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    Alaric: The Day the World Ended by R. A. Lafferty (United Mythologies Press, November 1993, 0-921322-36-4, $33.00, iv+163pp, hc, n.)
        Reprint (Doubleday 1971 as The Fall of Rome) historical novel.

    Anamnesis by R. A. Lafferty (United Mythologies Press, September 1992, 21pp, ph, ss) [Argos Mythos]
        Limited to 50 copies, distributed with the signed, limited edition of Tales of Midnight.
    Details taken from online listing.

    Archipelago by R. A. Lafferty (Manuscript Press, 1979, 0-936414-02-2, $12.95, 283pp, hc, n.) [Argos Mythos]
        Limited to 1000 copies, 100 of which were signed and numbered by the author and included a poem, also called “Archipelago”, on the overleaf.

    At the Sign of the Golden Apple by R. A. Lafferty (Chris Drumm, December 1987, 2pp, ph, pm)
        Poem distributed with the signed edition of My Heart Leaps Up, Chapters 5 & 6.

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