Periodicals (Prose)
- Harper's Monthly Magazine (November, 1916) "Quarrelsome Club" 133:945-7. [RGTPL]
- Youth's Companion (April 20, 1905) "A Quiet Night with Joseph"
A story. "Easter Number 1905." Drawings by W. B. Brown. p 186-188. [CUTTS, HARPER]
Periodicals (Poetry)
- Leslie's Monthly (July, 1902) "A Question"
A poem. With an illustration by B. Cory Kilvert. p 306. Reprinted: Oshkosh (Wisconsin) Daily Northwestern; July 5, 1902; p 6. [HARPER]
Related Materials
- New York Times (August 21, 1927) "Queens Houses Loathe to Use New Numbers" A page one news story. [NYTIMES]
- BOOK: Queen's Quorum (1969) By Ellery Queen (Frederick Dannay and Manfred B. Lee). "A History of the Detective Crime Short Story as revealed in the 106 most important books published in the field since 1845." Includes the selection of Philo Gubb as one of those most important books. New York: Biblo and Tannen. [HARPER]