Anthology of the nine Hugo Award-winning stories from 1992-’94, “presented by” Gregory Benford, who introduces each story. Copyrighted by Greenberg, who is mentioned only on the copyright page. |
Anthology of 15 stories and six essays/appreciations, plus an interview with Clarke, a checklist of his works. Authors include Stephen Baxter, Frederik Pohl, James Gunn, and Pat Cadigan. |
Anthology of 12 stories, two original, and two essays about life in space habitats, plus a lengthy introduction by the editors surveying the changing visions—literary, artistic, and scientific—of life in space. Original stories are by Stephen Baxter and Paul J. McAuley. There are eight unpaginated pages of color art. Gary Westfahl provides a select bibliography of fiction and non-fiction about space stations and space habitats. |
Original anthology of nine stories (one reprint), ten essays, and one poem about building starships, based on discussions at the 100-Year Starship Symposium held in 2011. Fiction authors include Neal Stephenson and Stephen Baxter; non-fiction authors include Stephen Hawking and Freeman Dyson. Afterword by Paul Davies. Details taken from online listing. |
Volume 152 in “The Argosy Library”. Details taken from publisher website. |
Collection with some crime. Subtitled “A Tale of Riceyman Steps and Other Stories”. Also published by George H. Doran Company in 1924. |
Convention programme book. |
Convention programme book. |