- Ainslee's (January, 1906) "The Republic of Susan B."
A story. [HARPER]
- McClure's Magazine (January, 1906) "The Lady Across the Aisle" A story. Illustrated by Phillips Ward. [RGTPL]
- Smart Set (January, 1906) "Mitland, of the Blues" [HARPER]
- St. Nicholas Magazine (January, 1906) "The Rowena O'Toole Company"
A story. Illustrated by R. Kirby. Pages 243-247. Later reprinted in The St. Nicholas Anthology. [RGTPL]
- Monthly Story Magazine (February, 1906) "A Christmas Stop-Over"
A story. HARPER calls this publication "The Monthly Magazine." Monthly Story was founded in MAY-1905 and became the Blue Book Magazine in MAY-1907. p 641-647. [FICTIONMAGS, PULP]
- Woman's Home Companion (February, 1906) "The Making of Alderman Droghan" A story. "A Delightfully Humorous Glimpse Into the Innermost Workings of the Political Machine, Touching Incidentally Upon the Influence Exerted by Mike's Wife's Cousin Bridget's Husband. Illustrated by Frank Verlbeck. p6-7. [RGTPL]
- Judge (February 17, 1906) "A Suggestion to Those Being Investigated" [HARPER]
- Atlantic Monthly (March, 1906) "The Amalgamated Book Insurance Club"
Humor. The author proposes insurance to help return borrowed books. Uncredited. p 427-30. [HARPER]
- Smart Set (March, 1906) "Eliph' Hewlitt, Elucidator" [HARPER]
- Saturday Evening Post (March 10, 1906) "The Meanest Lady" Humor. Not listed in HARPER. Short piece, three-quarters of a column. p 19. [EPBLIB]
- American Magazine (April, 1906) "Bird Nesting" A poem. Accompanies a photo by Alice Boughton. p 684. [RGTPL]
- _____ (April, 1906) "The Day of the Spank" A story. Later appears in The Confessions of a Daddy. Two illustrations by Mary Sigsbee Ker. p 665-670. Reprinted in Dallas Morning News, June 2, 1907, titled "Deedee's Spanking". [RGTPL]
- Century Magazine (April, 1906) "A Matter of Economy" A story. Mr. and Mrs. Muller strive to outdo one another on saving money in their home. One illustration by Charlotte Harding. p 920-924. [RGTPL]
- _____ (April, 1906) "The Yarn of Captain Bill" A poem. Four pages long. Illustrations by Frederic R. Gruger. p 975-978. Two pages missing in the copy in EPBLIB. [RGTPL]
- Ideal House (April, 1906) "The Small Mirror" [HARPER]
- BOOK: Pigs is Pigs (April, 1906) The first published book edition of the story that made Butler famous. A Mike Flannery story. Originally published as a story in the American Magazine, September 1905. Five illustrations by Will Crawford. New York: McClure, Phillips and Company. [EPBLIB]
- Smart Set (April, 1906) "Non Compos Mentis"
A story. p 133-39. [EPBLIB]
- American Magazine (May, 1906) "That Pup of Murchison's" A story. Illustrated by Albert Levering. Later printed as "The Education of Fluff" in That Pup. [RGTPL]
- Good Housekeeping (May, 1906) "Her Clothes As Seen By Him" A story. Illustrated by F. Vaux Wilson. "A companion sketch to 'His Clothes as Seen by Her' printed in our November number, 1905." That other article was written by Frances Gardener. [RGTPL]
- Ideal House (May, 1906) "Filet Lace" [HARPER]
- Smart Set (May, 1906) "The Case of Jorgens Against Stubbs" A story. p 50-58. [HARPER]
- Success Magazine (May, 1906) "What Did Dugan Do To 'Em?" A story. Illustrated by Horace Taylor. [EPBLIB]
- Dallas Morning News (May 27, 1906) "Decoration Day at Boomer" A story. [DALLAS]
- Atlantic Monthly (June, 1906) "On Phonetic Spelling" Humor. Uncredited. Published in "The Contributor's Club" section. p 854-56. [HARPER]
- Ideal House (June, 1906) "An Heirloom" [HARPER]
- Oshkosh Daily Northwestern (June 9, 1906) "Review of Pigs is Pigs" Includes a short quote from Butler. Oshkosh (Wisconsin) Daily Northwestern; June 6, 1906; p 6. [NPA]
- Ideal House (July, 1906) "Flemish Decoration" [HARPER]
- Monthly Story Magazine (July, 1906) "Mrs. Droghan's Miracle" [HARPER]
- Reader Magazine (July, 1906) "Portrait" [RGTPL]
- Judge (July 21, 1906) "Judge's Jungler Invades and Exposes Horrible Rubbernecktown" [HARPER]
- Ainslee's (August, 1906) "Our Lease"
A story. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. p 131-135. [HARPER]
- Good Housekeeping (August, 1906) "Our Discovery Dinner" An article. First publication of "Mrs. Dugan's Discovery" as part of the longer article. Titled here as "How to make six dozen lamp chimneys out of twelve old bottles." p 114-122. [EPBLIB]
- Ideal House (August, 1906) "Wisdom of Serpents" [HARPER]
- St. Nicholas Magazine (August, 1906) "The Dog That Returned to Mexico" A story. Illustrations by F. W. Read. Volume 33. p 875-880. Later reprinted in The Second St. Nicholas Anthology. [RGTPL]
- Success Magazine (August, 1906) "The Casey-Murphy Handicap"
A story. Illustrated by Gerrit A. Beneker (b. 1882, d. 1934). Volume 9. Number 147. p 550-551,576. [HARPER]
- _____ (August, 1906) "The Funniest Stories I've Heard" A collection of short humorous stories. Includes a photo of the author. p 562-3. [HARPER]
- Woman's Home Companion (August, 1906) "The Wage of Sin" The story about how Samuel Mills came to be known as Eliph' Hewlitt, book agent. Illustrated by Frank Ver Beck. This story is retold later in chapter 5 of Kilo titled "Sammy Mills." Not indexed in RGTPL. [EPBLIB]
- Judge (August 18, 1906) "The Certified Novel" [HARPER]
- American Magazine (September, 1906) "The Family Album" A series of drawings made to resemble a photo album. "Reproduced by Angie Breakspear with 'Remarks' by Ellis Parker Butler." With one drawing per page, Butler wrote a running commentary on the album and its characters. [RGTPL]
- Delineator (September, 1906) "The Spotted Pony" [EBAY]
- Ideal House (September, 1906) "Louis XV Textiles" [HARPER]
- Success Magazine (September, 1906) "How to Write Humorous Verse"
Humor. "A Carefully Compiled Code for the Courageous." Illustrated by Clare V. Dwiggins. p 636-8. [HARPER]
- BOOK: The Incubator Baby (September, 1906)
A novella in three chapters. Four illustrations by May Wilson Preston. New York and London: Funk and Wagnalls Company. [EPBLIB]
- Judge (September 8, 1906) "Hunting the Octopus" [HARPER]
- _____ (September 15, 1906) "The Remarkable Invention of James K. Hanna of Muscatine" [HARPER]
- New York Times (September 22, 1906) "Methods of Some Popular Writers" An article. "A Budget of New Gossip About Authors -- Some Experiences of Robert Hichens, Will N. Harben, Ellis Parker Butler, and Rex E. Beach." p BR582. [NYTIMES]
- Good Literature (October, 1906) "Pigs is Pigs" Includes the Crawford illustrations. [EPBLIB]
- Ideal House (October, 1906) "Louis XVI Textiles" [HARPER]
- People's Magazine (October, 1906) "His Other Self" A novel. Part 1 of 3. [PULPGEN]
- BOOK: Perkins of Portland, Perkins the Great (October, 1906) SEE CONTENTS. Eight loosely related stories. NPA relates an inscription of this book as: "Perkins was "Great" in Chicago; Perkins was "Great" in St. Paul; But "Perkins" ain't "Great" on the book dealers shelves; For "Perkins" ain't selling at all." Boston: Herbert B. Turner. Also, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1908. [EPBLIB, NPA]
- Short Stories (October, 1906) "The Sins of Fya Fie" [HARPER]
- Success Magazine (October, 1906) "Mrs. Casey's Dollar"
A story. Illustrated by J. R. Shaver. Mrs. Casey has her day in court while fighting the railroad company for payment of the sum of one dollar. p 662+. [EPBLIB]
- Woman's Home Companion (October, 1906) "Mr. Pidgins Perjury" A story. "The Witness for the Plaintiff Gives Some Remarkable Testimony and the Fallacy of Circumstancial Evidence is Once Again Apparent." Illustrations by F. T. Richards. Not indexed in RGTPL. p 13-14. [EPBLIB]
- Judge (October 27, 1906) "On the Largeness of Twenty-Five Years" [HARPER]
- American Magazine (November, 1906) "A Bird in the Hand" A story. With illustrations by Dan Sayre Groesbeck. Also reprinted in Dallas Morning News, November 24, 1907, subtitled "Thanksgiving Day at Wilbur's House". [RGTPL]
- Ideal House (November, 1906) "Empire Textiles" [HARPER]
- People's Magazine (November, 1906) "His Other Self" A novel. Part 2 of 3. [PULP, PULPGEN]
- Smart Set (November, 1906) "The Beauty of the Law" [HARPER]
- Judge (November 3, 1906) "Ellis Parker Butler, Author and Humorist -- An Autobiography" [HARPER]
- Ideal House (December, 1906) "About Adams Style" [HARPER]
- Ladies' Home Journal (December, 1906) "All Because of Susie"
A story. Illustrated by F. T. Richards. "The Search of a Man for a Christmas Wife." [RGTPL]
- Short Stories (December, 1906) "A Change of Spirit" [HARPER]
- Success Magazine (December, 1906) "For Skudsy"
A story. Illustrated by Clara D. Davidson. [EPBLIB]
- Collier's (December 15, 1906) "The Unexpected Celebrity" A story. [HANNIGAN]
- Saturday Evening Post (December 1, 1906) "The Three Hundred"
A Mike Flannery story. "How the New Spelling Came to Westcote." Illustrated by Gustavus C Widney. Later appears in Mike Flannery, On Duty and Off. p 8-9, 26-28. [HANNIGAN]
- Judge (December 22, 1906) "The Shame of the Seasons" "Or, Christmas, Corrupt and Contented." [HARPER]
- ANTHOLOGY: Mark Twain's Library of Humor (1906) "Boob Maxon, Evolutionist" A story. (The location of the story is Kilo, but there's no other similarity with the Kilo book.) The book is subtitled "A Little Nonsense." This is a different collection of stories than that of the 1888 book with the same name. Harper and Brothers Publishers. New York and London. [EPBLIB]
- BOOK: Wall Paper Hints (1906?) A twenty-seven page booklet printed on behalf of Pittsburg Wall Papers. New York: American Colortype Company. Possibly reprinted 193?, 26 p, illustrated. San Francisco: L. Tozer & Son. [HARPER]