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- Saturday Evening Post (November 28, 1903) "International Skull and Cross Bones, Ltd."
A story. "A Practical Example of the Principles of 'High Finance.'" Drawn by Martin Justice. p 6-8, 26, 28. [HANNIGAN]
- Saturday Evening Post (March 25, 1905) "Eliph' Hewlitt, Book Agent"
A story. "How the Compendium of Universal Knowledge Secured a Maid for Mrs. Tarbro-Smith." Illustrated by May Wilson Preston. Later reworked into a chapter of Kilo. The name was spelled "Eliph Hewlett" in this edition. p 8-9. [HANNIGAN]
- _____ (September 23, 1905) "Pete, the Circassian Horse"
A story. "The story of a Hairy Wonder." Drawn by John Sloan. p 6-7,19. [HANNIGAN]
- Saturday Evening Post (March 10, 1906) "The Meanest Lady" Humor. Not listed in HARPER. Short piece, three-quarters of a column. p 19. [EPBLIB]
- _____ (December 1, 1906) "The Three Hundred"
A Mike Flannery story. "How the New Spelling Came to Westcote." Illustrated by Gustavus C Widney. Later appears in Mike Flannery, On Duty and Off. p 8-9, 26-28. [HANNIGAN]
- Saturday Evening Post (December 5, 1908) "The Thin Santa Claus"
A story. Illustrated by May Wilson Preston. p 8-9, 36. [HANNIGAN]
- Saturday Evening Post (February 6, 1909) "Magazine Men"
An article. Short bio with photo. p 22. [EPBLIB]
- _____ (March 27, 1909) "Mr. Billings' Pockets" A story. "He Explains the Morning After." Illustrated by Gustavus C. Widney. Later published in The Water Goats and Other Troubles. [EPBLIB]
- Saturday Evening Post (February 12, 1910) "The Boom in Spooks"
A story. Illustrated by May Wilson Preston. "Why Do Dollar Watches With Brass Lids Come Back From Spirit Land?" p 11-12, 45. [HANNIGAN]
- Saturday Evening Post (July 8, 1916) "Slim Finnegan"
A Swatty story, but his name is "Ting Schwartz." Illustrated by Norman Rockwell. p 6-7, 65-66. [HARPER]
- Saturday Evening Post (July 21, 1917) "Mutual Spurs, Limited"
A story. A tale of mentoring and self-improvement. p 35, 37. [HARPER]
- _____ (December 29, 1917) "An Autobiography"
An essay. Includes a photo of the author. p 23, 40. [EPBLIB]
- Saturday Evening Post (April 13, 1918) "Big Money Billings"
A story. Illustration by Herbert Johnson. p 19, 53-4. [BEST]
- _____ (August 17, 1918) "Letters from the Back"
Fiction written as a series of letters to the front. p 45, 48. [HARPER]
- _____ (September 14, 1918) "Matey"
A story. Illustrated by Thelma Cudlipp. p 45-48. [BEST]
- _____ (October 12, 1918) "Billy Brad, Convict"
A Billy Brad story. Illustration by May Wilson Preston. p 32, 35. [BEST, HARPER]
- Saturday Evening Post (May 10, 1919) "Romance"
A story. Illustration by Will Grefe. p 12, 109. [HARPER]
- _____ (November 8, 1919) "A Knight Without Reproach"
A story. Illustration by S. Gordon Smyth. p 69-70. [HARPER]
- Saturday Evening Post (June 24, 1922) "What Would the Boys We Were Think of Us Now?"
An autobiographical essay. "The Boy I Used to be Decided That He Must be a Blacksmith. I Confess I Have Failed the Young Man." Includes a photo of Butler, aged 7. Illustrated by M. L. Blumenthal. p 8-9, 82, 85-6. [RGTPL]
- _____ (October 21, 1922) "East is West"
First of series of six signed advertisements for the motion picture "East is West" starring Constance Talmadge. Includes a photo of the author. p 129. [HARPER]
- _____ (October 28, 1922) "East is West"
Second in a series of six signed advertisements for the motion picture "East is West" starring Constance Talmadge. Volume 195. Number 18. p 50. [HARPER]
- _____ (November 4, 1922) "East is West"
Third in a series of six signed advertisements for the motion picture "East Is West" starring Constance Talmadge. p 89. [HARPER]
- _____ (November 11, 1922) "East is West"
A series of signed advertisements for the motion picture "East Is West" starring Constance Talmadge. Includes a photo of the author. p 117. [HARPER]
- _____ (November 18, 1922) "East is West"
A series of signed advertisements for the motion picture "East is West" starring Constance Talmadge. Includes a photo of the author. p 110. [HARPER]
- _____ (November 25, 1922) "East is West" A series of signed advertisements for the motion picture "East Is West" starring Constance Talmadge. Cover by J. C. Leyendecker "Baby Chef and Turkey." [HARPER]
- Saturday Evening Post (June 23, 1923) "Into Each Life" A story. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. Cover by Norman Rockwell "Summer Vacation." [RGTPL]
- Saturday Evening Post (July 19, 1924) "Green Paint"
A story. Illustrated by Walter De Maris. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. p 14, 52, 54. [RGTPL]
- _____ (November 22, 1924) "A Good Sport" Illustrated by Tony Sarg. [BEST, EPBLIB]
- _____ (December 6, 1924) "The Bum's Rush"
A story. Illustrated by Raeburn Van Buren. p 32-33, 186-187. [BEST, RGTPL]
- Saturday Evening Post (January 24, 1925) "The Memoir Aristocratic"
Story subtitled "As Done by the English Upper Classes (Typed by Ellis Parker Butler)". Printed in the "Short Turns and Encores" section. p 26, 51. [HARPER]
- _____ (May 23, 1925) "Mascot"
A story. Illustrated by Harry R. Davis. p 42, 50, 52, 54. [BEST, RGTPL]
- _____ (September 5, 1925) "Telling Jedbury"
A story. "Uncle Orlando would go driving down the road and all the bees for miles around would start right in and swarm to beat the band." Illustrated by Nate Collier. p 10, 118. [BEST, RGTPL]
- _____ (November 7, 1925) "The Birds in the Bush" Illustrated by Bartow V. V. Matteson. [EPBLIB]
- Saturday Evening Post (January 16, 1926) "Dictated to Doris"
A story. Illustrated by R. M. Crosby. p 30, 32, 149, 150, 153. [RGTPL]
- _____ (May 22, 1926) "Millennium"
A poem. p 175. [HARPER]
- _____ (June 26, 1926) "Montana Golf"
A story. Golf and romance at the Pokatuk Country Club. Illustrated by Raeburn Van Buren. p 48, 68-72. [RGTPL]
- Saturday Evening Post (October 25, 1930) "Being Happy with Walter"
A story. Illustrated by Henrietta McCaig Starrett. The name "Ellis Parker Butler" appears on the cover. p 14-15, 50, 52. [RGTPL]
- Saturday Evening Post (February 7, 1931) "Graft Elimination"
Humor. The author suggests that the United States get rid of political graft by adopting the election system of the Republic of Yump. p 92. [RGTPL]
- Saturday Evening Post (December 23, 1933) "Charles Darwin"
Humor. p 24. [HARPER]
- _____ (December 30, 1933) "The Sheep"
A poem. p 24. The cover has a New Year's illustration drawn by J. C. Leyendecker. [HARPER]
- Saturday Evening Post (January 13, 1934) "Nature's Wisdom"
A poem. p 59. [RGTPL]
- _____ (January 27, 1934) "Western"
A poem. p 24. [HARPER]
- _____ (March 10, 1934) "The Whale"
A poem. p 24. [HARPER]
See all the Saturday Evening Post cover art.