The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 6494
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[]Lowell, Percival (Lawrence) (1855-1916) (about) (chron.)
- * The Fate of a Japanese Reformer, (??) The Atlantic Monthly November 1890
- * Fuji: the Sacred Mountain, (??) Scribner’s Magazine September 1888
- * Halley’s Comet, (ar) The Windsor Magazine March 1910
- * How Long Will the Earth Live?, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #12, March 1913
- * A Korean Coup d’ Etat, (??) The Atlantic Monthly November 1886
- * Mars, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1895
- * Mars as the Abode of Life, (ar) 1908
- * Mercury in the Light of Recent Discoveries, (??) The Atlantic Monthly April 1897
- * More About Mars, (ar) The Windsor Magazine March 1908
- * A New Heaven and a New Earth, (ar) The Windsor Magazine June 1919
- * Noto: An Unexplored Corner of Japan, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1891
- * The Planet Mars, (ar) McClure’s Magazine December 1907
- * The Soul of the Far East, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1887
- * The Tide, (??) Scribner’s Magazine May 1887
[]Lowell, Robert (Traill Spence, IV) (1917-1977) (about) (chron.)
- * A Conversation about Ford Madox Ford (with Caroline Blackwood), (ar) Saturday Night Reader ed. Emma Tennant, W.H. Allen, 1979 [Ref. Ford Madox Ford]
- * Endings, (pm) Ploughshares Fall 1975
- * Epitaph of a Fallen Poet, (pm) Partisan Review January/February 1953
- * Il cimitero dei Quaccheri a Nantucket, (pm) Botteghe Oscure; translated by Rolando Anzilotti
- * In the Ward, (pm) Ploughshares Fall 1975
- * Memories of West Street and Lepke, (pm) Life Studies by Robert Lowell, 1956
- * Our Afterlife, (pm) Ploughshares Fall 1975
- * Our Afterlife 2, (pm) Ploughshares Fall 1975
- * Three Poems for Kaddish, (pm) Ploughshares Summer 1979
_____, [ref.]
[]Lowenheim, Frederick (1869-1929) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) The Country Gentleman Jul 1, Jul 29, Aug 26, Sep 2, Sep 30, Oct 28, Nov 25, Dec 23, Dec 30 1922
- * [front cover], (cv) The Elks Magazine Mar, Jun, Nov 1923
- * [front cover], (cv) The Popular Magazine November 7 1924
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The New Broadway Magazine January 1908
[]Lowenkopf, Shelly (Alan) (1931- ) (chron.)
- * The Addict, (ss) The Pseudo-People ed. William F. Nolan, Sherbourne, 1965
- * The Feather Bed, (ss) Gamma #3, 1964
- * Introduction, (in) A Wilderness of Stars ed. William F. Nolan, Sherbourne Press, 1969
- * Let Me Kill You, Sweetheart, (ss) Chase May 1964
- * Mickey Spillane’s Sex and Sadism Pay Off, (ar) Chase January 1964 [Ref. Mickey Spillane]
- * Odd Bird (with Jerry J. Williams), (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories July 1959
[]Lowenstein, Terry (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Dancers Return, (pm) Fables Spring 2003
- * The Dancing Trees, (pm) Fables Winter 2001
- * A Harvest of Fragrance, (pm) Fables Spring 2003
- * Samhain, 1591, (pm) Fables Autumn 2001
- * The Stones Speak, (pm) Fables Spring 2003
- * The Visitor, (pm) Fables Autumn 2002
- * When Grown Men Feared the Night, (pm) Fables Winter 2001
- * Winter, a Maiden Fair, (pm) Fables Winter 2001
[]Lowentrout, Christine I. Smith (1951- ); used pseudonyms Nicholas Adams & Sherwood Smith (chron.)
- * And Horses Are Born with Eagles Wings, (ss) Realms of Fantasy October 1997, as by Sherwood Smith
- * And Now Abideth These Three, (ss) Realms of Fantasy August 1998, as by Sherwood Smith
- * The Andre Norton Award, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #194, Summer 2011, as by Sherwood Smith
- * The Art of Masks, (nv) The Feathered Edge ed. Deborah J. Ross, Sky Warrior Book Publishing, 2012, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Being Real, (nv) Lone Star Stories #17, October 2006, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Commando Bats, (ss) Athena’s Daughters: Women in Science Fiction & Fantasy, Vol. 1 ed. Jean Rabe, Silence in the Library, 2014, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Curing the Bozos, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Aliens ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple, 1994, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Daria’s Window, (ss) Sisters in Fantasy 2 ed. Susan Shwartz & Martin H. Greenberg, Roc, 1996, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Echoes of Ancient Danger, (ss) Orphans of the Night ed. Josepha Sherman, Walker, 1995, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Faith, (ss) A Wizard’s Dozen ed. Michael Stearns, Harcourt Brace, 1993, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Finding the Way, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Alien Visitors ed. Bruce Coville, Avon Camelot, 1999, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Ghost Dancers, (ss) Things That Go Bump in the Night ed. Jane Yolen & Martin H. Greenberg, Harper & Row, 1989, as by Sherwood Smith
- * The Hero and the Princess, (ss) Lone Star Stories #11, October 2005, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Introduction, (in) Mountains of the Mind by Gillian Polack, Shooting Star, 2018, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Mastery, (ss) Wizard Fantastic ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1997, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Mom and Dad at the Home Front, (ss) Realms of Fantasy August 2000, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Monster Mash, (nv) Werewolves ed. Jane Yolen & Martin H. Greenberg, Harper & Row, 1988, as by Sherwood Smith
- * On “Mom and Dad at the Home Front”, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #154, Summer 2002, as by Sherwood Smith
- * The Princess, the Page, and the Master Cook’s Son, (nv) Heroes in Training ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Jim C. Hines, DAW, 2007, as by Sherwood Smith
- * The Rule of Engagement, (na) Lace and Blade ed. Deborah J. Ross, Leda, 2008, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Sherwood Smith, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #193, Spring 2011, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Visions, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Magic ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple, 1996, as by Sherwood Smith
- * What’s a Little Fur Among Friends?, (nv) Bruce Coville’s Book of Spine Tinglers ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple, 1996, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Writing for Adults vs. Writing for Children, (ar) Focus #29, December 1995/January 1996, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Zapped, (ss) May 27 2015, as by Sherwood Smith
_____, [ref.]
[]Lowe-Porter, H(elen) T. (1876-1963)
_____, trans.
- * The Blood of the Walsungs by Thomas Mann, (nv) Stories of Three Decades by Thomas Mann, Knopf, 1936
- * A Gleam by Thomas Mann, (ss)
- * The Infant Prodigy by Thomas Mann, (ss)
- * Little Lizzy by Thomas Mann, (ss) 1936
- * The Wardrobe by Thomas Mann, (ss) Stories of Three Decades by Thomas Mann, Knopf, 1936
- Strange To Tell ed. Marjorie Fischer & Rolfe Humphries, Julian Messner, 1946; translated from the German (“Der Kleiderschrank”, 1899).
- More Stories Strange and Sinister ed. Laurette Naomi Pizer, Panther, 1967
- Summoned from the Tomb (var. 1) ed. Peter Haining, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1973
- Strangeness ed. Thomas M. Disch & Charles Naylor, Scribner's, 1977
- Magical Realist Fiction ed. David Young & Keith Hollaman, Longman, 1984
- The Penguin Book of Ghost Stories ed. J. A. Cuddon, Penguin, 1984
[]Lower, Harold A. (1895-1947); used pseudonym Harry Martin (chron.)
- * Hunting Big Game, (ar) Astounding Science-Fiction October 1939
- * The Michigan Mauler, (ts) Fight Stories Winter 1937, as by Harry Martin
- * Raiders from Space, (ss) Science Wonder Stories March 1930
- * Rice’s Ray, (nv) Amazing Stories January 1928, as by Harry Martin
- * Telescopes vs. Cameras, (ar) Astounding Science-Fiction January 1939
- * [letter from San Diego, CA], (lt) Astounding Science-Fiction Jan 1939, Apr 1941
[]Lowery, Brenda (fl. 1950s-1970s) (chron.)
- * Children Skipping, (ss) 1973
- * Hail Annabel!, (ss) The Harlequin Magazine v3 #7, 1975
- * Love on a Large Scale, (ss) The Harlequin Magazine v3 #12, 1975
- * A Man in Particular, (ss) Harlequin v5 #1, 1977
- * One for a Weep, (ss) The Oracle February 2 1952
- * Remember Me?, (ss) Oracle #1267, May 18 1957
- * The Shared Blessing, (ss) Oracle #1255, February 23 1957
- * The Snowdrop Years, (ss) 1973
- * Two Against Gossip, (ss) Oracle #1260, March 30 1957
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