- American Magazine (January, 1928) "Human Nature Ain't What It Ought To Be" A story. "And so Todd Hibbard tried to change it." Drawings by Thomas Fogarty. [RGTPL]
- College Humor (January, 1928) "The Old Swimming Hole"
Humor. p 63. Credited to Goblin. [EPBLIB]
- Midland Schools (January, 1928) "Ellis Parker Butler" By Frank Luther Mott. p 163-65. [HARPER]
- Woman's Home Companion (January, 1928) "Just Mark an X" A story. Illustrated by Victor C. Anderson. [RGTPL]
- American Boy (February, 1928) "Old Shirley-Combs" A story. Illustrated by Dudley Gloyne Summers. [EPBLIB]
- D. A. C. News (February, 1928) "If Trader Horn Had Written the Old Testament" [HARPER]
- People's Home Journal (February, 1928) "You Shall Be Queen" Illustrated by John R. Neil. Set in Westcote, Long Island. [EPBLIB]
- Printer's Ink (February 2, 1928) "Our Dealers Are Fully Equipped to Service our Products" [HARPER]
- American Magazine (March, 1928) "The "Just-As-Soon-As" Habit" An essay. Includes a full-page photo of the author. [RGTPL]
- D. A. C. News (March, 1928) "The Vocabulary Man" [HARPER]
- Goblin (March, 1928) "Nobility, What?"
A story. One illustration by Bryant Fryer (sp?). p 18-19. [HARPER]
- Children (April, 1928) "Billy the Unspanked" A Billy Brad story. Magazine's full title: "Children: The Magazine For Parents." p 23-24+. [HARPER]
- Country Gentleman (April, 1928) "Mamie"
The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. Illustrated by R. M. Brinkerhoff. p 14, 110-112. [EPBLIB]
- Goblin (April, 1928) "Prizes Awarded" [HARPER]
- Holland's Magazine (April, 1928) "The Chipplewhait Highboy" "Holland's: The Magazine of the South." [HARPER]
- Munsey's Magazine (April, 1928) "Brother Bill" [HARPER]
- New York Herald Tribune (April 22, 1928) "Traffic Cops Are Human!" Printed in the New York Herald Tribune Magazine. Later printed in Hunting the Wow as "The Traffic Cop." p 1, 8. XIII. [HARPER]
- D. A. C. News (May, 1928) "Matrimony, as Is" [HARPER]
- Goblin (May, 1928) "What to Do Till the Doctor Comes"
Humor. p 9. Later printed in Hunting The Wow. [HARPER]
- Woman's Home Companion (May, 1928) "Far Seas and Distant Lands" A story. Illustrated in color by George Illian. [RGTPL]
- D. A. C. News (July, 1928) "Our Visit to New York" [HARPER]
- Goblin (July, 1928) "Health-Laughing"
Humor. p 15-16. [HARPER]
- Oilpull Magazine (July, 1928) "Bruce of the Bar-None" Part 1. A story. "As a matter of fact, a real good caribou, when you got him saddle-broke, was handy." Illustrated by T. Wyatt Nelson. Volume 6. Number 6. p 4-5, 17. [EPBLIB]
- Rotarian (July, 1928) "Beaten Paths" [HARPER]
- American Girl (August, 1928) "Gull Ledge"
A story. Three illustrations by Walter Stewart. This is an American Girl "Made-to-Order" story, custom-written to the suggestions of one of the readers. p 7-9, 31, 34. [HARPER]
- Munsey's Magazine (August, 1928) "The Coral Snake" [HARPER]
- Oilpull Magazine (August, 1928) "Bruce of the Bar-None" Part 2. A story. Illustrated by T. Wyatt Nelson. "Eddie Bruce, and Henry, a pair of regular cowboys, bored to death with dude ranches, decide to start a ranch of their own on the Arctic Circle, on a tundra range granted them by the Canadian government." This publication seems to have been produced by the OilPull Tractor Company (Advance-Rumely Thresher Company), La Porte Indiana. [EPBLIB]
- Woman's Home Companion (August, 1928) "Perfection Plus" A story. Illustrated by Frederick Chapman. p 18-19, 72. [RGTPL]
- BOOK: Carter's Legacy (August 3, 1928) "Published by the Citizens Trust Company of Utica NY on the occasion of its twenty-fifth anniversary, August 3, 1928." Utica: Citizen's Trust Company. 45 pages. [NYPL]
- Printer's Ink (August 23, 1928) "Blushing, I Burst into Tears" The complete title is "Blushing, I Burst into Tears When John Handed Me the Soup-Spoon: If People Actually Talked as They Do in Adland." p 3-6+. [HARPER]
- Theatre Magazine (September, 1928) "The Theatre, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow"
An essay. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. Includes a photo of the author by Culver. [CORNYN]
- Woman's Home Companion (September, 1928) "The Big Noise" A story. Illustrated by C. C. Beall. p 7+. [RGTPL]
- Argosy (UK) (October, 1928) "Pigs is Pigs" A Mike Flannery story. Vol. IV No. 29. p 33+. [FICTIONMAGS]
- ANTHOLOGY: Favorite Jokes of Famous People (October, 1928) "Favorite Joke"
A story. "I'm glad that it is possible to reproduce Mr. Butler's favorite story in his own words -- a splendid example of his genius in writing humor". Edited and illustrated by Frank Ernest Nicholson. Includes a caricature of the author and a reproduction of the author's famous signature. New York: E. P. Dutton. p 46-50. [EPBLIB]
- Target (October 20, 1928) "Jibby and the Gridiron" A Jibby Jones story. [HARPER]
- American Girl (December, 1928) "Jo Ann and the Joop"
A story. Illustrated by Garrett Price. p 16-18, 44. [HARPER]
- ANTHOLOGY: American Ghost Stories (1928) "Dey Ain't No Ghosts" Selected by C. Armitage Harper. Boston, New York: Houghton Miffin Company. p 221-35. [HARPER, LOC]