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Cumming-Skinner, Dugald Matheson (chron.) (continued)
- * The Tec from the Jungle, (sl) The Triumph Aug 4, Aug 11, Aug 18, Aug 25, Sep 1, Sep 8, Sep 15, Sep 22, Sep 29, Oct 6,
Oct 13, Oct 20, Oct 27, Nov 3, Nov 10 1934
, as by Donald Dane
- * That One-Wheel Wonder! [Betcha Barnes], (ss) The Triumph Sep 19, Oct 10, Oct 17, Nov 7, Nov 14, Nov 21, Dec 5, Dec 12, Dec 16, Dec 26 1936,
Jan 2 1937, as by Donald Dane
- * Trail-Blazers o’ the Polar Underseas! [Punch Morgan], (sl) The Triumph Jul 4, Jul 18 1931, as by Donald Dane
- * Trailing the Missing Airship [Sky-Cops of the Jungle], (ss) The Triumph February 23 1929, as by Donald Dane
- * Tumbling-Stone Mountain [Merry Maroons], (ss) Chums November 7 1926, as by Douglas Dundee
- * Twenty Pounds’ Reward, (vi) The Crusoe Mag. #8, January 1925, as by Douglas Dundee
- * Up Against Aerial Poachers [Sky-Cops of the Jungle], (ss) The Triumph January 19 1929, as by Donald Dane
- * Wen-Lung, Cantonese [Merry Maroons], (ss) Chums December 5 1926, as by Douglas Dundee
- * Whippets o’ War, (sl) The Triumph Nov 19, Dec 3, Dec 17 1932, as by Donald Dane
- * Who Told Percy?, (vi) The Crusoe Mag. #17, October 1925, as by Douglas Dundee
- * The Wireless Chums, (ss) The British Boy’s Annual 1928, as by Douglas Dundee
- * Young King Cole, (sl) The Triumph Oct 8, Nov 19 1932, as by Douglas Dundee
[]Cummins, Anthony (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Aleksandar Hemon: “A book isn’t a car—not everything has to work”, (iv) The Guardian January 21 2023 [Ref. Aleksandar Hemon]
- * “Being avant garde isn’t about being unreadable”, (iv) The Guardian October 14 2023 [Ref. Teju Cole]
- * “Bodies are such a good source of drama”, (iv) The Observer August 18 2024 [Ref. Mark Haddon]
- * Bret Easton Ellis: “James and the Giant Peach changed my life”, (iv) The Guardian January 14 2023 [Ref. Bret Easton Ellis]
- * A Brush with the Goncourts, (ar) The Literary Review November 2020 [Ref. Edmond de & Jules de Goncourt]
- * “A city summons you into its weird drama”, (iv) The Guardian July 15 2023 [Ref. Colson Whitehead]
- * “Give Me Moby-Dick Over Persuasion Anytime”, (iv) The Guardian May 25 2024 [Ref. Anne Enright]
- * Guys Who Like Kafka Are Insufferable, (iv) The Observer January 8 2023 [Ref. Nell Zink]
- * I Can’t Explain My Work. I Just Write Stories, (iv) The Guardian September 2 2023 [Ref. Claire Keegan]
- * “I’m a Boring Writer; I’m Not Going to Tell You”, (iv) The Guardian March 6 2022 [Ref. Karen Joy Fowler]
- * “I’m not sure that I will write again”, (iv) The Guardian November 16 2024 [Ref. Richard Flanagan]
- * “I’m saddled with this cult writer thing”, (iv) The Guardian November 4 2023 [Ref. Dennis Cooper]
- * I’m Seen as a Still-Walking Dead White Man, (iv) The Guardian November 26 2022 [Ref. Will Self]
- * “I’m taking writing back to the rock’n’roll era!”, (iv) The Guardian June 15 2024 [Ref. Sulaiman Addonia]
- * “I want to be the first human to imitate ChatGPT”, (iv) The Guardian May 20 2023 [Ref. M. John Harrison]
- * “I was aware of the drift towards fascism in Europe”, (iv) The Guardian July 13 2024 [Ref. C. Pam Zhang]
- * “I wasn’t writing Baise-Moi from a very good place”, (iv) The Guardian September 14 2024 [Ref. Virginie Despentes]
- * “I was trying to write novels aged nine”, (iv) The Guardian January 27 2024 [Ref. Jonathan Escoffery]
- * John Banville: “There’s been a creeping retreat into infantilism”, (iv) The Guardian November 12 2022 [Ref. John Banville]
- * “Learning How to Love a Child Is Something That Happens in a Second”, (iv) The Guardian September 9 2023 [Ref. Olga Ravn]
- * Melvin Burgess: “The Norse myths are full of sex and violence”, (iv) The Guardian November 19 2022 [Ref. Melvin Burgess]
- * Nanwali Serpell: “I Find Uncertainty Compelling in Literature”, (iv) The Guardian August 13 2022
- * The Norse Myths Are Full of Sex and Violence, (iv) The Guardian December 19 2022 [Ref. Melvin Burgess]
- * “Style Isn’t Something You Apply Later”, (iv) The Observer August 7 2021 [Ref. Martin Amis]
- * “There was a culture of silence—it was safer not to say what you think”, (iv) The Guardian February 17 2024 [Ref. Georgi Gospodinov]
- * “Turkey Is a Place Where Writers Matter”, (iv) The Guardian September 16 2023 [Ref. Maureen Freely]
- * “We all go through a lot. I’m wary of having ‘material’”, (iv) The Guardian January 13 2024 [Ref. Hisham Matar]
[]Cummins, Danica (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Below the Tree Line, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #6, June 2011
- * The Cat’s Coup, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #10, June 2012
- * Endearments, (ss) Luna Station Quarterly #8, December 2011
- * The Murk-Journal (or Once Beyond a Time), (pm) Kaleidotrope Winter 2013
- * The Sudoku Enthusiast Explains Herself, (ss) Awkward Robots Anthology: The Orange Volume, Awkward Robots, 2015
- * Titian, (ss) Awkward Robots Anthology: The Red Volume, Awkward Robots, 2012
[]Cummins, Ella Sterling; later name of Ella Sterling Mighels (1853-1934) (chron.)
- * A California Hagar, (ss) The Golden Era February 1886
- * The California Ranch, (ar) The Cosmopolitan November 1887
- * The Children’s Fan Brigade, (ar) St. Nicholas January 1881
- * A Chinese Game-Song, (sg) St. Nicholas January 1886
- * The Disk of Copper, (ss) The Owl July 1897
- * An Honest Heathen, (ss) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine December 1892
- * The Lady from Philadelphia, (ss) The Golden Era May 1885
- * Love Is Dead, (pm) Cosmopolitan Magazine May 1909
- * Miss Dan and the Peach Tree, (ss) Sunset August 1903
- * The Sign of the Scorpion, (ss) Two Tales October 22 1892
- * The Strange Old Man, (ss) The Golden Era January 1886
[]Cummins, Harle Oren (1877-1937) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * At the End of the Road, (ss)
- * The Face on the Floor, (ss) The Gray Goose July 1903
- * The False Prophet, (ss)
- * The Fool and His Joke, (ss)
- * The Hazing of the Infant, (ss) The Black Cat September 1907
- * In the Lower Passage, (ss) Welsh Rarebit Tales, Mutual Book Co., 1902
- * The Man and the Beast, (ss) The Argosy April 1901
- * The Man Who Made a Man, (ss) Minneapolis Journal March 25 1901
- * The Man Who Was Not Afraid, (ss) The Nickell Magazine December 1901
- * The Man with the Red Pants, (ss) The Black Cat July 1901
- * Martin Bradley’s Space Annihilator, (ss) The Argosy September 1901
- * The Painted Lady and the Boy, (ss)
- * The Palace of Sin, (ss)
- * Preface, (pr) Welsh Rarebit Tales, Mutual Book Co., 1902
- * A Question of Honor, (ss)
- * The Ring of the Golden Snake, (ss) The Nickell Magazine September 1902
- * The Sins of Sims, (ss) The Black Cat February 1901
- * The Space Annihilator, (ss) The Argosy September 1901, as "Martin Bradley’s Space Annihilator"
- * The Story the Doctor Told, (ss)
- * The Strangest Freak, (ss)
- * A Study in Psychology, (ss)
- * Welsh Rarebit Tales, (co) Mutual Book Co., 1902
- * The Wine of Pantinelli, (ss) The Black Cat August 1901
[]Cummins, Layla (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Article: Grimdark Onscreen (with Kyle Massa), (ar) Grimdark Magazine #2, December 2014
- * Automaton, (ss) Phantaxis #4, February 2017
- * Babymaker, (ss) Give: An Anthology of Anatomical Entries ed. Michelle Kilmer & T. J. Tranchell, WtD Books, 2015
- * Grimdark Is Here to Stay, (ar) Grimdark Magazine #1, October 2014
- * Grit in My Controller: Grimdark in Gaming (with Jeremy Szal), (ar) Grimdark Magazine #3, March 2015
[]Cummins, Ralph (Charles) (1880-1973) (about) (chron.)
- * Ace King, (nv) The Black Mask September 1926
- * Added Screen 42-A, (ss) Chicago Ledger June 7 1919
- * The Adventure Girl, (nv) Ranch Romances April 1925
- * The Badge of Fighting Hearts, (nv) Short Stories July 1921
- * Bandit Buster, (ss) Frontier Stories August 1930
- * Basin of Gold, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine November 1 1925
- * Blind Side, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st September 1939
- * Blood on the Bobsled, (nv) Ace-High Novels Monthly September 1932
- * Blood on the Grass, (ss) West August 3 1932
- * Blood on the Sheriff’s Star, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1935
- * Boozy Bat Bender, (ss) Western Trails July 1930
- * Boys of America, A Twentieth Century Story Paper, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up July 1931
- * The Breaking of Anvil Grant, (nv) West December 1932
- * Bridle-Wise, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 1st November 1926
- * Buckshot Law, (na) Ace-High Magazine 1st December 1928
- * The Bull’s-Eye Buckaroo, (na) Cowboy Stories December 1929
- * The Camera Girl, (ss) Chicago Ledger October 19 1918
- * Cheating the Third Degree, (ss) Action Stories September 1922
- * Cherub of the Seven-Bar, (nv) Short Stories December 10 1921
- * The Chivalry of Stub Grogan, (ss) 10 Story Book August 1918
- * The Clean-Up at Rio Negro, (ss) West November 27 1929
- * Come Hell and High Water, (nv) Western Rangers December 1930
- * Cowboy Code, (nv) Action-Packed Western July 1957
- * Cow Talk, (na) West November 28 1928
- * A Cowtown Frame-Up, (sl) Short Stories Aug 10, Aug 25 1930
- * The Crimson Stuff, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine June 15 1917
- * Dakota, Death-Dealer [Dakota], (na) Ace-High Magazine 2nd October 1927
- * Dakota Pays in Full [Dakota], (na) Ace-High Magazine 2nd April 1928
- * Dear Brothers, Members and Subscribers, (ed) Dime Novel Round-Up #94, June 1940
- * The Desert Rat’s Daughter, (nv) Ranch Romances August 1925
- * Destiny Cuts the Cards, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories January 1938
- * DeWitt’s Nightshade Series, (bi) Dime Novel Round-Up #25, December 1933
- * Diamond Dick, Jr., (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #32, August 1934
- * Dregs of the Border, (na) Two Gun Stories February 1931
- * The Drifter, (ss) Short Stories December 25 1930
- * Drifter’s Debt, (ss) Popular Western January 1937
- * Dude Ranch, (nv) Lariat Story Magazine August 1935
- * The Dynamite Pass, (nv) Western Rangers November 1930
- * The English Novels of Today, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #21, July/August 1933
- * Every Man to His Job, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 1 1917
- * The Faith of “Mortar” Jim, (ss) Overland Monthly April 1916
- * Fence Corner Rustlers, (sl) West May 29, Jun 12, Jun 26 1929
- * The Fire Fighters, (sl) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly Oct, Nov, Dec 1921
- * Fisherman’s Catch, (ss) Western Adventures February 1933
- * The Fountain of Vengeance, (nv) The Black Mask December 1920
- * Four-Legged Dynamite, (ss) Western Trails November 1929
- * Foxes of the Range, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 2nd December 1926
- * Framed for Fun, (ss) Cowboy Stories January 1933
- * Frying Pan Bread [Little Windy], (nv) Ranch Romances February 1926
- * The Gas Heater Mystery, (ss) The Black Mask May 1 1923
- * Getting’ Even: A Story of the Movie World, (ss) Chicago Ledger February 22 1919
- * A Girl to Remember, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st August 1940
- * Golden Dilemma, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine August 15 1918
- * Good Dog, (na) West April 30 1930
- * Greased Holsters, (na) Ace-High Magazine 2nd June 1927
- * Hard to Kill, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 1st January 1931
- * The Has-Been, (ss) West October 13 1928
- * The Hawk’s Hen Track, (na) Short Stories January 25 1937
- * Hell’s Hole, (ss) Novelets April 1925
- * His Biggest Moment, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine November 1 1917
- * Hog Dollar Ranch, (na) Ace-High Magazine 2nd December 1931
- * Hot House Star, (ss) Overland Monthly June 1919
- * A Hound for Hunches, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine November 1 1926
- * Hurricane Pard, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories January 1937
- * In the Close-Up, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1917
- * The Kick-Back, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 2nd June 1926
- * Killer Bait, (ss) West July 24 1929
- * Kindred of the Law, (ss) Short Stories October 25 1936
- * “Laramie” Ladd, (nv) Action Stories January 1924
- * Larkspur, (ss) West June 1935
- * Last Job for the Law, (nv) Thrilling Western May 1935
- * Law Goes Bronc, (ss) Popular Western November 1936
- * Little Miss Dynamite, (nv) Ranch Romances 1st November 1927
- * Little Windy Gives Her Best [Little Windy], (nv) Ranch Romances 2nd May 1927
- * Little Windy of the Fighting Heart [Little Windy], (nv) Ranch Romances 1st September 1928
- * Little Windy of the Lazy B [Little Windy], (nv) Ranch Romances July 1925
- * Little Windy Rides Alone [Little Windy], (nv) Ranch Romances September 1926
- * The Making of Miracle Ranch, (nv) Ranch Romances 2nd December 1927
- * Manacled Might, (ss) Chicago Ledger September 21 1918
- * Man in a Tight, (na) Western Action January 1956
- * The Man Maker, (sl) Ace-High Magazine 2nd May, 1st Jun 1923
- * The Man Who Fell Upward, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine February 1 1918
- * The Marshal of Helltown, (nv) Western Rangers January 1931
- * The Masked Death, (na) Western Rangers November 1931
- * Masked Trickery, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 1st November 1929
- * Maverick Rancho, (nv) Short Stories December 10 1921, as "Cherub of the Seven-Bar"
- * Men Who Follow Cattle, (nv) West October 14 1931
- * The Message of the Jade Box, (vi) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine June 1918
- * Misery Ranch, (na) Rangeland Love Stories March 1934
- * Montana Gets Her Man, (nv) Ranch Romances 1st August 1927
- * The Mountain Man, (nv) Ranch Romances July 1926
- * My First Novel, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #40, April 1935
- * Nebraska, (na) West June 1934
- * The Nerve of Woman, (ss) Chicago Ledger May 10 1919
- * Nevada’s Daughter, (nv) Ranch Romances 1st February 1927
- * Newsities and Note, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #124, January 1943
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