The FictionMags Index
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Dahl, Roald (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories, (co) Viking UK, February 1997
- * The Great Switcheroo, (nv) Playboy April 1974
- Switch Bitch, Alfred A. Knopf, 1974
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1990
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- The Great Switcheroo, Travelman, 1998
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- * The Green Mamba, (ex) from Going Solo, Jonathan Cape, 1986
- * The Gremlins, (ss) Cosmopolitan December 1942, as by “Pegasus”
- * Gremlins…A Warning, (ss) This Week April 11 1943
- * Hansel and Gretel, (pm) Rhyme Stew by Roald Dahl, Jonathan Cape, 1989
- * Hansel and Gretel Spare Ribs, (ex) from Revolting Recipes, Jonathan Cape, 1994
- * The Headmaster, (ex) from Boy, Jonathan Cape, 1984
- * He Plowed Up $1,000,000, (ts) The Saturday Evening Post September 20 1947
- * Hickety, Pickety, (pm) The Roald Dahl Treasury, Jonathan Cape, 1997
- * The Hitch-Hiker, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly July 1977
- The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More, Knopf, 1977
- Tales of the Unexpected (var. 1), Vintage Books, 1979
- A Roald Dahl Selection, Longman, 1980
- More Tales of the Unexpected, Michael Joseph, 1980
- Mystery Stories, Hamlyn, 1981
- Completely Unexpected Tales, Penguin, 1986
- Mysterious Motoring Stories ed. William Pattrick, W.H. Allen, 1987
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1990
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- Tales of Horror and Mystery, Dean, 1993
- Tales for Travellers Collection 3, Penton Overseas Publishing, 1997
- Death on Wheels ed. Peter Haining, Souvenir Press, 1999
- Ten Short Stories, Penguin Books, 2000
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- * Hot and Cold, (pm) Rhyme Stew by Roald Dahl, Jonathan Cape, 1989
- * Ideas to Help Aspiring Writers, (ar)
- * In the Ruins, (vi) World Bookfair Programme June 1964
- * Introduction, (in) Roald Dahl’s Book of Ghost Stories ed. Roald Dahl, Jonathan Cape, 1983
- * Jack and the Beanstalk, (pm) Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl, Jonathan Cape, 1982
- * James and the Giant Peach, (ex) Knopf, 1961
- * Katina, (nv) Ladies’ Home Journal March 1944
- Over to You, Reynal & Hitchcock, 1946
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories, Viking UK, 1997
- The Umbrella Man and Other Stories, Viking, 1998
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- * Kiss Kiss, (co) Alfred A. Knopf, February 1960
- * Lamb to the Slaughter, (ss) Harper’s Magazine September 1953
- Someone Like You, Knopf, 1953
- Someone Like You (var. 1), Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., 1954
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1955
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK) #27, April 1955
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) #102, December 1955
- 13 Ways to Kill a Man ed. Basil Davenport, Dodd, Mead, 1965
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1978
- Masterpieces of Mystery: Choice Cuts ed. Ellery Queen, Davis, 1979
- Tales of the Unexpected, Michael Joseph, 1979
- Tales of the Unexpected (var. 1), Vintage Books, 1979
- A Roald Dahl Selection, Longman, 1980
- The Edgar Winners ed. Bill Pronzini, Random House, 1980
- 65 Great Murder Mysteries ed. Mary Danby, Octopus, 1983
- Demonic, Dangerous & Deadly ed. Helen Hoke, Dutton/Lodestar, 1983
- An International Treasury of Mystery and Suspense ed. Marie R. Reno, Doubleday, 1983
- The Mystery Hall of Fame ed. Bill Pronzini, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Morrow, 1984
- The Best Crime Stories, Hamlyn, 1984
- Murder on the Menu ed. Carol-Lynn R^o"ssel Waugh, Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, Avon, 1984
- Completely Unexpected Tales, Penguin, 1986
- Great Murder Mysteries, Octopus/Chartwell, 1988
- Great British Mystery Stories of the Twentieth Century, The Franklin Library, 1990
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1990
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- Murder on the Menu ed. Peter Haining, Souvenir Press, 1991
- Murder British Style ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1993
- Crime à la Carte ed. Cynthia Manson, Signet, 1994
- Lamb to the Slaughter and Other Stories, Penguin US, 1995
- Skin and Other Stories, Puffin, 2000
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- Murder Short & Sweet ed. Paul D. Staudohar, Chicago Review Press, 2008
- * Lamb to the Slaughter and Other Stories, (co) Penguin US, 1995
- * The Landlady, (ss) The New Yorker November 28 1959
- Kiss Kiss, Knopf, 1960
- Introduction to the Short Story ed. Crosby E. Redman, McCormick-Mathers Publishing Co., 1965
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories to Be Read with the Lights On ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Random House, 1973
- The Bedside Book of Horror ed. Herbert van Thal, Arthur Barker, 1973
- In Fear and Dread ed. Arthur J. Arkley, Getaway, 1974
- Great Stories of Suspense ed. Ross Macdonald, Knopf, 1974
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories to Be Read with the Lights On (Volume I) ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Dell, 1976
- Mystery and Suspense Stories ed. John L. Foster, Ward Lock, 1977
- Introduction to the Short Story (var. 1) ed. Crosby E. Redman, McCormick-Mathers Publishing Co., 1977
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1978
- Tales of the Unexpected, Michael Joseph, 1979
- Tales of the Unexpected (var. 1), Vintage Books, 1979
- A Roald Dahl Selection, Longman, 1980
- The Edgar Winners ed. Bill Pronzini, Random House, 1980
- 65 Great Tales of Horror ed. Mary Danby, Octopus Books, 1981
- The 24th Pan Book of Horror Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Pan, 1983
- The Penguin Classic Crime Omnibus ed. Julian Symons, Penguin US, 1984
- Completely Unexpected Tales, Penguin, 1986
- Horror Stories, Hamlyn/Octopus, 1987
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1990
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- Tales of Horror and Mystery, Dean, 1993
- Murderous Schemes ed. Donald E. Westlake, Oxford University Press US, 1996
- The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories, Viking UK, 1997
- The Umbrella Man and Other Stories, Viking, 1998
- A Taste of the Unexpected, Penguin, 2005
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- * The Last Act, (nv) Playboy January 1966
- * Let’s Build a Skyscraper, but Let’s Find a Good Book First, (ar)
- * Letter from Abroad, (pm) The Roald Dahl Treasury, Jonathan Cape, 1997
- * Letter from Roald Dahl to His Mother, (lt)
- * Letter from Roald Dahl to His Mother, 4 December 1939, (lt)
- * Letter from Roald Dahl to His Sister, Alfhild, (lt)
- * The Lion, (pm) Dirty Beasts by Roald Dahl, Jonathan Cape, 1983
- * A Little Nut-Tree, (pm) Rhyme Stew by Roald Dahl, Jonathan Cape, 1989
- * Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, (pm) Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl, Jonathan Cape, 1982
- * Lucky Break, (ar) The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More, Knopf, 1977
- * Madame Rosette, (nv) Harper’s Magazine August 1945
- Over to You, Reynal & Hitchcock, 1946
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1978
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1990
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- * The Magic Child-Killer, (ex) from The Witches, Jonathan Cape, 1983
- * Man from the South, (ss) Collier’s September 4 1948, as "Collector’s Item"
- Someone Like You, Knopf, 1953
- Someone Like You (var. 1), Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., 1954
- Stories for the Dead of Night ed. Don Congdon, Dell, 1957
- Boris Karloff’s Favorite Horror Stories ed. Boris Karloff, Avon, 1965
- The First Panther Book of Horror ed. Anthony Rampton, Panther, 1965
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Spellbinders in Suspense ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Random House, 1967
- A Shocking Thing ed. Damon Knight, Pocket, 1974
- Horror ed. F. E. S. Finn, John Murray, 1978
- Horror Stories ed. Bryan Newton, Ward Lock, 1978
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1978
- Tales of the Unexpected, Michael Joseph, 1979
- Tales of the Unexpected (var. 1), Vintage Books, 1979
- A Roald Dahl Selection, Longman, 1980
- A Harvest of Horrors ed. Eric Protter, Vanguard Press, 1980
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Spellbinders in Suspense (var. 1) ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Random House, 1982
- Great Short Tales of Mystery and Terror, Readers Digest, 1982
- The Penguin Book of Horror Stories ed. J. A. Cuddon, Penguin, 1984
- Completely Unexpected Tales, Penguin, 1986
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1990
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- The Puffin Book of Horror Stories ed. Anthony Horowitz, Viking UK, 1994
- The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories, Viking UK, 1997
- The Umbrella Man and Other Stories, Viking, 1998
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- * The Marvellous Ears, (ex) from The BFG, Jonathan Cape, 1982
- * Matilda, (ex) Jonathan Cape, 1988
- * Matilda’s Father, (ex) from Matilda, Jonathan Cape, 1988
- * The Mildenhall Treasure, (ts) The Saturday Evening Post September 20 1947, as "He Plowed Up $1,000,000"
- * The Minpins, (nv) Jonathan Cape, 1991
- * Missing—Believed Killed, (ss) Tomorrow November 1944
- * Mr. Botibol, (nv) More Tales of the Unexpected, Michael Joseph, 1980
- * Mr. Feasey, (nv) The New Yorker July 25 1953, as "Dog Race"
- Someone Like You, Knopf, 1953
- Someone Like You (var. 1), Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., 1954
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1978
- Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life, Michael Joseph, 1989
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1990
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- Cruelty, Penguin, 2016
- * Mr. Hoddy, (ss) Someone Like You, Knopf, 1953
- Someone Like You (var. 1), Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., 1954
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1978
- Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life, Michael Joseph, 1989
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1990
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- * Moles, (ex) from My Year, Jonathan Cape, 1993
- * More Tales of the Unexpected, (co) Michael Joseph, March 1980
- * Motorbikes, (ex) from My Year, Jonathan Cape, 1993
- * Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel’s Coat, (ss) Nugget December 1959
- Kiss Kiss, Knopf, 1960
- Argosy (UK) August 1964
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1978
- Tales of the Unexpected, Michael Joseph, 1979
- Tales of the Unexpected (var. 1), Vintage Books, 1979
- A Roald Dahl Selection, Longman, 1980
- Completely Unexpected Tales, Penguin, 1986
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1990
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories, Viking UK, 1997
- The Umbrella Man and Other Stories, Viking, 1998
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- Cruelty, Penguin, 2016
- * Murder in Africa, (ss) Over to You, Reynal & Hitchcock, 1946, as "An African Story"
- * My Lady Love, My Dove, (ss) The New Yorker June 21 1952
- Someone Like You, Knopf, 1953
- Someone Like You (var. 1), Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., 1954
- Tales of the Unexpected, Michael Joseph, 1979
- Tales of the Unexpected (var. 1), Vintage Books, 1979
- Completely Unexpected Tales, Penguin, 1986
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- Skin and Other Stories, Puffin, 2000
- Ten Short Stories, Penguin Books, 2000
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- * My Uncle Oswald, (ss) Playboy January 1980
- * Neck, (ss) Someone Like You, Knopf, 1953
- Tales of the Unexpected, Michael Joseph, 1979
- Tales of the Unexpected (var. 1), Vintage Books, 1979
- Stories of Fear ed. Denys Val Baker, William Kimber, 1980
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine February 1985
- Completely Unexpected Tales, Penguin, 1986
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories, Viking UK, 1997
- The Umbrella Man and Other Stories, Viking, 1998
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- * A Note About the Next Story, (is) The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More, Knopf, 1977
- * Nunc Dimittis, (nv) Collier’s September 4 1953, as "The Devious Bachelor"
- Someone Like You, Knopf, 1953
- Someone Like You (var. 1), Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., 1954
- Playboy June 1956
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories They Wouldn’t Let Me Do on TV ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Simon & Schuster, 1957
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents: 13 More Stories They Wouldn’t Let Me Do on TV ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Dell, 1959
- Tales of the Unexpected, Michael Joseph, 1979
- Tales of the Unexpected (var. 1), Vintage Books, 1979
- Completely Unexpected Tales, Penguin, 1986
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- Uncertain Endings ed. Otto Penzler, Pegasus Books, 2007
- Mark Twain’s “Medieval Romance” and Other Classic Mystery Stories ed. Otto Penzler, Pegasus Books, 2012
- * Only This, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal September 1944
- * Over to You, (co) Reynal & Hitchcock, January 1946
- * The Owl and the Pussy-cat, (pm) The Roald Dahl Treasury, Jonathan Cape, 1997
- * Parson’s Pleasure, (nv) Esquire April 1958
- Lilliput November 1958
- Kiss Kiss, Knopf, 1960
- Great British Short Stories ed. [Editors of Reader's Digest], Reader's Digest, 1974
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1978
- Tales of the Unexpected, Michael Joseph, 1979
- Tales of the Unexpected (var. 1), Vintage Books, 1979
- Completely Unexpected Tales, Penguin, 1986
- Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life, Michael Joseph, 1989
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1990
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- Lamb to the Slaughter and Other Stories, Penguin US, 1995
- Tales for Travellers Collection 1, Penton Overseas Publishing, 1997
- The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories, Viking UK, 1997
- The Umbrella Man and Other Stories, Viking, 1998
- Ten Short Stories, Penguin Books, 2000
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- * Photography, (ex) from Boy, Jonathan Cape, 1984
- * A Piece of Cake, (ss) Over to You, Reynal & Hitchcock, 1946; revised from “Missing—Believed Killed” (Tomorrow, November 1944).
- The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More, Knopf, 1977
- A Second Roald Dahl Selection, Longman, 1987
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- Lamb to the Slaughter and Other Stories, Penguin US, 1995
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- * Pig, (ss) Kiss Kiss, Knopf, 1960
- The Best Horror Stories, Hamlyn, 1977
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1978
- Realms of Darkness ed. Mary Danby, Octopus US, 1985
- A Second Roald Dahl Selection, Longman, 1987
- Realms of Darkness, Chartwell Books, 1988
- The Best Horror Stories (var. 1), BDD/Mallard Press, 1990
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1990
- The Best Horror Stories (var. 1), Ivy Leaf, 1990
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- The Uncanny Gastronomic ed. Zara-Louise Stubbs, The British Library, 2023
- * The Pig, (pm) Dirty Beasts by Roald Dahl, Jonathan Cape, 1983
- * A Poem in Reply to Schoolchildren, (pm) The Roald Dahl Treasury, Jonathan Cape, 1997
- * Poison, (ss) Collier’s June 3 1950
- Someone Like You, Knopf, 1953
- Someone Like You (var. 1), Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., 1954
- The Third Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories ed. Christine Bernard, Fontana, 1968
- Tales of the Unexpected (var. 1), Vintage Books, 1979
- More Tales of the Unexpected, Michael Joseph, 1980
- Completely Unexpected Tales, Penguin, 1986
- A Second Roald Dahl Selection, Longman, 1987
- A Question of Blood ed. Steve Bowles, Collins Educational, 1990
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Prentice Hall, 1998
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
- Cruelty, Penguin, 2016
- * Preface, (pr) Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life, Michael Joseph, 1989
- * The Price of Debauchery, (pm) Rhyme Stew by Roald Dahl, Jonathan Cape, 1989
- * The Princess and the Poacher, (ss) Two Fables, Viking UK, 1986
- * Princess Mammalia, (ss) Two Fables, Viking UK, 1986
- * A Question of Taste, (ss) The New Yorker December 8 1951, as "Taste"
- * The Ratcatcher, (ss) Someone Like You, Knopf, 1953
- Someone Like You (var. 1), Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., 1954
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1978
- A Roald Dahl Selection, Longman, 1980
- Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life, Michael Joseph, 1989
- The Best of Roald Dahl, Vintage Books, 1990
- The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, Michael Joseph, 1991
- Collected Stories, Everyman's Library US, 2006
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