Other Material
- Betzville Tales (December 28, 1909) "Uncle Ashdod and the Bisquito" Illustrated by Peter Newell. Printed this date in the Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Daily Press. [NPA]
- _____ (August 3, 1909) "Uncle Ashdod Clute's Last Breath" Illustrated by Peter Newell. Printed this date in the Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Daily Press. [NPA]
- _____ (January 17, 1910) "Uncle Orone Spins in His Grave" Exact title unknown. [EPBLIB]
- Bedford Gazette (February 11, 1916) "Untitled" A poem. A limerick. Illustrated. Bedford (Pennsylvania) Gazette; February 11, 1916; p 2. [NPA]
- Bridgeport Telegram (February 17, 1927) "Untitled" A poem. Printed with three other short verses (from other authors) as "We Told You So!" Bridgeport (Connecticut) Telegram; February 17, 1927. [NPA]
- BOOK: An Up Hill and Down Dale Honeymoon (1910) Advertising booklet. When opened, the 8 pages fold out to make one long single page. The back side, also 8 pages, describes products from the Corbin Screw Company. Illustrated in color. Reprint of "Motor Matrimony" previously published in Reader Magazine. New Britain, Connecticut: Corbin Screw Company. [HARPER]
Periodicals (Prose)
- Argosy (January 16, 1932) "Ullamully!" A story. "What Orion Clancy meant by his drunken battle-cry when he hit the town banker puzzled all Riverbank -- and especially Orion Clancy." p 107-116. [ARGOSY, PULP]
- McCall's (December, 1907) "An Unacknowledged Gift" Part 1 of 2. [HARPER]
- _____ (January, 1908) "An Unacknowledged Gift" Part 2 of 2. [HARPER]
- Judge (March 25, 1911) "Uncle Ashdod and the B. B. S. Club" p 9-10. [HARPER]
- _____ (April 15, 1911) "Uncle Ashdod and the Easter Eggs" [HARPER]
- _____ (June 3, 1911) "Uncle Ashdod and the Fishschutzenfest" Humor. [HARPER]
- _____ (July 22, 1911) "Uncle Ashdod and the Ruling Passion" [HARPER]
- _____ (July 8, 1911) "Uncle Ashdod and Votes for Women" [HARPER]
- Judge's Library (August, 1912) "Uncle Ashdod and Votes for Women" [HARPER]
- New York Times (September 17, 1911) "Uncle Ashdod, Humorist, Tells a Variegated Codfish Yarn" A story. p V-14. [NYTIMES]
- American Boy (July, 1922) "Uncle Ashdod's Radio" A story. With an illustration by Harrison Cady. [EPBLIB]
- Judge (January 28, 1911) "Uncle Ashdod, Skipper of the Sally Ann" p 14-15. [HARPER]
- Grit (Story Section) (December 14, 1913) "Uncle Ephum Takes The Wheel" A story. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. Illustrated. "Because he is suspicious of the demonstrator" p 11-13, 23. [EPBLIB]
- National Magazine (September, 1897) "Uncle Eseck and the Play" [HARPER]
- World Magazine (June 20, 1917) "Uncle Jass of Meotock Sizes Up the War" [HARPER]
- Judge (March 29, 1919) "Uncle Jass Says" Humor. A selection of nine humorous and witty statements. p 7. [HARPER]
- _____ (April 5, 1919) "Uncle Jass Says" [HARPER]
- _____ (April 12, 1919) "Uncle Jass Says" Humor. A selection of ten humorous and witty statements. p 6 (unnumbered). [HARPER]
- Every Week (May 3, 1936) "Uncle Jeffy Horns In" A story. "A rollicking yarn about an old boy who had money and wanted to crash 'sassiety'." Illustrated by Ethel Hays. Found in the Lima (Ohio) News. [NPA]
- People's Home Journal (April, 1915) "Uncle Redney Breaks Loose" A story. "A Complete Novelette" Illustrated by John Cassel. p 10-13, 35. [EPBLIB]
- Judge (May 15, 1920) "Uncle Rodney's Moonshine Tobacco" A story. The phrase "Another Ellis Parker Butler Story" appears on the cover. p 5-7. [HARPER]
- Judicious Advertising (May, 1904) "Under the Little Red Runners" [HARPER]
- Smart Set (January, 1912) "Under the Plum Tree" [HARPER]
- Collier's (December 15, 1906) "The Unexpected Celebrity" A story. [HANNIGAN]
- Bookman (January, 1911) "Unpublished Reviews" Humor. Tongue-in-cheek reviews of books by Julius Caesar, Marco Polo, Baron von Munchhausen and the Greek poet Homer. p 544-45. [RGTPL]
- Every Week (July 12, 1915) "The Unscrambling" [HARPER]
- Popular Magazine (January 7, 1918) "Up Liberty Hill" A story. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. "For a change, the humorist sacrifices your smile to a serious reflection, and brings to your notice the Debt Doctor, a man with a new and creative idea for common use. We know that Liberty Bonds are a tremendous incentive to thrift, and it is enough to say that the Liberty Hill Plan of the Debt Doctor is a complement thereto." p 120-27. [HARPER, LOCKE]
- Munsey's Magazine (July, 1922) "Use Common Sense" A Mike Flannery story. [HARPER]
Periodicals (Poetry)
- Street & Smith's Complete Magazine (August, 1935) "The Ufa Cheese" A story. [PULPGEN]
- Dutch Treat Club Year Book (1937) "Underneath the Rose" A poem. About Clarence Budington Kelland, president of the club at this time. Accompanies a portrait of Kelland drawn by Leon Gordon. The pages in this issue are not numbered. [HARPER]
- Up to Date (July 31, 1897) "Unsatisfied" [HARPER]
- _____ (November 28, 1896) "Unwilling" [HARPER]