) Startling Stories July 1951
- * They Still Call It Polo, (ss) Popular Sports Magazine Summer 1944
- * Those Bosoms Keep Bouncing Along, (ar) 38-26-34 v6 #1, 1968/69
- * The “Two Way” Swingers, (ar) Electra v2 #1, 1970
- * The Undressed Style-Setters, (ar) Champagne v7 #2, 1969
- * The Unfettered Bosoms, (ar) Pussycat v4 #4, 1970
- * The Unstoppable Sport: Sex!, (ar) Body Shop v5 #3, 1968
- * When Dartmouth Was Tops, (ss) Thrilling Football Fall 1951
- * White Sands Report, (ms) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1949
- * Who Needs European Sex Symbols?, (ar) Midnight v7 #1, 1968
- * Who Picks Up the Beat?, (ar) Pussycat v1 #2, 1966
- * Why Do Your Own Thinking?, (ms) Thrilling Wonder Stories October 1948
- * Woman as a Work of Art, (ar) Late Show v7 #2, 1969
- * The World’s Next Champ, (ar) Popular Sports Magazine October 1948
- * You Never Can Tell, (vi) Popular Baseball Spring 1949
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