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- American Magazine (September, 1905) "Pigs is Pigs" Original publication of the famous story. With drawings by Will Crawford. The original Mike Flannery story. This publication is a continuation of "Leslie's Monthly Magazine." The name was changed to "American Illustrated Magazine" for the first time with this issue. p 496-502. [RGTPL]
- BOOK: Pigs is Pigs (April, 1906) The first published book edition of the story that made Butler famous. A Mike Flannery story. Originally published as a story in the American Magazine, September 1905. Five illustrations by Will Crawford. New York: McClure, Phillips and Company. [EPBLIB]
- Saturday Evening Post (December 1, 1906) "The Three Hundred"
A Mike Flannery story. "How the New Spelling Came to Westcote." Illustrated by Gustavus C Widney. Later appears in Mike Flannery, On Duty and Off. p 8-9, 26-28. [HANNIGAN]
- American Magazine (December, 1907) "Fleas Will Be Fleas" A Mike Flannery story. With illustrations by Rollin Kirby. Included later in Mike Flannery, On Duty and Off. [RGTPL]
- Cosmopolitan (February, 1909) "Just Like a Cat"
A Mike Flannery story. This story appears later in Mike Flannery, On Duty and Off. Illustrated by Henry Raleigh. The illustrations here were not used in the book. Thanks to George Belden who contributed the cover image. [RGTPL]
- Collier's (April 10, 1909) "Hats Is Hats" A Mike Flannery story. "The calf, the crate and the millinery." Illustrated by Boardman Robinson. [RGTPL]
- BOOK: Mike Flannery, On Duty and Off (May, 1909) SEE CONTENTS.
A true sequel to Pigs is Pigs, this book has three further adventures of Mike Flannery, the Westcote stationmaster. Illustrations by Gustavus C. Widney. New York: Doubleday, Page and Company. [EPBLIB]
- ADAPTATION: Mike Larritz, Way-Station Agent (1910) A monologue. By Elizabeth R. Fraser. Copyrighted but unpublished(?). Based on a Mike Flannery story by Ellis Parker Butler. [HARPER]
- Mike Flannery (May 26, 1912) "Mike Flannery Discusses the Political Campaign" A Mike Flannery story. Illustrated. "Station Agent, Whose Arguments in 'Pigs is Pigs' Convinced and Amused the Whole World, Turns His Attention to the Roosevelt-Taft Situation." New York Times; May 26, 1912. [HARPER, NYTIMES]
- _____ (June 2, 1912) "Mike Flannery Discusses the Six-Year Term" A Mike Flannery story. New York Times; June 2, 1912. [HARPER, NYTIMES]
- _____ (June 23, 1912) "Mike Flannery Discusses on the Unterrified Democracy" A Mike Flannery story. New York Times; June 23, 1912. [HARPER, NYTIMES]
- _____ (June 30, 1912) ""Pigs is Pigs" Ixpress Agent Tells Rudolph of the Chicago Convention" A Mike Flannery story. Indianapolis Star; June 30, 1912; p 1. [NPA]
- _____ (July 14, 1912) "Mike Flannery Explains the Difference Between the Republican and Democratic Platforms to Rudolph Schultheis" A Mike Flannery story. Indianapolis Star; July 14, 1912; p 5. [NPA]
- _____ (July 21, 1912) "Mike Flannery on the People's Birthright" A Mike Flannery story. Indianapolis Star; July 21, 1912. [NPA]
- _____ (July 28, 1912) "The "Pigs is Pigs" Ixpriss Agint Dwells on Gov. Wilson's Unfortunate Past" A Mike Flannery story. Indianapolis Star; July 28, 1912. [NPA]
- _____ (August 18, 1912) "The "Pigs is Pigs" Ixprise Agent Gives Inside Tip on Political Sinews of War" A Mike Flannery story. Indianapolis Star; August 18, 1912; p 5. [NPA]
- _____ (August 25, 1912) "The "Pigs is Pigs" Ixpriss Agent Enlightens Rudolph on the Purpose and Value of Election Prognostications" A Mike Flannery story. "Mike believes all three candidates will be elected and says it would be fine to see them occupying the Presidential chair as friendly as three cats in a bag." Indianapolis Star; August 25, 1912. [NPA]
- _____ (September 15, 1912) "Mike Flanney's Latest Campaign News" A Mike Flannery story. Illustrated. "The 'Pigs is Pigs' ixpriss agent tells Rudolph, his assistant, how the great American electorate ponders the serious issues of the campaign." Indianapolis Star; September 15, 1912. [NPA]
- _____ (September 22, 1912) "Mike Flannery's Campaign News" A Mike Flannery story. Illustrated. Indianapolis Star; September 22, 1912. [NPA]
- _____ (September 29, 1912) "Mike Flannery's Campaign News" A Mike Flannery story. Indianapolis Star; September 29, 1912. [NPA]
- _____ (October 6, 1912) "Mike Flannery's Campaign News" A Mike Flannery story. "The 'Pigs is Pigs' Ixpriss Agent Discourses on the Changes of Meaning of the Polite and Courteous Little, Beautiful Word 'Liar'." Indianapolis Star; October 6, 1912. [NPA]
- _____ (October 13, 1912) "Mike Flannery's Campaign News" A Mike Flannery story. Illustrated. Indianapolis Star; October 13, 1912. [NPA]
- _____ (October 20, 1912) "Mike Flannery's Campaign News" A Mike Flannery story. "The 'Pigs is Pigs' Ixpriss Agent Discourses on the Troubles of a Presidential Candidate." Indianapolis Star; October 20, 1912. [NPA]
- _____ (November 3, 1912) "Mike Flannery's Campaign News" A Mike Flannery story. Illustrated. Indianapolis Star; November 3, 1912. [NPA]
- _____ (November 10, 1912) "Mike Flannery Says: "Th' Bist Man Won"" A Mike Flannery story. Indianapolis Star; November 10, 1912; p 14. [NPA]
- New York Times (February 8, 1914) "Well-known Authors Act in Their Own Plays in Movies" An article. Includes details about the 1914 Vitagraph film "Pigs is Pigs." Illustrated with photographs, including one of John Bunny as Mike Flannery. p SM5. Also in Dallas Morning News, same date, titled "Noted Authors in Movie Films". [NYTIMES, DALLAS]
- World Magazine (October 28, 1917) "Mike Flannery on the Glory of War" A Mike Flannery story. [RGTPL]
- _____ (November 11, 1917) "Mike Flannery on German Kultur in Bel'jum" A Mike Flannery story. [HARPER]
- _____ (November 25, 1917) "Mike Flannery on the Kaiser's New Tactics" A Mike Flannery story. [HARPER]
- Munsey's Magazine (July, 1922) "Use Common Sense" A Mike Flannery story. [HARPER]
- ANTHOLOGY: American Wit and Humor (1923) "Just Like a Cat" A Mike Flannery story. The book is volume 8, part 1 of 22 volume set "The Pocket University." Edited by Thomas L. Masson. Nelson Doubleday, Inc. Doubleday Page and Company. Garden City, New York. [EPBLIB]
- BOOK: Pups and Pies (1927) SEE CONTENTS.
A collection of five previously published books: That Pup, Mike Flannery, On Duty and Off, The Thin Santa Claus, The Water Goats and Other Troubles and The Great American Pie Company. Illustrated. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page and Company. [EPBLIB]
- Argosy (UK) (October, 1928) "Pigs is Pigs" A Mike Flannery story. Vol. IV No. 29. p 33+. [FICTIONMAGS]
- Short Stories (June 25, 1932) "Mike Flannery, Detective"
A Mike Flannery story. Flannery foils a robbery at the Interurban Express office. Not listed in HARPER. [EPBLIB]
- Golden Book Magazine (January, 1934) "Pigs is Pigs" A Mike Flannery story. "A Comedy of Multiplication." One original illustration by James Daugherty and a reproduction of the author's autograph. [EPBLIB]
- MOTION PICTURE: Guinea Pigs is Pigs (1979) A short film. The "Pigs is Pigs" story told in a 16-minute color film distributed to schools. Completely true to the original story, this film stars Patrick Cranshaw as Mike Flannery and Harry Basch as John C. Morehouse. Directed by Tom Carr and Bill Fiege. Barr Films. [HARPER]