- The Adventures of a Suburbanite (1911) Thirteen loosely related stories. Illustrations by A. B. Phelan. Garden City: Doubleday, Page and Company. The Bookman JAN-1912 (p 567) listed this book as just received. [EPBLIB]
Other Material
- Mike Flannery (August 18, 1912) "The "Pigs is Pigs" Ixprise Agent Gives Inside Tip on Political Sinews of War" A Mike Flannery story. Indianapolis Star; August 18, 1912; p 5. [NPA]
- _____ (June 30, 1912) ""Pigs is Pigs" Ixpress Agent Tells Rudolph of the Chicago Convention" A Mike Flannery story. Indianapolis Star; June 30, 1912; p 1. [NPA]
- _____ (August 25, 1912) "The "Pigs is Pigs" Ixpriss Agent Enlightens Rudolph on the Purpose and Value of Election Prognostications" A Mike Flannery story. "Mike believes all three candidates will be elected and says it would be fine to see them occupying the Presidential chair as friendly as three cats in a bag." Indianapolis Star; August 25, 1912. [NPA]
- _____ (July 28, 1912) "The "Pigs is Pigs" Ixpriss Agint Dwells on Gov. Wilson's Unfortunate Past" A Mike Flannery story. Indianapolis Star; July 28, 1912. [NPA]
- National Education Association Journal (March, 1925) "American Humorists" [CHAPIN, RGTPL]
- ADAPTATION: American Humorists (1993?) "Pigs Is Pigs" An interpretive reading on audio tape. ISBN 0-89926-119-1. $12.95 Audio Book Company; 125 N Aspen Avenue, Suite 2; Azusa CA 91702. [EPBLIB, WEB]
- Betzville Tales (January 13, 1910) "Antipater Phipps and the Carp" Illustrated by Peter Newell. Printed this date in the Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Daily Press. [NPA]
- In the Best of Humor (February 24, 1929) "The Antique Craze" Series published in the Dallas Morning News from December 30, 1928 to August 11, 1929. [DALLAS]
- Freeborn County Standard (March 30, 1898) "An Arkansas Pastel" A story. "A Word Picture with a Very Pathetic Toning" Reprinted from Yellow Book. Albert Lea, Minnesota: Freeborn County Standard; March 30, 1898. Sandusky (Ohio) Morning Star; March 30, 1898. [NPA]
- Betzville Tales (March 18, 1910) "Artabanus Biffle and His Feet" Illustrated by Peter Newell. Printed this date in the Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Daily Press. Printed March 11, 1910 in the Stevens Point (Wisconsin) Daily Journal. [NPA]
- Middletown Daily Argus (April 13, 1896) "At Variance" A poem. Reprinted from Life (unknown issue). This newspaper is from Middletown New York. [NPA]
- Betzville Tales (January 20, 1910) "Aunt Rhinocolura and the Leg" Illustrated by Peter Newell. Printed this date in the Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Daily Press. [NPA]
- MOTION PICTURE: An Author at Work (1919?) Authors' League of America, ca 1919. Based on Goat-Feathers. Screenwriter and performer: Ellis Parker Butler. No copies seem to have survived. [HARPER]
- New York Herald Tribune (September 14, 1937) "The Author of 'Pigs is Pigs'" Obituary. Not found on microfilm reel. [HARPER]
- Exploring Books (1938) "Abode of Splendor" Edited by Stella S. Center and Gladys L. Persons. New York: Allyn and Bacon. [HARPER]
- Experiences in Reading and Thinking (1940) "Abode of Splendor" Edited by Stella S. Center and Gladys L. Persons. New York: Macmillan. [HARPER]
- The Best of American Humor (1938) "The Adventure of the Crimson Cord" A Perkins of Portland story. Previously published in Perkins of Portland. Book is subtitled "Sixty Years of American Humor. From Mark Twain to Benchley. A Prose Anthology." This book may also have been published in 1924 and was reprinted in 1941. Edited by Joseph Lewis French. Garden City Publishing Co., Inc. New York. [EPBLIB]
- Werner's Readings and Recitations #44 (1908) "An Arkansas Pastel" Edited by Edgar S. Werner. New York. Page 73. [HARPER]
Periodicals (Prose)
- Illustrated Detective Magazine (February, 1931) "$100 Thousand Reward; Oliver Spotts, Near-Detective"
An Oliver Spotts story. Illustrated by Rodney M. de Sarro. p 68-71, 83-84. [COOK+MILLER]
- Delineator (April, 1931) "Abode of Splendor" A story. Illustrated by Everett Henry. p 38, 74. [RGTPL]
- Ideal House (December, 1906) "About Adams Style" [HARPER]
- Judge (April 29, 1911) "An Accommodating Gentleman" [HARPER]
- Illustrated Detective Magazine (May, 1931) "The Ace of Death"
An Oliver Spotts story. "Special Extra! Our Detective Hero Is Arrested! And the Charge Is Murder By Poison!" Drawings by Rodney M. de Sarro. Cover design by W. T. Benda. p 36-39, 118-121. [COOK+MILLER]
- Short Stories (August, 1911) "The Admirable John" [HARPER]
- Munsey's Magazine (November, 1914) "The Adopted Baby"
A story. p 323-329. [HANNIGAN]
- Judge (November 13, 1920) "Ads Is Ads"
Butler's original title for this story was "Stronger Than Death." The phrase "Ads is Ads by the Author of Pigs Is Pigs" appears on the cover. p 5-7. [HARPER]
- Leslie's Monthly (April, 1904) "The Adventure of the Fifth Street Church"
A Perkins of Portland story. "How Perkins Boomed a Town." With drawings by F. R. Gruger. Later published in Perkins of Portland. [HANNIGAN]
- _____ (January, 1904) "The Adventure of the Lame and the Halt" A Perkins of Portland story. Illustrations by Florence Scovel Shinn. Later published in Perkins of Portland. p 282-289. [HANNIGAN]
- Rotarian (September, 1925) "Ain't Got Time!"
An essay. Illustrations by Garrett Price. p 12-14, 46-9. Also, there's a short editor's note on page 53. [HARPER]
- Blue Book (March, 1916) "The Air-Tapper" A Jabez Bunker story. Later reprinted as "Tapping the Air" in World Magazine, December 3, 1916. p 1003-1012. [HARPER]
- Smart Set (November, 1910) "Airshipping" As Sam Gazzam. [HARPER]
- Short Stories (October 10, 1927) "Alibi"
A story. p 64-70. Thanks to Rick Hall for the scans and OCR. [HALL, HARPER, PULP]
- Leslie's Monthly (August, 1903) "Alice and the Book Worm" Humor with poetry. Illustrated. Later reprinted in Booklover's Magazine (September 1903). p 414-415. Indexed in the bound volume LVI (p iii) as "Alice in Book Land." [HARPER]
- Booklover's Magazine (September, 1903) "Alice and the Book Worm"
Humor with poetry. Reprinted from Frank Leslie's Monthly (August 1903). p 320, 322. [HARPER]
- Ladies' Home Journal (December, 1906) "All Because of Susie"
A story. Illustrated by F. T. Richards. "The Search of a Man for a Christmas Wife." [RGTPL]
- Judge (May 27, 1911) "All for the Best" p 13-15. [HARPER]
- Short Stories (May, 1912) "All's Well" [HARPER]
- National Magazine (February, 1899) "Almost a Crime" [HARPER]
- Printer's Ink (October, 1921) "Alongside Pure Advertising Matter" [HARPER]
- Judge (July 9, 1921) "Always Something" p 5-6. [HARPER]
- Atlantic Monthly (March, 1906) "The Amalgamated Book Insurance Club"
Humor. The author proposes insurance to help return borrowed books. Uncredited. p 427-30. [HARPER]
- Green Book (July, 1918) "The Amateur Adventurer" A story. [HARPER]
- St. Nicholas Magazine (November, 1917) "An Amateur Censor" A story. Illustrated by Reginald Birch. [RGTPL]
- Ladies' Home Journal (April, 1905) "An Amateur in the Baby Business" A story. "A Father's Story of His First Baby." Drawings by Peter Newell. p 5, 64. [RGTPL]
- Popular Magazine (May 7, 1916) "The Ambition of Barnabee Holt"
A story. "Every time Rodge Williams got liquor -- and no one ever discovers how he gets it -- his loftiest ambition is to steal a chicken from Dave Roscoe, which leads to political complications." p 78-85. [HARPER, FICTIONMAGS]
- Green Book (December, 1917) "An American Britling" [HARPER]
- Judge's Library (July, 1912) "Amerigo Vespucci" [HARPER]
- Black Cat (January, 1912) "Amos Hopstone"
A story. [PULP]
- _____ (February, 1920) "Amos Hopstone" ??? [HARPER, PULP]
- America's Humor (Summer, 1926) "Amos Hopstone" A story. p 42-45+. [HARPER]
- Red Book (January, 1911) "Anabasco Betz and Her Back" "A story of a strenuous piano." A story. p 479-481. [HARPER]
- Munsey's Magazine (July, 1923) "Ancestors" An essay. "A brief discussion of the actual value of a pilgrim father to his proud descendant of today." [EPBLIB, PULP]
- Judge (March 30, 1912) "And So It Goes!" p 5. Uncredited. [HARPER]
- Blue Book (June, 1917) "Androcles Jones" [HARPER]
- Christian Herald (September, 1931) "Andy Muller's Silver Lining" p 18-19+. [HARPER]
- Judge (February 25, 1911) "Anent George W." p 5-6. [HARPER]
- Household Magazine (February, 1931) "Ann -- or Alice" "A diverting home story by the famous American humorist." Illustrated by Louise Rumely. [EPBLIB]
- Red Book (December, 1914) "The Anonymous Wiggle" A Philo Gubb story. "Philo Gubb takes the trail and finds himself in an affair of the heart." The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. Illustrated by Rea Irvin. p 351-360. [EPBLIB]
- New Republic (September 8, 1917) "Another Group of Vigilantes" A titled letter to the editor. [HARPER]
- Up to Date (November 28, 1896) "Answers to Correspondents" [HARPER]
- Judge (March 4, 1911) "Appropriate Telephone Numbers" p 3. [HARPER]
- _____ (January, 1938) "Appropriate Telephone Numbers" Humor. Reprinted from March 4, 1911 in a 12-page feature "THE JUDGE ALBUM 188l-1938" featuring the previously published work of James Montgomery Flagg, Carolyn Wells, Mark Twain, Ellis Parker Butler. p 32. [EPBLIB]
- Writer's Year Book and Market Guide (1931) "Are Sidelines Helpful?" An article. [LOCKE]
- American Magazine (December, 1922) "Are You a Short-Sword Man?"
An essay. [RGTPL]
- Argosy (UK) (May, 1936) "The Tent Show Lady" A story. Vol. XIX No. 120. p 111+. [FICTIONMAGS]
- Yellow Book (January, 1898) "An Arkansas Pastel" A story. p 8. Previously titled "The Yellow Kid" this magazine became "Ainslee's Magazine" in February 1898. There are probably more Butler stories to be identified. [FICTIONMAGS]
- Blue Book (December, 1914) "Arletta" [HARPER]
- Green Book (June, 1917) "Ar-r-r-r! Woof! Woof!"
A story. The invention of the "Carstairs Burglar Alarmer." [HARPER]
- Blue Book (January, 1917) "Art Is Art" A Jabez Bunker story. Table of contents mistakenly reads "Art and Art." [HARPER]
- Green Book (September, 1918) "As Plain as Day" A story. Illustrated by Oscar Frederick Howard. "The Amateur Adventurer again foresakes his club and goes forth in search of new experience. He finds it -- and more!" p 500-510. [HARPER]
- Red Book (June, 1918) "Ask Darty" [HARPER]
- Every Week (June 17, 1935) "Ask Papa" A story. "Joe Beck sold cars -- but he could have sold anything." Illustrated by Ethel Hays. Found in the Helena (Montana) Independent. [NPA]
- Popular Magazine (January 15, 1912) "Athelbert Hustles" A short story. "Old England doesn't want any 'hustlers.' That's why Athelbert come to New York." [EPBLIB, PULP]
- Short Stories (May, 1911) "Aunt Betsy" As Sage O. Vesey. [HARPER]
- Red Book (October, 1911) "Aunt Coruna" A story. One of the "Built-by-Speculator" series. p 1050-1054. [HARPER]
- American Magazine (October, 1931) "Aunt Emma and the Devil's Ditch" A story. Illustrated by Floyd M. Davis. "Makes you forget all your troubles on the green and off in a rollicking golf story." Volume 112. Number 4. Sumner Blossom, editor. [RGTPL]
- Bookman (April, 1932) "An Author Glares at Editors" Uncredited and unconfirmed. p 26-31. [HARPER]
- Writer (March, 1913) "The Authors' League of America" p 33-35. [HARPER]
- Saturday Evening Post (December 29, 1917) "An Autobiography"
An essay. Includes a photo of the author. p 23, 40. [EPBLIB]
- Success Magazine (July, 1911) "The Automatic Baby"
Humor. "A New Generation of Infants Germless, Voiceless and Hopeless." Illustrated by Rodney Thomson. p 10, 43. [HARPER]
- Smart Set (November, 1908) "An Automobilist's Vocabulary" [HARPER]
- Green Book (September, 1919) "The Avalanche" A story. "A new adventure of Jane Sprood, Detective." Illustrated by Rea Irvin. p 77-79, 96-97. [HARPER]
- Blue Book (May, 1917) "Away from Here" A Jabez Bunker story. [HARPER]
Periodicals (Poetry)
- New England Magazine (January, 1898) "Anticipation" A poem in 12 verses. Page 650. [MOA]
Related Materials
- New York Herald Magazine (March 3, 1907) "After Dinner With the Literary Chaps" About the Dutch Treat Club. Illustrations by James Montgomery Flagg. Includes a sketch of Ellis Parker Butler titled "Butlers Is Butlers." p 4. [NYPL]
- BOOK: American Humor Magazines and Comic Periodicals (1987) David E. E. Sloane, editor. An overview and history of many Americn publications. Included are remarks about Ellis Parker Butler being published in "America's Humor" (p 333); "Laughter" (p 420); "Judges' Library" and "Sis Hopkin's Own Book" and "Magazine of Fun" published from 1912 to 1915 (later becoming "Film Fun") (p 426); "Up to Date" which was subtitled "Everybody's Magazine" (p 480-1); and "The Yellow Kid" and "The Yellow Book" published from March 20, 1897 and July 17, 1897 respectively (p 496-7). Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. LOC: 86-27155. ISBN: 0-313-23956-8. [HARPER]
- Authors Digest (1931) "The world's greatest stories in brief, prepared by a staff of literary experts, with the assistance of many living novelists." Selected and edited by the committee of the Authors Club of New York. OCLC: 17746218. New York: Authors Press. [WORLDCAT]