The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Title: Page 81
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- The Pendragon Chronicles ed. Mike Ashley (SFBC, September 1990, an)
- Pendulum by John Christopher (Simon & Schuster, March 1968, n.)
- Pendulum by John Christopher (Hodder & Stoughton, April 1968, n.)
- Pendulum by John Christopher (Hodder, January 1969, n.)
- Pendulum by John Christopher (Lancer, June 1969, n.)
- Pendulum by John Christopher (Michael Joseph, May 1974, n.)
- Pendulum by C. S. Youd (The Syle Press, August 2017, n.)
- Pendulum/Nick the Click/Believed Violent by James Hadley Chase (Odhams Books, 1969, om)
- The Penguin Book of British Comic Writing ed. Patricia Craig (BCA, 1992, an)
- The Penguin Book of Ghost Stories ed. J. A. Cuddon (Penguin, October 1984, an)
- The Penguin Book of Horror Stories ed. J. A. Cuddon (Penguin, 1984, an)
- The Penguin Book of Indian Ghost Stories ed. Ruskin Bond (Penguin Books India, 1993, an)
- The Penguin Book of Lesbian Short Stories ed. Margaret Reynolds (Penguin, August 1994, an)
- The Penguin Book of Vampire Stories ed. Alan Ryan (Penguin, October 1988, an)
- The Penguin Book of Victorian Women in Crime ed. Michael P. N. Sims (Penguin US, 2011, an)
- The Penguin Book of Western Fairy Tales ed. Jack Zipes (Penguin Books, 1993, an)
- The Penguin Classic Crime Omnibus ed. Julian Symons (Penguin US, 1984, an)
- Penguin Science Fiction ed. Brian W. Aldiss (Penguin, 1961, an)
- The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus ed. Brian W. Aldiss (Penguin, 1973, an)
- The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction ed. Brian W. Aldiss (Penguin, July 1986, an)
- The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction ed. Brian W. Aldiss (Penguin US, October 1987, an)
- Pennsylvania’s Best Supernatural Folktales by Henry W. Shoemaker (Sam Teddy Publishing, 2022, co)
- Penny Bloods ed. Nicole C. Dittmer (British Library Publishing, September 2023, an)
- The Penny Dreadful ed. Peter Haining (Gollancz, January 1975, an)
- Penny Dreadfuls: Sensational Tales of Terror ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz (Fall River Press, 2014, an)
- The PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories 2009 ed. Laura Furman (Anchor Books, May 2009, an)
- The PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories 2010 ed. Laura Furman (Anchor Books, April 2010, an)
- The PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories 2011 ed. Laura Furman (Anchor Books, May 2011, an)
- The PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories 2012 ed. Laura Furman (Anchor Books, April 2012, an)
- Penric and the Shaman by Lois McMaster Bujold (Subterranean Press, February 2017, na)
- Penric’s Demon by Lois McMaster Bujold (Subterranean Press, May 2016, na)
- Penric’s Fox by Lois McMaster Bujold (Subterranean Press, February 2018, na)
- Penric’s Mission by Lois McMaster Bujold (Subterranean Press, November 2017, na)
- Penrose Tiles to Trapdoor Ciphers by Martin Gardner (W.H. Freeman & Co., 1989, nf)
- People Are Strange by Eric Gamalinda (Black Lawrence Press, June 2012, co)
- The People Collection by Zenna Henderson (Corgi, June 1991, co)
- People Minus X by Raymond Z. Gallun (Simon & Schuster, 1957, n.)
- People Minus X by Raymond Z. Gallun (Ace Double, 1958, n.)
- The People: No Different Flesh by Zenna Henderson (Victor Gollancz, 1966, co)
- The People of the Black Circle by Robert E. Howard (Donald M. Grant, 1974, na)
- The People of the Black Circle by Robert E. Howard (Berkley, September 1977, co)
- People of the Dark by Robert E. Howard (Wildside Press, May 2005, co)
- People of the Dark by Robert E. Howard (Cosmos Books, November 2007, co)
- The People of the Pit ed. Gene Christie (Black Dog Books, July 2010, an)
- The People on Privilege Hill and Other Stories by Jane Gardam (Chatto & Windus, November 2007, co)
- People, Places and Things by Chris Chesley (Triad Publishing Company, 1960, oc)
- The People’s City (Polygon, January 2022, oa)
- A People’s Future of the United States ed. John Joseph Adams (One World, February 2019, oa)
- People Who Kill by Loren D. Estleman (Mystery Scene Press, 1993, co)
- Perception Barriers by Robert Frazier (BPW&P, August 1987, co)
- Perchance to Dream ed. Damon Knight (Doubleday, 1972, an)
- Perchance to Wake ed. John Boston (Surinam Turtle Press, January 2016, an)
- Perdido: A Fragment by Peter Straub (Subterranean Press, May 2015, nv)
- Perdido Street Station by China Miéville (Subterranean Press, November 2011, n.)
- The Perfect Crime ed. Maxim Jakubowski (HarperCollins, November 2022, oa)
- Perfect Crimes ed. Elliott Roosevelt (St. Martin's, 1989, an)
- Perfect Little Stitches and Other Stories by Deborah Sheldon (IFWG Publishing Australia, September 2017, co)
- The Perfect Lover by Christopher Priest (Charles Scribner's Sons, October 1977, n.)
- The Perfect Lover by Christopher Priest (Dell, January 1979, n.)
- Perfectly Criminal ed. Martin Edwards (Severn House, November 1996, oa)
- Perfect Murders by H. L. Gold (University of Nebraska Press/Bison Books, May 2010, co)
- Perfect Shadow by Brent Weeks (Subterranean Press, December 2011, na)
- Perfect State by Brandon Sanderson (Subterranean Press, February 2016, na)
- A Perfect Vacuum by Stanislaw Lem (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979, co)
- The Perfume of the Rainbow and Other Stories by L. Adams Beck (Dodd, Mead, 1923, co)
- Perfunctory Affection by Kim Harrison (Subterranean Press, March 2019, n.)
- Perilous Planets ed. Brian W. Aldiss (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1978, an)
- The Perils of Sailor Costigan by Robert E. Howard (Dennis McHaney, December 1987, co)
- The Perils of Sherlock Holmes by Loren D. Estleman (Tyrus Books, 2012, co)
- Period Stuff by Dornford Yates (Ward Lock & Co., 1942, co)
- Peripheral Visions by Robert Hood (IFWG Publishing Australia, March 2015, co)
- The Permanent Implosion ed. John W. Campbell, Jr. (Curtis, 1970, an)
- The Perma Weekend Companion ed. Edwin Valentine Mitchell (Perma Books, 1950, an)
- Perpetual Light ed. Alan Ryan (Warner Books, October 1982, oa)
- Persepolis Rising by James S. A. Corey (Subterranean Press, September 2019, n.)
- A Persistence of Geraniums by John Linwood Grant (Electric Pentacle Press, September 2017, oc)
- Personal Darkness by Tanith Lee (Little, Brown UK, February 1993, n.)
- Personal Demons by Christopher Fowler (Serpent's Tail, June 1998, co)
- Personal Demons by Christopher Fowler (5-Star, November 2001, oc)
- Personal Recognizance by Jacqueline Lichtenberg (Wildside Press, 2011, n.)
- Perturabo: The Hammer of Olympia by Guy Haley (Black Library, July 2017, n.)
- Perturbed Spirits ed. Randolph C. Bull (Arthur Barker, 1954, an)
- Perturbed Spirits (var. 1) ed. Randolph C. Bull (Dragon Books, 1958, an)
- Peruvian Nightmare by Mike Barry (Berkley, July 1974, n.)
- Peruvian Nightmare/Los Angeles Holocaust by Barry N. Malzberg (Stark House, September 2022, om)
- Peter and PTR: Two Deleted Prefaces and an Introduction by Peter Straub (Subterranean Press, 1999, nf)
- Peter Cushing’s Tales of a Monster Hunter ed. Peter Haining (Arthur Barker, October 1977, an)
- Peter Davison’s Book of Alien Monsters ed. Peter Davison (Sparrow, 1982, oa)
- Peter Davison’s Book of Alien Planets ed. Peter Davison (Sparrow, 1983, an)
- Peter Jackson’s London Is Stranger Than Fiction ed. Stephen Holland (Look and Learn, July 2012, an)
- Peter S. Beagle’s Immortal Unicorn ed. Peter S. Beagle (HarperPrism, October 1995, oa)
- Peter S. Beagle’s Immortal Unicorn Vol. 1 ed. Peter S. Beagle (HarperPrism, December 1998, an)
- Petrella at Q by Michael Gilbert (Hodder & Stoughton, 1977, co)
- The Petrified Planet (Twayne, 1952, oa)
- Petting the Time Shark and Other Poems by Mike Allen (DNA Publications, September 2003, co)
- Pett’s Annual (Thomas's Publications Ltd., 1944, oa)
- Phalanx by Ben Counter (Black Library, April 2012, n.)
- Phallos by Samuel R. Delany (Bamberger Books, October 2004, na)
- Phallos: Enhanced and Revised Edition by Samuel R. Delany (Wesleyan University Press, June 2013, na)
- Phantasmagoria ed. Douglas Menville (Arno Press, 1976, an)
- Phantasmagoria ed. Jane Mobley (Anchor Press, 1977, an)
- Phantasm: Further Excursions Into Oblivion ed. Richard Elkin (The Sentinel, 1999, oa)
- Phantasm Japan ed. Nick Mamatas (Haikasoru, September 2014, oa)
- Phantasms by Peter Bell (Sarob Press, December 2016, oc)
- Phantastic Book of Ghost Stories ed. Richard Dalby (Barnes & Noble, November 1996, an)
- Phantasya by Tanith Lee (Leaves of Gold Press, October 2014, co)
- Phantazein ed. Tehani Wessely (FableCroft Publishing, October 2014, oa)
- The Phantom Coach by Amelia B. Edwards (Ash-Tree Press, October 1999, co)
- The Phantom Coach ed. Peter C. Smith (William Kimber, 1979, an)
- The Phantom Detective Companion ed. Matthew Moring (Altus Press, July 2009, an)
- The Phantom in the Rainbow by Slater LaMaster (A.C. McClurg, October 1929, n.)
- The Phantom in the Rainbow by Slater LaMaster (Steeger Books, November 2021, n.)
- Phantom Lagoon by Kenneth Robeson (Altus Press, December 2013, n.)
- A Phantom Lover and Other Dark Tales by Vernon Lee (The British Library, April 2020, co)
- Phantom Lovers ed. Denys Val Baker (William Kimber, October 1984, oa)
- The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux (Sphere, October 1975, n.)
- Phantom Perfumes and Other Shades ed. Mike Ashley (Ash-Tree Press, January 2000, an)
- The Phantom Piper by Garry D. Kilworth (Methuen, August 1994, n.)
- The Phantom Piper by Garry D. Kilworth (Mammoth, November 1995, n.)
- Phantom Regiments ed. Pamela Crippen Adams (Baen, February 1990, an)
- The Phantom ’Rickshaw and Other Eerie Tales by Rudyard Kipling (A.H. Wheeler & Co., 1888, co)
- Phantoms ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, April 1989, oa)
- Phantoms and Fiends by R. Chetwynd-Hayes (Robert Hale, August 2000, co)
- Phantoms at the Phil (Side Real Press/Northern Gothic, 2005, oa)
- Phantoms at the Phil: The Second Proceedings (Side Real Press, 2006, oa)
- Phantoms at the Phil: The Third Proceedings (Side Real Press, 2007, oa)
- Phantoms & Fancies by L. Sprague de Camp (Mirage Press, 1972, co)
- Phantoms in Bronze by Laurence Donovan (Altus Press, April 2011, co)
- Phantoms of the Night ed. Richard Gilliam (DAW, June 1996, oa)
- The Phantom World by Gary William Crawford (Sam's Dot Publishing, January 2008, co)
- Pharaoh Fantastic ed. Martin H. Greenberg (DAW, December 2002, oa)
- Pharaoh’s Daughter and Other Stories by William Waldorf Astor (Macmillan UK, 1900, co)
- Pharos by Guy Haley (Black Library, February 2016, n.)
- Phase IV by Barry N. Malzberg (Pan, October 1973, n.)
- Phase IV by Barry N. Malzberg (Pocket Books, November 1973, n.)
- Phases by Elizabeth N. Moon (Baen, December 1997, co)
- Phases in Chaos ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Avon, July 1991, oa)
- Phases of Gravity by Dan Simmons (Subterranean Press, November 2011, n.)
- Phases of the Moon by Robert Silverberg (Subterranean Press, August 2004, co)
- Phenomenal Future Stories ed. Tony Bradman (Corgi, December 1999, oa)
- Philadelphia Blowup by Mike Barry (Berkley, October 1975, n.)
- Philadelphia Noir ed. Carlin Romano (Akashic Books, 2010, oa)
- The Philip José Farmer Centennial Collection by Philip José Farmer (Meteor House, July 2018, co)
- Philip José Farmer’s The Dungeon (ibooks, March 2003, om)
- Philip José Farmer’s The Dungeon 2 (iBooks, May 2003, om)
- Philip José Farmer’s The Dungeon 3 (ibooks, July 2003, om)
- Philip K. Dick ed. Martin H. Greenberg (Taplinger, 1983, an)
- A Philip K. Dick Omnibus by Philip K. Dick (Sidgwick & Jackson, October 1970, co)
- The Philip K. Dick Reader by Philip K. Dick (Citadel Twilight, February 1997, co)
- Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams: Volume 1 by Philip K. Dick (Gollancz, September 2017, co)
- Philip K. Dick: The Dream Connection ed. D. Scott Apel (Permanent Press, March 1987, nf)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 1 ed. Dean Francis Alfar (Kestrel, 2005, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 2 ed. Dean Francis Alfar (Kestrel, 2006, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction III ed. Dean Francis Alfar (Kestrel, 2007, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 4 ed. Dean Francis Alfar (Kestrel, 2009, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 6 ed. Nikki Alfar (Kestrel, 2011, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 8 ed. Dean Francis Alfar (Kestrel & Flipside, July 2013, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction 10 ed. Dean Francis Alfar (Flipside, April 2016, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 11 ed. Nikki Alfar (Kestrel & Flipside, September 2018, an)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction 5 ed. Nikki Alfar (Kestrel, 2010, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction 9 ed. Andrew Drilon (Kestrel & Flipside, October 2014, oa)
- Philippine Speculative Fiction, Volume 7 ed. Alex Osias (Kestrel & Flipside, July 2012, oa)
- The Philosophical Corps by Everett B. Cole (Gnome Press, 1962, n.)
- Phobias ed. Richard Gilliam (Pocket, January 1994, oa)
- Phobophobia ed. Dean M. Drinkel (Dark Continents Publishing, November 2011, oa)
- Phobophobias ed. Dean M. Drinkel (Western Legends Publishing, October 2014, oa)
- Phoenix Feathers ed. Barbara Silverberg (Dutton, 1973, an)
- Phoenix Inferno by Mike Barry (Berkley, June 1975, n.)
- Phoenix Man by Garry D. Kilworth (infinity plus, April 2011, co)
- Phoenix Noir ed. Patrick Millikin (Akashic Books, November 2009, oa)
- The Phoenix Tree ed. Robert H. Boyer (Avon, September 1980, an)
- Phoenix Without Ashes by Edward Bryant (Fawcett Gold Medal, February 1975, n.)
- Phoenix Without Ashes by Edward Bryant (Savoy Books Ltd., April 1979, n.)
- Phoenix Without Ashes by Harlan Ellison (IDW, February 2011, gn)
- Phoresis by Greg Egan (Subterranean Press, April 2018, na)
- Photocopies of Heaven by Maurice Suckling (Elastic Press, October 2006, co)
- Photo-Strip Girls by Richard Harrington (New English Library, October 1973, n.)
- The Physicians of Vilnoc by Lois McMaster Bujold (Subterranean Press, July 2021, na)
- Physician to the Universe by Clifford D. Simak (Darkside Press, November 2006, co)
- The Picador Book of Crime Writing ed. Michael Dibdin (Picador, 1993, an)
- Picasso’s Cat & Other Stories by Ron Collins (Merry Blacksmith Press, June 2010, co)
- Piccadilly Novels by Stephen Holland (R. Williams, February 1986, nf)
- Picking the Bones by Mike Lee (Black Library, January 2012, nv)
- The Pickled Punks by Fredric Brown (Dennis McMillan, April 1991, co)
- Pickman’s Gallery ed. Matthew Carpenter (Ulthar Press, 2018, oa)
- The Pick of the Roundup ed. Stephen Payne (Avon, 1963, oa)
- Pictures at an Exhibition ed. Ian Watson (Greystoke Mobray Ltd., November 1981, oa)
- Pictures from an Expedition by Alexander C. Irvine (Night Shade Books, September 2006, co)
- Pictures in the Fire by John Collier (Rupert Hart-Davis, 1958, co)
- Pictures in the Fire by Robert E. Howard (The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, June 2018, co)
- Pieces of Hate by Ray Garton (CD Publications, March 1996, oc)
- Pieces of Midnight by Gary McMahon (Ash-Tree Press, January 2010, co)
- Pieces of Six (Eyeball Books, 1998, oa)
- Piercing the Darkness ed. Craig Cook (Necro Publications, February 2014, oa)
- P.I. Files ed. Loren D. Estleman (Ivy, November 1990, an)
- Pigeons from Hell by Robert E. Howard (Zebra, June 1976, co)
- Piggs by Neal Barrett, Jr. (Subterranean Press, January 2002, n.)
- Pig Iron: Science Fiction ed. Rose Sayre (Pig Iron Press, 1982, oa)
- Pile: Petals from St. Klaed’s Computer by Brian W. Aldiss (Jonathan Cape, August 1979, pm)
- Pilgrimage by Zenna Henderson (Doubleday, 1961, co)
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