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Book Contents Lists: Page 2022

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    After Moonrise (Harlequin/HQN, October 23, 2012, 978-0-373-77648-1, $14.95, 317pp, tp, oa)
        Original anthology of two paranormal romance/mystery novellas about the After Moonrise detective agency.
    Details taken from online listing.

    After Moonrise (Harlequin/HQN, November 2013, 978-0-373-77822-5, $7.99, 339pp, pb, oa)
        Reprint (HQN 2012) original anthology of two paranormal romance/mystery novellas about the After Moonrise detective agency: “Possessed” by P.C. Cast and “Haunted” by Gena Showalter.

    Aftershock (Harlequin/Silhouette Nocturne, August 2008, 978-0-373-61796-8, $5.25, 275pp, pb, oa)
        Original anthology of three paranoramal romances by Sharon Sala, Janis Reams Hudson, and Debra Cowan.

    After Twilight (Love Spell, September 2001, 0-505-52450-3, $5.99, pb, oa)
        Romantic fantasy anthology of three stories of demon lovers, by Amanda Ashley, Christine Feehan, and Ronda Thompson.

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