The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Dolly’s Dream, (ss) (by Alice Radclyffe) The Cornhill Magazine December 1885
- * The Dolomites of the Pegnitz, (ar) (by Sabine Baring-Gould) The Cornhill Magazine August 1887
- * Dolores, (pm) (by Annie Chambers Ketchum) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1871
- * “Dolores”, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1878
- * A Dolorous Ditty on a Doleful Theme (A Half-Holiday Reminiscence), (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper October 30 1886
- * The Dolphin in the Wood, (br) The American Mercury March 1950 [Ref. Ralph Bates]
- * The Dolphin with a Government Job, (ms) The American Weekly August 26 1945
- * Domain, (ms) Penthouse (US) March 2007
- * Do Manners Matter to Read Readers?, (ar) Read December 18 1987
- * Do Me a Favor, Pal—Kill Him!, (ar)
- * Domenico Matteo, (ss)
- * Domenika, Lady Fair from France, (pi) Sir Knight v1 #1, 1958
- * Do Men Prefer “Wicked” Women?, (ts) Smart Set June 1927
- * Domes of Pico, (br) Astounding Science Fiction (UK) September 1958 [Ref. Hugh Walters]
- * Domestic Bliss, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1877
- * Domestic Bliss, (ss) The Young Englishman February 29 1874
- * A Domestic Dialogue, (pl) Pan #17, February 28 1920
- * Domestic Help, (ms) Today’s Woman #121 Nov 1949, #123 Jan 1950
- * Domestic Mr. Turkey, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 30 1932
- * Domestic Pets and How to Rear Them: Fancy Pigeons: Their Varieties, Habits, and Management, (ar) The Young Englishman’s Journal May 25 1867
- * Domestic Pets and How to Rear Them: Pigeon-Houses, Dove-Cotes, and Aries. How to build them, (ar) The Young Englishman’s Journal May 18 1867
- * Domestic Pets: Fowls and How to Keep Them, (ar) The Young Englishman’s Journal June 22 1867
- * Domestic Pets: Singing Birds, (ar) The Young Englishman’s Journal Jul 27, Oct 12 1867
- * Domestic Philosophy: Servants and Mistresses. The Two Sides of the Medal, (ar) London Society February 1863
- * The Domestic Problem, (hu) Peppy Tales v1 #1, 1939
- * The Domestic Problem, (ms) French Follies March 1930
- * The Domestic Problem, (ms) French Follies v1 #10, 1930
- * Domestic Relations Cases Given Greater Priority, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 6 1920
- * A Domestic Tragedy. The Story of a Telephone, (pl) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1897
- * Dome Sztoljay, (ar) Collier’s July 15 1944
- * Dominic’s Fee, (ss)
- * Dominion Land Office Closed, (ms) Western Story Magazine October 25 1924
- * The Dominion of Agriculture, (cl) Massey’s Magazine Jan, Feb 1896
- * “Domini Voluntas Fiat”, (pm) The Argosy (UK) December 1890
- * The Domino Bridge, (ar) St. Nicholas January 1875
- * Domino with model Pat Parker, (pi) Escapade April 1958
- * Donald and His Neighbors, (ss)
- * Donald Barthelme, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #42, August 1975 [Ref. Donald Barthelme]
- * Donald E. Westlake: An Interview, (iv) The New Black Mask No.3 ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli & Richard Layman, HBJ, 1985 [Ref. Donald E. Westlake]
- * Donald Gray, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1881
- * Donald Hamilton, (bg) Mag-a-Book v1 #20, 1982
- * Donald H. Menzel, (bg) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1969 [Ref. Donald H. Menzel]
- * Donald L. Miller/Washington SF Assoc. The WSFA Journal #68, (fr) Amazing Stories May 1970
- * Donald Malcolm, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #80 Feb 1959, #128 Mar 1963 [Ref. Donald Malcolm]
- * Donald Monroe, (ar) Adventure July 30 1925
- * Donald Sidney-Fryer, (bg) NecronomiCon Providence 2017 Memento Book ed. S. J. Bagley, Lovecraft Arts & Sciences Council Press, 2017 [Ref. Donald Sidney-Fryer]
- * The Donation Party at Willowbrook, (ss) (by Elizabeth T. Corbett) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1876
- * Donations for Buffalo Bill Memorial, (ms) Western Story Magazine December 29 1923
- * Don Bradman’s Dream!, (bg) The Modern Boy June 9 1934
- * Don Bradman’s Magic Bat!, (bg) The Modern Boy June 30 1934
- * Don Bradman—the Bowlers’ Nightmare!, (bg) The Modern Boy May 12 1934
- * Done Brown!, (cs) Boy’s Comic Journal #471, March 19 1892
- * Done Into English, (hu) The Popular Magazine May 1906
- * Don Hutson Best Pass Catcher of All Time, (ms) Exciting Football Winter 1944
- * Don Joaquin, (ss) The Australian Journal #131, April 1876
- * Don Joaquin, (ss) (by George Cabla) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1876
- * Don John of Austria, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1884
- * Don Juan, the Dog Screen Star, (ms) Boys’ Cinema Weekly July 10 1920
- * Don Jumandez’s Cows, (hu) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1899
- * The Donkey, (ss) from The Thousand and One Nights,
- * The Donkey Mine, (ar) Western Trails January 1936
- * A Donkey on the Church Steeple—Fliers of Long Ago, (ar) Tit-Bits #2830, January 25 1936
- * Donkeys and Donkey-Boys, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 15 1879
- * Donkeys in the Air Force, (ar) This Week April 22 1956
- * Don Marquis, (ar) Everybody’s Magazine June 1916 [Ref. Don Marquis]
- * Don Meteoro! [Don Meteoro], (ss) (by Gilbert Chester) The Ranger #33 Sep 26, #34 Oct 3 1931
- * Don Michael Dares All, (ms) Flynn’s September 12 1925
- * “The Donna”, (ms) Longman’s Magazine Nov 1895, Apr 1896
- * Donna Balopole DAPA-EM, (fr) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1976
- * Donna Digs the Most, (pi) Body Shop v4 #4, 1967
- * Donna Maree Hanson’s Books, (bi) Beneath the Floating City by Donna Maree Hanson, Aust Speculative Fiction, 2018
- * The Don of a New Love, (ss) Paris Nights March 1931, as by Thomas Eugene Grist
- * “Do Not Handle”, (pm) The Young Englishman April 21 1877
- * Do-Nothing Nat, (sl) (by Alfred S. Burrage) The Young Englishman Aug 4, Aug 11, Aug 18, Aug 25, Sep 1, Sep 8, Sep 15, Sep 22, Sep 29, Oct 6,
Oct 13, Oct 20, Oct 27, Nov 3, Nov 10, Nov 17, Nov 23, Nov 30 1875
- * Do Not Meddle, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 24 1885
- * Do Not Trust to Luck, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine April 1907
- * Donovan’s Two-Gun Passport [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #354, 1933
- * Don Perry, a Happy Warrior, (ar) Valor #1, November 1968
- * Don Post, Sr. (1902-1979), (ob) Questar June 1980 [Ref. Don Post, Sr.]
- * Don Post’s Studios Marchandising EMPIRE, (ar) Questar August 1980
- * Don Quixote, (ar) (by James Mew) The Cornhill Magazine November 1874
- * The Don Quixote of Germany, (ar) (by Mungo William MacCallum) The Cornhill Magazine April 1879
- * Don Quixote’s Country, (ar) (by John Ormsby) The Cornhill Magazine April 1867
- * “Don Ricardo”, (ss) (by G. H. B. Young) The Cornhill Magazine April 1868
- * Don Sakers (1958-2021), (ob) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September/October 2021
- * Don’t, (pm) The Red Magazine December 15 1911
- * Don’t Ache When You Hike!, (ar) The Modern Boy April 14 1934
- * Don’t Ask for the Toll, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1884
- * Don’t Be Afraid of Your Taste, (pi) Look January 29 1952
- * Don’t Be Afraid to Change Jobs, (es) The Saturday Evening Post September 26 1925
- * Don’t Be a Habit Man, (ms) MacLean’s Magazine February 1913
- * Don’t Be a Pessimist, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine Apr, Oct 1907
- * Don’t Be a Tire Gambler, (ar) Your Car: A Magazine of Romance, Fact and Fiction August 1925
- * Don’t Be Discouraged, Boys, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper May 15 1880
- * Don’t Believe Moving Mountain Story, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 13 1935
- * Don’t Bother Reading This, (ar) Stirring Detective and Western Stories December 1940
- * Don’t Burn Your Leaves, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 6 1932
- * Don’t Buy a Ticket on This Line, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1910
- * Don’t Call Her “Freckles”, (pi) Adam (Australia) November 1976
- * Don’t Come Near-or I’ll Jump!, (nf) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #240, August 20 1966
- * Don’t Complain, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1887
- * Don’t Condemn Your Tonsils, (ar) Physical Culture April 1924
- * Don’t Dare Rescue Me!, (ms) The Happy Mag. July 1939
- * Don’t Darling Me!, (ss) Red Star Weekly #942, November 25 1950
- * Don’t Dig Here, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd April 1929
- * Don’t Dress Your Age (You Haven’t Got One), (ar) Nova May 1965
- * Don’t Eat This Food, (ms) Collier’s July 25 1953
- * Don’t Enlist, (sl) (by Rechab) The Chartist Circular #145, July 2 1842
- * Don’t Ever Change, (ar) Lilliput December 1952/January 1953
- * Don’t Fence ’Em In!, (pi) Real Action for Men August 1957
- * Don’t Fence Me In, (ms) Rangeland Romances November 1954
- * Don’t fence me in! [Jane], (pm) Jane’s Journal #3, 1946
- * Don’t Forget, (ms) The Sunday Strand December 1906
- * Don’t Forget Dawn, (pi) Adam March 1967
- * Don’t Forget Your Change, (ms) Private Detective Stories Feb 1943, Feb 1944
- * Don’t Get Anxious about New York: Let New York Get Anxious About You, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine February 1917
- * Don’t Get Mad or Scared Because the Other Fellow Is Smart, (ms) The American Magazine September 1920
- * Don’t Go Near the Water, (??) Rapture v1 #4, 1959
- * Don’t Go Near the Water, (mr) Cosmopolitan December 1957
- * Don’t Go Out Alone Tonight, (sl) Red Letter July 20 1963
- * Don’t Go to Hollywood!, (ms) Stag (Canada) Fall 1941
- * Don’t Guard the Floor, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 27 1931
- * Don’t Just Stand There—Exercise!, (ms) Cloud-9 v1 #5, 1960
- * Don’t Know the Simple Life, (ar) Success
- * Don’t Lean, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine December 1906
- * Don’t Let Fear Ruin Business, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine January 1908
- * Don’t Let the Birds Starve!, (ms) Collier’s March 5 1949
- * Don’t Let the Grass Grow Under Your Wheels!, (cn) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2018
- * Don’t Look Back, (ss) Modern Detective #9, 1954
- * Don’t Look Glum!, (hu) Chums January 10 1926
- * Don’t Look Now But…, (ms) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact June 1972
- * Don’t Lose Your Head Over These!, (pz) The Silver Jacket #17, 1955
- * Don’t Make a Date for a Friend, (ar) Sensations, The Anglo-French Magazine 195?
- * Don’t Mind the Head-He’s a Nigger!, (ss) The Skipper #388, February 5 1938
- * Don’t Miss Spy Stories and Spy Novels Magazine, (ms) Sky Birds March 1935
- * Don’t Miss Spy Stories—New, Different, Amazing!, (ms) Sky Birds January 1935
- * Don’t Miss the Next Big Number of Sky Birds!, (ms) Sky Birds April 1932
- * Don’t Miss the Next Flying Aces, (ms) Flying Aces April 1933
- * Don’t Miss the Next Great Number of Sky Birds!, (ms) Sky Birds Jul, Dec 1933
- * Don’t Miss the Next Number of Flying Aces!, (ms) Flying Aces November 1932
- * Don’t Miss the Next Number of Sky Birds!, (ms) Sky Birds Oct 1932, Aug 1935
- * Don’t Miss the Next Sky Birds, (ms) Sky Birds Jun, Dec 1935
- * Don’t Miss These Fiction Aces!, (ms) Flying Aces May 1932
- * Don’t Miss These Fiction Aces!, (ms) Sky Birds June 1932
- * Don’t Miss These Three Fiction Aces!, (ms) Flying Aces December 1932
- * Don’t Miss This Chance to Get a Glider Book!, (ms) Flying Aces February 1933
- * Don’t Miss This Offer for a Glider Book!, (ms) Sky Birds January 1933
- * Don’t Miss This Special Announcement!, (ms) Flying Aces Jan 1932, Jan 1933
- * Don’t Miss This Special Announcement!, (ms) Sky Birds March 1932
- * Don’t Monkey with Murder!, (na) Smashing Detective Stories June 1953, as by Hunt Collins
- * Don Tomazo, or the Juvenile Rambles of Thomas Dangerfield, (n.) 1680
- * Don to You!, (bg) The Modern Boy June 16 1934
- * Don’t Pass the Hat, (ms) Rogue November 1961
- * Don’t Piss Me Off!, (bg) Bloodsongs #9, 1997 [Ref. Jhonen Vasquez]
- * Don’t Remove the Cork!, (hu) Here! Is America’s Humor February 1952
- * Don’t Rile Eagle Ross [Eagle Ross], (ss) The Skipper #298 May 16, #299 May 23 1936
- * Don’t Run for the Doctor, (hu) Chums December 17 1921
- * Don’t Say “C.C.”—Say “Mil”; It’s More Classy, (ms) Short Stories December 10 1921
- * Don’t Say It!, (ar) Complete Love Magazine September 1944
- * Don’t Say It ar, (ms) (by G. K. Chesterton) G.K.’s Weekly March 21 1925
- * “Don’ts” for Passengers, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1916
- * Don’t Sizzle Yourself This Summer, (ar) Tit-Bits #2854, July 11 1936
- * Don’t Slander Hudson’s Bay, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd November 1926
- * Don’t Step on Sandy’s Toes (Sandy Roberts), (pi) For Men Only April 1966
- * Don’t Take It to Heart, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 13 1883
- * Don’t Throw Cudgels at Your Town, (pm) The Boston Globe
- * Don’t Touch Me!, (ts) Smart Set November 1925
- * Don’t Touch Scrooge with a Bargepole, (ss) Lilliput December 1950
- * Don’t Touch That Watermelon!, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly June 2 1928
- * Don’t Try to Do Too Much, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine February 1907
- * Don’t Try to Sell Opera Glasses to a Blind Man, (ms) The American Magazine May 1920
- * Don’t Try to Work It Out - Just Guess!, (pz) The Silver Jacket #13, 1954
- * “Don’t Use Your Head—Use Mine,” Says the Kaiser, (ms) (by John M. Siddall) The American Magazine July 1918
- * Don’t We Have Fun at College!, (ms) Snappy Stories 1st March 1926
- * Don’t Worry, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine December 1 1915
- * Don’t Worry, (pm) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine July 1903
- * Don’t Worry, (pm) The Novel Magazine November 1908
- * Don’t Worry About Rationing, (ar) Modern World March 30 1940; condensed from National Home Monthly, USA, 1940.
- * The Don’t-Worry Club, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1905
- * Don’t Worry - Write to your Editor about it, (ed) The Triumph Jun 12, Jul 3, Jul 31 1937
- * Don’t You Wish You May Get It?, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper July 9 1881
- * Don Webb, (iv) Cyber-Psychos AOD #9, July 1999 [Ref. Don Webb]
- * Doodle My Death, (ts) True Crime Confessions 1952
- * Doodling, (pi) (by William Norman Pett) Jane’s Journal #3, 1946
- * Dooley and Hennessy Talk of War, (ss) The Wave June 25 1898
- * Dooley on Alger, (ss) The Wave September 10 1898
- * Dooley on the Cubans, (ss) The Wave August 6 1898
- * Dooley on the War, (ss) The Wave June 18 1898
- * Dooley the Patriot, (ss) The Wave July 23 1898
- * Doolittle Flies “Blind”, (ms) Air Trails December 1929
- * Doolittle’s Masterpiece, (ss) The Clever Magazine September 13 1902
- * Doolittle the Ventriloquist, (nv) The Boys’ Friend #405, March 13 1909
- * The Doomed Batsman, (sl) The Skipper #358 Jul 10, #359 Jul 17, #360 Jul 24 1937
- * The Doomed Bungalow, (ss) Sunday May 1914
- * “Doomed by the Kaiser to Ride to Death”: The Memorial Tablet, (ms) The Strand Magazine January 1917
- * The Doomed Directors [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #428, 1936
- * Doomed Prisoner Scared to Death, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 1939
- * Doomed Ship, (ss) American Homes March 1874
- * Doomed to Music, (ss) (by A. C. Wheeler) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1864
- * Doomed to Sail the Seas Forever, (ar) Look and Learn #19, May 26 1962
- * The Doomed Unknown, (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal April 11 1891
- * The Doom of the Slaver. An English Story of the African Blockade, (ex) (by Alfred Whaley Cole) Household Words #28, October 5 1850, as "Good Intentions. A Story of the African Blockade"
- * The Doom of the Spoils System, (ed) The Century Magazine September 1895
- * The Doom of the Witch-Doctors, (ar) Chums December 27 1925
- * The Doom Riders [Black Buckaroo], (ss) The Buzzer #29, April 30 1938
- * Doomsday Has Been Cancelled, (br) Omni January 1979 [Ref. J. Peter Vajk]
- * Doom Thursday, (nv) Scotland Yard #7, November 1930
- * The Doom Trail of the Squeaker [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #529, 1940
- * The Door, (pm) (by Orrick G. Johns) Rehoboth Sunday Herald
- * The Door, (ss) Science Fiction Library #3, 1961
- * The Door Between, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st November 1930
- * Door Keys Furnish Clew to Robberies, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 15 1925
- * The Doorknocker Clue [Slick the Sleuth], (ss) The Buzzer #14, January 15 1938
- * Door-Knockers, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly November 18 1922
- * The Door of Doom [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #429, 1936
- * The Door of Friendship, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine November 1912; from the Persian of Jalalu-ddin Rumi.translated by Laurence Housman
- * The Door of Hope, (ts) “I Confess” January 23 1925
- * Door-opening by Wireless, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper June 1930
- * Doors of Heaven, (??) Frenchy Frolics July 1945
- * The Doors of Paradise, (ts) Real Love Magazine 2nd July 1930
- * The Doorstep, (pm) (by Edmund Clarence Stedman) The Atlantic Monthly February 1869
- * Door-to-Door, (pi) Copper Cuties January 1969
- * The Door to Ruin, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st May 1930
- * Doorways of Sound and Mind, (rv) Gateways #8 Aut 1993, #9 1994
- * The Door with Four Locks [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #309, 1931
- * Do Our Pets Have Souls?, (ar) Mystic Magazine March 1931
- * Dope, (cl) Rumble #3 1990, #7 1993
- * Doped to Win [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #101, 1923
- * Dope in a Shoe, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 28 1922
- * Dope King Under Arrest, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 28 1925
- * Dope Orgies, (ss) True Mystic Confessions #1, 1937
- * A Dope Peddler’s Vengeance, (ms) Clues October 1931
- * Dope Ring’s Island Headquarters, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 21 1927
- * Dope Sent in Fish Casks, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 24 1923
- * Dope Smugglers Use Apes as Decoys, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 17 1922
- * Dope Smugglers Use Planes, (ms) Air Trails March 1931
- * Dope-Smuggling Syndicate in London, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 8 1922
- * Dopester’s Dictionary, (ms) G-Men Detective Winter 1953
- * Dope Through Mail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 7 1922
- * Dope Worth Ten Thousand Seized, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 26 1922
- * Dopey Doings, (ms) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Winter 1952
- * The Doping of Firefly, (pz) The Thriller #168, April 23 1932
- * The Doppelgänger, (ss)
- * The Doppelgänger, (ss) (by Amelia B. Edwards) Chambers’s Journal of Popular Literature January 19 1856
- * Do Prehistoric Emotions Explain Crime?, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 4 1925
- * Do Price Ceilings Work?, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion February 1944
- * Dora Dee, (ss) (by Fitz-James O’Brien) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1857
- * Dora Dumbell Reads the Boxing News, (??) Laughter February 1927
- * Dora Rushton’s Romance, (ss) (by Carroll Owen) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1875
- * Dora’s Disappointment, (ss) The Argosy (UK) November 1897
- * Doreen, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1916
- * Doreen and Jim Webbert SAPS, (fr) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1976
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