The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Author: Page 16
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Boucher, Anthony; pseudonym of William A. P. White (1911-1968) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Compleat Werewolf and Other Stories of Fantasy and Science Fiction (Simon & Schuster, 1969, 0-671-20382-7, $6.50, 256pp, hc, co, cover by Stanislaw Zagorski)
- * Exeunt Murderers: The Best Mystery Stories of Anthony Boucher (Southern Illinois University Press, September 1983, 0-8093-1099-6, xvi+307pp, hc, co, cover by Ed Lindlof)
- * Far and Away (Ballantine, 1955, 109, 35¢, 168pp, pb, co, cover by Richard Powers)
_____, ed.
- * Best American Detective Stories of the Year: 15th Annual Collection (Boardman, 1966, 18/-, 232pp, hc, an)
- * Best Detective Stories of the Year: 18th Annual Collection (Dutton, 1963, $3.95, 271pp, hc, an)
- * Best Detective Stories of the Year: 19th Annual Collection (Dutton, 1964, LC:46-5872, $3.95, 269pp, hc, an)
- * Best Detective Stories of the Year: 20th Annual Collection (Dutton, 1965, LC:46-5872, $3.95, 257pp, hc, an)
- * Best Detective Stories of the Year: 21st Annual Collection (Dutton, 1966, LC:46-5872, $4.50, 288pp, hc, an)
- * Best Detective Stories of the Year: 22nd Annual Collection (Dutton, 1967, LC:46-5872, 284pp, hc, an)
- * Best Detective Stories of the Year: 23rd Annual Collection (Dutton, 1968, 253pp, hc, an)
- * The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction (with J. Francis McComas) (Little Brown, March 1952, $2.75, xiv+214pp, hc, an, cover by Chesley Bonestell from The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1950)
- * The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Second Series (with J. Francis McComas) (Little Brown, March 1953, $3.00, x+270pp, hc, an, cover by Chesley Bonestell)
- * The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Third Series (with J. Francis McComas) (Doubleday, February 18, 1954, $3.25, 252pp, hc, an, cover by Chesley Bonestell from The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1953)
- * The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fourth Series (Doubleday, January 1955, $3.50, 250pp, hc, an, cover by Mel Hunter from The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1954)
- * The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Fifth Series (Doubleday, January 1956, LC:52-5510, $3.50, 256pp, hc, an, cover by Lowell Hess)
- * The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Sixth Series (Doubleday, January 1957, $3.50, 255pp, hc, an, cover by Dick Shelton)
- * The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Seventh Series (Doubleday, January 1958, $3.75, 264pp, hc, an, cover: Refueling in Space by Edward Valigursky from If May 1954)
- * The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Eighth Series (Doubleday, January 1959, LC:52-5510, $3.75, 240pp, hc, an, cover by Arthur Renshaw)
- * Crime-Craft (Corgi, 1957, S488, 2/6d, 253pp, pb, an, cover by Oliver Brabbins)
- * Four-&-Twenty Bloodhounds (Simon & Schuster, 1950, LC:50-10532, hc, an)
- * Great American Detective Stories (The World Publishing Company, June 1945, 308pp, hc, an)
- * The Quality of Murder: Three Hundred Years of True Crime (E.P. Dutton, 1962, 254pp, hc, oa)
- * The Quintessence of Queen (Random House, 1962, LC:62-8475, 560pp, hc, an)
- * The Quintessence of Queen #2 (Avon, 1963, G1187, 50¢, 206pp, pb, an)
- * The Quintessence of Queen (var. 1) (Avon, 1963, G1159, 50¢, 190pp, pb, an)
- * A Treasury of Great Science Fiction, Volume One (Doubleday, November 1959, $5.95, 527pp, hc, an, cover by Sydney Butchkes)
- * A Treasury of Great Science Fiction, Volume Two (Doubleday, November 1959, $5.95, 522pp, hc, an, cover by Sydney Butchkes)
Boulle, Philippe (fl. 1990s-2000s) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Haunting the Dead [World of Darkness] (White Wolf, September 2003, 1-58846-837-2, $6.99, 288pp, pb, oa, cover by Christopher Shy)
- * Lucifer’s Shadow [World of Darkness] (White Wolf, December 2002, 1-58846-824-0, $6.99, 279pp, pb, oa, cover by Matt Milberger)
Boulle, Pierre (Francois Marie-Louis) (1912-1994) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * Time Out of Mind (Secker & Warburg, 1966, 25/-, 254pp, hc, oc)
- * Time Out of Mind and Other Stories (var. 1) (Vanguard Press, November 1966, LC:66-26792, $5.95, 352pp, hc, co, cover by JoAnn Randel)
Bousfield, H(enry) T(homas) W(ishart) (1891-1965) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Unknown Island and Other Tales of Fantasy and the Supernatural (Ramble House, 2022, 978-1-60543-951-8, 122pp, tp, co, cover by Gavin L. O’Keefe)
- * Vinegar—and Cream (John Murray, 1941, 8/6d, 275pp, hc, co)
Bova, Ben(jamin William) (1932-2020) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Best of Bova: Volume 1 (Baen, February 2, 2016, 978-1-4767-8121-1, $16.00, 412pp, tp, co, cover by Bob Eggleton)
- * The Best of Bova: Volume II (Baen, July 5, 2016, 978-1-4767-8159-4, $16.00, 413pp, tp, co, cover by Adam Burn)
- * The Best of Bova: Volume III (Baen, August 1, 2017, 978-1-4814-8259-2, $16.00, 491pp, tp, co, cover by Adam Burn)
- * The Exiles Trilogy [Exiles] (Berkley, June 1980, 0-425-04525-0, $2.50, 441pp, pb, co)
- * Forward in Time (Walker US, 1973, 0-8027-5562-3, $6.95, 234pp, hc, co)
- * Future Crime (Tor, August 1990, 0-812-53241-4, $4.95, 374pp, pb, co, cover by Colin Hay)
- * Kinsman [Chet Kinsman] (Dial Press, August 1979, 0-8037-4569-9, $9.95, 245pp, hc, n., cover by Edwin Herder)
- * Maxwell’s Demons (Baronet, September 1978, 0-89437-043-X, $5.95, 321pp, tp, co)
- * New Frontiers: A Collection of Tales About the Past, the Present, and the Future (Tor, July 2014, 978-0-7653-7644-2, $25.99, 334pp, hc, co, cover by John Harris)
- * Notes to a Science Fiction Writer (Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1975, 0-684-14434-4, $6.95, 177pp, hc, co)
- * Sam Gunn Forever [Sam Gunn] (Avon Eos, December 1998, 0-380-79726-7, $5.99, 278pp, pb, co)
- * Viewpoint (NESFA Press, 1977, 0-915368-14-5, $8.00, 114pp, hc, co, cover by John Schoenherr)
_____, ed.
- * Aliens (Orbit, November 1977, 0-86007-958-9, 70p, 156pp, pb, an, cover by Chris Foss)
- * Analog 9 (Doubleday, December 1973, 0-385-07190-6, $5.95, xiii+249pp, hc, an, cover by Margo Herr)
- * Analog Annual (Pyramid, April 1976, 0-515-04016-9, $1.50, 256pp, pb, oa, cover by Vincent DiFate)
- * Analog Yearbook (Baronet Publishing Co., March 1978, 0-89437-023-5, $5.95, 299pp, tp, oa)
- * The Best of Analog (Baronet, October 1978, 0-89437-034-0, $2.25, 418pp, tp, an, cover by Alex Schomburg)
- * The Best of Omni Science Fiction (with Don Myrus) (Omni Publications International Ltd., 1980, $3.50, 144pp, quarto, an, cover by Pierre Lacombe)
- * The Best of Omni Science Fiction, No. 2 (with Don Myrus) (Omni Publications International Ltd., 1981, $3.75, 144pp, quarto, an, cover by Fred Jurgen Rogner)
- * The Best of Omni Science Fiction, No. 3 (with Don Myrus) (Omni Publications International Ltd., 1982, $4.50, 144pp, quarto, an, cover by R. Bertrand)
- * The Best of Omni Science Fiction, No. 4 (with Don Myrus) (Omni Publications International Ltd., 1982, $4.50, 144pp, quarto, an, cover by Michael Whelan)
- * The Best of the Nebulas (Tor, April 1989, 0-312-93184-0, $19.95, 593pp, hc, an)
- * Carbide Tipped Pens (with Eric Choi) (Tor, December 2014, 978-0-7653-3430-5, $27.99, 400pp, hc, oa)
- * Exiles (Orbit, November 1977, 0-8600-7959-7, 70p, 159pp, pb, an, cover by Chris Foss)
- * First Contact The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (with Byron Preiss) (Headline, April 11, 1991, 0-7472-3508-2, £5.99, 438pp, pb, an)
- * The Many Worlds of Science Fiction (E.P. Dutton, 1971, 0-525-34550-7, $5.95, 234pp, hc, oa, cover by Lawrence Ratzkin)
- * Nebula Awards Showcase 2008 (Roc, April 2008, 978-0-451-46188-9, $16.00, 375pp, tp, an, cover by Allan Davey)
- * Novella:3 (Futura, 1978, 0-7088-8015-0, 85p, 159pp, pb, an, cover by Chris Foss)
- * Science Fiction Hall of Fame: The Novellas, Book 1 (Sphere, 1975, 0-7221-1805-8, 55p, 192pp, pb, an, cover by Eddie Jones)
- * The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Three (Victor Gollancz, April 1974, 0-575-01738-4, £3.20, 440pp, hc, an)
- * The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two (Victor Gollancz, September 1973, 0-575-01735-X, ix+422pp, hc, an)
- * The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two A (Doubleday, January 1973, 0-385-04576-X, $9.95, xi+486pp, hc, an)
- * The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two B (Doubleday, January 1973, 0-385-05788-1, $9.95, xi+466pp, hc, an)
Bowen, Elizabeth (Dorothea Cole) (1899-1973) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Cat Jumps and Other Stories (Gollancz, July 1934, 7/6d, 285pp, hc, co)
- * The Demon Lover and Other Stories (Jonathan Cape, 1945, 7/6d, 192pp, hc, co)
- * Encounters (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1923, 5/-, 203pp, hc, co)
- * Ivy Gripped the Steps (Knopf, 1946, $2.50, 233pp, hc, co)
- * Joining Charles and Other Stories (Constable & Co. Ltd., July 1929, 6/-, 216pp, hc, co)
- * Look at All Those Roses (Gollancz, 1941, 7/6d, 263pp, hc, co)
- * Look at All Those Roses (var. 1) (Jonathan Cape, 1967, 25/-, 222pp, hc, co)
- * Stories by Elizabeth Bowen (Vintage, 1959, K79, $1.25, 306pp, tp, co)
Bowen, Gary (1961- ) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Cyber Magick: Lesbian SF (Obelesk Books/Triangle, October 1995, 1-887666-07-9, $5.00, 29pp, ph, oa, cover by Jeff Haas)
- * Floating Worlds: Oriental Fantasies (Obelesk Books/Triangle, September 1996, 1-887666-15-X, $6.00, 47pp, ph, oa, cover by Joe Tsambiras)
- * Green Echo (Obelesk Books, June 1995, no ISBN, $5.00, 38pp, ph, oa, cover by Jeffrey Haas)
- * Icarus & Angels (Obelesk Books/Triangle, 1996, 1-887666-07-9, $6.00, 47pp, ph, oa, cover by Tristan Alexander)
- * Worthy Foes: Differently Abled Heros (Obelesk Books, January 1996, 1-887666-12-5, $6.00, 38pp, ph, oa, cover by Hannah Shapero)
Bowen, Marjorie; pseudonym of Gabrielle M. V. Long (1885-1952) (items) (chron.)
- * The Bishop of Hell and Other Stories (The Bodley Head, 1949, 8/6d, 230pp, hc, co)
- * Black Magic: A Tale of the Rise and Fall of the Antichrist (Sphere, September 1974, 0-7221-1815-5, 50p, 315pp, pb, n.) [The Dennis Wheatley Library of the Occult]
- * Dark Ann, and Other Stories (John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1927, 7/6d, 333pp, hc, co)
- * The Haunted Vintage (Odhams Press, March 1921, 9/-, 320pp, hc, n.)
- * The Haunted Vintage (The British Library, November 21, 2024, 978-0-7123-5586-5, £9.99, 302pp, tp, n.) [British Library Tales of the Weird]
- * Kecksies and Other Twilight Tales (Arkham House, 1976, 0-87054-077-7, $7.50, xiii+207pp, hc, co, cover by Stephen E. Fabian)
- * Sheep’s-Head and Babylon, and Other Stories of Yesterday and Today (The Bodley Head, 1929, 7/6d, 344pp, hc, co)
- * Twilight and Other Supernatural Romances (Ash-Tree Press, May 29, 1998, 1-899562-49-4, C$53.00, xl+262pp, hc, co, cover by Deborah McMillion-Nering)
_____, ed.
- * Great Tales of Horror (John Lane, 1933, 7/6d, 415pp, hc, an)
- * More Great Tales of Horror (John Lane, 1935, 8/6d, xvii+431pp, hc, an)
Bowen, Robert Sidney (1900-1977) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Black Avenger [Dusty Ayres] (Altus Press, July 12, 2018, 978-1-61827-293-5, $13.95, 184pp, tp, n., cover by Frederick Blakeslee)
- * Black Invaders Vs. the Battle Birds [Dusty Ayres] (Corinth, 1966, 160pp, pb, n.)
- * Black Lightning [Dusty Ayres] (Corinth, 1966, 160pp, pb, n.)
- * The Blue Cyclone [Dusty Ayres] (Altus Press, January 31, 2019, 978-1-61827-296-6, $13.95, 174pp, tp, n., cover by Frederick Blakeslee)
- * Crimson Doom [Dusty Ayres] (Corinth, 1966, 160pp, pb, n.)
- * Invasion of the Black Lightning [Dusty Ayres] (Black Dog Books, July 18, 2012, 978-1-884449-33-8, $24.95, 266pp, tp, co, cover by Frederick Blakeslee)
- * Purple Tornado [Dusty Ayres] (Corinth, 1966, 159pp, pb, n.)
- * The Red Destroyer [Dusty Ayres] (Altus Press, March 16, 2018, 978-1-61827-291-1, $13.95, 186pp, tp, n., cover by Frederick Blakeslee)
- * The Silver Typhoon [Dusty Ayres] (Altus Press, December 1, 2018, 978-1-61827-294-2, $13.95, 222pp, tp, n., cover by Frederick Blakeslee)
- * The Telsa Raiders [Dusty Ayres] (Corinth, 1966, 160pp, pb, n.)
- * The Telsa Raiders [Dusty Ayres] (Altus Press, March 1, 2019, 978-1-61827-297-3, $13.95, 184pp, tp, n.)
- * The Troposphere F-S [Dusty Ayres] (Altus Press, January 1, 2019, 978-1-61827-295-9, $13.95, 184pp, tp, n., cover by Frederick Blakeslee)
- * The White Death [Dusty Ayres] (Altus Press, March 16, 2018, 978-1-61827-292-8, $13.95, 188pp, tp, n., cover by Frederick Blakeslee)
Bowles, Steve (fl. 1980s-1990s) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * A Question of Blood (Collins Educational, 1990, 00-330207-5, 123pp, tp, an)
- * Trespassers (Collins Educational, 1986, 978-0-00-330211-0, 119pp, tp, an, cover by Chris Gilbert)
- * Twisters (Collins, 1981, 0-0067-1798-5, 90p, 123pp, pb, an)
Boyer, Robert H(orace) (1937- ) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Dark Imaginings: A Collection of Gothic Fantasy (with Kenneth J. Zahorski) (Dell, 1978, 0-440-53118-7, $4.95, 348pp, tp, an)
- * The Fantastic Imagination (with Kenneth J. Zahorski) (Avon, February 1977, 0-380-00956-0, $2.25, ix+325pp, pb, an)
- * The Fantastic Imagination II (with Kenneth J. Zahorski) (Avon, December 1978, 0-380-41533-X, $2.50, xi+307pp, pb, an)
- * The Notorious Abbess by Vera Chapman (with Kenneth J. Zahorski) --- see under Vera Chapman.
- * The Phoenix Tree: An Anthology of Myth Fantasy (with Kenneth J. Zahorski) (Avon, September 1980, 0-380-76380-X, $2.50, 279pp, pb, an)
- * Visions & Imaginings: Classic Fantasy Fiction (with Kenneth J. Zahorski) (Academy Chicago, August 1992, 0-89733-361-6, $10.95, 329pp, tp, an, cover by Barbara Corey)
- * Visions of Wonder: An Anthology of Christian Fantasy (with Kenneth J. Zahorski) (Avon, October 1981, 0-380-78824-1, $2.50, 240pp, pb, an)
Boyes, Walt (fl. 2000s-2020s) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * A 1632 Christmas (with Bjorn Hasseler & Joy Ward) (1632, Inc., December 12, 2021, 978-1-956015-38-6, $14.99, 340pp, tp, oa, cover by Laura Givens)
- * Grantville Gazette VIII (with Eric Flint) (Baen, June 5, 2018, 978-1-4814-8329-2, $25.00, 496pp, hc, an, cover by Tom Kidd)
- * Grantville Gazette IX (with Eric Flint & Joy Ward) (Baen, July 6, 2021, 978-1-982125-45-5, $25.00, viii+445pp, hc, an, cover by Tom Kidd)
Boyle, T(homas) Coraghessan (1948- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * After the Plague (Viking, September 2001, 0-670-03005-8, 303pp, hc, co)
- * Wild Child (Viking, January 2010, 978-0-670-02142-0, $25.95, 304pp, hc, co)
_____, ed.
Bracken, Michael (Patrick) (1957- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * Bad Girls: One Dozen Dangerous Dames Who Lie, Cheat, Steal, and Kill (Wildside Press, 2000, 1-58715-253-3, $14.95, 135pp, tp, co)
- * Tequila Sunrise: Hardboiled P.I. Nathaniel Rose: Bullets, Booze, and Broads [Nathaniel Rose] (Wildside Press, 2000, 1-58715-252-5, $13.95, 103pp, tp, co)
_____, ed.
Brackett, Leigh (Douglas) [Mrs. Edmond Hamilton] (1915-1978) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Best of Leigh Brackett (Nelson Doubleday, July 1977, 2128, $2.98, xii+363pp, hc, co, cover by Jack Woolhiser)
- * The Book of Skaith: The Adventures of Eric John Stark [Eric John Stark] (SFBC, October 1976, #3047, $3.50, 468pp, hc, om, cover by Don Maitz)
- * The Book of Stark (unpublished) (Haffner Press, 20??, 978-1-893887-86-2, $45.00, 720pp, hc, co, cover by Raymond Swanland)
- * Brackett Tales (Haffner Press, December 2007, 70pp, tp, co)
- * The Coming of the Terrans (Ace, 1967, G-669, 50¢, 157pp, pb, n., cover by Gray Morrow)
- * The Halfling and Other Stories (Ace, September 1973, 31590, $1.25, 351pp, pb, co, cover by Karel Thole)
- * Lorelei of the Red Mist: Planetary Romances (Haffner Press, December 2007, 978-1-893887-24-4, $40.00, xvi+471pp, hc, co, cover by Frank Kelly Freas)
- * Martian Quest: The Early Brackett (Haffner Press, December 2002, 1-893887-11-1, $40.00, 479pp, hc, co, cover by Virgil Finlay)
- * No Good from a Corpse (Dennis McMillan, January 1999, 0-939767-32-5, $35.00, xi+564pp, hc, co, cover by Joe Servello)
- * Sea Kings of Mars (Gollancz, July 14, 2005, 0-575-07689-5, £9.99, xii+653pp, tp, co, cover by Les Edwards)
- * Shannach—The Last: Farewell to Mars (Haffner Press, October 2011, 978-1-893887-44-2, $40.00, x+572pp, hc, co, cover by Frank Kelly Freas from Planet Stories Summer 1955)
- * Stark and the Star Kings (with Edmond Hamilton) --- see under Edmond Hamilton.
_____, ed.
Bradbury, Ray (Douglas) (1920-2012) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Anthem Sprinters and Other Antics (Apollo Editions, 1963, A-75, $1.95, 159pp, pb, oc, cover by Joan Berg)
- * The Autumn People (Ballantine, October 1965, U2141, 50¢, 188pp, pb, co, cover by Frank Frazetta)
- * Beyond 1984: Remembrance of Things Future (Targ Editions, 1979, $30.00, 22pp, hc, co)
- * Bradbury Speaks: Too Soon from the Cave, Too Far from the Stars (William Morrow, August 2005, 978-0-06-058568-6, $25.95, xi+243pp, hc, co, cover by Ervin Serrano)
- * Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (HarperCollins/Morrow, August 2003, 0-06-054242-X, $29.95, xvii+893pp, hc, co)
- * Bullet Trick (Gauntlet Press, November 2009, 978-1-934267-10-3, $85.00, 412pp, hc, oc)
- * The Cat’s Pajamas (HarperCollins/Morrow, July 2004, 0-06-058565-X, $24.95, xix+234pp, hc, oc, cover by Ray Bradbury)
- * A Chapbook for Burnt-Out Priests, Rabbis and Ministers (Cemetery Dance Publications, 2001, 1-58767-010-0, $25.00, 192pp, hc, co, cover by Phil Parks)
- * Classic Stories 1 (Bantam Spectra, May 1990, 0-553-28637-4, $3.95, 342pp, pb, co, cover by Barclay Shaw)
- * Classic Stories 1 (var. 1) (Bantam Spectra, 1995, 368pp, pb, co, cover by Barclay Shaw)
- * Classic Stories 2 (Bantam Spectra, May 1990, 0-553-28638-2, $3.95, 341pp, pb, co, cover by Don Maitz)
- * The Climate of Palettes (Lord John Press, 1989, 19pp, hc, co)
- * The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury: A Critical Edition: Volume 1: 1938-1943 (Kent State University Press, February 2011, 978-1-60635-071-3, $65.00, xlvi+498pp, hc, co)
- * The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury: A Critical Edition: Volume 2: 1943-1944 (Kent State University Press, 2014, 978-1-60635-195-6, $75.00, xxxix+495pp, hc, co)
- * The Collected Stories of Ray Bradbury: A Critical Edition: Volume 3: 1944-1945 (Kent State University Press, May 15, 2017, 978-1-60635-302-8, $75.00, xlii+493pp, hc, co)
- * The Complete Poems of Ray Bradbury (Ballantine, September 1982, 0-345-30556-6, $2.95, 277pp, pb, om)
- * Dandelion Wine [Green Town] (Doubleday, September 1957, $3.95, 281pp, hc, n.)
- * Dark Carnival (Arkham House, 1947, $3.00, 313pp, hc, co, cover by George Barrows)
- * Dark Carnival (var. 1) (Hamish Hamilton, 1948, 9/-, 271pp, hc, co, cover by Michael Ayrton)
- * Dark Carnival (var. 2) (Gauntlet Publications, October 2001, 978-1-887368-50-6, $150.00, xxiii+479pp, hc, co, cover by Ray Bradbury)
- * Dawn to Dusk: Cautionary Travels (Gauntlet Press, April 15, 2011, 978-1-934267-25-7, $50.00, 344pp, hc, oc, cover by Joe Mugnaini)
- * The Day It Rained Forever (Rupert Hart-Davis, 1959, 13/6d, 254pp, hc, co, cover by Joe Mugnaini)
- * Death Has Lost Its Charm for Me (Lord John Press, 1987, 0-935716-41-6, 43pp, hc, co)
- * Dinosaur Tales (Bantam, May 1983, 0-553-01484-6, $6.95, 144pp, tp, co, cover by William Stout)
- * The Dragon Who Ate His Tail (Gauntlet Press, 2007, $14.99, 71pp, tp, co, cover by Donn Albright)
- * Driving Blind (Avon, October 1997, 0-380-97381-2, $23.00, 261pp, hc, oc, cover by Bernie Fuchs)
- * Fahrenheit 451 (Ballantine, October 1953, 41, 35¢, 199pp, pb, n.)
- * Fahrenheit 451: Short Stories (Raduga Publishers, 1983, 382pp, hc, co)
- * Farewell Summer (Subterranean Press, June 2011, $125.00, 194pp, hc, n.)
- * The Fog Horn & Other Stories (Taiyosha, 1979, 83pp, pb, co)
- * The Fog Horn and Other Stories (Kinseido, 1981, 48pp, pb, co)
- * Forever and the Earth: Yesterday and Tomorrow Tales (PS Publishing, October 2005, 1-904619-79-7, £295.00, hc, co)
- * From the Dust Returned (HarperCollins/Morrow, October 2001, 0-380-97382-0, $23.00, 205pp, hc, n., cover by Charles Addams)
- * The Ghosts of Forever (Rizzoli, April 1981, $60.00, 131pp, hc, co)
- * The Golden Apples of the Sun (Doubleday, March 1953, $3.00, 250pp, hc, co, cover by Joe Mugnaini)
- * The Golden Apples of the Sun (Subterranean Press, March 2008, 978-1-59606-136-1, $50.00, 247pp, hc, co, cover by Joe Mugnaini)
- * The Golden Apples of the Sun and Other Stories (Avon, November 1997, 0-380-73039-1, $10.00, 338pp, tp, om, cover by Tim O’Brien)
- * The Golden Apples of the Sun (var. 1) (Rupert Hart-Davis, October 1953, 10/6d, 192pp, hc, co)
- * Greentown Tinseltown (Stanza Press, July 2012, 978-1-848632-22-6, £19.99, viii+163pp, hc, co, cover by Ray Bradbury)
- * The Haunted Computer and the Android Pope (Knopf, July 1981, 0-394-51444-0, $8.95, 128pp, hc, co)
- * I Live by the Invisible: New & Selected Poems (Salmon Publishing Ltd., September 2002, 1-903392-20-9, 81pp, tp, co)
- * I Live by the Invisible: New & Selected Poems (var. 1) (Salmon Publishing Ltd., 2008, 978-0-9561287-4-4, €14.00, 97pp, tp, co) (Need Contents)
- * I Sing the Body Electric! (Knopf, October 1969, 0-394-42985-0, $6.95, 305pp, hc, co)
- * I Sing the Body Electric! and Other Stories (Avon, May 1998, 0-380-78962-0, $10.00, 322pp, tp, co)
- * I Sing the Body Electric! and Other Stories (var. 1) (Subterranean Press, June 2007, $150.00, 392pp, hc, co, cover by Vincent Chong)
- * The Illustrated Man (Doubleday, February 1951, LC:51-1140, $3.50, 256pp, hc, co)
- * The Illustrated Man, The October Country, Other Stories (Library of America, October 4, 2022, 978-1-59853-728-4, $40.00, 992pp, hc, om)
- * The Illustrated Man (var. 1) (Rupert Hart-Davis, 1952, 12/6d, 192pp, hc, co)
- * It Came from Outer Space (Gauntlet Press, March 2004, 978-1-887368-66-7, $125.00, 436pp, hc, co, cover by Ray Bradbury)
- * Killer, Come Back to Me: The Crime Stories of Ray Bradbury (Hard Case Crime, August 18, 2020, 978-1-78909-539-5, $39.99, 304pp, hc, co, cover by Paul Mann)
- * The Last Circus & The Electrocution (Lord John Press, 1980, 0-935716-03-3, $15.00, xx+29pp, hc, co)
- * Long After Midnight (Knopf, September 1976, 0-394-47942-4, $7.95, 271pp, hc, co)
- * Long After Midnight and Other Stories (Nan’un-do, 1981, 44pp, pb, co)
- * The Love Affair (Lord John Press, December 1982, 25pp, hc, oc)
- * The Machineries of Joy (Simon & Schuster, February 1964, LC:64-10652, $4.50, 255pp, hc, co)
- * Man Dead? Then God Is Slain!! (Santa Susana Press, 1977, 1pp, broadside, pm)
- * Marionettes, Inc. (Subterranean Press, April 2009, 978-1-59606-215-3, $35.00, 118pp, hc, co, cover by Mark A. Nelson)
- * The Martian Chronicles (Doubleday, May 1950, LC:50-7660, $2.50, 222pp, hc, co)
- * The Martian Chronicles: The Complete Edition (Subterranean Press, July 2010, 978-1-59606-286-3, $300.00, 745pp, hc, co)
- * The Martian Chronicles (var. 1) (UKSFBC, May 1953, 6/-, 224pp, hc, co)
- * The Martian Chronicles (var. 2) (Time Inc., August 1963, xx+267pp, hc, co, cover by Marie Jones)
- * The Martian Chronicles (var. 3) (Grafton, 1985, 0-586-04362-4, £1.95, 221pp, tp, co, cover by Peter Goodfellow)
- * The Martian Chronicles (var. 4) (Doubleday, November 1990, 0-385-05060-7, $19.95, xi+204pp, hc, co, cover by Michael Whelan)
- * The Martian Chronicles (var. 5) (Avon, February 1997, 0-380-97383-9, $15.00, xiv+268pp, hc, co, cover by Tim O’Brien)
- * Match to Flame: The Fictional Path to Fahrenheit 451 (Gauntlet Press, June 2007, 1-887368-86-8, $110.00, 484pp, hc, co, cover by Donn Albright)
- * A Medicine For Melancholy and Other Stories (Avon, February 1998, 0-380-73086-3, $10.00, 307pp, tp, om, cover by Tim O’Brien)
- * A Medicine for Melancholy (Doubleday, 1959, $3.75, 240pp, hc, co, cover by Joseph Mugnaini)
- * A Memory of Murder (Dell, February 1984, 0-440-15559-2, $2.95, 192pp, pb, co)
- * Moby Dick: A Screenplay (Subterranean Press, June 2008, 978-1-59606-180-4, $35.00, 191pp, hc, pl, cover by Jon Foster)
- * Nemo! (Subterranean Press, January 2013, 978-1-59606-397-6, $35.00, 171pp, hc, pi, cover by Charles Vess)
- * Now and Forever: Somewhere a Band Is Playing & Leviathan ’99 (HarperCollins/Morrow, September 2007, 978-0-06-113156-1, $24.95, 209pp, hc, co, cover by Tim O’Brien)
- * The October Country (Ballantine, 1955, $3.50, 306pp, hc, co, cover by Joe Mugnaini)
- * The October Country (var. 1) (Ace UK, 1961, H422, 2/6d, 142pp, pb, co)
- * One More for the Road (HarperCollins/Morrow, April 2002, 0-06-621106-9, $24.95, 289pp, hc, oc, cover by José Luis Merino)
- * Pillar of Fire and Other Plays for Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond Tomorrow (Bantam, November 1975, 553-02173, 95¢, 114pp, pb, oc)
- * A Pleasure to Burn (Subterranean Press, March 2010, 978-1-59606-290-0, $35.00, 300pp, hc, co, cover by Joseph Mugnaini)
- * Quicker than the Eye (Avon, December 1996, 0-380-97380-4, $22.00, 262pp, hc, co, cover by Bernie Fuchs)
- * R Is for Rocket (Doubleday, October 1962, LC:62-15878, $2.95, 233pp, hc, co, cover by Joe Mugnaini)
- * Ray Bradbury (Harrap, 1975, 0-245-52746-X, £1.30, 188pp, tp, co)
- * Ray Bradbury Stories Volume 1 (Harper Voyager, December 1, 2008, 978-0-00-728047-6, £16.99, xx+956pp, hc, co)
- * Ray Bradbury Stories Volume 2 (Harper Voyager, December 2008, 978-0-00-728058-2, £16.99, xvi+841pp, tp, co)
- * S Is for Space (Doubleday, August 1966, LC:66-10379, $3.50, 239pp, hc, co, cover by Joe Mugnaini)
- * The Shop of the Mechanical Insects (Subterranean Press, October 2009, 978-1-59606-279-5, $18.00, 20pp, ph, ss, cover by Dave McKean)
- * The Silver Locusts (Rupert Hart-Davis, 1951, 12/6d, 232pp, hc, co, cover by Roy Sanford)
- * Skeletons (Subterranean Press, August 2008, 978-1-59606-192-7, $20.00, 44pp, ph, co, cover by Dave McKean)
- * The Small Assassin (Ace UK, 1962, H521, 2/6d, 144pp, pb, co)
- * Somewhere a Band Is Playing (Gauntlet Press, August 2007, 978-1-887368-98-8, $75.00, 187pp, hc, co, cover by Ray Bradbury)
- * A Sound of Thunder and Other Stories (Harper Perennial, July 2005, 0-06-078569-1, $13.95, 338pp, tp, co)
- * The Stories of Ray Bradbury (Alfred A. Knopf, October 1980, 0-394-51335-5, $17.95, xx+884pp, hc, co)
- * A Story of Love and Other Non-Science Fiction Stories (Le Livre de Poche, June 1991, 2-253-05187-X, 190pp, pb, co, cover by E. Hopper)
- * Summer Morning, Summer Night (Subterranean Press, October 2008, 978-1-59606-202-3, $35.00, 176pp, hc, co, cover by Vincent Chong)
- * They Have Not Seen the Stars: The Collected Poems of Ray Bradbury (Stealth Press, July 2002, 1-58881-038-0, $29.95, xvii+397pp, hc, co)
- * This Attic Where the Meadow Greens (Lord John Press, 1979, 45pp, hc, co)
- * To Sing Strange Songs (A. Wheaton & Co., June 1979, £1.45, ix+102pp, tp, co)
- * Tomorrow Midnight (Ballantine, 1966, U2142, 50¢, 188pp, pb, co, cover by Frank Frazetta)
- * The Toynbee Convector (Alfred A. Knopf, June 1988, 0-394-54703-9, $17.95, 275pp, hc, co)
- * Twice Twenty-Two (Doubleday, 1966, $4.95, 406pp, hc, om)
- * Twin Hieroglyphs That Swim the River Dust (Lord John Press, July 1978, 30pp, hc, co)
- * The Vintage Bradbury (Vintage, 1965, V-294, $1.45, v+329pp, pb, co)
- * We’ll Always Have Paris (HarperCollins/Morrow, January 2009, 978-0-06-167013-8, $24.99, xii+210pp, hc, oc, cover by Tim O’Brien)
- * When Elephants Last in the Dooryard Bloomed (Alfred A. Knopf, November 1973, 0-394-47931-9, $5.95, 143pp, hc, co, cover by Joseph Mugnaini)
- * Where Everything Ends (Subterranean Press, December 2009, 978-1-59606-217-7, $50.00, 778pp, hc, om, cover by Jon Foster)
- * Where Robot Mice and Robot Men Run Round in Robot Towns (Alfred A. Knopf, November 1977, 0-394-42206-6, $6.95, xi+77pp, hc, co)
- * The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit and Other Plays (Bantam, April 1972, SP7297, 75¢, 161pp, pb, co)
- * World Interdependence Fund (World Interdependence Fund, April 1985, unpaginated, quarto, co)
- * Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures (Capra Press, February 1992, 1-877741-04-3, $19.95, 240pp, hc, nf, cover by Barbara de Wilde)
- * Zen and the Art of Writing; and, The Joy of Writing: Two Essays (Capra Press, 1973, 0-912264-80-2, 34pp, hc, nf)
- * Zen in the Art of Writing (Capra, March 1990, 1-877741-02-7, $18.95, 154pp, hc, nf)
_____, ed.
- * The Circus of Dr. Lao and Other Improbable Stories (Bantam, October 1956, A1519, 35¢, xi+210pp, pb, an, cover by Daniel Schwartz)
- * Timeless Stories for Today and Tomorrow (Bantam, September 1952, A944, 35¢, 306pp, pb, an)
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