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- New York Times (November 2, 1902) "Speaking of the Weather" A story. p SM12. [NYTIMES]
- _____ (November 15, 1902) "Mr. Gilder's Choice of Words" A letter to the editor. p BR13. [NYTIMES]
- _____ (December 28, 1902) "Says Mister Doojabs" A poem. p SM16. [NYTIMES]
- New York Times (February 15, 1903) "The Weather Prophet of Bad Leg" A story. p SM6. [NYTIMES]
- _____ (February 22, 1903) "The Tragedy of Toto" A story. p SM13. [NYTIMES]
- New York Times (September 22, 1906) "Methods of Some Popular Writers" An article. "A Budget of New Gossip About Authors -- Some Experiences of Robert Hichens, Will N. Harben, Ellis Parker Butler, and Rex E. Beach." p BR582. [NYTIMES]
- New York Times (May 16, 1909) "The Man Who Made Pigs and Pups Famous Tells How He Did It" By Walter Alden Dyer. "Ellis Parker Butler Gives Receipts for Humor and Various Other Things." Includes a caricature of the author, from a sketch made in Paris by Leo Mielziner (b. 1869, d. 1935). p SM9. [NYTIMES]
- New York Times (March 19, 1911) "My Selective Garden" A story. "An Experiment that Should Have Revolutionized the Art of Gardening in a Jiffy, Being Worked by an Infallible System -- But It Didn't." p V-14. [NYTIMES]
- _____ (March 24, 1911) ""Yawp," "Yoppox," "Faryawp," "Yawpists," "Yawpers," "Jang," "Hellogram"" A letter to the editor. The first of four letters in a series. p 10. [NYTIMES]
- _____ (March 27, 1911) "Telephonic Messages" A letter to the editor by W. J. Lampton. The second of four letters in a series. p 10. [NYTIMES]
- _____ (March 29, 1911) ""Yawp"" A letter to the editor. "Ellis Parker Butler Identifies the Lampton with the Telephonic Variety." The third of four letters in a series. p 12. [NYTIMES]
- _____ (March 29, 1911) "A Solemn Protest" A letter to the editor by Mrs. R. P. Mulligan. The last of four letters in a series. p 12. [NYTIMES]
- _____ (September 10, 1911) "Reasonable Interest" A poem. Printed in the "New York Times Review of Books" section. First page of the September 10 edition. Credited as from the Bookman. p 537. [NYTIMES]
- _____ (September 17, 1911) "Uncle Ashdod, Humorist, Tells a Variegated Codfish Yarn" A story. p V-14. [NYTIMES]
- _____ (October 1, 1911) "Truthful Thomas Frisbee" "The Yarn of a Scientific Agriculturalist." V:14. Also reprinted in Dallas Morning News, October 8, 1911. [HARPER]
- New York Times (October 2, 1913) "Down with Poison Ivy!" An article. "Ellis Parker Butler Organizes a League to Suppress It." p 5. [NYTIMES]
- New York Times (February 8, 1914) "Well-known Authors Act in Their Own Plays in Movies" An article. Includes details about the 1914 Vitagraph film "Pigs is Pigs." Illustrated with photographs, including one of John Bunny as Mike Flannery. p SM5. Also in Dallas Morning News, same date, titled "Noted Authors in Movie Films". [NYTIMES, DALLAS]
- New York Times (September 22, 1918) "The Chewing Gum Issue" A letter to the editor. "Ellis Parker Butler Replies to Gertrude Atherton." p III-2. [NYTIMES]
- _____ (October 20, 1918) "Here's a Miracle: Y. M. C. A at War" An article. p 47. [NYTIMES]
- _____ (December 1, 1918) "Exit Mr. Tumult and Miss Shouting" A story. p 41. [NYTIMES]
- New York Times (March 4, 1923) "Lighter Side of an Author's Life Seen by Men Who Write Our Yarns" An article with an extensive section on Ellis Parker Butler. [EPBLIB]
- New York Times (December 3, 1926) "Verse Means to Get About Queens" A verse from Ellis Parker Butler makes the news. [NYTIMES]
- New York Times (August 21, 1927) "Queens Houses Loathe to Use New Numbers" A page one news story. [NYTIMES]
- New York Times (April 16, 1933) "Review" A review of The Young Stamp Collector's Own Book. p 10. [HARPER]
- _____ (April 30, 1933) "Review" A review of Jo Ann, Tomboy. p 12. [EPBLIB]
- New York Times (September 14, 1937) "E. P. Butler Dead; Noted Humorist" Obituary. "His 'Pigs is Pigs' Made Nation Laugh Thirty Years Ago -- Author of 32 Books. Wrote Poetry as Child. Had Served as Bank Executive in Flushing Where He Lived 30 Years -- Succumbs at 67." Includes a photo of the author. [CHAPIN, NYTIMES]
- _____ (September 16, 1937) "Writers Among 200 at Butler Funeral" A notice of the funeral of Ellis Parker Butler. [NYTIMES]