The FictionMags Index
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Dane, Alex (items)
- Wood Goes to War, (ar) Man January 1945
- Wool on the Way, (ar) Man January 1945
- These Are Wool’s Enemies, (ar) Man February 1945
- Whaling Days and Ways, (ar) Man March 1945
- Planner of a Capital, (ar) Man May 1945
- Seven Equals Sixty, (ar) Man July 1945
- The Infernal Triangle, (ar) Man November 1945
- Th’ Push, (ar) Man November 1945
- Hints to Young Criminals, (ar) Man May 1946
- Stunting for Stars, (ar) Man June 1946
- Pests - Local and Imported, (ar) Man August 1946
- Double-Crosser, (ar) Man September 1946
Dane, Clemence; pseudonym of Winifred Ashton (1888-1965) (about) (items)
- The King Waits, (ss) The Sphere November 1918
- A Bill of Divorcement, (pl) Everybody’s February 1922
- The Dearly Beloved of Benjamin Cobb, (ss) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine April 1923
- Lover, (ss) Pictorial Review April 1924
- The Way Things Happen, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine April 1924
- Spinsters’ Rest, (nv) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine September 1925
- Porphetic Ariel, (ss) The Radio Times December 24 1926
- What Is Youth?, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine March 1927
- Third Person Singular, (na) Heinemann, 1927
- A Traveller Returns, (pl) The Argosy (UK) January 1928
- Enter Sir John [Sir John Saumarez] (with Helen Simpson), (sl) Cosmopolitan September 1928, etc.
- There Are Happy Marriages!, (ar) Woman’s Journal April 1929
- “I Believe in Imagination”, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine October 1930
- Beryl in Broad Street, (rr) The Listener March 4 1931
- Beryl Takes the Consequences, (rr) The Listener March 25 1931
- In Defence of Human Cats, (ar) The New London Magazine #8, June 1931
- At the Vicarage, (rr) The Floating Admiral, Hodder & Stoughton, 1931
- The Bridge You Never Cross, (ar) The New London Magazine #14, December 1931
- Gardens and Markets, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine June 1932
- Holidays—Then and Now, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine August 1932
- The Taming of the Shrew, (sa) The Strand Magazine March 1934
- Godfather Death, (nv) The Fairies Return, Peter Davies, 1934
- The Emancipation of Mrs. Morley, (ss) The Passing Show May 4 1935
- The Valiant Little Tailor, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine October 1935
- Can the Artist Survive in This Modern World?, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine November 1935
- Queen of the South, (nv) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine December 1935
- Nightly She Sings, (ss) Fate Cries Out by Clemence Dane, Doubleday, Doran, 1935
- Love—A Delusion of the West, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine February 1936
- The Street Called Strand, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1941
- Winter Approaches: Covent Garden—1941, (pm) The Strand Magazine November 1941
- The Godson, (ss) Woman’s Journal August 1964
- Covent Garden, (ex) Michael Joseph, 1964
Dane, Donald; pseudonym of Dugald Matheson Cumming-Skinner (1902-1956) (items)
- The Jackeroo Witch-Doctor [Sam Sawyers; Jack Walters], (ss) The Triumph March 31 1928
- The Team They Couldn’t Keep Down, (sl) The Triumph November 3 1928, etc.
- On the Trail of the Lost Ivory [Sky-Cops of the Jungle], (ss) The Triumph January 5 1929
- Up Against Aerial Poachers [Sky-Cops of the Jungle], (ss) The Triumph January 19 1929
- In Quest of the Lost Explorers [Sky-Cops of the Jungle], (ss) The Triumph January 26 1929
- Grabbing the Gun-Runners [Sky-Cops of the Jungle], (ss) The Triumph February 16 1929
- Trailing the Missing Airship [Sky-Cops of the Jungle], (ss) The Triumph February 23 1929
- Rivals of Legacy Isle, (sl) The Triumph March 2 1929, etc.
- The Four-Legged Phantom, (sl) The Triumph January 11 1930
- The Round the World Race Stars, (sl) The Triumph March 14 1931
- Trail-Blazers o’ the Polar Underseas! [Punch Morgan], (sl) The Triumph July 4 1931, etc.
- Pals of the Flying Wonder [Stunt Kennedy], (sl) The Triumph December 26 1931
- The Deadshot Ranger [Sgt. Derek Dunn], (ss) The Triumph June 11 1932, etc.
- Whippets o’ War, (sl) The Triumph November 19 1932, etc.
- Know-All Noel [Noel Green], (ss) The Triumph January 28 1933, etc.
- Rubberneck [Chic Rogers], (ss) The Triumph April 1 1933
- Rival Speedsters of the Iron Way! [Nippy Bates], (ss) The Triumph July 1 1933
- Newsboy Ned - Railroad ’Tec [Ned Simes], (ss) The Triumph July 29 1933
- The Robot Ju-Ju, (sl) The Triumph November 4 1933, etc.
- Iron Egan—Rail Road Boss [Iron Egan], (sl) The Triumph February 10 1934, etc.
- Dreadnought Donovan [Dreadnought Donovan], (ss) The Triumph May 19 1934, etc.
- The Tec from the Jungle, (sl) The Triumph August 4 1934, etc.
- D.D.’s Gramaphone Wangle [Dreadnought Donovan], (ss) The Triumph September 8 1934
- The Robot Outlaw, (ss) The Triumph September 15 1934
- D.D. Out for Promotion [Dreadnought Donovan], (ss) The Triumph October 6 1934
- Boss of Roughneck Isle, (sl) The Triumph November 17 1934, etc.
- Dreadnought Donovan [Dreadnought Donovan], (sl) The Triumph May 25 1935, etc.
- Catapult Cowboy Kit [Kit Green], (sl) The Triumph August 17 1935, etc.
- The Flying Outlaw [Captain Nick Fury], (sl) The Triumph November 16 1935, etc.
- Catapult Cowboy Kit [Kit Green], (ss) The Triumph January 25 1936, etc.
- The Robot Gold-Hunter [Jim Barnes; Bouncer Dunn], (ss) The Triumph March 21 1936
- King of the Tree-Tops [Tomi], (ss) The Triumph May 30 1936, etc.
- That One-Wheel Wonder! [Betcha Barnes], (ss) The Triumph September 19 1936, etc.
- Leader of the Missing Thirteen [Big Bill Brown], (sl) The Triumph January 16 1937, etc.
- The Fighting Furies [Big Bill Brown], (ss) The Triumph June 12 1937, etc.
- Stormy Peters [Captain Stormy Peters], (ss) The Triumph March 26 1938, etc.
- Help the Hire-Purchase Soccer Team [Napper Nixon], (ss) The Triumph November 5 1938, etc.
- The Flying Cowboy [Kit Loree], (sl) The Triumph April 1 1939, etc.
- The Flying Cowboy [Kit Loree], (ss) The Triumph May 13 1939
Dane, Raven (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- La Costa Lotte, (ss) Summer Shorts ed. Sheena Ignatia, Endaxi Press, 2010
- Not So Dark Horizons, (ss) Dark Horizons #61, Autumn 2011
- A Taste of Almonds, (ss) 13 Ghosts of Christmas ed. Simon Marshall-Jones, Spectral Press, 2012
- Breath of the Messenger, (ss) Andromeda’s Offspring February 2013
- O Is for Ombrophobia, (ss) Phobophobias ed. Dean M. Drinkel, Western Legends Publishing, 2014
- B Is for Balefire, (ss) The Grimorium Verum ed. Dean M. Drinkel, Western Legends Publishing, 2015
- Chalk Face, (ss) Tales from the Lake: Vol. 2 ed. Emma Audsley, R. J. Cavender & Joe Mynhardt, Crystal Lake Publishing, 2016
- The Front Palour, (ss) Gruesome Grotesques: Volume 1 ed. Trevor Kennedy, Phantasmagoria Publishing, 2017
- The Burning Land, (ss) Phantasmagoria Magazine #10, Summer 2019
- Footfall, (ss) Phantasmagoria Magazine #12, Halloween 2019
- The Many Wars of the Worlds, (ar) Phantasmagoria Magazine #15, Summer 2020
- Quatermass and the Kid, (ar) Phantasmagoria Magazine #16, Summer 2020
- Six Geese A’Laying: The Best Laid Plans, (ss) Phantasmagoria Magazine #17, Christmas 2020/Winter 2021
- The Hallows, (ss) Phantasmagoria Magazine #18, Spring 2021
- Rain, (ss) Phantasmagoria Magazine #20, Winter 2021/2022
- The Way of All Flesh, (ss) Phantasmagoria Magazine #24, Summer 2024
Danehy-Oakes, Dan’l (1958- ) (about) (items)
- Ceiling Zero, (vi) Perry Rhodan #60, 1974
- Outside the Walls, (ss) Realms of Fantasy June 1995
- The Deconstructed Barbarian: A Critical Fiction for S. L. Kermit, (vi) The New York Review of Science Fiction #84, August 1995 [Ref. Samuel R. Delany]
- Shaara and the Sarlacc: The Skiff Guard’s Tale [Star Wars], (ss) Star Wars: Tales from Jabba’s Palace ed. Kevin J. Anderson, Bantam Spectra, 1996
- War in Heaven, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #118, June 1998 [Ref. David Zindell]
- In the Garden of Iden, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #121, September 1998 [Ref. Kage Baker]
- Hogfather, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #130, June 1999 [Ref. Terry Pratchett]
- The Physiognomy, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #136, December 1999 [Ref. Jeffrey Ford]
- Icehenge, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #137, January 2000 [Ref. Kim Stanley Robinson]
- The Mystery of Nongenre SF: The Case of Nora Roberts, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #154, June 2001 [Ref. Nora Roberts]
- The Other Wind, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #170, October 2002 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]
- Dragon Moon, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #183, November 2003 [Ref. Alan F. Troop]
- The Knight, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #186, February 2004 [Ref. Gene Wolfe]
- War for the Oaks, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #190, June 2004 [Ref. Emma Bull]
- Mask of the Sorcerer, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #198, February 2005 [Ref. Darrell Schweitzer]
- The Runes of the Earth, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #204, August 2005 [Ref. Stephen R. Donaldson]
- Dead Men’s Boots, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #253, September 2009 [Ref. Mike Carey]
- The Devil You Know, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #253, September 2009 [Ref. Mike Carey]
- Vicious Circle, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #253, September 2009 [Ref. Mike Carey]
- Naamah’s Kiss, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #255, November 2009 [Ref. Jacqueline Carey]
- The Long Man, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #259, March 2010 [Ref. Steve Englehart]
- Up Jim River, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #266, October 2010 [Ref. Michael Flynn]
- A Beautiful Friendship, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #280, December 2011 [Ref. David Weber]
- What Makes This Book So Great, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #311, July 2014 [Ref. Jo Walton]
- Afterparty, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #314, October 2014 [Ref. Daryl Gregory]
- Dhalgren at 40, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #317, January 2015 [Ref. Samuel R. Delany]
- The Edge Novels of Melinda Snodgrass, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #324, August 2015 [Ref. Melinda Snodgrass]
- Over the Tightrope, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #328, December 2015 [Ref. Asif Ismael]
- Every Heart a Doorway, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #331, March 2016 [Ref. Seanan McGuire]
- The Big Book of Science Fiction, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #336, August 2016 [Ref. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer]
- The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2016, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #337, September 2016 [Ref. John Joseph Adams & Karen Joy Fowler]
- “Not So Much,” Said the Cat, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #338, October 2016 [Ref. Michael Swanwick]
- Firewalk, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #344, December 2017 [Ref. Chris Roberson]
- Read This: Recently Read and Recommended, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #347, June 2018
- Moderan, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction March 2020 [Ref. David R. Bunch]
- Phallos (Enhanced and Revised Edition), (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction December 2020 [Ref. Samuel R. Delany]
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